Ref NoBPS/001/11/03/01/36/06
TitleBPS Press Releases June 2018
DescriptionPress releases and news stories published on the website of the British Psychological Society BPS
Awaiting physical transfer some material may be available in digital format on request

01 June 2018 New document launched for psychologists on safeguarding children and young people - release for new BPS Guideline 'Safeguarding children and young people: Every psychologist's responsibility'

01 June 2018 British Psychological Society opposes benefit sanctions - release that The British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, British Psychoanalytic Council, British Psychological Society and UK Council for Psychotherapy repsonse to a report of Welfare Conditionality Report WelCond Project. 'Our key concerns remain that not only is there no clear evidence that welfare sanctions are effective, but that they can have negative effects on a range of outcomes including mental health. We continue to call on the Government to address these concerns, investigate how the jobcentre systems and requirements may themselves be exacerbating mental health problems and consider suspending the use of sanctions subject to the outcomes of an independent review.
The organisations reaffirmed the clear position against welfare sanctions that they took in a 2016 joint response.
See also release for 22 May 2018

01 June 2018 Sending a supportive text to your partner can reduce their physiological stress levels, but only if you’re subtle about it - release for Research Digest blog about an article 'It just takes a text: Partner text messages can reduce cardiovascular responses to stress in females' by Emily Hooker published in Computers in Human Behavior;

04 June 2018 We have sponsored three events at this week's Cheltenham Science Festival - release for BPS sponsorship of three events at the festival Psychologists Rory O'Connor and Manuela Barreto will join population health researcher Aparna Shankar at the Parabola Arts Centre tomorrow, Tuesday 5 June, to look at how a lack of human contact can effect us, and explore why social relationships are so important in 'The value of human contact'.

The second British Psychological Society (BPS) sponsored event, 'Willpower: How not to give up', will feature psychologists Chris Armitage and Ian Taylor tackling the question of whether there is a more effective way for people to ingrain new behaviours and make them stick. This event will take place at The Crucible from 6-7pm on Thursday 7 June.

Finally, on Sunday 10 June, psychologist Catriona Morrison will join social media analyst Jeremy Reffin and Labour MP Jess Phillips for 'How do we stop social media trolls?', tackling the question of what drives abusive behaviour online and asking what social media companies can do to curb it.

05 June 2018 I am because we are: Our fourth community psychology festival seeks contributions - release for event to take place in Hertford 23-24 September 2018

05 June 2018 Changing the layout and design of urban spaces can help to reduce energy use - release for launch of BPS report climate change report ‘Changing behaviour: Energy consumption’ by David Uzzell

05 June 2018 Read a free online issue of the BJDP on the development of mathematical cognition - The latest issue from the British Journal of Developmental Psychology devoted to research into the development of mathematical cognition will be freely available online until 31 July 2018.

05 June 2018 Postgraduate psychologists invited to apply for the chance to work in the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology - release promoting Joint BPS Postgraduate Award with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology;

06 June 2018 Psychologists battle it out in the Society and Wellbeing Zones - release announcing names of psychologists taking part in I'm a Scientist Get Me Out of Here - a free event where students in participating schools get to meet and interact with scientists online. In each zone the students challenge the scientists over fast-paced online text-based live chats. They can ask the scientists anything they want, and vote for their favourite scientist.
See also May 2018, 21 June 2018, 22 June 2018

06 June 2018 Something for everyone at our first Midlands Conference - release for inaugural BPS Midlands Conference will take place at Birmingham City University on Monday 3 September 2018.

06 June 2018 Inaugural DART-P conference begins in Birmingham - release for BPS Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology are holding their first ever conference.

07 June 2018 BRANES: Increasing brain awareness from Bournemouth to Kenya - release concerning a BPS Public Engagement Grant awarded to BRANES (Building Awareness and Resilience through Neuropsychological Education in the Society) a project led by Dr Shanti Shanker and Dr Ben Hicks from Bournemouth University.

11 June 2018 Congratulations to the psychologists in the birthday honours list - release for CBE awarded to Ethiel Quayle and an MBE to Susan Martin.

12 June 2018 Counselling psychologists are building bridges on the Tyne - release for Division of Counselling Psychology conference at Hilton Newcastle, Gateshead, on 6 and 7 July 2018 under the title ‘Building Bridges - Visibility, Equality, Inclusion, Diversity’.

