Ref NoBPS/001/4/03/01/02/10
TitleBPS Membership & Qualifications Board minutes 1997
Extent1 file
DescriptionThe British Psychology Society (BPS) Member & Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 17 January 1997. Regarding, retention of dissertations, the issue raised by the fellowships committee of formally appointed substitutes for standing committee chairs attending board meetings, criteria for the accreditation of postgraduate training courses in criminological and legal psychology, Msc in applied criminological psychology: Birkbeck college university of London, a proposal to waive or reduced fees for the qualifying examination when candidates are facing financial hardship, the UK council for graduate education, chair of the board of examiners for the qualifying examination, the board of examiners for the diploma in counselling psychology, the fellowship committee, the standing committee on the teaching of psychology to other professional groups, the diploma in the applied psychology of teaching, the postgraduate degrees committee, the advice, guidance, counselling and psychotherapy lead body, the chair of The Scottish Division of Educational Psychology SDEP, general teaching council for England and Wales, the implications of the HEFCE proposal for the funding method for teaching from 1998- 1999, the occupational standards in applied psychology project, DfEE consultation on higher level vocational qualification- A government position paper for comment, qualification and the national curriculum authority, TCCP report on the diploma in psychological counselling MSc in counselling psychology course at the Roehampton institute, report on the M Ed in Advanced study in educational psychology course at the university of Wales, Swansea, report on the MSc in educational psychology course at the university of Newcastle upon Tyne, DCP sub-committee for the CPD (CTCP) report on the north of England association for training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, the accreditation procedure on the psych.D in clinical psychology at the university of surrey, The Society's use of language to describe its scrutiny of degree courses, the proposal for a division of academic psychology, report of the GQAC, report of the admissions committee, report of the committee for the scrutiny of individual clinical qualification, report the standing committee for the teaching of psychology to other professional groups, report of the postgraduate degrees committee, regulations for the qualifying examinations, the submission from the HEFCE to the (Dearing) National Committee of inquiry into higher educations, the agree procedures for responding to the HEQC report on the graduate standards programme.

The British Psychology Society (BPS) Member & Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 8 March 1997. Deputies attending board meetings, the general teaching council for England and Wales, report of the postgraduate degrees committee, HEQC graduate standards programme, TCCP report on the Diploma in Psychological Counselling MSc in counselling psychology at the Roehampton Institute, report on the MSc in educational psychological course at the university of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, chair of the board of examiners for the qualifying examination, the board of examiners for the diploma in counselling psychology, the fellowship committee, the postgraduate degrees committee, the advice, guidance, counselling and psychotherapy lead body; care, health, counselling and psychotherapy service development group, the chair designate of the DECPTC. MQB representative on the international committee, appointment of deputy chair of board, board of examiners for the diploma in educational psychology, business from the chair, undergraduate degrees and first qualification in psychology, revised criteria for the accreditation of first qualification in psychology, the HEFCE proposal for the funding method for teaching from 1998-1999, HEFCE 1998-2000 higher education subject review programme, the accreditation of undergraduate degrees in psychology, quality assurance protocols and procedures, report on the north of England association for training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, criteria for the approval of long and short courses and review of procedures, report on the British association of psychotherapies- Jungian analytic training section, report on the British association of psychotherapies: psychoanalytical training section, report on the British association of psychotherapies: psychotherapy with children and adolescents, Psych D in clinical psychology university of Surrey, report on the clinical psychology training course, university of Liverpool, residual masters degree in clinical psychology university of Manchester, update on proceedings concerning trinity college Dublin, report on the clinical psychology training course at Royal Holloway and Bedford new college, proposed doctorate in educational psychology at the university of Bristol, M Ed educational psychology at university college Swansea transferring to university college Cardiff, List of course seeking accreditation during this sessions, joint meeting of chairs of training committee, report of the standing committee on the teaching of psychology to other professional groups, occupational standards in applied psychology, guaranteeing standards: A DfEE consultation paper on the structure of awarding bodies, report of the graduate qualification accreditation committee, report of the committee for the scrutiny of individuals clinical qualification, report of the fellowship committee, terms of reference for the committee on training in clinical neuropsychology, diversity and equality: recommendations for action in psychology teaching and training, corresponding and any other business, referrals from the board of examiners in counselling psychology training and transitional arrangements sub- committee, diploma in applied psychology of teaching chief examiners report, retirement of the chair.

