Ref NoBPS/001/11/04/02/10
TitleBPS Briefings, Statements, Lobbying and Policy 2016-2020
Physical DescriptionDigital pdfs
DescriptionBritish Psychological Society reports, statements, position papers and briefings.
Material awaiting cataloguing

See admin history for work in progress list of material produced during this period. Documents marked digital are available on request.

NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
DOP Division of Occupational Psychology
DECP Division of Educational and Child Psychology
DCP Division of Clinical Psychology
PTC Psychological Testing Centre
DCP CYPF Faculty of Children, Young People and Their Families
DCP ID Faculty for Psychology of People with Intellectual Disabilities
DARTP Division of Academic, Research and Teaching Psychology
Related MaterialBPS/001/4/01 BPS Professional Practice Board Papers
BPS/001/4/02 BPS Research Board Papers
BPS/001/11/03/01 Press Releases
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location21: HoPC Digital Repository
TermHealth Psychology
AdminHistoryList of activities, publication, guidelines, statements [Notes at end suggest whether files transferred, cross reference or in digital repository]

2016 Behaviour Change Voter Apathy [digital]
2016 Making better decisions: How understanding our psychology can stop us falling into the bias trap briefing [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Top tips for Working with Children, Young People and Their Families Supporting Trainees and other Pres-Qualified Clinicians [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Clinical and Applied Psychologists in Child and Adolesnent Mental Health Services Recommendations about Numbers, Gradings and Leadership [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Children and Young People with Physical Health Needs How Psychological Services Contribute to the Care Pathway [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Babies and Pre-School Children Psychological Services in Early Years Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Settings [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Children and Young People in Schools and Colleges - Guidelines for Good Quality Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health Services [Digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Community Psychology Approaches with Children, Young People and Families Working with Whole Communities [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Delivering Psychological Services for Children and young People Involved With the Criminal Justice System, those at Risk of Involvement, and Their Families [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Delivering Psychological Services for Children and young People with Neurodevelopmental Difficulties and Their Families- [digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Children, Young People and Families Experiencing Psychological Difficulties Delivering Psychological Services in Inpatient Settings [Digital]
2016 DCP CYPF Delivering Psychological Services for Children, Young People with Learning Disabilities and Their Families
2016 DCP CYPF Delivering Psychological Services in Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) [Digital]
2016 DCP ID Psychological therapies and people who have intellectual disabilities [Digital]
2016 Autistic Spectrum Disorder guidance [digital]
2016 Treatment and Planning of Services for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
2016 APPTS: First cohort aggregated report [digital]
2016 Careers Support and Development [digital]
2016 DCP Briefing Paper No 8 Perinatal Service Provision: The Role of Perinatal Clinical Psychology [digital]
2016 Guidance on the Management of Disclosures of Non-Recent (Historic) Child Sexual Abuse [digital]
2016 Guidance for Registered Psychologists in Making Applications to the BPS Approved Clinical Peer Review Panel [digital]
2016 Psychologists as expert witnesses in the Family Courts in England and Wales: Standards, Competencies and Expectations Guidance from the Family Justice Council and the BPS [digital]
2016 Psychological Dimensions of Dementia: Putting the Person at the Centre of Care [digital]
2016 Data Protection Act 1998: Guidelines for Psychologists
2016 Challenging Behaviour: A Unified Approach Updated [digital]
2016 Psychologists Working With Television The Ethical Implications A Guide for Production Companies [digital]
2016 Briefing Document Media Portrayals of Mental Health Problems [digital]
2016 Guidance on process for British Psychological Society responses to external consultations
2016 Understanding psychiatric diagnosis in adult mental health [digital]
