Level Archival term for the position of the unit of description in the hierarchy of the fonds. Each level is described as follows:

Fonds level The whole of a collection, organically created and/or accumulated and used by a particular person, family or corporate body in the course of that creator's activities and functions. This is the highest level of description (e.g. the BPS administrative archive).

Sub-fonds level A subdivision of a fonds containing a body of related documents concerning administrative subdivisions of the main body (e.g. BPS Council).

Series level A series of records within a collection (e.g. Council minutes).

File level The basic level of a group of related records within the series (e.g. groups of minute books).

Item level The smallest intellectually indivisible archival unit within the series (e.g. a single minute book).

Abbreviations used within the catalogue

ACU Association of Commonwealth Universities
AEP Association of Educational Psychologists
AFBPsS Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
AGM Annual General Meeting
APA American Psychological Association
APU Applied Psychology Unit
ATP Association of Teachers of Psychology
BAAS British Association for the Advancement of Science
BCSA British Child Study Association
BOA Board of Assessors
BPS The British Psychological Society
CCSP Co-ordinating Committee of Senior Psychologists in the National Health Service
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CPF Clinical Psychology Forum
CPsychol Chartered Psychologist
CSA Child Study Association
CTCP Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology
DCLP Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology
DCP Division of Clinical Psychology
DCOP Division of Counselling Psychology
DECP Division of Educational and Child Psychology
DFP Division of Forensic Psychology
DFP Division of Forensic Psychology
DHP Division of Health Psychology
DoN Division of Neuropsychology
DOP Division of Occupational Psychology
DOP Division of Occupational Psychology
DSEP Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology
DTRP Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology
EAWOP European Association of Work and Organizational Psychologists
EAESP European Association of Experimental Social Psychology
EDPP English Division of Professional Psychologists
EFPA European Federation of Psychologists Associations
EGM Extraordinary General Meeting
EPS Experimental Psychology Society
ESF European Science Foundation
ESF European Science Foundation
ESRC Economic Social and Research Council
ESRC Economic Social and Research Council
ESRC Economic Social and Research Council
FBPsS Fellow of the British Psychological Society
GTC General Teaching Council
HoPC History of Psychology Centre
IACCP International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology
ISSC International Social Science Council
LEPS Laboratoire Europeen de Psychologie Sociale (European Laboratory of Social Psychology)
MPTB Membership and Professional Training Board
MRC Medical Research Council
NFER National Foundation for Educational Research.
NIIP National Institute of Industrial Psychology
N.S.F. National Science Foundation
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OU Open University
P&CB Publications and Communications Board
PAB Professional Affairs Board
PEB Psychology Education Board
PEC Psychologist Editorial Committee
PoWS Psychology of Women Section
PPB Professional Practice Board
PPC The Psychologist Policy Committee
PSIGE Psychologists Working with Older People
PCG SG Special Group for Psychologists in Central Government
RB Research Board
SAB Scientific Affairs Board
SCC Standing Conference Committee
SCOR S teering Committee on Registration
SCTS Steering Committee on Test Standards
SDECP Scottish Division of Educational and Child Psychology
SDEP Scottish Division of Educational Psychology
SDPP Scottish Division of Professional Psychologists
SDR Selection and Development Review
SGCP Special Group in Counselling Psychology
SGIHP Special Group in Health Psychology
SIG Special Interest Group
SIPPS System of Information Processing for Professional Societies
SPS Social Psychology Section
SSRC Social Science Research Council
[XX]TC [Division initials] Training Committee
UCL University College London
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
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