Ref NoAUD/002/OHP 27

Jean Bechhofer 29 1 08.JPG

TitleBechhofer, Jean B. - Recording
SiteInterviewee's home in Edinburgh
Date29 January 2008
Extent2-Audio Cassettes
DescriptionAudio cassette sound recording of an interview with Jean B. Bechhofer (nee Conochie), AFBPsS, CPsychol, Consultant Child Psychologist, formerly Head of Child Clinical Psychology Services at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh for the British Psychological Society's Oral Histor y project.

The interview was conducted by Helen Ross in 2008.

The following summary is by way of introduction to the full recording held at the British Psychological Society's History of Psychology Centre, London.

Jean B.Bechoffer (JB)
Helen Ross (HR)

Side A

HR asks JB what predisposed her to a psychology career

JB talks of her early childhood education, the influence of a book 'psychopathology of everyday life' and her subsequent decision to take a psychology course at Aberdeen University (Professor Knight is mentioned).

JB speaks of her professional choices after graduation (from Aberdeen) and her decision to take a diploma in education course at Aberdeen Training College. JB then talks of her time at Crichton Royal Hospital (2 years) under James Rogers and John Raven before taking an Educational/Child Clinical Psychology course at Guy's Hospital London [1958-1959].

JB talks of her time at Guy's and mentions Lady Jessie Williams, Mildred Creak, Donald Winnicott and John Bowlby.

JB speaks of her time as clinical psychologist at Cambridge Child Psychiatry Service and the planning of a training course with John and David Castell

JB talks of her move to Edinburgh [1965] and her retirement into motherhood

JB speaks of the Roy York, Lesley Thompson ?, the influence of James Rogers (Dumfries) and her return to part-time work as a part-time Senior Clinical Psychologist at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh [1971].

JB talks of her time at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh including working with Sheena Maxwell, Tom Ingram and Sula Wolff

JB speaks of a year's sabbatical in Poland before returning to Edinburgh as part of James Rogers' team.

JB talks of changes within the NHS in the 1970s, the child psychiatric unit at Edinburgh, her time as NCCPAM representative for Lothian,[1977-1984] and Sheena Maxwell's retirement.

JB talks of the impact on her working life at Edinburgh after the retirement of Sheena Maxwell and James Rogers, her appointment at top grade, BAAF, department changes and post-placement support workshops.

JB speaks of her time as a supervisor of trainees (MPhil course) at Edinburgh, her time as part-time Clinical Tutor, NHS/Univ of Edin D.Phil, 1995-1998 and her legal work in retirement.

Side A ends
c 48 mins

Side B:

JB continues to talk of her legal work in retirement with Dr Kairns.

HR asks JB to talk of her links with professional bodies such as the BPS

JB talks of BPS Scottish Branch, BPS SPiG group in Children and Adolescence, the Association for Maladjusted children conferences, her involvement with British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF), her membership and the of the management committee of the Bridges Project for the young homeless in East and Mid-Lothian and her time as Chair of the Garvald Edinburgh Management Committee, [1994-1998].

When asked by HR to speak of the people and books which have influenced her career JB mentions Rex Knight's primer on Psychology, Virgina Axline's book on 'Play Therapy', Grozdinski's? 'Adoption', her NAMH award in 1958, Margaret Donaldson, Colin Travarson?
John Bowlby, Sula Wolff's book on the 'Stranger Child' and her early tutors including Peter McKeller, Rex Knight and Danny Berlyne

JB speaks of her personal life, her experiences as a woman in psychology, her family life, the influence of a group analytic course and in response to a question by HR the good and bad things about being a psychologist.

HR asks JB for her views on how psychology has changed. JB mentions the early days of the child clinical profession and the increase in child development training

HR asks JB to talk of the future for child psychology profession.

JB speaks of the independence of the profession, the future input of psychology in the community, psychology and the media and the need for applied psychology in education.

HR asks JB if she has had any aspirations or regrets in her career.

JB answers that she has enjoyed her career and considers her main contribution (in her field) was in the training of young psychologists in placements.

HR asks JB about ethical issues in her profession and JB talks of media programmes and the needs of parents and children in family therapy.

JB talks of publishing in local manuals, acting as a journal monitor, acting as a peer reviewer for BAAF journals and the impact of the internet on traditional publishing.

HR asks JB if there is anything else about psychology she would like to mention.

JB talks of her career, current training problems for graduates, the expansion of psychology into different fields, funding problems with projects, meetings of Adoption Group at Edinburgh and the decline of lunch breaks.

Side B ends

c 47 mins

Side C

JB continues to speak of the decline in lunch breaks.

HR asks JB about her interest in folk music and if folk music contributes to mental health

JB talks of her involvement with Edinburgh Folk Club, the influence of folk music on her life, folk music and children, folk songs and an adult learning project in Edinburgh.

JB gives a couple of suggestions for future interviewees.

Side C ends.

c 13 mins

Total Running Time: c 108mins

Photograph by Helen Ross.

Summary by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist.
RunTimeOn two UR90 cassettes, running time c 108 minutes
FormatCassette Tapes and text
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Photograph taken by Helen Ross
RelatedRecordAUD/002/OHP 33
AccessConditionsAuthorised Users. View by Appointment
Location13: BPS History of Psychology Centre, London
TermChild psychology
AdminHistoryDate of Birth: 14/04/1933
Place of Birth: Lerwick

University and Professional Training:
Aberdeen University, MA (Hons) psychology, 1955
Aberdeen University, Diploma in Education, 1956
Aberdeen College of Education, Teacher certificate (post-grad), primary, 1956
Guy's Hospital London, National Association for Mental Health (NAHM) qualifiaction in Educational/Child Clinical Psychology, 1958-1959

Other Honours and Awards:
NAMH, first recipient of the Dame Evelyn Fox Award for entrants to the Mental Health profession, 1958

Professional career:
Primary Teacher, Dumfries Local Authority, Child Psychiatry Department of the Crichton Royal Hospital, 1956-1958
Clinical Psychologist, Cambridge Child Psychiatry Service, 1959-1961
Senior Clinical Psychologist 1961-1963
Part-time private work in Cambridge 1963-1965
Part-time Senior Clinical Psychologist, Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh 1971-1981
Acting Principal, Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh 1981-1983
Top Grade, Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh 1983-1985
Research Fellow University of Edinburgh, 1972-1976
Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh, 1974-1975
Part-time Clinical Tutor, NHS/Univ of Edin D.Phil, 1995-1998
Private Consultant (Child Psychology), 1995-

Involvement with BPS and/or other societies and organisations:
BPS Scottish Branch member 3 years in 1980s
NCCPAM representative for Lothian, 1977-1984 (approx)
British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF),
Member of the Medical Group Advisory Committee of the Scottish Branch of the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF), mid 1980s to 1996
Member of the National BAAF Medical Advisory Group, mid 1980s to 1996
Peer Reviewer for the BAAF Journal 'Adoption and Fostering' (nd)
Chair of the Garvald Edinburgh Management Committee, 1994-1998
Member of the management committee of the Bridges Project for the young homeless in East and Mid-Lothian, 1984-2006
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Mike Maskill BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/175Bechhofer; Jean Barbara (1933-); AFBPsS, CPsychol.1933-
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