2016-2018 DCP Inclusivity Strategy [digital]
2016 DCP Applied practitioner psychologist internship programmes and unpaid voluntary assistant psychologist posts [digital]
2016 DARTP Teaching and Learning Issues in the Disciplines: Psychology
2016 DOP Managing successful projects with the DOP volunteer context [digital]
2016 DOP Neurodiversity and Employment Working Group Access to work support for hidden disabilities [digital]
2016 DOP Health and Well-being in the Workplace Working Group, Psychological wellbeing at work white paper, version two [digital]
2016 PTC Visual Impairment and Psychometric Testing [digital]
2016 PTC Communicating Test Results: guidance for Test Users [digital]
2016 PTC Principles for the Use of Published Psychological Tests in Research [digital]
2016 PTC Code of Good Practice for Psychological Testing [digital]
2016 PTC Statement on the Conduct of Psychologists Providing Expert Psychometric Evidence to Courts and Lawyers
2016 DCP FPOP Clinical Psychology in the Early Stage Dementia Care Pathway [digital]
2016 Briefing Paper on Work Capability Assessment (WCA) process [digital]
2016 Access to Sexually Explicit Illegal Material for the Purpose of Assessment, Intervention and Research [digital]
2016 Joint statement with BABCP against Welfare Sanctions [digital]
2016 BPS Presidential Taskforce on Refugees and Asylum Seekers statement on unaccompanied minors [press release]
2016 DECP Delivering Psychological Therapies in Schools and Communities - Sandra Dunsmuir & Julia Hardy [digital]

2017 Practice Guidelines 3rd Edition [digital]
2017 Guidance on the Use of the title Consultant Psychologist [digital]
2017 Declaration on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion [digital]
2017 Mapping of Neuropsychology Services within Neuroscience Centres" [DoN] [Digital]
2017 Cultural and Difference within and Across Ethnic Minorities [DCOP update of 2013 document] [Digital]
2017 Race Culture and Diversity [DCOP] A Collection of Articles [DCOP] [Digital]
2017 Approved Clinician Frequently Asked Questions [digital]
2017 Aviation and Aerospace Psychology: Pilot Mental Health and Wellbeing [digital]
2017 Changing Behaviour Briefing Responsible Alcohol Consumption [digital]
2017 DOP Assessment Centre Standards Working Group Design & Execution of Evaluation Centers (spanish) [digital]
2017 Working with Interpreters Guidelines for Psychologists [digital]
2017 Psychologists as Expert Witnesses: Guidance and Procedure 4th Edition revised [digital]
2017 Psychological best practice in inpatient services for older people [digital]
2017 Psychology At Work: Improving Wellbeing and Productivity in the Workplace [digital]
2017 BPS Guidelines for National Assessors [digital] [updated 2020]
2017 The Appointment of Consultant Psychologists: Guidance on using National Assessors for the quality assurance of appointments and clinical governance of psychological practice [digital]
2017 DCP Clinical psychology in the Early Stage Dementia Care Pathway [digital]
2017 DCP Incorporating Attachment Theory into Practice: Clinical Practice Guideline for Clinical psychologists working with people who have intellectual disabilities [digital]
2017 DOP Psychological Assessment of Adults with Specific Difficulties at work [digital]
2017 Ethics Guidelines for Internet-Mediated Research [digital]
2017 DCP PCMH Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia Revised [digital] (original 2014, also Young Persons version 2020)
2017 The need for psychosocial care and support for refugees and asylum seekers position paper [digital]
2017 Open letter to government urging ministers they ‘cannot go on’ with so many patients ‘locked out’ of vital services (BPS, Tavistock, National Counselling Society, Place2Be, ACP, BACP, British Psychoanalystic Council, OCD Action, B-Eat
2017 BPS endorses Assoication for the Study of Obesity position statement restricting elective surgery based upon BMI
2017 BPS support the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s (RCPCH) call for the restoration of binding national targets to reduce child poverty and the adoption of ‘child health in all policies [press release]
2017 Children in Care and the Link With Offending Briefing Paper [digital]
2017 Children and Young People's Mental Health (CYPMH): Schools and Colleges Briefing Paper [digital]
2017 Psychology At Work Briefing Paper [digital]
2017 Understanding and preventing Suicide A Psychological Perspective Position Paper (long and short "Call to Action" versions) [Digital]
2017 Position statement - The need for psychosocial care and support for refugees and asylum seekers [digital]
