Ref NoBPS/001/11/04/03/04
TitleBPS Consultations 1980-1989
DescriptionPapers, reports and correspondence and responses to Government legislation, commissions, enquiries and request from other organisational requests for the opinion of the British Psychological Society.

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/01 Comments on DHSS Consultative Document 'The Future Pattern of Hospital Provision in England' 1980

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/02 Comments on DHSS Consultative Document 'Patients First' 1980

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/03 Comments on Nodder Report Organisational and Management Problems in Mental Illness Hospitals 1981

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/04 Response to The Crisis in Clinical Psychology Services to People Who are Mentally Handicapped 1982

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/05 Corporal Punishment in Schools 1983-1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/06 Response to DHSS Document 'Client Access to Social Services Records' 1983

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/07 Responses to Data Protection Legislation 1983-1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/08 Responses to the Mental Health Act 1982-1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/09 Evidence to House of Commons Social Services Committee Enquiry on Community Care 1984

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/10 Response to the Police and Criminal Evidence Bill 1983-1984

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/11 Evidence to House of Commons Social Services Committee Enquiry on Achievements in Primary School 1985 [DECP Newsletter]

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/12 Response to DES Circular on LEA Training Grants Scheme 1985-1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/13 Response to DHSS Paper on Child Abuse Inquiries 1985-1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/14 Comments on Data Protection Act Subject Access to Personal Health Data Order 1985-1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/15 Response to Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Review of Training 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/16 Response to the Association of Community Health Councils on the Patients Charter 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/17 Comments on Proposals for European Directive on A General System for the Recognition of Higher Education Diplomas 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/18 Comments on National Children's Bureau ' Child Health Ten Years After The Court Report' 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/19 Response to National Association for Pastoral Care in Education on 'Crossing Boundaries - An Interprofessional Approach to Child Care' 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/20 Response to the General Teaching Council and the Registration of Lecturers in Scottish Colleges of Education Statutory Instrument 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/21 Response and Lobbying to Education Bill Clauses on Funding for Educational Psychologists 1986-1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/22 Evidence to House of Commons Education, Science and Arts Committee enquiry Special Needs The Working of the 1981 Education Act 1986-1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/23 Response to the DES on The National Curriculum 5-16 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/24 Response to Community Care: Agenda for Action 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/25 Response to proposed UGC Research Selectivity Exercise 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/26 Response to HSE Report Mental Health at Work 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/27 Evidence to Parliament Committee of Enquiry into Disruptive Behaviour and Discipline in Schools 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/28 Response to White Paper 'Working for Patients' 1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/29 Education Act - Definition of Education Psychologist 1980-1981

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/30 Response to DHSS Consultation on Solvent Misuse 'Glue Sniffing' 1983

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/31 Proposed Guidelines for the Avoidance of Derogatory Language in Describing Devalued Client Groups 1983

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/32 Draft Circular DHSS 'Helping to Get Mentally Handicapped Children Out of Hospital 1983

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/33 Response to Steering Group on Health Services Information Working Group Report on Paramedical Services (Korner) 1983

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/34 Response to Royal College of Psychiatrists document 'Mental Handicap Services The Future' 1983

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/35 Response to Royal College of Psychiatrists document 'The Future of Special Hospitals' 1983-1984

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/36 Support for National Union of Teachers statement 'After 16 The Education of Young People with Special Needs' 1983

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/37 Comment on NDT Mentally Handicapped Consultation on Publication of Team Reports 1984

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/38 Response to DHSS Consultation on the publication of Health Advisory Service/Social Work Services Reports 1984

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/39 Response to House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Enquiry into New Technologies 1984

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/40 Comments on DHSS/Home Office Consultation on Offenders Suffering from Psychopathic Disorder 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/41 Comments on Home Office Report on Fraud Trials (Roskill) 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/42 Comments on DHSS on Primary Health Care An Agenda for Discussion 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/43 Response to ESRC Enquiry into Factors Affecting Periods of Submission and Rates of Completion for PhDs in the Social Sciences 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/44 Evidence to House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Inquiry into Science and Government 1981

