Ref NoBPS/001/4/03/01/02/11
TitleBPS Membership & Qualifications Board minutes 1998
Extent1 file
DescriptionThe British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 16 January 1998. Regarding, The General Teaching Council for England and Wales, The Diversity and Equality: Recommendations for Action in Psychology Teaching and Training, The Scottish Consultative Committee on the Curriculum Higher Still Proposal, Revision of the Document setting out the criteria for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist, Revised Criteria for Postgraduate Training Courses in Educational Psychology, Review of the International Committee, Revised Proposed Dates of Meetings in 1999, GBR before entering into Educational Psychology Initial Training Courses and Conversion Courses, Expectations of Members of Accreditation Teams; Appointments for Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology, The Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, Co-opted Postgraduate Student, Chair of the Training Committee for the Applied Psychology of Teaching, a Representative of the Division of Academic Psychology on the Board replacing the representative of the Special Group for the Teaching of Psychology , Membership of the Admissions Committee, Standing Committee for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities Committee Vacancies; Business from the Chair; Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology, Establishing Awarding Body Functions from the Society; Implementing the Recommendations of the Standing Committee for the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC), University of Exeter, MEd Educational Psychology, Correspondence with University of Dublin; Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology Training Committee (DCLPTC), Views concerning the accreditation of courses wishing to admit non-GBR students; Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), Doctorate in Clinical Psychology: Lancashire University, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology: Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Correspondence regarding the University of Edinburgh Doctorate in Clinical Psychology; Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee; Special Case Applicants for the Graduate Basis for Registration, RCOT Level A Assessment; Disclosure of Spent Criminal Convictions; Psychology Graduates and entry to the Teacher Training, Report of the Admissions Committee; Report of the Committee for the Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications; Report of the Fellowships Committee; Draft Annual Report of the Board.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 7 March 1998. Regarding, The General Teaching Council for England and Wales, The Scottish Consultative Committee on the Curriculum: Higher Still Proposal, Revision of Document setting out the Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist, Revised Criteria for Postgraduate Training Courses in Educational Psychology: Reaction of the Association of Educational Psychologists, Review of the International Committee: Report from Council, Expectations of Members of Accreditation Teams, Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology Establishing Awarding Body Functions for the Society: Report from Council, Correspondence with the Course Organiser, University of Exeter, MEd Educational Psychology, Disclosure of Spent Criminal Convictions: Report to the Finance and General Purposes Standing Committee (F&GPSC), Psychology Graduates and Entry to Teacher Training, Diversity and Equality: Recommendations for Action in Psychology Teaching and Training, Fellowships Committee, Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology Training Committee (DCLPTC); Appointments for Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology, The Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology: Stipendiary Registrar Appointment, Chair of the Training Committee for the Applied Psychology of Teaching, Membership of the Admission Committee, Membership of the Postgraduate Degrees Committee; The Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists; The Postgraduate Degrees Committee, Correspondence from the Open University Validation Service (OUVS) - The Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology and the Academic Management of the Course, The Approved Report from the Validation Review Visit to the Oxford Regional Training Course in Clinical Psychology; Storage of Dissertations; Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Report of the Latest Meeting, Subject Association Pilot project Report of a Seminar; Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC) Report of the UMIST MSc in Organisational Psychology; Committee for Quality Assurance in Psychology Training; Taught components in research degrees, Consistency of fees for examiners, A proposal for a Ethics Committee; The Review of Committees; A Proposed Professional Qualification for UK Company Directors; Fellowship Committee Report; Admissions Committee Report; Report from the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 8 May 1998. Regarding, The General Teaching Council for England and Wales, The Scottish Consultative Committee on the Curriculum: Higher Still Proposal, Letter to the Association of Educational Psychologists, Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology: Establishing Awarding Body Functions for the Society, Correspondence with the Course Organiser, University of Exeter, Master of Education (M. Ed) Educational Psychology , Disclosure of Spent Criminal Convictions, Psychology Graduates and Entry to Teacher Training, The Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, Open University Validation Service (OUVS)/BPS Accreditation of the Oxford Regional Training Course, Storage of Dissertations, Consistency of Fees for Examiners, The Review of Committees, A Proposed Professional Qualification for UK Company Directors, Questionnaire regarding Equal Opportunities from Standing Committee for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities (SCPEO); Appointment and Committee Terms of Reference, Terms of Reference for the Admissions Committee, Terms of Reference for the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, The Chair of the Training Committee for the Applied Psychology of Teaching, Division of Health Psychology Representation on the Admissions Committee, The Postgraduate Degrees Committee, Nomination of a Non-Clinical Psychologist to serve on the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, The Advice, Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy Lead Body, Representation on the Inter-Professional CPD Forum, The Registrar for the Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, Membership of the Distinguished Contribution to Teaching Award Committee; Annual Appointments to Committees Which Come Under the Aegis of the Board, The Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, The Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching (for teachers and lecturers in psychology), Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology, Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology, Postgraduate Degrees Committee, Committee for the Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications, Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Admissions Committee, The Fellowship Committee, The Standing Committee for the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, The Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups, Steering Committee for the Project on the Development of Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology, Working Party Concerned with the Promotion of Psychology in Initial Teacher Training; Membership of the Training Committees, Committee on Training in the Applied Psychology of Teaching (CTAPT), Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC), Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology Training Committee (DCLPTC), Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC), Training Committee in Counselling Psychology, Scottish Division of Educational Psychology Training Committee (SDEPTC), Division of Health Psychology Training Committee, Committee on Training in Clinical Neuropsychology, Committee for Quality Assurance in