2017 Guidelines for Assessment of the PhD in Psychology and Related Disciplines [digital]
2017 Psychology Research Excellence Framework 2014 Impact Analysis [digital]
2017 Behaviour Change Screen use [digital]
2017 Behaviour Change Electronic Cigarettes [digital]
2017 Behaviour Change Childhood Nutrition [digital]
2017 Behaviour Change School Attendance [digital]
2017 Behaviour Change Responsible Alcohol Consumption [digital]
2017 memorandum of understanding against conversion therapy MOU2 [Digital]
2017 DCP Faculty for Children, Young People & Their Families CYPF What good looks like in psychological services for schools and colleges Primary prevention, early intervention and mental health provision [the Child & Family Clinical Psychology Review No 5 Autumn 2017]
2017 Psychology Research Excellence Framework 2014 Impact Analysis [digital] REF
2017 A Report on the Society Justice, Equality, Diversity and inclusion Audit of the British Psycholpogy Society [digital]

2018 Guidance for the Role of Practitioner Psychologists in the Assesment and Support of Women Considering Risk-Reducing Breast Surgery [digital]
2018 Feb Guidelines for Psychologists working with refugees and asylum seekers in the UK: A Summary [digital]
2018 Ethical Guidelines for Applied Psychological Practice in the Field of Extremism, Violent Extremism and Terrorism [digital] September 2018 updated December 2018
2018 Guidance for Psychologists on Working with Community Organisations [digital]
2018 Safeguarding Children and Young People: Every Psychologist's Responsibility [digital]
2018 Behaviour Change Energy Consumption [digital]
2018 Behaviour Change Psychology of Behaviour Change [digital]
2018 Behaviour Change Physical (in) activity [digital]
2018 Behaviour Change Cybersecurity [digital]
2018 Behaviour that Challenges Dementia briefing [digital]
2018 Key messages: Public policy priorities for Scotland briefing paper [digital]
2018 Facing the Future: Connecting Child Health standards [Royal College Paediatric and Child Health]
2018 The UK Renal Psychosocial Workforce [British Renal Society]
2018 Reading Well for mental health booklist [Reading Well]
2018 Driving with dementia of Mild Cognitive Impairment consensus guidelines for clinicians [Newcastle University Institute of Neuroscience]
2018 Complex regional pain syndrome in adults” UK Guidelines for diagnosis, referral and management in primary and secondary care [Royal College of Physicians] [digital]
2018 Report of Athena Swan Survey Jan-April 2017 [digital]
2018 Time for Change Report [APPG on Acquired Brain Injury]
2018 Digital Care and Support Planning Standard [Professional Record Standards Body]
2018 Self-harm and Suicide prevention competence framework [NCCMH]
2018 Clinical Leadership Guide for Trusts clinical [NHSI]
2018 Healthcare standards for CYP insecure settings [Cross College Endorsement]
2018 Position Statement on Staffing Standards in IAPT Services [NHSE]
2018 Guidance for therapists [APPG on Prescribed Drug Dependency]
2018 Joint Statement 13 Reasons Why (Netflix anti Suicide toolkit) [Digital]
2018 The Future of training in applied psychology Briefing Paper [President's Task Force] [digital]
2018 DCP FPOP Communicating a diagnosis of dementia [digital]
2018 DCP The Power Threat Meaning Framework [digital]
2018 NHS Lothian - Impact Case Study: Health Psychology in self-management for long-term conditions: The Heart Manual Department
2018 QMiP Writing for the Research Excellence Framework 2021: Guidance for qualitative psychologists [digital]
2018 BPS Neuropsychologist: The case for regulation position paper [digital]
2018 DCoP Working relationally with adults with an intellectual disability - A discussion [digital]
2018 DECP Guide for commissioners of educational psychology services [digital]
2018 DECP Ethical Trading Guidelines for Practice for Educational Psychologists 2nd edition [digital]
2018 Guidance for psychologists on working with community organisations [digital]
2018 Researching, Practising and Debating Mental Health Care - joint BP and Royal College of Psychiatrists Statement Lancet [digital]
2018 Safeguarding Children and Young People Every Psychologist's Responsibility [digital]
2018 Understanding Obesity The Psychological Dimension of a public health crisis briefing paper [digital]
2018 Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools briefing paper [digital]
2018 Neuropsychologist: The Case for Regulation Position Paper [digital]
2018 Joint letter to Prime Minister (via REthink) calling for new government investment to make a reality of its goal of parity of esteem between physical and mental health based on IPPR report [press releases]