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/45 Evidence to House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Inquiry into Funding of Scientific Research 1986-1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/46 Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom - Reynolds reports on the Future of the University 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/47 Response to Royal College of Physicians Working Party on Research with Healthy Volunteers 1986

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/48 Comment on the ESRC Review of Horizons and Opportunities in the Social Sciences 1986-1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/49 Response to Review of Child Care Law 1986-1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/50 Comments on Secondary Examination Council Draft GCSE National Criteria for 'The Sciences: Double Award' 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/51 Evidence to House of Commons Inquiry into Achievement in Primary School 1984-1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/52 Comments on ESRC Revised Committee Structure 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/53 Comments on the Home Office Guidance on the Use of Video Technology at Trials of Alleged Child Abuse 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/54 Support for CCETSW The Qualifying Diploma in Social Work 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/55 Response to Community Charge in Scotland Mentally Handicapped Exemptions 1987-1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/56 Response to Community Charge in England and Wales Mentally Handicapped Exemptions 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/57 Comments on Royal College of Psychiatrists 'Confidentiality: Current Concerns of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Teams' 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/58 Comments on DES/DHSS Decision-Making for Special Needs 1981 Education Act: Research, Dissemination and Management Development Project Report 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/59 Comments on Alcohol Concern Report Alcohol Services: The Future 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/60 Comments on DHSS Performance Indications in the NHS 1987-1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/61 Comments on Section Committee Report Priorities in Medical Research 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/62 Comments on SHHD Future of the Scottish Health Service Planning Council and National Consultative Committee 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/63 Comments on SHHD Custody and Care Plans for the Scottish Prison Service 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/64 Comments on Interdepartmental Working Group on Mentally Disturbed Offenders in Prison 1987-1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/65 Comments on King's Fund Forum Consensus Statement on Screening for Fetal and Genetic Abnormality 1987-1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/66 Comments on Legislation on Human Infertility Services and Embryo Research 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/67 Comments on Joint Council for GCSE Provision for Handicapped Candidates 1987-1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/68 Comments on Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984 S. 119 Approved Code of Practice 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/69 Comments on Department of Education Draft Circular on Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/70 Evidence to Select Committee on Resourcing The National Health Service 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/71 Comments on Scottish Examination Board Arrangements for Candidates with Special Needs 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/72 Evidence to Select Committee on Operation of the Whitley Council 1988-1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/73 Comments on Department of Education Guidance on Schemes of Financial Delegation to Schools 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/74 Association of Community Health Councils The State of Non-Conventional Medicine - The Consumer View 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/75 Response to Welsh Office Mental Illness Service A Strategy for Wales 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/76 Evidence to SHHD Kincraig Inquiry on Parole and Related Matters 1988

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/77 Comments on DHSS Draft Circular on Alcohol Misuse 1988-1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/78 Care in the Community Comments on 'Moving Resources for Care in England 1981

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/79 Response to British Paediatric Association 'Psychology Services for Children, Young People and Their Families' 1987

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/80 Comments on DHSS Health Notes HN (88) 26 on the 'Development of Services for People with Physical or Sensory Disabilities 1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/81 Task Group on Assessment and Testing 1987-1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/82 Department of Education Shifting the Balance of Public Funding of Higher Education to Fees 1989-1990

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/83 NAB [National Advisory Board for Local Authority Higher Education] Classification of Psychology as a Science Based Discipline 1983-1985

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/84 Comments on SED School Teachers' Professional Development into the 1990s 1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/85 Response to Universities Manpower Review Group Investing in People 1989

BPS/001/11/04/03/04/86 BPS/001/11/04/03/04/86 Comments on Royal College of Psychiatrists 'Statutory Registration of Psychotherapists 1983

See admin history for full list of references to consultations during this period.
More material awaiting cataloguing.
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
The files are not in chronological order as they were catalogued in two tranches.
Related MaterialBPS/001/4/02/03/02 BPS Scientific Affairs Board Reports

