Ref NoBPS/001/4/01/02/03
TitleBPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers 1981-1982
DescriptionBritish Psychological Society's (BPS) Professional Affairs Board (PAB) meeting papers includes consultations and responses. Papers might not be complete.

Details are as follows:


23 January 1981 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 1 November 1980; Correspondence concerning tests; Terms of reference for various committees
European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Association EFPPA EFPA, draft statutes and commentary, report of meeting in Dusseldorf, November 1979, aide-memoire of PAB meeting November 1980 and report of Provisional Executive Committee, November 1980
Report of the the Society's Working Party on Corporal Punishment in Schools, recommendations, September 1980
Comments on the Report of a Joint Working Party to Formulate Ethical Guidelines for the Conduct of Programmes of Behaviour modification in the National Health Service, 8 January 1981
BPS PAB document on Criteria for the Assessment of Post-Qualification Courses for Applied Psychologists in Psychological Therapy, 16 December 1980 and other documents on the Adequacy of Training in Applied Psychology
Clinical Psychologists forming a Co-operative, January 1981
Report to the PAB from the Working Party on a Proposed Journal of Professional Psychology (no date)
Discussion paper of the Joint AEP/DECP Working Party on the Secondment and Training of Educational Psychologists (including correspondence), (no date)
CTCP Course reports (no date)
Correspondence on rights to medical records, January 1981
Letter from Field Fisher and Martineau Solicitors to Colin Newman BPS concerning Register of Occupational Guidance Advisers, 12 December 1980
CTCP constitution and changes, 8 January 1981
Small items of correspondence concerning various matters, 1980
DOP code of Professional Conduct, DOP advice on advertising (no date)
BPS PAB Budget priorities for 1981-summary table
BPS PAB Training Committee, Occupational Psychology, report for 1980
2-page document 'Co-operation between Psychologists and Speech Therapists', David J.Mulhall and Robin Hedderly, January 1981
Booklet entitled 'Mental Handicap: Progress, Problems and Priorities', A Review of Mental Handicap Services in England since the 1971 White paper 'Better Services for the Mentally Handicapped', Department of Health and Social Security, 1980

13 March 1981 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 23 January 1981
Letter from PAB Chair May Davidson to Rt Hon Patrick Jenkin MP concerning the Disbandment of the National Development Group, 27 February 1981
DCP Comments on the report of the Interdisciplinary Standing Committee on Child Guidance, February 1981
'Multidisciplinary Work in Child Guidance' Comments by K F Cornwall ( DECP Representative on the Joint BPS/ RCP Committee), March 1981
Various correspondence concerning finances for sub-systems of the BPS, 1981
Copy booklet entitled 'Careers in Occupational Psychology', DOP December 1980
BPS PAB Report of the Working Party on Psychological Service for Children, (25 pages), February 1981
Guidelines for those who wish to submit evidence, Working Party on the Role and Tasks of Social Workers, February 1981
Letter from P.H.Venables to May Davidson, Chair of PAB concerning training clinical psychologists, 20 January 1981
Revision of the Society's publication, Postgraduate Qualifications by Courses in Psychology, February 1981
CTCP amendments to constitution, February 1981
CTCP Course reviews, 1980
Copy proposed bill from Graham Bright MP (and BPS response) entitled ' A Bill to Regulate the Practice and Profession of Psychotherapy and Related Disciplines in the United Kingdom, 1981
Correspondence and other matters, 1981

25 April 1981 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 13 March 1981
Changes to Working Party Report on Psychological Services for Children, (no date)
CTCP Minutes for 23 February 1981 (40th)
Letter to DHSS from the BPS PAB wishing to submit comment s on HN(81)4, 'Review of the NHS Planning System-A Consultative Document', 27 April 1981
DCP Comments on the Report of the Working Group on 'Organisational and Management Problems in Mental Illness Hospitals/ (the Nodder report), March 1981
Correspondence concerning training in Educational Psychology, March 1981
Proposal for a Presidents' Award for a distinguished contribution to professional psychology, March 1981
2-page document 'Co-operation between Psychologists and Speech Therapists', David J.Mulhall and Robin Hedderly, amended March 1981
Review of the PAB' activities and terms of reference, April 1981
Small items of correspondence, 1981

30 May 1981 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 25 April 1981
PAB administrative matters, 1981
Principles Governing the Employment of Psychological Tests, (no date)
Overseas Applicant to Approved Training Courses in Clinical and Educational Psychology, (no date)
SDECP and DOP course reviews, 1980 and 1981
Letter from Field Fisher and Martineau Solicitors to Colin Newman BPS concerning Register of Occupational Guidance Advisers, 27 May 1981.