2018 BPS calls on new Minister for Suicide Prevention to prioritise early intervention [Press Release Oct 2018]
2018 BPS and other organisation campaign against rising HCPC fees [digital external relations, Press Release]
2018 British Psychological Society as part of the Mental Health Policy Groupsigns consensus statement on mental health in the NHS Long Term plan [digital, press release]
2018 Data Protection Guidance for Researchers [digital]
2018 Producing doctoral research with impact: A guide for doctoral programme providers and students [digital]
2018 Suicide Prevention in Northern Ireland (O'Neill) [Digital]
2018 BPS call for governent to recognise deprivation as a cause of obesity [press release]
2018 BPS join four other organisations (BABCP, BACP, BPS and UKCP) to campaign against Welfare Sanctions (Welfare Conditionality Report) [and and press release]
2018 Evidence briefing: Dementia, accessibility and minority groups [digital]
2018 Evidence briefing: Eary detection dementia [digital]
2018 Evidence briefing: Mild cognitive impariment [digital]
2018 Evidence briefing:The psychological needs of families and carers of people with dementia [digital]
2018 Evidence briefing: Psychological therapies for people with dementia [digital]
2018 Evidence briefing: Emotional and psychological needs in advanced dementia [digital]
2018 Evidence briefing: The importance of timely support after a diagnosis of dementia [digital]
2018 Evidence briefing: Psychological needs of people with young-onset dementia [digital]
2018 Learning disability and autism review: Adapting the roles of Approved Medical Practitioner and Responsible Medical Officer in Scotland briefing [digital]
2018 MSP briefing: Clinicans supporting patients with learning disability and/or autism [digital]

2019 Evidence briefing: Making and sharing a diagnosis of dementia [digital]
2019 Evidence briefing: Neuropsychological impact of dementia [digital]
2019 BPS Promoting mental health and wellbeing in schools: How the Ofsted inspection can inspire change and what support is needed in schools [digital]
2019 DCP Clinical Associates Psychologist Degree Apprenticeship Standard at Level 7 Briefing paper [digital]
2019 Electronic Records Guidance [digital]
2019 Perinatal Psychology Provision in Specialist Perinatal Community Mental Health Services briefing [digital]
2019 BPS Psychology and Media Productions: Guidance for commissioners and producers [digital]
2019 Capacity to Consent to Sexual Relations Guidance[digital]
2019 What Makes a Good Assessment of Capacity [digital]
2019 Psychological Perspectives on Obesity: Addressing Policy, practice and research priorities [digital]
2019 Guidelines for Psychologists working with Gender, Sexuality, and Relationship Diversity [file digital]
2019 BPS Acquired Brain Injury briefing paper [digital]
2019 BPS Acquired Brain Injury briefing paper: House of Commons Debate 9 May 2019 [digital]
2019 Constraints on disclosure and sharing of raw data from psychometric and structured professional judgments [digital]
2019 Children's Right to Play DECP Position Paper [digital]
2019 New Savoy, BPS, Mental Health Foundation,Centre for Mental Health, ACP, Rethink Mental Illness, Mind, British Psychanalytic Council, BACP, UKCP consensus statement on the use of sanctions in the benefits system and entitlement to personalised support [digital]
2019 The Toxic Trio [domestic violence, parental substance muse and parental mental health issues] briefing [file]
2019 Resilience and Character briefing [file]
2019 Mental Health Support Teams: How to Maximise the Impact of the New Workforce for Children and Young People briefing [file & digital]
2019 Scottish Obesity Alliance (including BPS Scotland ) sign a letter to Scotland’s First Minister calling on her to commit to legislation to regulate multi-buy price promotions [press release]
2019 Prescribing Rights for Psychologists Professional Practice Board Discussion Paper [digital]
2019 BPS Psychological Manifesto for the next government [digital]
2019 Standards for the accreditation of psychological wellbeing practitioner training programmes [digital]
2019 BPS Guidance for Psychological Therapists: Enabling conversations with clients taking or withdrawing from prescribed psychiatric drugs (joint Guidance with APPG for Prescribed Drug Dependence, UKCP, NSUN National Survivor User Network, National Counselling Society, BACP) [Digital]
2019 Stakeholder position statement on the NICE guideline for depression in adults [digital]
2019 BPS Joins End Poverty Coalition [press release]
2019 Promoting Mental Health and wellbeing in Schools briefing [digital]