BPS/001/4/01/02/02 BPS Professional Affairs Board Papers 1978-1980 includes BPS SAB/PAB Consultative Paper on Drinking and Driving 1980; BPS PAB Comments on the DHSS Consultation Paper: 'Hospital Services-The Future Pattern of Hospital Provision in England, May 1980; BPS PAB Comments on the DHSS Consultative Paper 'Patients First', September 1980; Draft statement concerning the disbandment of the National Development Group, 24 June 1980

BPS/001/4/01/02/03 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers1981-1982
BPS/001/4/01/02/04 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1983
BPS/001/4/01/02/05 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1984
BPS/001/4/01/02/06 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1985
BPS/001/4/01/02/07 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1986
BPS/001/4/01/02/08 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1987
BPS/001/4/01/02/09 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1988
BPS/001/4/01/02/10 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1989

BPS/001/3/02/02/04 BPS Council Papers IV 1983-1984 - includes Response to DHSS consultative document, 'Care in the Community', 1981; Response and comments on the Department of Transport's Consultative Document on Drinking and Driving, 1980; report entitled 'Evidence to the House of Commons Social Services Committee on NHS Management', 1987.

BPS/001/4/02/03/03 BPS Scientific Affairs Board Reports 1982

BPS/002/2/03/02/01 BPS DCLP Papers 1984-1989
BPS/002/2/01/02/05/05 BPS DCP S.D.S.C. Service Development Committee, Miscellaneous 1973-1994

BPS/001/11/05/03/03 BPS Outlook - Newsletter 1985-1986
BPS/001/11/03/01/08 BPS Press Releases 1989

BPS/001/11/04/01/01 BPS Parliamentary Group Papers 1985-1987
BPS/001/11/04/01/02 BPS Parliamentary Group Papers 1988

BPS/002/2/04/03 DECP Reports and Memoranda includes response to White paper on Special needs in Education (PAB) 1980-1982

BPS/002/2/08/05/01 BPS Scottish Division of Educational and Child Psychology Consultations1968-1982
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location13: BPS History of Psychology Centre, London
TermPublic Relations
Legislation and Regulations
Psychiatric Hospitals
University Funding
Research Funding
AdminHistoryBritish Psychological Society Consultations and Responses 1980-1989 (from Annual Reports - see Council Papers for many of these documents). After the creation of the BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB in 1974 [BPS/001/4/01] and Scientific Affairs Board SAB [BPS/001/4/02] responsibility for preparing evidence was sometimes delegated to those bodies. See notes in brackets and related material as whether there is a file in this section or reference to these consultations elsewhere in the collection].

1980 Department of Transport Consultative Paper on Drinking and Driving [Professional Affairs Board Papers 1978-1980]

1980 Department of Health and Social Security Consultative Paper 'Patients First' response distributed to Regional, Area and District Administrator; [file and Professional Affairs Board Papers 1978-1980, DCP Service Development Committee]
1980 Department of Health and Social Security The Future Pattern of Hospital Provision in England [file and Professional Affairs Board Papers 1978-1980]

1980-1981 Education Bill [file and DECP Reports and Memoranda]

1980 Disbandment of the National Development Group for the Mentally Handicapped [Professional Affairs Board Papers 1978-1980]

1980 White Paper Better Services for the Mentally Handicapped Mental Handicap: progress, problems and priorities: a review of mental handicap services in England since the 1971 [ see also Jay Committee]

1981 Closure of the Professions Supplementary to Medicine and the Speech Therapy Profession [PAB Papers 1983]

1981 House of Lord Select Committee on Science and Technology - coordination of science advice to Government [file]

1981 SSRC interdisciplinary committees

1981 National Institute of Social Work Working Party on the Role and Tasks of Social Workers Barclay report [PAB Papers 1981-1982, PAB Papers 1982-1984, Pab Papers 1983. Scottish Division of Educational and Child Psychology Consultations]

1981 Department of Health and Social Services Consultative Paper and later Statements 'Care in the Community' [ file PAB Papers 1981-1982Council Papers IV 1983-1984];

1981 Organisation and Management Problems in Mental Illness Hospitals (Nodder) - file and response by BPS Division of Clinical Psychology [file]

