Ref NoBPS/001/11/03/01/36/07
TitleBPS Press Releases July 2018
DescriptionPress releases and news stories published on the website of the British Psychological Society BPS
Awaiting physical transfer some material may be available in digital format on request

03 July 2018 Newly analysed recording challenges Zimbardo’s account of his infamous prison experiment - release for Research Digest Blog about an article 'Rethinking the ‘nature’ of brutality: Uncovering the role of identity leadership in the Stanford Prison Experiment ' by Alex Haslam published as a pre-print at PsyArXiv;

04 July 2018 Psychologists have looked into why “phubbing” is so harmful to our social lives lives - release for Research Digest Blog concerning article 'The effects of 'phubbing' on social interaction' by Varoth Chotpitayasunondh and Karen Douglas published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology

04 July 2018 BPS among leading national organisations calling for an end to conversion therapy - press release for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU2) of the Coalition against Conversion Therapy signed October 2017 and launched 4 July 2018 in the Strangers Dining Room, House of Commons

05 July 2018 Professor Pam Maras becomes first female President of IUPsyS - release that former President of the British Psychological Society to became President of the International Union of Psychological Science

05 July 2018 Open-plan offices drive down face-to-face interactions and increase use of email - release for Research Digest blog about an article 'The impact of the ‘open’ workspace on human collaboration' by Ethan Bernstein and Stephen Turban published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society;

05 July 2018 Free Journal virtual special issue looks at the psychology of borders and boundaries - release for announcement of new virtual special issue of British Journal of Social Psychology (BJSP) papers is available to access free online, with eight papers on the psychology of borders and boundaries

06 July 2018 Tell us what we can do to help early career psychologists - release for a British Psychological Society survey of members to increase the services to early career psychologists (postdoctoral researchers, lecturers and practitioners);

06 July 2018 Researchers have identified a group of patients who are especially prone to out-of-body experiences - release for a Research Digest blog about an article 'Out-of-body experience in vestibular disorders – A prospective study of 210 patients with dizziness' by Christophe Lopez published in Cortex,

09 July 2018 We can tell from a person’s roar whether they are bigger and stronger than us - release for a Research Digest blog about an article 'Human Listeners Can Accurately Judge Strength and Height Relative to Self from Aggressive Roars and Speech' by David Reby published in iScience;

10 July 2018 Latest BPS Policy Update includes details on the upcoming APPG for Psychology event at Westminster - release for an newsletter highlight event Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System to be held on the 18 June 2018 [see also 13 July 2018]

10 July 2018 BPS welcomes new vision for Scotland's diet - release with statement by Beth Hannah, chair of BPS Scottish branches supporting Scottish Government's diet and obesity plan 'A Healthier Future: Scotland's Diet & Healthy Weight Delivery Plan';

10 July 2018 Event on understanding persistent pain to take place in Guildford - release announcing that a public event will take place where Dr Julia Heath will give a talk at the University of Surrey in Guildford on 23 July, on the psychological contribution to our understanding of how to manage persistent physical pain.

11 July 2018 Psychology of Women & Equalities Section meet in Windsor - release that the BPS POWES are holding their 2018 annual conference at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor during 11-13 July 2018;

12 July 2018 A new project has found that psychology research by philosophers is robust and replicates - release for Research Digest blog about an article by Replicability Project (XRP) – a collaboration between twenty research teams in eight countries, devised by Brent Strickland of the Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France and led by Florian Cova of the Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland entitled 'Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy' published in in Review of Philosophy and Psychology;

12 July 2018 Plastic not so fantastic - release that ISS, the Society’s facilities provider at both its Leicester and London offices, have switched to eco-friendly Vegware for all their disposables.

12 July 2018 Speakers confirmed for 2018 Careers in Psychology events - release concerning BPS Careers in Psychology events to be held in Newcastle (17 November 2018) and in London (4 December 2018) with speakers including Gemima Fitzgerald, Vicki Elsey, Fraser Smith and Emma Norris;

13 July 2018 Research Digest looks at studies on the mental health of prisoners ahead of APPG meeting

13 July 2018 We're offering Registered Reports across all eleven of our academic journals - release that BPS to allow the submission of registered report to all its journals

16 July 2018 Audiobooks pack a more powerful emotional punch than film - release for Research Digest blog about an study ';Measuring narrative engagement: The heart tells the story' by Daniel Richardson pre print published in BioRxiv.

16 July 2018 Five titles have been shortlisted for our Book Award - release that shortlist for BPS Book Award includes Academic Monograph: 'The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology: A manifesto for reforming the culture of scientific practice' by Chris Chambers; 'Cognitive Gadget: The cultural evolution of thinking' by Cecilia Heyes. Popular Science: 'Unthinkable: An extraordinary journey through the world's strangest brains' by Helen Thomson and 'The Influential Mind: What the brain reveals about our power to change others' by Tali Sharot. Textbook: 'Forensic psychology: Theory, research, policy, practice' by Jennifer Brown, Yvonne Shello and Terri Cole. The results to be announced in September

17 July 2018 Challenge Fund will back new approaches to helping people stay in work - release about new fund run by the government’s Work and Health Unit, which is a joint unit funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and Department of Health and Social Care.