12 June 2018 A third of UK MPs experience online abuse and threats - release for All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Psychology meeting at the House of Commons on Internet Trolling

13 June 2018 Second round of submissions open for Wessex Branch fake news event - release for BPS Wessex Military Conference at the Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke, on 8 November 2018 ‘Misinformation in Defence and Security’ on the psychological impact of misinformation.

13 June 2018 Free Journal special issue looks at children’s learning at home - release for special issue of the British Journal of Educational Psychology (BJEP) to be freely available

14 June 2018 Event in Southampton to look at the psychological impact of treatment for men diagnosed with some cancers - release for a talk by BPS President Elect Kate Bullen at the Wessex Branch AGM on 3 July 2018

15 June 2018 Help us influence the policymakers - release called for members to help with consultations and responses

15 June 2018 British Psychological Society condemns the multiple failings and damaging impact of Universal Credit - release concerning BPS statement on their response to National Audit Office’s report on Universal Credit (UC). 'Dr Lisa Morrison Coulthard, the Society’s Lead Policy Adviser, said: 'This is a damning assessment of Universal Credit and the government’s approach that further strengthens the case we have made for reform of the system. We call on the government to work with us so the necessary improvements can be made.'

18 June 2018 Subscribe to our Policy Update newsletter for the latest on psychology and public policy - release encouraging sign-ups to BPS policy newsletter.

18 June 2018 Literature review warns that current sexual assault interventions might actually increase offending

19 June 2018 Society welcomes new funding for suicide prevention in Scotland - statement by Beth Hannah, Scottish Branch Chair applauding Scottish Government announcement of new £3 million innovation fund to support suicide prevention.

19 June 2018 £150 top prize for posters at conference on fake news - release for BPS Wessex Branch 6th Military Psychology to be held at 8 November 2018 Ark Conference Centre Basingstoke;

19 June 2018 Hooray for Holyrood - release concerning BPS exhibition in the Scottish Parliament during May. The exhibition centred on a number of key Society policy themes - suicide prevention, children and young people’s mental health, and behaviour change.

20 June 2018 Guidelines for psychologists working with refugees launched today - launch of 'Guidelines for psychologists working with refugees and asylum seekers in the UK: Extended version' at an event at the University of East London including Lord Dubbs

20 June 2018 United States policy criticised at launch of Society guidelines on working with refugees

20 June 2018 Awards for Geraldine Akerman and Louise Carter - related for winner of Division of Forensic Psychology (DFP) Awards - the former 'Distinguished Contribution to Professional Practice in Forensic Psychology' and the latter 'Junior Award in Forensic Psychology' presented by DFP Annual Conference

20 June 2018 Smile for the camera: People are better at recognising faces when they are smiling - release for Research Digest blog about article 'Smiles in face matching: Idiosyncratic information revealed through a smile improves unfamiliar face matching performance' by Mila Mileva published in the British Journal of Psychology;

20 June 2018 Psychologist helps write new NICE guidance on supporting people with dementia - release includes statement by Linda Clare a member of the multidisciplinary committee that wrote the new guideline

21 June 2018 21 Psychology’s favourite moral thought experiment doesn’t predict real-world behaviour - release for Research Digest blog about article 'Of Mice, Men, and Trolleys: Hypothetical Judgment Versus Real-Life Behavior in Trolley-Style Moral Dilemmas' by Dries Bostyn in Psychological Science;

21 June 2018 New dementia briefing suggests that behaviour that challenges can be a result of unmet needs - release for launched of BPS Evidence Briefing '‘Behaviour that challenges’ in dementia''

21 June 2018 Minorities in clinical psychology training group to reflect on marginalised groups - release for a conference 'Reflecting on Marginalised Groups in Psychological Practice: Can We Truly Be An Ally?' to be held on 9 July 2018 by the Minorities in Clinical Psychology Pre-Qualification Training Group

21 June 2018 Psychologists voted out of the jungle on I'm a Scientist - release concerning BPS sponsored zones Society and Wellbeing at the 'I'm A Scientist' online event for schools. See also 6 June 2018 and May 2018

22 June 2018 Who Won Our Zones in I'm a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here? [see 21 June, 6 June and May 2018]

