Ref NoBPS/001/11/03/01/18
TitleBPS Press Releases 2000
Extent1 file
Physical Description1 file
Description British Psychological Society press releases, also includes some press cuttings

5 - 7 January 2000 BPS Annual Occupational Conference, Stakis Hotel, Brighton
1. General release about the conference
2. Men Suffer From Partners Stress (Sophie Crossfield, Gail Kinman, Fiona Jones) - press release
3. GP Stressed to point of Extinction (Chrystal Frost and Nigel King) - press release
4. Police Force Alienates Police Mothers (Penny Dick) - press release
5. Just How Unhealthy is Overtime? (Brian Faragher) - press release
6. She Bought The Lipstick 'Cos I Showed Her Our New Range (Jo Silvester and Fiona Patterson) - press release;
7. Trucking Tired (Andy Guppy) - press release
8. Managers in the Public and Private Sectors Live Up To Their Image (Tuvia Melamed) - press release
9. Are Organisations Creating Professional Parasites (Adrian Patch) - press release
10. Inspector Morse Is A Fantasy - (David Wigfield) - press release
11. Time to Test Trauma Management At Work (Jo Rick) - press release
12. Personality Tests Predict Victims of Workplace Bullying (Iain Coyne) - press release
[See BPS/002/2/05/06/01 Division of Occupational Psychology - Conferences for correspondence and draft programme for this event]

15 February 2000 Dogs As Social Ice Breakers (June McNicholas and Glynn Collis - press release for article 'Dogs As Catalysts for Social Interactions: Robustness of the Effect published in the British Journal of Psychology;

8 March 2000 Preventing Psychological Trauma in Soldiers (Martin Deahl) - press release for article 'Preventing Psychological Trauma in Soldier. The Role of Operational Stress Training' published in the British Journal of Medical Psychology;

8 March 2000 Improving Doctors' Communication Skills (Lindsay St Claire) - press release for article 'Measuring Communication Skills of Medical Students to Patients With Cancer' published in the British Journal of Medical Psychology;

9 March 2000 New Chief Executive (Barry Brooking) - press release for first British Psychological Society Chief Executive

10 March 2000 Employers Still Failing To Accommodate Disabled Job Seekers (Chris Jackson) - press release for article 'Employer Willingness to Comply With The Disability Discrimination Act Regarding Staff Selection in the UK' published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology;

13 March 2000 Students Affects In Different Ways By Exam Anxiety (David McIllroy) - press release for article 'An Evaluation of the Factor Structure and Predictive Utility of Test Anxiety Scale With Reference to Students' Past Performance and Personality Indices' published in the British Journal of Educational Psychology;

13 March 2000 Classroom Misbehaviour - Who's To Blame (Andy Miller and Eammonn Ferguson) - press release for article 'Pupils' Causal Attributions For Difficult Classroom Behaviour' published in the British Journal of Educational Psychology;

14 March 2000 Doubts About False Memory Syndrome (Bernice Andrews) - press release for article 'The Timing, Triggers and Qualities of Recovered Memories In Therapy' published in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology;

14 March 2000 Childbirth Trigger Post-Traumatic Stress (Pauline Slade) - press release for article 'Prevalence and Predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms Following Childbirth' published in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology;

15 March 2000 The Artful Dodgers (Jon Sutton) - press release for article 'Disruptive Behaviour, Avoidance of Responsibility and Theory of Mind' published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology'

13-16 April 2000 British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Guildhall Winchester
General press release about the conference also -
1. New President for The British Psychological Society (Tommy McKay) - Press Release
2. Love Is In The Art (Nick Neave) - press release
3. Do Women Make Better Gardeners (Nick Neave) - press release
4. A Closer Link Between Thought and Emotion (Pat Frankish) - Presidential address press release [Video in PHO/002/03/01/02];
5. How Stress Slows Wound Healing (Janice Kiecolt-Glaser) - press release [Video in PHO/002/03/01/02], correspondence and programme of symposium 'Stress and Emotions As Predictors of Recovery';
6. The Neil O'Connor Award (Michelle Turner] first recipient of Division of Teachers and Researchers award for research in developmental disabilities, includes press release, correspondence and summary of paper 'Exploring The Nature of the Executive Impairment in Autism';
7. Dons in Distress (Gail Kinman) - press release;
8. What Motivates Young People (Susan O'Neil) press release for symposium 'Achievement Motivation and Engagement in Different Domains';
9. Coffee and Performance - Is What You Think As Important As What You Drink (Andrew Scholey) - press release;
10. Herbal Remedies Boost Brain Power (Andrew Scholey, David Kennedy) - press release;
11. How Hostile Lawyers Discredit Witnesses With Learning Difficulties (Chris Hatton, Mark Kebbell and Shane Johnson) - press release;
12. Testosterone Improves Your Verbal Ability (Darryl O'Connor) - press release
13. Biological Abnormalities Associated With Eating Disorders (David Collier) - press release for Psychobiology Section Symposium 'Psychobiology of Eating Disorder';
14. Surviving Cancer: Does Fighting Spirit Matter? (Leslie Walker) - press release;
15. The Stress of Being A Politician (Ashley Weinberg and Cary Cooper) - press release;
16. How the Young Bullies Pick Their Victims (Claire Monks and Peter Smith) - press release;
17. Trainee Teachers Call for More Help To fight Bullying (Peter Smith and Sonia Nicolaides) - press release;
18. Stress Hormone Response Upon Wakening Can Lead to Colds and Flu (Angela Clow) - press release;
19. The Psychological Cost of Working With Traumatised Children (Jan Burns and Elizabeth Campbell) - press release;
20. Guilt Can Be Bad for Your Health (Geoff Low and John Greenman) - press release