1981 Joint Matriculation Board draft Syllabus for A Level Psychology [see also 1984]

1981 Manpower Services Commission 'A New Training Initiative';

1982 General Nursing Council syllabus for Mental Nursing and Nursing for the Mentally Sub-Normal

1982 Department of Education draft circular on assessment and statements of special educational needs [after the 1981 Education Act] - response by BPS Division of Educational and Child Psychology;

1982 Lord Rothschild enquiry into the scale and nature of the work of the SSRC [Social Sciences Research Council] [Scientific Affairs Board SAB (1982) Reports];

1982 Department of Education discussion paper 'Science Education in Schools'

1981- 1982 Mental Health Amendment Bill - includes BPS delegation to Lord Elton, MIND letter [file]

1982 Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure draft codes of practice concerning questioning of suspects and identification procedures - response drafted by the BPS Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology;

1982 Department of Health & Social Service Green Paper 'A Good Home' [Professional Affairs Board Papers 1981-1982]

1982 Department of Health & Social Service Proposals for the Statutory Protection of Professional Titles under the Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act and closure of the Speech Therapy Profession

1982 White Paper on Data Protection [file]

1983-1987 Department of Health and Social Services DHSS Client Access to Personal Social Services Records [file and PAB Papers 1987]

1982 Lancashire AHA Working Party Report 'Aspects of the Health Service Responsibility for Mentally Handicapped People';

1982 NUPE 'A Policy for Mental Handicap Care'

1981-1982 Disabled Persons Act

1982 Independent Development Council 'Elements of the Comprehensive Local People for Mental Handicap' [file]

1983 Home Office Advisory Council on Animal Experimentation 'Definition of Stress'; and 'Scientific Procedures on Living Animals'

1983 SSRC Education and Human Development Committee 'Priorities for Research'

1983 Department of Education 'Corporal Punishment in Schools' [file, PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Secondary Science Curriculum Review 'Science Education 11-16: Proposals for Action and Consultation'

1983 Department of Education White Paper 'Teaching Quality';

1983 Department of Health and Social Services DHSS 'Treatment and Rehabilitation: Report of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs' [PAB Papers and Responses I];

1983 Department of Health and Social Services DHSS 'Helping to Get Mentally Handicapped Children Out of Hospital: Draft Circular [file and PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Department of Health and Social Services DHSS Electoral Registration of Voluntary Patients in Mental Hospitals [PAB Papers 1983];

1983 Lord Chancellor's Department on a New 'Code of Practice for Mental Health Review Tribunals' [PAB Papers 1983]

1983-1984 Home Office Working Party on Prosecution Arrangements ' An Independent Prosecution Service for England and Wales' [PAB Papers 1983, PAB papers 1984]

1983 Department of Health and Social Services DHSS Solvent Abuse 'Glue Sniffing' [file and PAB papers 1983]

1983-1984 Home Office on the use of Hypnosis by the Police [PAB Papers 1983 PAB Papers 1984, PAB Papers 1987, DCLP Committee Papers 1984-1989]

1982-1983 Home Office Consultation Offences Relating to Prostitution and Allied Offences [PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Department of Education 'Time-Out Procedures in Schools' [PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Royal College of Psychiatrists 'A Guide to Confidentiality in Relation to Mental Health' [PAB Papers 1983];

1983 Royal College of Psychiatrists 'Draft Report on the Working Party on Self Harm' [PAB Papers 1983]

1983 NHS Advisory Service 'The Rising Tide: Developing Services for Mental Illness and Old Age' [PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Development Team for the Mentally Handicapped 'The Crisis in Clinical Psychological Services to People are Mentally Handicapped' [File, PAB Papers 1983;

1983 Royal College of Psychiatrists 'Statutory Registration of Psychotherapists' [ file PAB papers 1983];

1983 National Union of Teachers After 16 The Education of Young People with Special Needs [file PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Guidelines for the Avoidance of Derogatory Language [file PAB Papers 1983]

1983-4 BMA Working Party on Alternative Medicine [PAB Papers 1983 PAB Papers 1984]