2019 Open letter to the leaders of Britain’s political parties from the British Psychological Society and 59 other organisations [press release]
2019 Open letter to political parties on prioritise children more than 140 other children's charities, education unions, professional associations and grassroots organisations [press release]
2019 A letter in the Health Services Journal signed by chairs and chief executives including the BPS of the organisations and sent to key decision-makers in the NHS calls for the appointment of a chief psychology professions officer [digital and press release]
2019 BPS sign up to the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health from Public Health England (PHE) [press release]
2019 BPS with more than 140 other children's charities, education unions, professional associations and grassroots organisations, our chief executive Sarb Bajwa has signed an open letter asking for a committment to prioritise vulnerable children [press release]
2019 Business Aspects of Expert Witness Work [digital]
2019 Proposed changes to salary support for clinical psychology trainees briefing [digital]
2019 Neuropsychologist: the case for regulation position paper [digital]
2019 The toxic trio briefing paper [digital]
2019 Professional roles and safeguarding contributors in production discussion paper [digital]
2019 Psychological perspectives on obesity: Addressing policy, practice and research priorities briefing [digital]

2020 Using Psychology to make better policy [Digital]
2020 How are secondary care psychological therapy services for adults with anxiety and depression performing? Results of an audit of NHS-funded services in England: BPS The McPin Foundation NCAAD Royal College of Psychiatrists Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership [digital]
2020 Mental health and wellbeing in higher and further education call to action [digital]
2020 Talking to children about coronavirus (DECP) [Digital]
2020 Standards for the accreditation of applied psychology programmes for Associate Psychologists [digital]
2020 Coronavirus and UK schools closures: Support and advice for schools and parents/carers (DECP) [Digital]
2020 Effective therapy via video - top tips (DCP) Digital]
2020 Psychological impact of the response to the coronavirus/Covid-19 on older people (FPOP) [digital]
2020 The psychological needs of healthcare staff as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic [digital]
2020 Guidance for psychological professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic 28 March [digital]
2020 Guidance for BPS applied psychology programmes for associate psychologists in relation to the Covid-19 outbreak 31 March [digital]
2020 Guidance for BPS accredited clinical psychology professional doctorate programmes in relation to the Covid-19 outbreak 31 March [digital]
2020 Guidance for BPS accredited psychology professional doctorate programmes in relation to the covid-19 outbreak 31 March [digital]
2020 Guidance for BPS accredited psychology wellbeing practitioner programmes in relation to the covid-19 outbreak 31 March [digital]
2020 FPOP Supporting older people and people living with dementia during self-isolation guidance 8 April [digital]
2020 DECP Parenting young babies whilst self isolating and social distancing advice 8 April [digital]
2020 DECP Teacher resilience during coronavirus school closures 7 April [digital]
2020 DCP CYP Considerations for psychologists working with children and young people using online video platforms 7 April [digital]
2020 BPS Behavioural science and disease prevention: Psychological guidance for optimising policies and communication guidance 14 April [digital]
2020 BPS Meeting the psychological needs of people recovering from severe coronavirus (Covid-19) guidance 16 April [digital]
2020 DCP Guidance for aspiring psychologists and their supervisors during Covid-19 21 April [digital]
2020 DCP DClinPsych Training and Covid-19 guidance 22 April [digital]
2020 BPS Advice for key worker parents guidance 04 May [digital]
2020 BPS If your parent is a key worker guidance 04 May [digital]
2020 Adaptations to psychological practice: Interim guidance during Covid-19 pandemic 4 May [digital]
