Ref NoBPS/001/4/03/01/02/08
TitleBPS Membership & Qualifications Board minutes 1995
Extent1 file
DescriptionThe British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 21 January 1995. Regarding, evidence of GBR before Admission to Training Courses, Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psychol) Validation, Criteria for the Evaluation of Initial Training Courses in Education Psychology, Amendment to the Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP) Report on the Doctorial Course in Clinical Psychology At the University of Sheffield in Collaboration with the Trent Regional Health Authority, Examination Appeals, The Diploma in Educational Psychology: Report from the Finance and General Purposes Standing Committee (F&GPSC), Additional Report from F&GPSC; Appointments by The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching, The Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Commmittee, The Admissions Committee, The CTCP Representatives on the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications (CSICQ), The Lead Body for Advice, Guidance, Couselling and Psychotherapy, Appoitment of the Board of Examiners in Educational Psychology, The Standing Committee for the Co-Ordination of the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists; General Principles for FInding Volunteers to Serve on Committies; Business From The Chair, Continued Professional Development for Lecturers and Teachers of Psychology, The DFE Review of Higher Education, The MSc in Applied Criminological Psychology, Birbeck College, University of London, Directive 89/48/EEC, Statistical Record of Examination Results in Psychology, Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Annual Report of the Board, Recovered Memories, A Timetable to Review Courses Which Give the GBR and AN Accredited Qualification in Occupational Psychology.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 11 March 1995. Regarding, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psychol) Validation, Criteria for the Evaluation of Initial Training Courses in Educational Psychology, the DFE Review of Higher Education, The MSc in Applied Criminological Psychology, Birkbeck College, University of London, Directive 89/48/EEC, Report of the Working Party on Recovered Memories. Appointments to The Admissions Committee, The Lead Body for Advice, Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy, The Board of Examiners in Educational Psychology, The Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to other Professional Groups, The Fellowships Committee, Appointments of the Convenor of the Annual Meeting of Training Committee Representatives, The Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), Representative on the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications; The Committee Secretary of the Board, The Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Affiliate Members and Proposed Fees for Supervision and Assessment of Training, Choosing to Change, Proposed Fees from Courses Seeking Accreditation, Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology, Welsh Funding Councils Quality Assessors for the Quality Assessment Programme in Wales 1995/1996, The Statutory Registration of Psychologists, Report from the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Report from the Admissions Committee, Report of the Fellowships Committee, Report on the Training Course in Clinical Psychology at the University of Leeds, Follow Up Report on the Training Course in Clinical Psychology at the University of Dundee, Follow Up report on the Training Course in Clinical Psychology at the University of Dublin, Options for Expanding Clinical Psychology Training Project Groups; The Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC) Report of the Educational Psychology MSc Course at the Institute of Education; The Scottish Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (SDECPTC) Report on the University of Dundee MSc in Educational Psychology.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 5 May 1995. Regarding, Report of the Working Party on Recovered Memories, The Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Affiliate Members and proposed fees for supervision and assessment of training, The Quality Assessment Programme in Wales in 1995/96, Report of the Educational Psychology MSc Course at the Institute of Education, University of London, Accreditation of the Birkbeck College MSc in Applied Criminological Psychology; Appointments to Annual Appointments to all Committees and Working Parties under the Aegis of the Board, The Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, The Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology, Postgraduate Degrees Committee, Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications, Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Admissions Committee, Fellowships Committee, The Standing Committee on the Co-ordination of the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups, Working Party on the Proposed Diploma in Educational Psychology, Working Party Concerned with the Promotion of Psychology in Initial Teacher Training, Steering Committee for the Project in the Development of Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology, Lead Body for Advice, Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy; Statutory Registration of Psychologists, Just Training, Advice to Mature People About Careers in Psychology, A Vision for Higher Level Vocational Qualifications, The Development of Occupational Standards Based Qualifications in Applied Psychology, Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) Liaison with Professional and Statutory Bodies, Admission to Postgraduate Courses in Applied Psychology and Confirmation that the Applicant has the Graduate Basis for Registration, Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, A Report of the Admissions Committee; Business from the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Regulations for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Validated by the Open University Validation Service (OUVS), The Report of the Chief Examiner - Spring 1995; Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology, Report of the Training Course in Clinical Psychology at the University of Birmingham, Follow Up Report on the Training Course in Clinical Psychology of North Wales, Accreditation Criteria for Courses for Partially Qualified Clinical Psychologists; Standing Sub-Committee on Continuing Professional Development of the Division of Clinical Psychology, Report of the Review of Accreditation of the Tavistock Clinical Inter-Disciplinary Programme of Training in Adult Psychotherapy for the Health and Social Services; Scottish Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee, Accreditation of Services for the Induction Year of Newly Qualified Educational Psychologists in Scotland.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 23 June 1995. Regarding, Report of the Working Party on Recovered Memories, MSc Course in Educational Psychology at the Institute of Education, A Vision for Higher Level Vocational Qualifications, Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) Liaison with Professional and Statutory Bodies; Appointments by Annual Appointments to Committees and Working Parties Under the Aegis of the Board, Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology, Postgraduate Degrees Committee, Committee for the Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications, The Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, The Admission Committee, The Fellowships Committee, The Standing Committee on the Co-Ordination of the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, The Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups, Working Party Concerned with the Promotion of Psychology in Initial Teacher Training, Steering Committee for the Project in the Development of Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology; Business from the Chair, Advertising Standards for Members of The Society; The Statutory Registration of Psychologists; The Development of Occupational Standards Based Qualifications in Applied Psychology, Proposal for an Award for Distinguished Contribution to the Teaching of Psychology; The Directory of Chartered Psychologists; European Commission Communication on Recognition of Qualifications for Academic and Professional Purposes; The Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Report on the Joint Validation Visit to the Oxford Regional In-Service Training Course in Clinical Psychology, Regulations for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology; Accreditation of First Qualifications in Psychology; Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee; Report of the Admissions Committee; Business from the Fellowships Committee, Report of the Fellowships Committee, Criteria for the Award of Fellowships; Business from the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications (CSICQ), A Proposed Change to the CSICQ Terms of Reference, Report of the CSICQ; Criteria for the Assessment of the Post-Qualification Courses for Chartered Psychologists; Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), Report of the Lancashire Clinical Psychology Training Course; The Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC), Report of the Occupational Psychology Training Course at the University of Hertfordshire; Correspondence from Tony Gale.