5-7 May 2000 British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch Annual Conference, Hotel Carngart, County Donegal - general release about the conference

6 May 2000 Does Sex Make A Difference? (Kate Purcell) - press release for South West Branch and Institute of Personnel and Development West of England Branch joint meeting 'Gender: Learned and Lived', held at Engineers' House Clifton.

11 May 2000 Talking Heads for Good for Health Messages (Molly Byrne and Ruth Curtis) - press release for article 'Designing Health Communication: Testing The Explanations For the Impact of Communication Medium on Effectiveness' published in the British Journal of Health Psychology

15 May 2000 Ecstasy users Face Memory Problems (Michelle Wareing, Philip Murphy and John Fisk) - press release for article 'Working Memory Deficits In Current and Previous Users of MDNA' published in the British Journal of Psychology';

19-21 May 2000 British Psychological Society Division of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference, Swallow Hotel, Liverpool
1. General release about the conference (teaser 21 March 2000)
2. General release about the conference (9 May 2000)
3. 21st Century Bills of Rights for Mothers (Susan Van Scoyoc) - press release
4. Research Show Debriefing After Traumatic Events is Effective (Noreen Tehrani) - press release
5. Religious Sects Can Damage Long Term Mental Health (Jill Mytton) - press release
6 Personal Therapy Helps Senior Executive (Chris Ridgeway) - press release
[See BPS/002/2/02/06/02 BPS Counselling Psychology Conferences 1998-2003 for programme and abstracts of this conference];

23 May 2000 Moral Sensibility in Friendly Four-Year-Olds (Judy Dunn) - press release for article 'Moral Sensibility, Understanding Others, and Children's Friendship Interactions In The Pre-School Period' published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology';

29 June 2000 Couch Potato or Superstar: do Psychological Tests Tell Us What We Need To Know? - press release for British Psychological Society South West Branch scientific meeting at Dartington Hall on psychometric testing in research

1 July 2000 Is Psychopathy A Treatable Disorder? (Derek Mitchell) - Press release for article 'Psychopathy' published in The Psychologist;

18 July 2000 British Psychological Society Lesbian and Gay Section Inaugural Annual Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford
General release about the conference
1. The Stress of Being Bullied (Ian Rivers) - press release
2. Sex Education Failing Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth (Elizabeth Peel, John Lippet and Jens Zimmerman) - press release;
3. Drug Rape - Who Is To Blame (Michelle Davies) - press release
4. Safer Shopping on the Internet - press release

28 July 2000 Welcome from Educational Psychologists For New Government Report - press release for BPS response to Depart of Education report 'Educational Psychology Services (England): Current Role, Good Practice and Future Directions ';

1 August 2000 If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? (Stephen Lea) - press release for article 'Can We Predict Economic Behaviour' published in The Psychologist;

14 August 2000 The Gender Gap in Final Examination Results At Oxford University (Jane Mellanby) - press release for article published in the British Journal of Psychology;

1 September 2000 The Five Types of Stalker (Paul Mullen, Michele Pathe and Rosemary Purcell) - press release for article 'Stalking' published in The Psychologist;

3 September 2000 Children See Tattooed People As Delinquent (Kevin Durkin and Stephen Houghton) - press release for article 'Children's and Adolescent's Stereotypes of Tattooed People As Delinquent' published in Legal and Criminological Psychology';

