Ref NoBPS/001/11/04/03/05
TitleBPS Consultations 1990-1995
DescriptionPapers, reports and correspondence and responses to Government legislation, commissions, enquiries and other organisational requests for the opinion of the British Psychological Society.

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/01 Response to Social Services Select Committee 'Caring for People' 1990

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/02 Department of Health Seminars on Residential Services for Mentally Handicapped People 1990-1991

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/03 Response to Applications to the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine 1991-1993

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/04 Response to Special Educational Needs Reports, Inquiry and White Paper 1991-1993

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/05 Implication of HMI Report Educational Psychology Services in England 1991

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/06 Responses to Department of Health Review of Services for Mentally Disordered Offenders (Reed Committee) 1991-1992

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/07 Response to National Institute for Social Work Proposals for a General Social Services Council 1992-1993

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/08 Response to Inquiry into the Selection and Recruitment of Staff into Children's Homes (Warner) 1992-1993

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/09 Response to Department of Health Review of Adoption Law 1993

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/10 Comment on Inspecting Social Services A Consultation Document 1992-1993

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/11 Response to Health of the Nation White Paper 1993

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/12 Evidence to the False Confessions and Police Interrogation Police Review (May Inquiry) 1990

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/13 Evidence to the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice Review of the Justice System in England and Wales 1991-1992

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/14 Evidence to the Committee on the Ethics of Gene Therapy 1990

BPS/001/11/04/03/05/15 Response to Standing Conference of Arts and Social Sciences SCASS Humanities Research Council Proposal 1990

See Admin history for list of consultations during this period and where responses where known are filed in other parts of the collection or published as Society publications.

Most Material Awaiting Cataloguing
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Related MaterialBPS/001/11/05/03/05 BPS Guidelines for Responding to Select Committees

BPS/001/4/01/03/01 BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers & Responses I includes '5-14 Development Programme: Arrangements for National Testing (1992); BPS response to 'Report of the Committee on the Ethics of Gene Therapy' (1992); Correspondence concerning 'Access to Health Records Act 1990' (1992); Correspondence concerning 'Education (School Records) Regulations 1989' (1992);
BPS comment on proposed creation of The UK Library of Psychotherapy, Counselling, and Mental Health at Regent's College (1993-1994); BPS response to 'Draft Guidance for the NHS on the Confidentiality, Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information' (1994);
BPS comments on draft Department of Health document: 'Guidance on the Discharge of Mentally Disordered People and Their Continuing Care in the Community' (1994);
1-folder Draft Bill by the Multi-Disciplinary Professional Working Group (BDA, BMA, BPS CRC,RCM, RCN) 'A Bill Governing Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information' (1994)
BPS paper to the Employment Committee of the House of Commons regarding the social and psychological effects of unemployment; BPS (DECP) response to 'Placement for Adoption: consultation document', (1994); BPS comments on 'Draft Regulations on Pupil Referral Units' (1994); Report of the Expert Panel Appointed to Consider the Effects of Participation in Performances of Stage Hypnotism (1995); BPS 'Comments on the Draft Proposal for Evaluation of Different Types of Residential Provision for People with Learning Disabilities' S.Hobbs and L.O'Sullivan (1995);

BPS/001/11/04/01 BPS Parliamentary Group Papers 1986-1997
BPS/001/4/01/02/11 BPS Professional Affairs Board Papers 1990
BPS/001/4/01/02/12 BPS Professional Affairs Board Papers 1991
BPS/001/4/01/02/13 BPS Professional Affairs Board Papers 1992
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location13: BPS History of Psychology Centre, London
TermPublic Relations
Legislation and Regulations
Psychiatric Hospitals
Job Seeking
Disadvantaged Groups
AdminHistoryBritish Psychological Society Consultations and Responses between 1990-1999 (from Annual Reports). Many of the responses will be in the papers of the BPS Professional Affairs Board [BPS/001/4/01] and Scientific Affairs Board [BPS/001/4/02], and the Membership and Qualifications Board as responsibility for preparing evidence was sometimes delegated to those bodies.