19 September 1981 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 30 May 1981
BPS PAB An Approach to the Regulation of Psychotherapy, (no date)
Commentary on the Board's Terms of Reference, Regulations and Membership (no date)
16PF tests supporting documents, 1981
Letter from Field Fisher and Martineau Solicitors to Colin Newman BPS concerning Occupational Guidance Advisers, 10 July 1981
Paper entitled 'Training in Professional Psychology' by Lea Pearson and Ian Howarth, (no date)
SDECP Minutes for 1 April 1981
Documents concerning the creation of the Independent Development Council for Mentally Handicapped People, 16 July 1981
CTCP Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology documents on Triennial Review, guidelines, training course approval and generic training (no date)
Various small items of correspondence, 1981

31 October 1981 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 19 September 1981
PAB Role and Membership of the Standing Committee on Handicap, October 1981
BPS Diploma in Clinical Psychology 1981 examinations, report to the PAB (no date)
Paper referral, 20 October 1981
Care in the Community: A Consultative Document on Moving Resources for Care in England, 1981
CTCP Guidelines on Clinical Supervision, (no date)
Associate Membership of the Society, 20 October 1981
Standing Committee on Test Standards course reviews (2), 1981
Copy BPS booklet 'Careers in Educational Psychology'
Various small items of correspondence including MIND, 1981
Letter from Field Fisher and Martineau Solicitors to Colin Newman BPS concerning Standing Committee on Test Standards, 1 October 1981


23 January 1982 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 31 October 1981
Report of the first meeting between the BPS and the College of Speech Therapists, Manchester, 2 December 1981
BPS comments on 'Care in the Community' a consultative document on moving resources for care in England, (1981)
SCTS 1 page paper competence in testing, (no date)
PAB and sub-systems Annual reports
BoE documents
BPS PAB 1-page document entitled 'entry standards to professional training courses', 1982
Copy of a DHSS bookley on a white paper entitled 'Reform of Mental Health Legislation', HMSO, London, November 1981
CTCP course reports 1981
BPS Training in Clinical Psychology-A Statement of Policy, december 1981
SDECP Training Committee minutes for 19 August 1981 (2nd)
Training Committee of the DECP/PAB course report
AOB papers circulated too late to amke the agenda
Various small items of correspondence including BT Occupational Psychology Division, 1981.

12 March 1982 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB minutes for 23 January 1982
Letter to Colin V.Newman BPS from Peter M.Wilcock ,Chair Standing committee on Handicap wioth a photocopy of a section of the Government's Response to the Fourth Report from the Social Service Committee, 1980-1981 Session, HMSO 1982
1-page BPS document 'Training in Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy', February 1982
Letter from Field Fisher and Martineau Solicitors to Colin Newman BPS, 22 February 1982
CTCP Vetting Group to consider Clinical Nominations for conditional eligibility for Graduate Membership, February 1982
BPS Steering Committee on Registration- A Consultative Paper on the Form of a Registration Act, The perceived need for Legal Registration of Psychologists and the Society's Response, Bulletin pre-print (no date)
Various administrative documents, 1981
DCP Clinical Psychology Manpower and Training document, final version, October 1981
SDECP Training Committee Minutes for 21 October, 1981
Training Committee of the DECP/PAB course report, 1981
CTCP Course reports, 1981
Various small items of correspondence , 1982

24 April 1982 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB Minutes for 21 March 1982
Evidence of the British Psychological Society to the Special Standing Committee on the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill, (no date)
PAB letter to DHSS on 'A Good Home' invitation to comment, 30 March 1982
Letter from European Federation of Professional Psychologists Asscoiations EFPA with copy minutes, statutes, agenda, nominations and fees, March 1982
Joint Standing Committee with the RCP documents (2), March 1982
Membership of Standing Committees and Working Parties, 1982
Report of a Joint Working Party of the Royal College of General Practitioners and the British Psychological Society (includes correspondence), March 1982
British Association for Counselling (BAC) Code of Ethics-draft code (for consideration), April 1982
BPS PAB report of the Working Party on Research Contracts (no date)
BPS PAB report of the Working Party on Psychological Services in Social Services Departments, (no date)
DOP [Division of Occupational Psychology] document 'The Ethics of Subliminal Cueing', 27 March 1982
PAB financial matters, 1982
Proposed Working Party on Competence in Testing, Draft Terms of Reference, 23 April 1982

