Description | British Psychological Society memoranda of agreement with Swets and Zeitlinger (later Swets Zeit, Swets Blackwell, Swets Net) includes 1. Reprint of the Bulletin of the British Psychological Society (1967-1968) [backcopies were out of print] 2. British Journal of Developmental Psychology (1983) 3. British Journal of Clinical Psychology (1984) 4. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society (1984) - from 1988 The Psychologist 5. Journal of Occupational Psychology (1984) 6. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology (1984) 7. British Journal of Social Psychology (1984) 8. British Journal of Medical Psychology (1984) 9. British Journal of Psychology (1984) 10. British Journal of Development Psychology (1984) 11. Letter concerning non exclusivity for databases in 1991 12. Letter terminating agreements (20 July 2010) 13. Swets Blackwell Swetswise Online (SWOC) Content Agreement (2003) 14. SwetsNet Electronic Journal Service - rolling contract (1999) for British Journal of Clinical Psychology, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, British Journal of Educational Psychology, British Journal of Health Psychology, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, British Journal of Medical Psychology, British Journal of Psychology, British Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Legal and Criminological Psychology. |
AdminHistory | Swets took over from Cambridge University Press as publishers of the BPS British Psychological Society Journals - in 2010 Wiley became the BPS 's publisher. |
Copyright | Subject to the condition of the original, copies may be supplied for private research use only on receipt of a signed undertaking to comply with current copyright legislation. Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of the History of Psychology Centre and Archives and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. Where possible, assistance will be given in identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material |