1990 Department of Education and Science HMI Educational Psychology Services in England 1988-1989 [AEP and DECP Seminar]

1990 Department of Health on Research Ethics Committees [PAB Papers 1990]

1990 Department of Health Draft Code and Handbook of Guidelines on Confidentiality of Personal Health Information [BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers & Responses I and PAB Papers 1990]

1990 Social Services Select Committee 'Caring for People' [file]

1990 National Council for Vocational Qualifications on the Extension of the NCQV Framework Above Level IV

1990 Department of Trade EU directive (89/48) - recognition of mutual qualifications

1990 Department of Education - Implications of the EU Directive (89/48) for the Employment of Educational Psychologists

1990 Court of Protection - Psychologists Signing Medical Certificates [PAB Papers 1990]

1990 Working Party on Teaching Quality (Warnock) [Scientific Foundation Board]

1990 Department of Education and Science Dual Support: Adjusting the Balance of Funding Responsibilities

1990 Department of Health Ethics of Gene Therapy [File, BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers & Responses I]

1990 Research Councils Advisory Board Working Party on Peer Review [Scientific Affairs Board]

1990 Home Office on Confidentiality and the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986

1990 Standing Conference of Arts and Social Sciences SCASS Humanities Research Council Proposal [file]

1990 Nuffield Foundations Proposals for a new National Bioethics Body
1990 Department of Education and Science - Education for the Under Fives [PAB Papers 1990]
1990 Home Office Crime Justice and Protecting the Public
1990 Home Office and the Prison Governors' Association on HM Prison Service Review [PAB Papers 1990]
1990 Home Office on Partnership in Dealing with Offenders in the Community 'Supervision and Punishment in the Community: A Framework for Action [PAB Papers 1990]

1990 Department of Education and Science on Staffing for Pupils with Special Educational Needs

1990 Guildford and Woolwich Pub Bombings May Enquiry ['False Confessions and Police Interrogation Police Review] [file, PAB Papers 1990 and Parliamentary Group papers]

1990 Department of Health Disasters Working Party Report [PAB Papers 1990]
1990 Department of Health Review of Joint Finance [PAB Papers 1990]
1990 Scottish Home and Health Department Community Care Planning in Scotland [PAB Papers 1990]
1990 Department of Employment Review of Careers Guidance [PAB Papers 1990]
1990 Royal College of Physicians on the Nature of the Speciality of Rehabilitation Medicine [PAB Papers 1990]
1991 Department of Health Implementation of the 1989 Children Act - Children with Disabilities [PAB Papers 1991]
1990 Department of Trade and Industry Aptitude Tests and Aptitude Periods for Incoming Professionals who Qualifications Fall Short
1990 General Teaching Council in Scotland Primary Postgraduate Review of the GTC
1990 Department of Education and Science in Northern Ireland on the Qualifications for Appointment as an Educational Psychologist in Northern Ireland
1990 Schools Examination and Assessment Council Questionnaire on Draft Principles for GCE, Advanced Level and Advances Supplementary Examinations
1990 Department of Health Invitation to take part in Residential Services for Mentally Handicapped People seminars [file]
1990 Employment Committee Inquiry into Recruitment Practices [PAB Papers 1990]

1990 Response to Standing Conference of Arts and Social Sciences SCASS Humanities Research Council Proposal [file]

1991 ESRC New Research Initiatives

1991 Department of Education and Science Education and Training for the 21st Century [PAB Papers 1991]

1991 Scottish Office Action for Truancy in Scotland [PAB Papers 1991]
1991 Department of Health Children Act Consultation Paper 23 Children with Disabilities
1991 Department of Health Draft Code of Practice of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act [PAB Papers 1991]
1991 House of Commons Select Committee on Education, Science and the Arts on Reading Standards [ PAB Papers 1991 The Psychologist October 1991 pages 468-471]
1991 Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine on the Application of the Professions of Art and Music Therapy for State Registration [file]
1991 Law Commission Mentally Incapacitated Adults and Decision Making: An Overview [PAB papers 1991]
1991 Scottish Law Commission Parental Responsibility and Rights: Guardianship and the Administration of the Children's Property [PAB Papers 1991];
1991 Department of Education and Science Draft Circular on Local Management of Schools [PAB Papers 1991]