6-8 September 2000 British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University
1. General release about the conference
2. Assessing Personality from Facial Features (Mark Shevlin and Chris Lewis) - press release;
3. Does Playing Violent Video Games Increase Aggression in Teenagers (Anna Warm) - press release
4. Abandoned Babies - Abandoned Issue? (Lorraine Sherr, Natalie Hackman and Ann McGregor) - press release
5. Telling Stories of Relationship Break-Ups (Carla Willig) - press release
6. By Invitation Only? Invited and Uninvited Applause in Political Speeches (Peter Bull and Pam Wells) - press release

6-8 September 2000 British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Kent
1. General release about the conference
2. Newborns Have The Rhythm (Franck Ramus) - press release
3. For Teachers, Reading Not Maths Equals Intelligence (Terezinha Nunes) - press release
4. Parents Who Argue Harm Children (Martin Richards) - press release
5. Teenagers Sharing Bedrooms: The Effect on Their Sense of Self (David Giles) - press release
6. Help for Victims of Bullying (Claire Fox and Michael Boulton) - press release
7. Crying in Baby Chimps (Kim Bard) - press release
8. Impaired recognition of distress cues linked to psychopathic individuals (Derek Mitchell and James Blair) - press release
9. Time for unlearning in science lessons (Karen Pine) - press release

20-22 September 2000 British Psychological Society Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, University of Birmingham
1. General release
2. Success of treatment programmes for sexual offending (Jayne Allam) - press release
3. Father figures could prevent delinquency (Jenny Taylor) - press release
4. Testing Out Rape Allegations (Chris Few) - press release
5. Predicting performance of armed police officers (Janice Leggett) - press release
6. Beating The Bullies (Jane Ireland) - press release
7. Beware The Hooded Claw (Andrew Silke) - press release
8. Cancellation of the conference due to fuel crisis

1 October 2000 How Intelligent Are You? (Adrian Furnham) - press release for article published in The Psychologist

26 October 2000 President Visits North West (Tommy MackKay) - press release for visit by the British Psychological Society President to a North West England Branch meeting

25 October 2000 Disciplinary Hearing: Timothy Naylor and Findings of Disciplinary Hearing: Timothy Naylor - BPS press statements concerning meeting to hear charges that a BPS member broke the Society's code of conduct;

1 November 2000 Helping Refugees to Cope (Graham Fawcett and Kate Harris) - press release for articles 'Welfare of Refugees' and 'Sound Familiar?' published in The Psychologist

18 November 2000 Stress, Health and the Immune System - press release for British Psychological Society South West Branch meeting held at Treliske Hospital, Truro;

13 November 2000 Guidelines for Professional Working With AD/HD - press release for report 'Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): Guidelines and principles for successful multi-agency working ' by British Psychological Society Working Party chaired by Pam Maras and Paul Cooper;

24-26 November 2000 British Psychological Society Scottish Branch Annual Conference, Crieff Hydro Hotel
1. General release about the conference
2. Disabled children, parents and society (Lisa Woolfson) - press release
3. Improving Children's Road Safety (Kirstie Whelan and James Thomson) - press release
4. Cars and Power (Steve Stradling) - press release
5. Castaways Reunited (Cynthia McVey) - press release
6. Copying With The School Bully (Simon Hunter) - press release
7. Read With Mother (Gillian Robertson and Jim Boyle) - press release
8. Self-help health care for people with learning disabilities (Claire Wilson) - press release

24 November 2000 President Visits Wessex and Wight (Tommy Mackay) - press release for BPS branch visit;

1 December 2000 What Did Freud Get Right? - press release for special issue of The Psychologist

8 December 2000 Grief Caused by Miscarriage (Kim Conway and Graeme Russell) - press release for article published in the British Journal of Medical Psychology;

19 December 2000 Disciplinary Hearing: Stephen Wright - press statement concerning appeal of a decision of the BPS Disciplinary Committee