2020 Guidelines on psychological assessment undertaken remotely 12 May [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Guidance for aspiring psychologists and their supervisors during Covid-19 21 April [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Easing lockdown: How employers and employees can prepare for the new normal at work guidance 11 May [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19: Meeting the psychological needs of people with learning/intellectual disabilities, and their families and staff 13 May [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Talking about death - end of life care guidance for the psychological workforce guidance 21 May [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 The End of Life Care pathway during the Coronavirus pandemic guidance 5 May [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Continuing Bonds: Alternative ways to remember your friends or family who have died during Covid-19 interactive guidance 14 May 2020 [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Death and grieving in a care home during Covid-19: The experience of care staff, residents and families guidance 5 May [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Back to school: Using psychological perspectives to support re-engagement and recovery guidance 27 May [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Advice for athletes during Covid-19 guidance 28 May 2020 [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Supporting care-experienced children and young people during the Covid-19 crisis and its aftermath 2 June [digital]
2020 Disaster Resources (CDT Crisis Diaster Trauma Section) April 2020 [Digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Supporting yourself and others Coping with death and grief during the Covid-19 pandemic 27th April 2020 [Digital]
2020 BPS statement on racial injustice [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Encouraging self-isolation to prevent the spread of Covid-19 29 July 2020 [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 DCP Perinatal Psychology Working Therapeutically with Parents and Their Infacts During Pregnancy and postpartum using remote delivery platforms Guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Returning to the workplace: Safety considerations for practising psychologists [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Psychological assessment of adults with learning/intellectual disabilities undertaken remotely as a consequence of Covid-19 [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Behavioural science and success of the proposed UK digital contact tracing application for Covid-19 [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 The End of Life Care pathway during the Coronavirus pandemic [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Taking trauma related work home: Advice for reducing the likelihood of secondary trauma guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 SDEP Compassionate transitions: Reconnecting school communities post-Covid-19 closures [digital]
2020 BPS Open data position statement [digital]
2020 Domestic Violence guidance [digital]2020 BPS Covid-19 A resilience and coping framework for supporting transitions back to school guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Psychologists Worldwide Unite to Take Action Against Violence in the Home guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 DCP Considerations for people from minority groups in the Covid-19 pandemic guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 DCP Racial and social inequalities: Taking the conversations forward (DCP Racial and Social Inequalities in the Times of Covid-19 Working Group) [digital]
2020 BPS Division of Counselling Psychology DCOP Applied psychology and allied professions working with ethnic minorities [digital]
2020 From poverty to flourishing – Bringing psychology into action on poverty BPS Briefing [digital]
2020 Test Anxiety BPS Briefing [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Psychological insights for cancer services recovery planning guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 research priorities for psychological science: A qualitative analysis [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 Confidentiality considerations for psychologists who may have Covid-19 guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Covid-19 DSEP Supporting youth athletes during Covid-19 guidance [digital]
2020 A Psychological Manifesto for the Senedd Election 2021 [digital]
2020 The use of talking therapy outdoors [digital]
2020 Behavioural science and disease prevention psychological guidance: Encouraging hand hygiene in the community [digital]
2020 BPS Declaration on equality, diversity and inclusion [digital]
2020 DCP Racial and Social Inequalities in the Times of Covid-19 Working Group Racial and social inequalities: Taking the conversations forward position paper [digital]
2020 Meeting the psychological needs of children in shielding families guidance [digital]