1991-1993 Department of Health Review of Services for Mentally Disordered Offenders (Reed) [file, press releases 1992, PAB Papers 1992]
1991 House of Commons Select Committee Employment and Recruitment Practice
1991 Home Office and Department of Health Scrutiny of the Prison Medical Service [PAB Papers 1991]
1991 Department of Health Guidelines on the Welfare of Children and Young People in Hospitals [PAB Papers 1991]
1991 All Wales Strategy for the Development of Services for People with Mental Handicaps [PAB papers 1991. BPS DCP Papers 1991-1992; BPS DCP Special Interest Group on Mental Handicap 1986-1991]
1991 Consultation on the Lead Body for Advice, Guidance and Counselling for NVQ's
1992 University Funding Council Research Assessment Exercise
1992 Department of Health Ethics of Gene Therapy [Professional Affairs Board Papers and Responses 1971-2005]
1992-1993 Department of Health 'Health of the Nation' [file]
1992 Radio Authority Code of Advertising Standards and Practice [PAB Papers 1991, PAB Papers 1992]
1991-1992 Royal Commission on Criminal Justice Review of the Justice System in England and Wales [file, DCLP minutes, Press Releases, PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Institute of Personnel Management Statement Concerning Counselling in the Workplace [PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Department of Education and Science Clearing House Scheme for Initial Training for Educational Psychologists [PAB Papers 1991 and PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Welsh Office Funding for Trainee Educational Psychologists in Wales [PAB Papers 1990, PAB Papers 1992]
1992 NHS Management Executive Setting Priorities in Mental Health Research [PAB Papers 1992]
1992-1993 Selection and Recruitment of Staff into Children's Homes (Warner) [file and PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Department of Education (School Records) Regulations 1989 [PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Council of Professions Supplementary to Medicine Proposed Registration of Drama Therapists [file]
1992 Scottish Office Education Department School Management The Way Ahead
1992 British Association for Counselling Proposals for a National Counselling Register [PAB Papers 1992]
1992 British Association for Counselling Guidance on Counselling in General Practice [PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Lord Chancellor's Department and Legal Aid Head Office Expert Witnesses in Court and Criminal Proceedings [PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Monopolies and Mergers Commission Private Medical Services
1992 Welsh Office All Wales Group on Forensic Psychiatry [PAB Papers 1992[
1992 National Institute for Social Work on Proposals for a General Social Services Council [file and PAB Papers 1992]
1992 NHS Management Executive Setting Priorities for Cardiovascular Research and Stroke Research [PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Department of Health Mental Health Act 1993 Code of Practice [PAB Papers 1992]
1992 Audit Commission/HMI Getting in on the Act: Provision for pupils with special educational needs: the national picture [file]
1992 Department for Education Choice and Diversity Special Educational Needs A New Framework for Schools [file]
1992 Department for Education Special Educational Needs Access to the System [file]
1992 Department for Education Independent Schools and Barred Staff
1992 Department of Education Proposed Clearing House for Applicants to Educational Psychology Training Courses
1992 Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education Psychological Aspects of Beginning Teacher Competence
1992 Funding Councils Academic Subject Categories
1992 Department of Health Draft Guidance on Permissible Forms of Control in Children's Residential Care [PAB 1992]
1992 Schools Examination and Assessment Council Psychology and the Proposed National Criteria for the GCSE: Criteria for Science
1992 Schools Examination and Assessment Council New GCSE/Key Stage 4 Subject Criteria
1992 Department for Education Reform of Initial Teacher Training
1993 Cabinet Office White Paper on Science and Technology
1993-1994 Cabinet Office White Paper Realising Our Potential A Strategy for Science, Engineering and Technology
1993 ALSISS Target 2000: Protecting British Social Science