19-20 December 2000 British Psychological Society London Conference - press releases
General press release about the conference
1. The Ecstasy and the Agony! - press release for symposium 'MDNA (Ecstasy): Beliefs, Behaviour and Outcomes';
2. Making Sense of Sexual Risk Taking by Gay Men - press release for symposium 'Reviewing Gay Men's Behavioural Responses to HIV/AIDS: Barbacking, HIV Risk and Health Promotion';
3. Seduced by Computer - press release for symposium 'Psychology, Technology and Ethics';
4. Luring Young Graduate into Teaching (Terry Haydn) - press release for paper 'The Psychology of Career Choice and Perceptions of Teaching As A Career';
5. New Award for Distinguished Contributions to Professional Psychology - press release
6. The Ageing Brain: Some Good News and Some Bad News - press release for symposium on Ageing
7. Computers Can Help Boys' Literacy (Margaret Evans) - press release for paper 'Improved Literacy: A Function or Consequence of Computer Word Processing Usage';
8. Music and Memory (Nicholas Foster and Elizabeth Valentine) - press release for paper 'Background Music As An Aid to Autobiographical Recall in Dementia';
9. Revelations on the Internet (Adam Joison) - press release for paper 'Self Disclosure, Visual Anonymity and Self Awareness in Computer Mediated Communication';
10. The Impact of Early Social Disadvantage (Ingrid Schoon) - press release for paper 'On the Accumulation of Risk in the Life Course';
11. Whose Body is it Anyway? Advertising and Male Body Imagery (Rosalind Gill) ; - press release for paper 'Advertising as a Technology of Gender: Men's Responses to Idealised Male Body Imagery' part of symposium on 'Culture, Psychology and New Technologies';
12. Coping With IVF Failure (Karen Throsby) - press release for paper given at symposium on 'Culture, Psychology and New Technologies';
13. Tele-Working Can Stress You Out (Sandi Mann) - press release for paper 'Warning: Tele-Working Can Be Bad for Your Health';
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Related MaterialBPS/001/6/01/02/03/19 BPS Annual Conference Press 2000
BPS/001/6/01/03/03/18 BPS London Conference Press 2000
BPS/001/11/02/13 BPS Press Correspondence
BPS/002/2/05/06/01 BPS Division of Occupational Psychology Conferences
BPS/002/3/03/02/05/03 BPS Occupational Section Conferences 1997-1998
BPS/002/1/06/06 BPS South West Branch Conferences
BPS/002/1/05/06 BPS Northern Ireland Branch Conference
BPS/002/2/02/06/02 BPS Division of Counselling Psychology Conferences
BPS/002/3/06/06/02 BPS Social Psychology Section Conferences
BPS/002/4/02/06/03 BPS Division of Health Psychology Conferences
BPS/002/2/03/06/02 BPS Division of Forensic Psychology Conferences
BPS/002/1/01 BPS North West of England Branch
BPS/002/1/03/06/01 BPS Scottish Branch Conferences
BPS/002/1/07/06 BPS Wessex Branch Conferences
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location13: BPS History of Psychology Centre, London
TermPublic Relations
HIV Infections
Health Psychology
AdminHistoryThe first report on public relations was in 1946 by T H Pear [see BPS Council Papers 25 May 1946]. A public relations committee was founded in 1955 and was a short lived working party.

The first press releases was for the BPS Occupational Psychology Section Conference in Cambridge, held 3-4 January 1970.

In 1971 Nicholas Georgiades and Professor Arthur Summerfield arranged a press conference at Brown's Hotel to draw attention to the BPS response to Sir John Foster's report on Scientology [See BPS/001/4/01/03/01]. After advice from Mr Christopher Hall, Barbara Castle's Information officer on setting up a press function - a Standing Press Committee was formed in October 1971 under the Chairmanship of Dr Georgiades - they produced press releases and started recruiting spokespeople and setting up a media training courses for them - the first of which was held in June 1972. Early press efforts were concentrated on promoting the conferences and journal articles but later encompassed promoting BPS policy, positions, activities and the profession of psychology.

In 1973 Susan Best PA to the Secretary General took on the additional role of 'Public Relations Secretary', this was later held by Mrs M Clark, the post existed until 1976. A dedicated press officer was recruited in 1991.

Stephen White joined the BPS staff as Director of Communications in 1985 and started organising regular media training from 1986 onwards. Press releases were regularly issued from this time.

By October 1991 the Press Committee was no longer a standing committee but a subcommittee of the Information Committee (which itself took over from the Standing Committee on Communications SCCOMS 1984-1990). The Information Committee became the Communications Committee in 1998 as part of the Society's strategic plan. This became the Publications and Communications Board in 2000.
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Claire Jackson BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/88The British Psychological Society; Occupational Psychology Section; 1919-20011919-2001
BPS/GB/81The British Psychological Society; Division of Occupational Psychology; 1971-; DOP1971-
BPS/GB/306The British Psychological Society; South West of England Branch; 1955-1955-
BPS/GB/142The British Psychological Society; Psychology of Sexualities Section; 1998-; PoSS1998-
BPS/GB/91The British Psychological Society; Social Psychology Section; 1940-1940-
BPS/GB/145The British Psychological Society; Division of Health Psychology; 1986-; DHP1986-
BPS/GB/83The British Psychological Society; Division of Forensic Psychology; 1977-; (DFP)1977-
BPS/GB/93The British Psychological Society; North West of England Branch; 1933-1933-
BPS/GB/95The British Psychological Society; Scottish Branch; 1924-1924-
BPS/GB/269Nunes; Terezinha (1947-); Professor1947-
BPS/GB/246Furnham; Adrian Frank (1953-); Professor; FBPsS1953-
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