2020 DCP Managing uncertainty in children and young people guidance [digital]
2020 DCP Digital adaptations to supervision and observations guidance [digital]
2020 June Call to Action Getting it right for under-fives: An eight-point plan for an early years strategy [digital]
2020 DCP Top tips for psychological sessions delivered by video call for adult patients guidance [digital]
2020 Psychologist expert witnesses undertaking remote psychological assessments guidance [digital]
2020 Shielding during Covid-19 advice for children and young people guidance [digital]
2020 DCP /Bright Spark Understanding Psychosis Voices, Visions and Distressing Beliefs - A Guide for Young People and Their Supporters (Edited from 'Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia [digital]
2020 BPS endorse Humanity Needs Psychology Statement [digital]
2020 Covid-19 DECP NI Emotionally Regulate Before We Educate: Focusing on Psychological Wellbeing in the Approach to a New School day guidance [digital]
2020 BPS Supporting young people at key points of transition into training, learning and work during Covid-19 and beyond 18 August [digital]
2020 Aug Psychological Leadership Audit 2019 [digital]
2020 A successful return to school policy briefing [digital]
2020 BPS Humanity needs psychology: What Do Psychology and Psychologists Offer Humanity? statement [digital]
2020 DCP Covid-19 Strategy: A live document [digital]
2020 DCP Supporting and valuing lived experience in clinical psychology training briefing [digital]
2020 Supporting Adults who are Shielding During Covid Guidance 3 September [digital]
2020 BPS and Centre for Mental Health - Clinical psychology in primary care [digital]
2020 Covid-related anxiety and distress in the workplace: A guide for employers and employees 2 September [digital]
2020 Covid-19 Public Health Road Map: Physical Activity 27 August [digital]
2020 Covid-19 Public Health Road Map: Alcohol 28 August [digital]
2020 Covid-19 Public Health Road Map: Sedentary behaviour 28 August [digital]
2020 Covid-19 Public Health Road Map: Sleep hygiene 28 August [digital]
2020 'Covid-19 Public Health Road Map: Eating 28 August [digital]
2020 Covid-19 Public Health Road Map: Smoking 8 September [digital]
2020 Poverty and Covid-19: Amplifying, Isolating, Stalling [digital]
2020 Psychological Government Briefing: Cognitive strain in Parliament: How can we reduce psychological stressors to improve policy-making? October [digital]
2020 BPS Ethics best practice guidance on conducting research with human participants during Covid-19’ [digital only]
2020 BPS Statement on ethics review and independent research with human participants [digital only]
2020 BPS Guidelines for psychologists working with animals [digital only]
2020 A psychological manifesto for the next Scottish Parliament [digital]
2020 Psychological insights for facilitating community resilience to respond to consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic [digital]
2020 Guidance for health professionals supporting groups with specific complex needs who are or have been shielding [digital]
2020 Prescribing Rights for Patients [digital]
2020 Foundations for the best start in life – How a psychological approach to policy can help tackle poverty in life briefing (Poverty to Flourishing Campaign) [digital]
2020 Dec Delivering effective public health campaigns during Covid-19 Guidance [digital]
2020 The impact of Covid-19 on the wellbeing of psychologists [digital]
2020 DCP Faculty for Sexual Health & HIV Covid-19 and intimate relationships: The complicated impact of ongoing lockdowns [digital]
2020 Oct Guidance for National Assessors [digital]
2020 Oct The Appointment of consultant Psychologists Guidance on using National Assessors for the quality assurance of appointments and clinical governance of psychological practice [digital]
2020 DOP Wellbeing at Work - A Guide for Occupational Psychology Practitioners [digital]
2020 Nov DECP Pledge to Challenge Structural Racism [digital]
2020 Nov Poverty to Flourishing Briefing Foundations for the best start in life – How a psychological approach to policy can help tackle poverty [digital]
2020 9 Dec 2020 DCP Building a Caring Work Culture - What Good Looks Like [digital]
2020 December Guidance for Test Users (Level 2 Test Qualifications) During Covid-19 [digital]
2020 December Dentistry during COVID-19: Psychological advice for dental teams, policy makers, and communicators [digital]
2020 Presenting your webinar guidance [digital]

RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Claire Jackson BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.
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