1983 Royal College of Psychiatrists 'The Future of Special Hospitals' [file and PAB Papers 1983, PAB Papers 1984];

1983 Royal College of Psychiatrist Mental Health Services the Future [file and PAB Papers 1983]

1983 National Children's Bureau Multi-Disciplinary Working Party on Special Education [PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Study Group on Children in Custody [PAB Papers 1983]
1983 Voluntary Council for Handicapped Children Working Party on Special Educational Needs [PAB Papers 1983]

1983 Steering Group on Health Services Information Working Group Report on Paramedical Services (Korner) - response by BPS Division of Clinical Psychology [file]

1984 University Grants Committee 'A Strategy for Higher Education in the 1990s' [PAB Papers 1984]

1983-1985 NAB [National Advisory Board for Local Authority Higher Education] Technical and Data Group Classification of Psychology as a Science Based Discipline [file]

1984 Department of Education draft circular Advisory Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education Courses

1984 Department of Education draft circular on Initial Teacher Training: Approval of Courses

1984 House of Commons Select Committee on Employment on the Use of the Polygraph in Security Investigations [ See Scientific Affairs Board Reports 1982]

1984 Joint Matriculation Board on the 1987 Syllabus for Psychology at AO Level

1984 ESRC Education and Human Development Committee discussion document 'Priorities for Research';

1984 DHSS draft circular Representation of Voluntary Organizations on Joint Consultative Committees [PAB Papers 1984];

1984 DHSS circular concerning reports of the National Development Team for Mentally Handicapped People [file and PAB Papers 1984];

1984 House of Commons Social Services Committee 'Community Care with Special Reference to the Adult Mentally Ill and the Mentally Handicapped' [file and PAB Papers 1984 and 1985];

1984 House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Enquiry into New Technologies File [file and PAB Papers 1984];

1984 Home Office re proposed amendments to the Video Recordings Bill, a Private Members Bill introduced by Graham Bright [File, PAB Papers 1984];

1984 DHSS consultative paper on the publication of Health Advisory Service/Social Work Services Reports [file and PAB Papers 1984]

1984 DHSS Implementation of Statues 35, 36 and 38 Mental Health Amendment Act [PAB Papers 1984]

1984 DHSS 'Panels and Guardians Ad litem and Reporting Officers';

1984 DHSS 'Prevention', Report of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs [PAB Papers 1984 and PAB Papers 1985]

1984 Welsh Office Medium Secure Therapeutic Psychiatric Provision in Wales [PAB Papers 1984 and DCP S.D.S.C. Service Development Committee, Miscellaneous];

1984 British Association for Counselling - organisational membership of the BAC [PAB Papers 1984]

1984 Management of the NHS (Griffiths) [PAB Papers 1984] See also 1987 House of Commons Social Services Committee on NHS Management.

1985 Department of Education Proposals for AS Levels

1985 Department of Education Records of Achievement

1985 House of Commons Select Committee on Education, Science and the Arts on Achievement in the Primary School [file and Bulletin April 1986 39 pages 121-125]

1985 Department of Education Science 5-16: A Statement of Policy

1985-1986 Royal College of Physicians Working Party on Research with Healthy Volunteers [file]

1985 DHSS Implications for the Training of Professional Psychologists of the Reports by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

1985-87 DHSS Draft Code of Confidentiality of Personal Health Information [see Responses to Data Protection Act 1983-1986 file 2 and PAB Papers 1987]

1985 BMA Local Ethical Research Committee and a National Ethical Committee [PAB Papers 1985, PAB Papers 1986]

1985 Police Federation Alleviation of Stress Among Police Officers

1985 House of Commons Social Services Select Committee on the Prison Medical Service [PAB Papers 1985]

1985 House of Commons Social Services Select Committee on the Misuse of Drugs [PAB Papers 1985]

1985 DHSS Working Group reviewing Training in Psychotherapy and Related Training at the Tavistock and Portman Clinics [PAB Papers 1985]

1985 Minister of Health concerning Proposal to Reduce the Number of Beds at the Rivermead Rehabilitation Centre; [PAB Papers 1985]