1993 ESRC Social Science Research Infrastructure for the 21st Century
1993 Advisory Board for Research Councils Nature of the Ph.D.
1993 Department of Trade and Industry Resourcing and Preparation of Standards by the BSI
1993 Department of Education Review of the National Curriculum and Assessment Framework
1993 Department for Education Parental Appeals Procedures
1993 Committee on the Penalty for Homicide (Lane)
1993 Select Committee on Education on Statementing of Children with Special Educational Needs [file]
1993 Law Commission Mentally Incapacitated Adults: A New Jurisdiction
1993 Department of Health The Effect of Tobacco Advertising on Tobacco Consumption
1993 Department for Education Exclusions
1993 Department of Health Inspecting Social Services [file]
1993 Secretary of State for Scotland on Reform of Local Government in Scotland
1993 Department of Health Review of Adoption Law
1993 Department of Health on the Education Bill Cooperation between Education, Health and Social Services for Children with Special Educational Needs (file)
1993 European Community Directive Liability of Providers of Services
1993 SOED Better Information for Parents
1993 Department of Health Mental Health Act 1983: Code of Practice Revision
1993 Home Office Community Prisons
1993 Department for Education Local Management of Schools The Future Framework
1993 European Community Directive on Data Protection
1993 Scottish Office Criminal Procedure Unfitness to Plead and Acquittal by Reason of Insanity
1993 Monopolies and Mergers Commission Private Medical Services
1993 Department for Education The Initial Training of Primary School Teachers New Criteria for Course Approval
1993 Department of Health Guidance for Staff on Relations with the Public and the Media
1993 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Sex Selection
1993 Department of Health NHS Priorities for Research and Development
1993 Department of Health Community Supervision Orders
1993 Home Office Credentials of Psychologists Who Undertake Offender Profiling
1993 Select Committee on Health and Mental Health Services
1993 Department for Education A Framework for School Based Teaching Training
1993 Scottish Office Education Department on Initial Teacher Training: Revised Guidelines for Teacher Training Courses
1993 Howie Committee Report on Psychology and the Scottish Upper School Curriculum
1993 School Examination and Assessment Council Modular Assessment in A/AS Examinations [MQB]
1993 Mental Health Services for Black and Ethnic Communities [DCP]
1993 Services for Children with Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour (Mannell) [DCP]
1994 Cabinet Office A New Structure for Postgraduate Research Supported by the Research Council
1994 Cabinet Office Foresight Panels and the Technology Foresight Programme
1994 HEFCE Further Development of the Method for the Assessment for the Quality of Education
1994 HEFCE Conduct of the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise
1994 Select Committee on Education Differential Funding of Primary and Secondary Education
1994 School Curriculum and Assessment Authority The Moderation of Teacher Assessment at Key Stage 3
1994 Department of Health Information Management Group Collecting Information about the Ethnic Group of Patients
1994 NHS Central Research and Development Group Setting Priorities in Diabetes Research and Development
1994 Department for Education The Local Management of Schools
1994 Home Office Disclosure of Criminal Records for Employment Vetting Purposes
1994 Scottish Office Home and Health Department Review of Legal Powers on Care in the Community of People with a Mental Disorder
1994 Department for Education Draft Code of Practice on the Identification Assessment of SEN and Draft Regulations on Assessments and Statements
1994 Department for Education School Records Regulations
1994 Stonewall Age of Consent for Homosexual Relationships
1994 GCSE Joint Secretaries GCSE Standing Agreement Number 4
1994 Department of Health Circular Pupils with Problems
1994 Department of Health Mentally Disordered Offenders Centrally Assisted Initiatives
1994 Crown Prosecution Service Expert Analysis of Tape Recorded Interviews
1994 Mental Health Foundation Community Care Services for Mentally Ill People
1994 Department for Education Draft Circular on the Organisation of Special Educational Provision and Draft Regulations [DECP]