The British Psychology Society (BPS) Member & Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 9 May 1997. Regarding, the general teaching council for England and Wales, the appointment of chairs for boards of examiners, the HEFCE proposal for the funding methods for teaching from 1998- 1999, HEFCE 1998-200 Higher education subject review programmer, quality assurance protocols and procedures, the joint meeting of chairs of training committees and proposal for a committee for the development and enhancement of quality assurance in psychology training ( CDEQUPT), diversity and equality: recommendations for actions in psychology teaching and training, business from the chair, president's letter, commented from the new chair of the board, annual review of appointments to all committees under the aegis of the boards, board examiners for the qualifying examination, board of examiners in clinical psychology, the board of examiners for the diploma in the applied psychology of teaching, the board examiners for the diploma in counselling psychology, the board of examiners in occupational psychology, the board examiners for the diploma in educational psychology, the postgraduate degrees committee, committee for the scrutiny of individual clinical qualifications, graduate qualifications accreditation committee, the admissions committee, the fellowships committee, the standing committee for the continuing professional development of psychologists, the standing committee on teaching psychology to other professional groups, the steering committee for the project on the development of occupational standards in applied psychology, the working party concerned with the promotion of psychology in initial teacher training, the working party to consider residual master's degrees in clinical psychology table, membership of the training committees, committee on training in the applied psychology of teaching (CTAPT), committee on training in clinical psychology (CTCP), division of educational and child psychology training committee (DECPTC), division of criminological and legal psychology training committee (DCLPTC), division of occupational psychology training committee (DOPTC), training committee in counselling psychology (TCCP), Scottish division of educational psychology training committee (SDEPTC), special group of health psychology training committee (SGHPTC), the board's representative on the international committee, the board's representative the information committee, the board's representative on The Psychologist Policy Committee, annual co-operations to take effect from the next meeting, the accreditation of undergraduate degrees in psychology and implications for postgraduate degrees, occupational standards in applied psychology, DECPTC, MEd educational psychology at University of Wales Swansea, transferring to the University of Wales Cardiff, the MA in educational psychology University College Dublin, professional training in educational psychology: proposal to increase the length of training courses from one to three years, revised accreditation criteria, Psych D course in clinical psychology at the University of Surrey/ South Thames, Clin Psy. D at the University of Manchester, MSc in occupational psychology, Queen's University of Belfast, MSc in organisational psychology at the University of Bristol, Accreditation of forensic courses, MSc in counselling psychology Trinity College Dublin, Directive 48/49 EEC and possible infraction proceedings over clinical psychology, draft reply to the consultation paper on Simpler Legislation in the Internal Market (SLIM), a discussion of the paper 'Teaching Psychology to Other Professions.', amended terms of reference for the Board of Examiners in clinical psychology, report of the GQAC, report of the admission committee, meeting increasing needs for psychological intervention in healthcare, DCP sub-committee for CPD, report on the North of England Association for training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, procedure for the review of course accredited for CPD, correspondence and any other business, date, time and place of next meeting.

The British Psychology Society (BPS) Member & Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 1st June 1997. Regarding, matters arising from the minutes not elsewhere on this agenda, the general teaching council for England and Wales, diversity and equality: recommendations for action in psychology of teaching and training, occupational standards in applied psychology, discussion of the paper 'Teaching psychology to other professions' and correspondence with SCI, thanks to retiring representatives, thanks to the executive secretary, annual review of appointments to all committees under the aegis of the board, board of examiners for the qualifying examination, board of examiners in clinical psychology, board of examiners for the diploma in educational psychology, postgraduate degrees committee, the graduate qualification accreditation committee, the admissions committee, the fellowship committee, the standing committee on teaching psychology to other professional groups, the standing committee on the continuing professional development of psychologists, the DECPTC (Chair Designate/ Chair Elect), the board's representative on the international committee, the president's letter to 'subsystems', implementation: issues referred to MQB by the F&GPSC, accreditation action group, enhancement of quality assurance in psychology training: meeting of chairs of training committees, division of criminological and legal psychology training committee (DCLPTC), MSc in forensic psychology, University of Leicester, MSc in investigative psychology, University of Liverpool, Scottish division of educational psychology training, MSc in educational psychology University of Strathclyde, training committee in counselling psychology, Psych. D. in psychotherapeutic and counselling psychology: diploma in therapeutic psychology, University of Surrey, committee on training in clinical psychology, correspondence with the University of Manchester, division of occupational psychology training committee, correspondence with the University of Bristol, MSc in organisational psychology, correspondence from the students on the MSc occupational psychology at London Guildhall University, division of educational and child psychology training, correspondence with University of College Dublin, division of clinical psychology sub-committee for CPD, report on the North of England course for training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, requested meeting with the local government association and local government management board (LGMB), board of examiners in clinical psychology revised regulations for the statement of equivalence, report from the committee for the scrutiny of individual clinical qualifications, admissions committee, report from the graduate qualifications accreditation committee, report from the fellowships committee, report from the training and transitional arrangements sub-committee for the board of examiners for the diploma in counselling psychology, chief examiners' reports in The Psychologist, promoting psychological science revised edition of SAB publication.

