AdminHistory | The British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology was agreed as a new title in 1960 and the first issue was published in 1962, edited by Michael Argyle and Jack Tizard. The aim of the journal was original contributions in the areas of 1) Social Psychology - the study of groups and social interaction; social perception, learning and motivation; attitudes and their origins, correlates and change. 2) abnormal and clinical psychology - studies of patients, diagnostic tests, the aetiology and therapy of mental disorders. Personality dimensions and mechanisms, experiments linked to learning theory and psychoanalytic concepts, the study of socialisation. Studies of social interaction in psychotherapy, experiments on the social behaviour of patients, family studies of schizophrenia etc. Papers on industrial, sociological, gerontological or delinquency research in so far as they deal with psychological questions.' [from first issue prospectus]
Editor 1967 Thelma Veness 1969 Jack Ingram (Clinical Psychology) 1975 Halla Beloff
In 1981 it split into the The British Journal of Clinical Psychology and the British Journal of Social Psychology. This had originally been proposed in 1974 [see BPS/001/3/01/29 Council Papers] but was thought to be too expensive.
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 1986 - Editor Ray Hodgson 2001 - Editor S J Morley
British Journal of Social Psychology. 1983 A S R Manstead 2001 S Reicher 2011 Jolanda Jetten 2014-2016 Karen Douglas
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