22 June 2018 Clinical psychologists invited to submit on the theme of identity - release concerning deadline for submission to the BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Annual Conference 23-24 January 2019, Renaissance Hotel, Manchester

22 June 2018 'Complex, personal and irreversible': Risk-reducing breast surgery and the role of the psychologist' - release for launch of 'BPS Guideline for the role of practitioner psychologists in the assessment and support of women considering risk-reducing breast surgery' developed by the Division of Clinical Psychology Faculty for Oncology and Palliative Care;

22 June 2018 Burnout is common among psychotherapists – now a review has identified the personal characteristics that increase the risk further - release for research digest blog about an article 'Personal risk factors associated with burnout among psychotherapists: A systematic review of the literature' by Gabrielle Simionato and Susan Simpson published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology;

25 June 2018 British Psychological Society says government should recognise deprivation as a cause of obesity - release responding to government target of halving the number of obese children by 2030 includes Society recommendations

25 June 2018 People with “Maladaptive Daydreaming” spend an average of four hours a day lost in their imagination - release for Research Digest blog about an article 'Trapped in a Daydream: Daily Elevations in Maladaptive Daydreaming Are Associated With Daily Psychopathological Symptoms' by Eli Somer published in Frontiers in Psychiatry;

26 June 2018 Reducing trait anxiety by implanting false positive memories - release for Research Digest Blog about an article 'On the advantage of autobiographical memory pliability: implantation of positive self-defining memories reduces trait anxiety' by Veronika Nourkova and Darya Vaslienko published in Memory;

26 June 2018 Want to promote psychology in the media? Here’s two things you should do - press release for BPS media skills workshop and media psychologist database;

27 June 2018 How to be funnier: New Research Digest podcast released - release for Episode 12 of our Research Digest's PsychCrunch podcast, sponsored by Routledge Psychology, Presenter Ginny Smith is joined by Dean Burnett, Thomas Engelthale and Sophie Scott to consider whether psychology can help us to be funnier.

27 June 2018 How can psychology influence public policy and politics? Video from joint BPS and PSI lecture now available - release for uploading to Youtube of an video of a lecture at the 2018 BPS Annual Conference

27 June 2018 Access free resources on young refugees and traumatic stress - release for special issue of the Journal of Traumatic Stress available without cost

28 June 2018 Researchers say it is mistaken to see sexting as 'simply harmful' - release for Research Digest blog about an article 'Objectifying or Liberating? Investigation of the Effects of Sexting on Body Image' by Mario Liong and Grand H.L. Cheng published in the in the Journal of Sex Research

28 June 2018 Power, Play, Work, Sustain: Submit to the fourth annual Community Psychology Festival - release for deadlines for papers for the fourth Community Psychology Festival will be held in Hertford September 2018.

28 June 2018 Help us highlight the role of psychologists on the maternity pathway - release concerning Health Education England initiative to improve its understanding of the roles and activity of psychologists and the allied health professions (AHPs) on the maternity pathway from conception through to postnatal care of women and their babies. The BPS asking for psychologists to be involved in a expert reference group. This group to work on compiling descriptions of the role of psychologists at each step of the maternity pathway. Also request for Members to provide descriptions of their role and examples of good practice and case studies.

29 June 2018 Psychologists respond to parliamentary reports on the mistreatment of detainees - release announcing that The British Psychological Society has reaffirmed its Declaration Concerning Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in the light of this week’s reports on detainee mistreatment and rendition from the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament. In its declaration, first published in 2005, the Society said: The British Psychological Society condemns torture wherever it occurs, and supports the United Nations Declaration and Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. We further condemn the misuse of psychological knowledge and techniques in the design and enactment of torture.

29 June 2018 A mental technique called 'cognitive reappraisal' makes long-distance running feel easier - release for Research Digest Blog about an article 'Cognitive reappraisal reduces perceived exertion during endurance exercise' by Grace Giles published in in Motivation and Emotion.
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Research Digest was a weekly British Psychological Society blog
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location21: HoPC Digital repository
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Claire Jackson BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/143The British Psychological Society; Division of Academics, Researchers & Teachers in Psychology; 1986-; DART-P1986-
BPS/GB/97The British Psychological Society; Wessex Branch; 1979-1979-
BPS/GB/83The British Psychological Society; Division of Forensic Psychology; 1977-; (DFP)1977-
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