1985 Minister of State for Education and Science on the Education (Corporal Punishment) Bills [PAB Papers 1985]

1985 British Paediatric Association Future Arrangements for Community Child Health [PAB papers 1985]

1985 -1986 DHSS on Child Abuse 'Working Together' [file and PAB Papers 1985, PAB Papers 1986]

1985 NHS Health Advisory Service on the needs of Disturbed Adolescents [PAB Papers 1985 and BPS DCLP Committee Papers 1984-1989]

1985-1986 Department Of Education position papers on In-Service Training [file and Outlook - see also Education bill 1986-1987]

1986 Green Paper on the Development of Higher Education in the 1990s [BPS Outlook Newsletter 1985-1986]

1986 House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology - funding of scientific research [File and Parliamentary Group Papers]

1986 ESRC on Factors Affecting Periods of Submission and Rates of Completion for Doctoral Degrees in the Social Sciences [file]

1986 IT86 Committee Psychology and Information Technology Research - also Directory of Psychologists and Information Technology Research

1986 DHSS Draft Code of Practice Prepared by the Mental Health Act Commission [file and PAB Papers1986]

1986 DHSS Data Protection Act: Subject Access to Personal Health Information [file PAB Papers 1986 file, PAB Papers 1988, PAB Papers 1989]

1986-1987 DHSS Review of Child Care Law [PAB Papers 1986 PAB Papers 1987 and file]

1986 DHSS Offenders Suffering from Psychopathic Disorder [file and PAB Papers 1986]

1986 National Children's Bureau ' Child Health Ten Years After The Court Report' [file]

1986 National Association for Pastoral Care in Education on 'Crossing Boundaries - An Interprofessional Approach to Child Care' [response drafted by Division of Educational and Child Psychology DEC]

1986 Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs: Review of Training [file and PAB Papers 1986]

1986 Secretary of State for Education and Science on the Clauses concerning Corporal Punishment in the Education (HL) Bill [PAB Papers 1986]

1986-1987 Secretary of State for Education and Science on the Clauses concerning funding for Educational Psychologists in the Education (HL) Bill [file PAB Papers 1986 and PAB Papers 1987 & 1988

1986 Association of Community Health Councils on a Patient's Charter [file and PAB Papers 1986]

1986-1987 Department of Trade and Industry on European Commissions Draft Directive 'A General System for the Recognition of Higher Education Diplomas' [file]
1986 House of Lords European Community Committee - Harmonization of Qualifications within the European Community

1986 General Teaching Council in Scotland regulations [file]

1986 Disabled Persons (Services Consultation and Representation) Bill Private Members Bill - led to Government amendments to Education (Scotland) Act 1980 [PAB Papers 1986]

1987 ESRC Review of Horizons and Opportunities in the Social Sciences [file]

1987 Inquiry into child abuse in Cleveland 1987 (Butler-Sloss) [PAB Papers & Responses I]

1987 DHSS UKCC Project 2000 [PAB Papers 1986 PAB Papers 1987]

1987 ESRC Revised Committee Structure [file]

1987 Design of Software for Computer Based Assessment

1986 Home Office Tape Recording of Interviews with Suspects [no response sent]

1986 Home Office Custodial Sentences for Young Offenders [File and PAB Papers 1986]

1986-1987 Home Office Report on Fraud Trials (Roskill) [ File PAB Papers 1986 and BPS DCLP Committee Papers 1984-1989]

1987 Social Work Services Group on the SED on a Review of Child Care Law in Scotland [file]

1987 House of Commons Education, Science and Arts Committee enquiry Special Needs The Working of the 1981 Education Act [file and PAB Papers 1987]

1987 DES Education Provision for Deaf/Blind Children [PAB Papers 1987]

1987 House of Commons Social Services Committee on NHS Management [PAB Papers 1987 PAB Papers 1988]

1987 Northern Ireland Office Equal Opportunities in Employment in Northern Ireland

1987 Home Office on draft Circular on the Use of Hypnosis by the Police in the Investigation of Crime [DCLP Committee papers 1984-1989, PAP Papers 1987]

