Ref NoBPS/001/11/03/01/37/01
TitleBPS Press Releases January 2019
DateJanuary 2019
Extent32 press releases
Physical DescriptionDigital material
DescriptionPress releases and news stories published on the website of the British Psychological Society BPS
Awaiting physical transfer some material may be available in digital format on request

02 January 2019 Now John Bargh’s famous hot-coffee study has failed to replicate - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'No Evidence that Experiencing Physical Warmth Promotes Interpersonal Warmth: Two Failures to Replicate Williams and Bargh (2008)' by Christopher Chabris, Patrick Heck, Jaclyn Mandart, Daniel Benjamin and Daniel Simons pre-printed on PsyArXiv;

03 January 2019 New Year Honours for Zenobia Nadirshaw and two other psychologists - release promoting three psychologists awards Honours by the Queen in January 2019. Professor Zenobia Nadirshaw from the University of West London received an MBE for services to people with learning disabilities and mental health treatment, Professor Ian Deary, Professor of Differential Psychology at the University of Edinburgh and Director of its Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, received an OBE for services to the social sciences and Professor Quentin Summerfield from the University of York received an OBE for services to psychology and people with hearing loss;

03 January 2019 Researchers identify an area of the dog brain dedicated to processing human faces - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Separate brain areas for processing human and dog faces as revealed by awake fMRI in dogs (Canis familiaris)' by Andie M. Thompkins, Bhavitha Ramaiahgari, Sinan Zhao, Sai Sheshan Roy Gotoor, Paul Waggoner, Thomas S. Denney,Gopikrishna Deshpande and Jeffrey S. Katz published in Learning and Behaviour;

04 January 2019 Runners get a wellbeing boost from participating in organised races - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Everyone can be a winner: The benefits of competing in organized races for recreational runners' byt Marzena Cypryańska and John B. Nezlek published in The Journal of Positive Psychology;

06 January 2019 What can clinical psychology offer in response to mass fatality terror attacks? - release promoting a free BPS Division of Psychology public lecture on the role of psychology in coping with terrorists events. Lecture part of the annual BPS DCP conference;

07 January 2019 NHS Long Term Plan shows promise on mental health and acknowledges workforce challenge - release promoting the BPS response to the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan. Plan includes commitments on mental health provision which the BPS welcomes;

07 January 2019 The mental snag that makes it seem food is everywhere, especially if you’re overweight - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Top-down guidance of attention to food cues is enhanced in individuals with overweight/obesity and predicts change in weight at one-year follow up' by Panagiota Kaisari, Sudhesh Kumar, John Hattersley, Colin T. Dourish, Pia Rotshtein and Suzanne Higgs published in the International Journal of Obesity;

08 January 2019 People with advantageous personality traits have more nerve-fibre insulation in key brain areas - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Intra-cortical myelin mediates personality differences' by Nicola Toschi and Luca Passamonti published in the Journal of Personality;

08 January 2019 Last chance to present at our 2019 annual conference - release calling for submissions for the BPS Annual Conference in Harrogate;

09 January 2019 Workplace choirs can help guard against stress and isolation - release promoting the mainstream press coverage of research presented at the Division of Occupational Psychology conference. Research shows positive effects of workplace choirs in improving stress;

09 January 2019 Help us to deliver our campaign on children and young people’s mental health - release calling for BPS members to apply to be part of a new Expert Reference Group which seeks to deliver a policy campaign on mental health and psychological wellbeing in children and young people;

09 January 2019 Twitter study confirms the power of “affect labelling” – emotions are calmed by putting them into words - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'The minute-scale dynamics of online emotions reveal the effects of affect labeling' by Rui Fan, Onur Varol, Ali Varamesh, Alexander Barron, Ingrid A. van de Leemput, Marten Scheffer and Johan Bollen published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour;

10 January 2019 Across the world, good management makes a big difference - release promoting research by Alan Howard presented to the annual conference of our Division of Occupational Psychology on the link between leadership and a nation's overall productivity;

10 January 2019 Some personality types thrive in the freelance economy - release promoting research by the Chartered Psychologist John Hackston presented at the Division of Occupational Psychology on the impact of personality type in the freelance job market;