1994 Department for Education Education Act 1993 Draft Circular on the Development of Special Schools and Draft Regulations [DECP]
1994 Department of Social Security Medical Assessment of Incapacity Benefit
1994 Mind Power of Words
1994 Department for Education Draft Regulations on Pupil Referral Units [DECP]
1994 Scottish Office Home and Health Department Juries and Verdicts
1994 Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority Donated Ovarian Tissue in Embryo Research and Assisted Conception
1994 Royal College of Psychiatrists Ashworth Hospital Report
1994 Department of Health Placement for Adoption
1994 Draft European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being
1994 Government Measures to Tackle Discrimination Against Disabled People
1994 Social Affairs Select Committee Mitigating the Social Effects of Unemployment
1994 British Psychiatric Association Joint Working Party on Health Services for School Age Children
1994 Government Disability Unit Measures to Tackle Discrimination Against Disabled People
1994 Scottish Office Social Work Services Group Treatment by a Chartered Psychologist Becoming a Condition for a Probation Order
1994 Education Select Committee Teaching and Learning of Science and Technology in Schools
1994 Department of Health Community Services Division on the Future of Adoption Panels
1994 Department of Public Health National Review of Services for the Mental Health of Children and Young People
1994 BMA/ Law Society Draft Guidelines on the Assessment of Mental Incapacity
1994 Higher Education Qualifications Council HEQC Choosing to Change: Extending Access, Choice and Mobility in Higher Education [MQB]
1995 ESRC Opportunities in Social Science A Vision for the Future
1995 Evaluation Associates Ltd Evaluation of the ESRC Research Studentships Competition
1995 ESRC Postgraduate Training Policy from 1996-2000
1995 Department of Health Reports of Working Group on High Security Psychiatric Services and Psychopathic Disorder
1995 BMA Draft Bill and Handbook on Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information
1995 Department of Health Draft Guidance to the NHS on the Confidentiality, Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information
1995 Home Office Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1994 Draft Revisions to the Codes of Practice [DCLP]
1995 Teacher Training Agency Head Teachers Leadership and Management Programme
1995 Teacher Training Agency Profiles of Teacher Competencies
1995 National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention of Child Abuse
1995 Department for Education and Employment Careers Education and Guidance
1995 Department of Health More People, More Active, More Often
1995 Mental Incapacity Bill Submission to the Lord Chancellors Department
1995 Home Office Disclosure
1995 Home Office Appropriate Adults [DCLP]
1995 Law Commission Liability for Psychiatric Illness [DCLP and DCP]
1995 Department of Health Child Health in the Community
1995 Select Committee on Public Expenditure
1995 Health and Care Professions Educational Forum Education and Training in the IM&T for Clinicians
1995 Scottish Office Local Authority Complaints Procedure
1995 Scottish Office Community Care Planning
1995 Home Office European Community Unit on the Revision of the Treaty on European Union
1995 Health Committee Inquiry into Long Term Care
1995 Department of Health Review of NHS Psychotherapy Services
1995 Department for Education Review of Higher Education
1995 Department of Education and Employment A Vision for Higher Vocational Qualifications [MQB]
1995 European Commission Recognition of Qualifications for Academic and Professional Purposes
1995 HEFCE, CVCP, SCCP Review of Postgraduate Education Criteria for the Evaluation of Clinical Psychology Courses
1995 Community Health Councils Future Establishment Arrangements and Draft Code of Conduct [DCP]
1995 BMA Core Values for the Medical Profession in the 21st Century
1995 Home Office Strengthening Punishment in the Community [DCLP]
1995 Justice The Role of the Victim in the Criminal Justice System [DCLP]
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Claire Jackson BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.

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