18 June 1982 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB minutes for 24 April 1982
Correspondence and papers concerning clinical psychology training and fees for examiners in the diploma in in clinical psychology, May 1982
1-page minutes of the SDECP Training Committee for June 13 1982
SDECP report on the MSc course on Educational Psychology at University of Strathclyde and Joint Meeting of Training Committee, May 1982
CTCP reports on various courses, 1982
Documents concerning the Standing Committee with the Royal College of Nursing, May 1982
Review of BPS Standing Committee on Tests Standards, the First 22 years, prepared by DR K M Miller with the assistance of Dr I Blain, 1981
SCTS Course approvals, May 1982
The Working Party on Competence in Psychological Testing, Terms of reference, May 1982
The Working Party on Data Protection comments on the government white paper 'Data Protection' and guidelines for a code of practice, May 1982
An open letter to the BPS PAB on the paper 'Training in Clinical Psychology', University of Nottingham Child Development Research Unit, June 1982

24 September 1982 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
PAB minutes for 18 June 1982
Documents concerning the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill, September 1982
Conditional Eligibility for Graduate Membership of the Society, July 1982
Course reports September 1982
Report of the Working Party on Psychological Services for Children, ' A Survey of Opinion' a pre-print by Geoff Lindsay and Stephen Cogill, no date
Psychological Services for Children: A (draft) Statement of Policy by the PAB, no date
Board of examiners for the Diploma in Clinical Psychology, revised terms of reference, July 1982
Training for professional psychology, comments by Lea Pearson, September 1982
Committee on Training in Clinical psychology, Criteria for the Assessment of Postgraduate Training Courses in Clinical Psychology, final draft for approval, July 1982
Financial statement and estimates for 1983
BPS Scottish Branch committee- comments on 'Psychological Services to Social Services Departments', no date
Society comments on the Barclay Report-' Social Workers their Role and Tasks, September 1982
Comments from the DOP on the form of a registration act, August 1982
Training in Psychotherapy, April, June 1982
SCTS course approvals, July 1982
BPS PAB 'Evidence to the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure' (1978)
Changes in the structure and function of the conference committee, August 1982
Letter from T Cline, ILEA concerning school staffing, August 1982
BoE for the Diploma in Clinical Psychology, review of the procedures for the Board of Examiners, no date

13 November 1982 Professional Affairs Board Agenda Papers including:
Training of Educational Psychologists, October 1982
Ministerial Statement on Funding for Social Services (1 photocopy page from Hansard), Care in the Community, July 1982
Letter on Liaison between psychology and nursing, October 1982
BoE for the Diploma in Psychology, failures in 1981 Diploma and a report on the 1982 examination, October 1982
The PAB's budget for 1983
Letter concerning the representation of the College of Occupational Therapists, September 1982
Reports by Psychologists to the Courts, October 1982
Psychology, the Public and the Public Purse (includes a copy of a paper from American Psychologist), Chris Cullen 20 October 1982
CTCP course report, 1982
Report of the Vetting Group to consider clinical nominations for conditional eligibility for Graduate Membership, October 1982
Correspondence from LEA Psychological Service Durham concerning Hypnosis, 1 November 1982

See also BPS/001/3/11/03 PAB Consultations and Correspondence
Note: Some items have restricted access.
FormatTextual Material
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Previous title 'BPS Professional Affairs Board PAB Papers & Responses IV'
Transferred to Wellcome - not yet on their catalogue use 'previous numbers' reference to request.
Related MaterialBPS/001/9/05 BPS Professional Registration and Chartership
BPS/001/4/01/03 PAB Consultations and Correspondence
BPS/001/11/04 BPS Lobbying and Public Policy Responses
BPS/001/11/04/03/04/03 Comments on the Nodder Report of the Working Party on Organisational and Management Problems in Mental Illness Hospitals 1981
BPS/001/11/04/02/04/01 Working Party on Corporal Punishment 1980-1983
BPS/001/11/04/03/04/08/01 Mental Health Act Amendment Bill 1981-1982
BPS/001/11/04/02/04/04 Image and the Axe 1980-1982
BPS/001/11/04/03/03/18 Interdiscilpinary Working Party on Behaviour Modification 1977-1981
BPS/001/11/04/02/04/06 Graham Bright's Bill on the Registration of Psychotherapists 1981
BPS/001/11/04/03/04/78 Care in the Community Comments on a Consultative Document on Moving Resources for Care in England 1981
BPS/001/11/04/02/04/13 Report of the Interdiscilpinary Standing Committee on Multidisciplinary Work in Child Guidance 1980
AccessConditionsAuthorised Users. View by Appointment
Location18: Wellcome Library Off Site Storage
Psychiatric Hospitals
Primary Care
Data Protection
Legislation and Regulations
Clinical psychology
Educational psychology
Social work
Community care
Psychology education
Speech therapy
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Mike Maskill BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/375Royal College of Nursing; 1916-1916-
BPS/GB/105Davidson; May (1914-1982); CBE, FBPsS1914-1982
BPS/GB/386European Federation of Professional Psychological Association; 1981-; EFPA1981-
BPS/GB/379Howarth; Charles Ian (1928-2019); Professor; PBPS FBPsS1928-2019
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