11 January 2019 Influential Commons committee criticises NHS mental health provision for young people - release promoting a report by the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee criticising the lack of NHS provision for young people with mental health problems;

11 January 2019 Why employers should make sure their staff know how to switch off - release promoting a research by business psychologists Nikhita Blackburn and Helen Rayner presented at the Division of Occupational Psychology on the importance of 'switching off' and technology's impact on mental health;

11 January 2019 Concerns about children and young people's access to educational psychology services in England - release promoting a survey carried out by the British Psychological Society's Division of Educational and Child Psychology (DECP) studying access to educational psychologists;

15 January 2019 Immediately rewatching lecture videos doesn’t benefit learning - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Re-watching lectures as a study strategy and its effect on mind wandering' by Leonardo Martin, Caitlin Mills, Sidney K. D’Mello, and Evan F. Risko pre-printed on APA PsycNET;

16 January 2019 Engage school students with psychology for British Science Week - release promoting new topics for the BPS 'I'm a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here' scheme;

16 January 2019 New findings could help explain why ADHD is often overlooked in girls - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Sex differences in ADHD trajectories across childhood and adolescence' by Aja Louise Murray, Tom Booth, Manuel Eisner, Bonnie Auyeung, George Murray and Denis Ribeaud published in Developmental Science;

17 January 2019 Asking patients to draw their illness can be surprisingly revealing - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'A systematic review of patients’ drawing of illness: implications for research using the Common Sense Model' by Elizabeth Broadbent, Jan W. Schoones, Jitske Tiemensma and Ad A. Kaptein published in the Health Psychology Review;

18 January 2019 BPS comments on launch of Healthy weight: Healthy Wales - release promoting an initative from the Welsh Government to tackle obesity;

21 January 2019 Psychologists wanted to contribute to NICE guideline on epilepsies in children and young people - release calling for psychologists to apply to contribute to a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline on epilepsy overseen by the National Guideline Alliance;

22 January 2019 Members sought for two key Society posts including President Elect - release calling for nominations for two positions on the BPS Board of Trustees;

22 January 2019 Download a free guide to surviving postgraduate study - release promoting a publication by the Psychology Postgraduate Affairs Group entitled 'A Guide for Psychology Postgraduates: Surviving Postgraduate Study';

23 January 2019 Latest Society test review looks at personality measure - release promoting a review of a personality trait measure the 'Hogan Personality Inventor' by the British Psychological Society’s Test Review Team;

25 January 2019 BPS and Nuffield Health join forces to integrate physical and emotional health in a non-clinical setting - release promoting a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between the BPS and Nuffield Health. Memorandum seeks to identify and deliver a model of best practice for integrating physical and emotional health care in fitness and wellbeing clubs;

28 January 2019 Event to support early career psychologists - release promoting BPS event aimed at supporting early career psychologists held at the BPS Offices in London scheduled for 29 March 2019;

28 Januray 2019 A surprising new way for athletes to avoid choking under pressure - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Reappraisal of incentives ameliorates choking under pressure and is correlated with changes in the neural representations of incentives' by Simon Dunne, Vikram S Chib, Joseph Berleant and John P O’Doherty published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience;

29 January 2019 Why young children think improbable events are impossible - release for a Research Digest Blog about an article 'Distant lands make for distant possibilities: Children view improbable events as more possible in far-away locations' by Celina K. Bowman-Smith, Andrew Shtulman, Ori Friedman pre-published in APA PsycNET;

30 January 2019 NHS Improvement recognises the leadership contribution psychologists can offer - release promoting guidelines from NHS Improve entitled 'Clinical leadership – a Framework for Action' which notes an issue of psychologists being unable to reach management positions. BPS supports guidelines;

31 January 2019 BPS evidence quoted by new Commons report on young people and social media - release promoting a government report by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee focusing the relationship between young people and social media. BPS research quoted in report.
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location21: Digital Repository
TermPublic Relations
Attention deficit disorder
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Alex Duthie BPS Assistant Archivist History of Psychology Centre.
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