1987 Home Office on the Use of Video Technology at Trials of Alleged Child Abusers [ file, PAB Papers 1987 and DCLP Papers 1984-1989]

1987 Mental Health Act Commission on Compulsory Treatment in Community [Mental Health Act File 4 and PAB Papers 1987]

1987-1988 DHSS on Legislation on Human Infertility Services and Embryo Research - reactions to the Warnock Report [ PAB Papers 1987 and file]

1986 DHSS on Primary Health Care An Agenda for Discussion [file]

1987 DES on the National Curriculum 5-16 [file and PAB Papers 1987]

1987 Response to Secondary Examination Council Draft GCSE National Critieria for 'The Sciences: Double Award' [file]

1987 GCSE Joint Council Standing Agreement No. 4 Provisions for Handicapped Candidates [PAB Papers 1987]

1987 DHSS revised Draft Code of Practice: The Mental Health Act 1983 [file, PAB Papers 1987]

1987 Institute of Education University of London, 1981 Education Act Research Dissemination and Management Development Project Group on a DES/DHSS Funded Project Considering Decision Making for Special Needs [file and PAB Papers 1987]

1987 British Association for Counselling constitution for a Standing Conference on Psychotherapy to Replace the Rugby Conference on Psychotherapy [PAB Correspondence]

1987 Royal College of Psychiatrists 'Confidentiality: Current Concerns of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Teams' [file and PAB Papers 1987]

1987 National Children's Bureau 'Interdisciplinary Training'

1987 DES 'A Provision to Limit the Power to Award UK Degrees' [PAB Papers 1987]

1987 Alcohol Concern Alcohol Services: The Future [file]

1987 Royal College of Physicians 'Physical Disability in 1986 and Beyond' [PAB Papers 1987]

1987 National Council for Vocational Qualifications on 'Professional Bodies, their Qualifications and the NCQV'

1987 DES PCGE Course Places for Trainee Teachers Intending to Teach Psychology in Schools;

1987 A Level Review Committee on the future of the A Level;

1987 CNAA 'Future Strategy; Principles and Operations A Briefing for Professional Institutions and Associations;

1987 CCETSW The Qualifying Diploma in Social Work [file and PAB Papers 1987]

1987 Committee on Training European Psychologists of the European Federation of Professional Psychologists Associations EFPPA 'Minimal Standards for Professional Training in Psychology in EFPPA Member Countries';

1987-1988 SHHD [Scottish Home and Health Department] on the Community Charge in Scotland and the Mentally Handicapped; Abolition of Domestic Rates (Scotland) Act 1987: Proposed Regulations: Exemption from Personal Community Charge [file and PAB Papers 1988]

1988 Community Care: Agenda for Action [file, press releases 1988, PAB Papers 1987 PAB Papers 1988]

1988 Department of Education Qualified Teachers Status

1988 Evidence to Select Committee on Resourcing The National Health Service [file and PAB Papers 1988]

1988 University Grants Committee UGC Research Selectivity [file and PAB Papers 1988]

1988 Citizen Action Compensation Campaign Citizen's Compensation Bill [BPS DCLP Committee Papers 1984-1989; PAB Papers 1989]

1988 ABRC Review on the Research Council's Responsibilities for the Biological Sciences

1988 Association of Community Health Councils The State of Non-Conventional Medicine - The Consumer View [file]

1988 Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984 S. 119 Approved Code of Practice [file and BPS PAB Papers & Responses I 1971-2005]

1988 DHSS Revised Research Contracts for DHSS funded research

1988 British Council Classification of Psychology as a Science

1988 King's Fund Forum Consensus Statement on Screening for Fetal and Genetic Abnormality [file]

1988 Forensic Science Society - Graphology

1988 Task Group on Assessment and Testing on the National Curriculum [file]

1987-1988 British Paediatric Association on Psychological Services for Children, Young People and Their Families [file]