17 July 2018 Massive study finds that a sizeable minority of us are in jobs that don’t fit our primary occupational interests - release for Research Digest Blog about an article 'Do ornithologists flock together? Examining the homogeneity of interests in occupations' by Christopher Nye published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior;

17 July 2018 Kidney patients let down by lack of psychological and social support in the UK - release concerning UK Renal Psychosocial Workforce report based upon research by British Psychological Society, Kidney Care UK, the University of Salford, the British Renal Society, and the British Association of Social Workers (renal special interest group).

18 July 2018 Underestimating the power of gratitude – recipients of thank you letters are more touched than we expect - release for Research Digest Blog about an article 'Undervaluing Gratitude: Expressers Misunderstand the Consequences of Showing Appreciation' by Amit Kumar published in Psychological Science;

18 July 2018 BPS announces new routes to full divisional membership - Full divisional membership to DHP, DSEP and DOP is now open to members with a PhD in a related subject.

19 July 2018 Searching for the fundamental mental processes that cut across diagnostic categories, driving confusion and distress - release for a Research Digest blog about an article 'Maladaptive repetitive thought as a transdiagnostic phenomenon and treatment target: An integrative review' by Deanna Kaplan published in the Jouranl of Clinical Psychology

19 July 2018 Free virtual journal issue compiled on mental health in the criminal justice system - release that a number of papers from the British Journal of Psychology have been made open access in support of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Psychology's aapg meeting on Wednesday 18 July 2018 on mental health in the criminal justice system. speakers including Professor Huw Williams and Professor Jessica Woodhams give brief talks to parliamentarians and other guests at Westminster

19 July 2018 Why Psychologists Should Take Par tin I'm A Scientist - release concerning feedback from participants (Daniel Jolley and Sam Burton) in BPS sponsored event I'm A Scientist;

20 July 2018 Three-week diary study: sex today increases sense of meaning in life tomorrow - release for a Research Digest blog about an article 'Sexuality leads to boosts in mood and meaning in life with no evidence for the reverse direction: A daily diary investigation' by Todd Kashdan published in Emotion.

23 July 2018 Patients with complex regional pain syndrome need better support - new guideline 'Complex regional pain syndrome in adults (2nd edition)' published today by the Royal College of Physicians in partnership with 28 other organisations, including the British Psychological Society, says patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) need better diagnosis, treatment and management of their condition from a wide variety of healthcare professionals.

23 July 2018 Systematic review: Puberty Suppressing Drug Do Not Alleviate Gender Dysphoria - release concerning Research Digest blog about an article 'Hormonal Treatment in Young People With Gender Dysphoria: A Systematic Review' by Denise Chew published in the journal Pediatrics.

24 July 2018 Athena SWAN Survey Findings Reported at Society Conference - release for results of Social Justice and Inclusion Task Force survey reported during Psychology of Women and Equalities Section Annual conference

24 July 2018 First survey of its kind for 50 years finds most Americans still think they have above average intelligence - realease for Research Digest about article '65% of Americans believe they are above average in intelligence: Results of two nationally representative surveys' by Patrick Heck published in PLOS One.

25 July 2018 Weight Gain in New Fathers is a 'Real Phenomenon' that's been subjected to a 'striking lack' of Research - release for research digest blog on article 'The weight of fatherhood: identifying mechanisms to explain paternal perinatal weight gain' by Darby Saxbe published in Health Psychology Review.

25 July 2018 How Our Policy Team is Taking Psychology to Policymakers - release for BPS Policy Update newsletter including All-Party Parliamentary Group in Psychology panel discussion on mental health in the criminal justice system held on 18 July 2018

26 July 2018 Does Receiving Favours and Freebies make you Uncomfortable? Maybe you have 'Reciprocity Anxiety' - release for research digest blog about an article 'Reciprocity anxiety: Individual differences in feeling discomfort in reciprocity situations' by Xiling Xiong published in the Journal of Economic Psychology

27 July 2018 European Semester of Psychology: The Baton Passes to Cyprus - release for EFPA News Magazine reporting on the BPS hosting of the European Semester and looking forward to next host

27 July 2018 Why We have that Spooky Sens that a Ouija Board is Moving by Itself - release for Research Digest blog about any article 'Predictive minds in Ouija board sessions' by Marc Anderson published in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences

27 July 2018 Contribute to Our Response to the Government's Consultation on Relationships, Sex and Health Education - release requesting members contribute to BPS response

30 July 2018 Amsterdam Coffee-Shop Study Explores the Effects of Cannabis on Eye-Witness Memory - release for Research Digest blog on an article 'Effects of cannabis on eyewitness memory: A field study' by Annelies Vredeveldt published in Applied Cognitive Psychology;

31 July 2018 Neuropsychologists make recommendations for amendments to the Mental Capacity Act to Parliament - release outlining the visit of representatives from the Division of Neuropsychology to Parliament to advocate for changes to the Mental Capacity Act concerning the Frontal Lobe Paradox.

31 July 2018 Political and business leaders who change their moral stance are perceived not as brave, but hypocritical and ineffective - release for Research Digest blog on an article 'Hypocritical flip-flop, or courageous evolution? When leaders change their moral minds' by Tamar Kreps published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Research Digest was a weekly British Psychological Society blog
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location21: HoPC Digital Repository
TermHealth Psychology
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Claire Jackson BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.

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BPS/GB/320Intenational Union of Psychological Science IUPsyS; International Congress of Psychology; 1889-; ICP1889-
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