The British Psychology Society (BPS) Member & Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 26th September 1997. Regarding, the general teaching council for England and Wales, diversity and equality: recommendation for action in psychology and teacher training, occupational standards in applied psychology: establishing awarding body functions within the BPS: A discussion document, consumer science (and Psychology), the meeting with the local government association and LGMB, proposal for candidates to sit selected papers in the qualifying examination, board of examiners for the qualifying examination, board of examiners in clinical psychology, board of examiners for the diploma in educational psychology, postgraduate degrees committee, the graduate qualifications accreditation committee, the admissions committee, the fellowships committee, the standing committee on teaching psychology to other professional groups, the standing committee on the continuing professional development of psychologists, the board's representative on the international committee, board of examiners for the diploma in counselling psychology, co-opted representative of students (professional training) on the board, registrar of the board examiners in counselling psychology, the award for distinguished contributions to the teaching of psychology, a development plan for the board, implementation of the strategic plan, report from the F&GPSC: strategic plan implementation and the report of the accreditation action group, DOPTC, University of Bristol, MSc in organisational psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, MSc occupational psychology, Nottingham University, MSc occupational psychology, Edinburgh University, Doctorate in clinical psychology, Glasgow University, Doctorate in clinical psychology, Teesside University, doctorate in clinical psychology, Southampton University, doctorate in clinical psychology, CPD doctorate working party, clinical psychology training; the end of core placements, DECPTC, MSc Educational psychology, Sheffield University, MA educational psychology, University College Dublin, MSc educational psychology, Newcastle University, MSc forensic psychology, University of Kent, MSc psychology and criminology, Manchester Metropolitan University, MSc forensic psychology, University of Surrey, constitution of accreditation teams for distance learning courses, expectations of members of accreditation teams, report from the admissions committee, special case applicants for the graduate basis for registration, individual appeals, procedures over attendance at committee meetings, report of the graduate qualifications accreditation committee, report of the committee for scrutiny of individual clinical qualifications, appeal from the training and transitional arrangements sub- committee for the board of examiners for the diploma in counselling psychology, The Scottish Consultative Committee on the Curriculum: Higher Still Proposal, budget estimates for 1998, the UKIPG annual report, mattering arising from the European Federation of Professional Psychologists Associations, Psychologists in the educational System in Europe, EFPPA task force report on psychotherapy, HEQC publication, HEQC survey awards, implementation of the HEFCE CVCP SCoP review of postgraduate education, correspondence and any other business.

The British Psychology Society (BPS) Member & Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 22nd November 1997. Regarding, minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 1997, matters arising from the minutes not appearing elsewhere in the agenda, the general teaching council for England and Wales, diversity and equality: recommendations for action in psychology teaching and training, occupational standards in applied psychology: establishing awarding body functions within the society, register for the board of examiners in counselling psychology: report from the F&GPSC, expectation of members of accreditation teams, the Scottish Consultative Committee on the Curriculum: Higher Still Proposal, the journal style guide, University of Southampton Doctorate in Clinical psychology, University of Edinburgh: Doctorate in Clinical psychology Accreditation Report, University of Bristol, MSc in organisational psychology, board of examiners for the qualifying examination, board of examiners in clinical psychology, board of examiners for the diploma in educational psychology, the graduate qualifications accreditation committee, board of examiners for the diploma in counselling psychology, co-opted postgraduate student, the board of examiners for diploma in the applied psychology of teaching, business from the chair, a development plan for the board, implementation of the strategic plan 'Prime Movers' requested by council to 'put flesh in bones' of issues, regulations for the diploma in the applied psychology of teaching, report from the accreditation visit to the MSc educational psychology at the University of East London, report from the accreditation visit to the MSc in industrial psychology and the BSc psychology and occupational psychology ( a specialist occupational psychology degree) at the University of Hull, report from the accreditation visit to the MSc in applied psychology Cranfield University, to consider the policy document developed by the standing committee, revision of the document setting out the criteria for registration as a charted psychologist, distinguished contributions to the teaching of psychology award committee revised, issues relating to training and qualifying as an educational psychologist, correspondence with Linda Coombe, definition of teaching experience, GBR before entering into educational psychology initial training courses and conversion course applicants, report from the meeting with the local government association and LGMB, correspondence with the association of educational psychologist, candidates for the diploma in educational psychology without teaching experience, revised criteria for postgraduate training courses in educational psychology, approval of the budget estimates, review of honorary fellowships, review of the international committee and reports from EFPPA, co-optations to the board, report of the graduate qualifications accreditation committee, report of the admissions committee, report of the CSICQ, report of the fellowships committee, equal opportunities statement and policy review proposed dates of meeting in 1999, correspondence and any other business.
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