1988 DHSS Draft Circular on Alcohol Misuse [file]

1988 Home Office - Discussion paper on Civil Emergencies

1988 Home Office Punishment, Custody and Community [PAB Papers 1989]

1988 Home Office Review of Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Codes of Practice [PAB Papers 1988]

1988-1989 House of Commons Social Services Committee on the Working of the Whitley Council [file, PAB Papers 1988 and 1989 Press Releases]

1987-1988 DHSS Health Service Performance Indicators [file and Parliamentary Group Papers 1988]

1988-1989 Interdepartmental Working Group on Mentally Disturbed Offenders in Prison [DCLP Papers 1984-1989, File, PAB Papers 1988, PAB Papers 1989]

1987-1988 Joint Council for GCSE Provision for Handicapped Candidates [file and PAB Papers 1987 & 1988]

1988 Department of Education Draft Circular on Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties [file]

1988 Department of Education Financial Delegation to Schools [file and PAB Papers 1988]

1988 SHHD [Scottish Home and Health Department] Custody and Care Plans for the Scottish Prison Service [file]

1988 SHHD Future of the Scottish Health Service Planning Council and National Consultative Committee [file]

1988 Department of Education Enquiry into Discipline in Schools [file and PAB Papers 1988]

1988 Health and Safety Executive Mental Health at Work report [file]

1988 Scottish Examination Board Arrangements for Candidates with Special Needs [file and PAB Papers 1988]

1988 Welsh Office Mental Illness Service A Strategy for Wales
1988 DHSS report of of the Working Party on the Monitoring and Surveillance of HIV and AIDS [PAB Papers 1989]

1989 Scottish Education Department SED School Teachers' Professional Development into the 1990s [file]

1989 Department of Education Shifting the Balance of Public Funding of Higher Education to Fees [file]

1989 University Manpower Review Group 'Investing in People' [file]
1989 ESRC Questionnaire on Psychology and Health Related Social Science Research
1989 ESRC Future Policy on Research Training
1989 Department of Health Research Ethics Committees [PAB Papers 1989]
1989 Department of Education National Curriculum
1989 Scottish Prison Service Assessment and Control the Management of Violent and Disruptive Prisons [PAB Papers 1989, BPS DCP Papers (Miscellaneous)]
1989 Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Care and Aftercare of Miss Sharon Campbell [PAB Papers 1988, PAB Papers 1989];
1988-89 House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology 'Priorities in Medical Research' [file and PAB Papers 1989, Parliamentary Group Papers 1988]

1989 DHSS Health Notes HN (88) 26 on the 'Development of Services for People with Physical or Sensory Disabilities [file]

1989 Law Society Decision Making and Mental Incapacity [PAB Papers 1989, DCLP Committee Papers 1984-1989]

1989 Royal College of Psychiatrists Multiaxial Classification of Mental Handicap [PAB Papers 1988 and 1989]

1989 DHSS Draft circular 'Welfare of Children in Hospital' [PAB Papers 1989]
1989 Department of Education Assessments and Statements of Special Educational Needs: Procedures within the Education, Health and Social Services Comments on Revisions to the DES Circular;

1989 Department of Health NHS Review White Paper 'Working for Patients' [file, PAB Papers 1989]

1988-1989 SHHD [Scottish Home Health Department] Kincraig Report on Parole and Related Matters [file, PAB Papers 1988-1989]

1989 SHHD and DOH 'Access to Mental Health Records' [PAB Papers 1989]

1989 IBA Television Advertising Code [PAB Papers 1989]

1989 Department of Health Draft Code and Handbook on Confidentiality of Personal Health Information [PAB Papers 1989]

1989 Director General of HM Prison Service Review of the Organisation of the Prison Service [PAB Papers 1989]

1989 Home Office Revised Code D Identification of the Draft Code of Practice under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act [PAB Papers 1989]

1989 Department of Health Working Party on Education and Training in the NHS
1989 Equal Opportunities Commission Equal Pay Making It Work [PAB Papers 1989]

RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Claire Jackson BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/374Royal College of Psychiatrists; 1841-1841-
BPS/GB/386European Federation of Professional Psychological Association; 1981-; EFPA1981-
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