The British Psychological Society Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 19 September 1995. Regarding, The Directory of Chartered Psychologists, Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) Liaison with Professional and Statutory Bodies, Correspondence from Professor Tony Gale; Appointments for Deputy Chair of the Board, Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology; Business from the Chair, Meeting Days of the Board; The Development of Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology; Guidelines for the Assessment of Postgraduate Training Courses in Applied Psychology; The Oxford Regional In-Service Training Course: Approval of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D.Clin Psychol); The Statutory Registration of Psychologists; Budget Estimates for 1997; Proposal for a new form of Society Subsystem; MSc in Criminological and Legal Psychology at Birkbeck College; Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) CVCP SCCP Review of Postgraduate Education; The Development of the External Examiner System; Academic and Vocational Credit; Open University (OU) Credit Tariff at Masters (M) Level; Report of the Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups; Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee; Business from the Admissions Committee, Affirmation of GBR and Conditional Offers to candidates from Accredited Training Courses, Conditional Registration and Training in Occupational Psychology, Report of the Admission Committee; The Report of the Chief Examiner for the Qualifying Examination; Joint Meeting of Officers of Training Committees (30th June 1995): Draft Code of Good Practice; Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), Criteria for the Evaluation of Clinical Psychology Courses, Report on the Masters/Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh and East of Scotland Training Course, Report on the MSc Course in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry; The Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC), Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the Committee, Report of the Provisional Accreditation of the MA in Educational Psychology at the University College, Dublin, Report on the MSc in Educational Psychology at the Tavistock Clinic, Report on the MSc in Educational Psychology at the University of Manchester; The Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC), Report on the MSc in the Occupational and Organisational Psychology at the University of East London, Report on the MSc in Occupational Psychology at London Guildhall University, Report on the MSc in Occupational Psychology at Goldsmiths College (University of London); Standing Subcommittee on Continuing Professional Development of the Division of Clinical Psychology, Report of the Review of Accreditation of the Leeds University Master of Psychotherapy Course; European Federation of Professional Psychologists Association (EFPPA), The Appointment of Deputy Chairs and Chairs Designate of Boards: A Matter Raised by SAB; Choosing to Change - The Consultation Outcomes.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 25 November 1995. Regarding, The Directory of Chartered Psychologists, Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) Liaison with Professional Bodies, Proposed Annual Confirmation of Accreditation conditions from Courses, Approval of changes to Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psychol) Regulations and the Oxford Regional In-Service Training Course, Terms of Reference and Membership of Training Committees; Appointments for The Postgraduate (professional training) representative on the Board, A search for the next Chair of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, The Standing Committee for the Co-ordination of the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, Chair designate of the Committee for the Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications, Board of Examiners in Counselling Psychology, The Consultative Working Group Steering Committee, The Working Party to consider interim Masters degrees in Clinical Psychology, Co-optations for the Board; Diversity and Equality - Recommendations for Action in Psychology Teaching and Training; The British Psychological Society Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Teaching of Psychology; The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, Recognised Supervisor Status; Guidelines for Applicants for Membership on the Disclosure of Criminal Records; Report from the Council, Budget Estimate for 1997, Proposal for a new form of Society Sub-System, The 1995/96 Phase of the Applied Psychology Project, The Working Party on the Development of Psychology as a Profession, Statutory Registration of Psychologists; The Development of Doctoral Training Programmes in Educational Psychology - Report from The Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC); Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Appeals Procedure, Regulations for a Statement of Equivalence; Change to the Terms of Reference for the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications (CSICQ); Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee; Report of the Admissions Committee; Report from the Fellowships Committee; The Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC), MSc in Occupational Psychology at Goldsmiths College (University of London); Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), The University of Leeds Master of Psychotherapy Course, The Open University Doctorate in Clinical Psychology - South East Thames Clinical Psychology Training Scheme at the Salomons Centre, The University of Leicester Training Course in Clinical Psychology, The Report on the Doctorate in Clinical and Community Psychology at the University of Exeter, Plymouth University Doctorate Degree in Clinical Psychology, National Health Service (NHS) Reorganisation in Clinical Psychology Training, Grading Recommendations by CTCP, Guidelines on Clinical Supervision; The Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC), Follow-up recommendations on the Training Course in Educational Psychology at the University of Nottingham, The Doctoral Training Programme in Educational Psychology - University of Hong Kong, New Arrangements for Applications and Funding of Educational Psychology Training from 1996 to 1997; The Appointments of Deputy Chairs and Chairs Designate of Boards: A Matter Raised by the SAB; Open University Validation Service (OUVS) Guidelines on Self-Evaluation.
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