Psychology Training, A Review of Representatives Serving on Other Organisation; Business from the Chair; Review and Revision of the Document Setting Out The Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, The Consultation on an 'Agenda for Quality', The Psychology Subject Benchmark Group, The Consultative Conference on 20 April 1998 in Glasgow; Quality Assurance; CTCP, Report from the University College Dublin: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psy), Report from a new Course to be run jointly by Coventry University and the University of Warwick: D.Clin.Psy, Revised Report from the D.Clin.Psy at Edinburgh University, Correspondence re Salomon's Centre: D.Clin.Psy, Change in the Title of the Clinical Psychology Training Course at Trinity College Dublin; DECPTC, Report on and Correspondence Relating to the New M.Ed at Bristol University, Correspondence Concerning the M.Ed Psych at University College Dublin; Training Committee for Counselling Psychology (TCCP), Report from the New Course at UEL: MSc Counselling Psychology, Report from the New Course at Wolverhampton University: MSc Counselling Psychology; DCLPTC, Report from the Course at Birmingham University: MSc Criminological Psychology, Correspondence Regarding Membership of the DCLPTC, Accreditation of the MSc Forensic and Legal Psychology (Distance Learning) and Leicester University; DOPTC, Report from the MSc Occupational Psychology at UWCC; Matters Raised by the International Committee; Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Memo to Heads of Psychology Departments on the GQAC Revision of the Accreditation Process, Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Decision of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee; Report of the Admissions Committee; Committee for the Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications - Proposed Changes to the Application Form; Report of the Fellowships Committee; One Off Appeal Against a Decision of the Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology Training and Transitional Arrangements Sub-Committee; Board of Examiners in Counselling Psychology, Regulation and Syllabus for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, Transfer Committee for Applications for Full Accredited Membership of the Division of Counselling Psychology; Statement of Equivalence in Educational Psychology; Proposed Amendments to Directive 89/48/EEC; Sports Science Classification System.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 20 June 1998. Regarding, The Scottish Consultative Committee on the Curriculum: Higher Still Proposal, Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology, Correspondence with the Course Organiser: University of Exeter, MEd Educational Psychology, Psychology Graduates and Entry to Teacher Training, The Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, Open University Validation Service(OUVS)/BPS Accreditation of the Oxford Course, Consistency of Fees for Examiners, The Revised Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education: Consultation on the Agenda for Quality, SCPEO Questionnaire; Appointments to the Representation on the General Teaching Council, Two Further Members of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Chair of the Training Committee for the Applied Psychology of Teaching, Division of Health Psychology Representation on the Admissions Committee, The Postgraduate Degrees Committee, The Former Advice, Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy Lead Body, Representation on the Interprofessional CPD Forum, The Chief Examiner and Registrar to the Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, Other Appointments to the Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, The Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational psychology, DTRP Representation on the Standing Committee for the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, The Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups, Annual Appointment for the Representative of the Board on the International Committee, Annual Appointment of the Representative of the Board on the Psychologist Policy Committee, Annual Co-Options to the Board; Business from the Chair; The Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, Proposed Unit in Health Psychology for the Qualifying Examination Paper, Proposal to Award a Distinction to Exceptional Candidates for the Qualifying Examination; Appointments to the Standing Committees Which Come Within the Aegis of the Board; CQAPT, Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 March 1998, Protocols for Fulfilment of Conditions of Accreditation, Purpose of the Accreditation of Professional Training Courses; Training Committee in Counselling Psychology (TCCP), Revised Wolverhampton Report, MSc Counselling Psychology; Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC), Revised Terms of Reference; Revised Regulations for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology; Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology: Appeal by a Candidate; Division of Counselling Psychology: Transfer Committee and Statement of Equivalence in Educational Psychology; Report on the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee; Report of the Admissions Committee; Report of the Fellowships Committee; Report of the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications; Matters Raised by the International Committee, European Community Draft Directive on the SOCRATES Programme, International Conference on Ethics.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 2 October 1998. Regarding, Psychology Graduates and Entry to the Teacher Training, the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists, Open University Validation Service (OUVS)/BPS Accreditation of the Oxford Course, Proposed Revision to the Terms of Reference of the Board, Whither the Proposed Educational Psychology Qualifications Equivalence Committee (EPQEC); Appointments to the Membership of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, The Postgraduate Degrees Committee, The Chief Examiner and Registrar for the Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, Other Appointments to the Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, The Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology, The Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups, The Board's Representative on the International Committee, The Admissions Committee, Nominations to the Ethics Committee; Business from the Chair, The teaching and Higher Education Act, Use of Acronyms, Training Committee Accreditation Reports, Board Address List, The Award for Distinguished Contributions for the Teaching of Psychology; Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Report: Summary and Outcomes, Business Plan: Bearing the Cost of Accreditation and the GQAC Response; Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC); Revised DOPTC Terms of Reference, Hertfordshire University: MSc in Occupational Psychology - Report on Unfulfilled Conditions, Bristol University: MSc in Organisational Psychology - Accreditation Report; Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), University of Wales (Bangor): Doctorate in Clinical Psychology - Accreditation Report, University of East Anglia: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology - Accreditation Report, Manchester University: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology - Accreditation Report, Institute of Psychiatry: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology - Accreditation Report; Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC), Queen's University of Belfast: MSc in Developmental and Educational Psychology - Accreditation Report, Newcastle University: MSc in Educational Psychology - Accreditation Report, Institute of Education: MSc in Education Psychology - Report on a Missed Follow-Up Accreditation Visit, External Consultant to the DECPTC; Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology Training Committee (DCLPTC), Birmingham University: MSc in Criminological Psychology - Accreditation Report, Leicester University: MSc in Forensic Psychology - Accreditation Report, Leicester University: MSc in Forensic and Legal Psychology - Report on the Cancellation of an Accreditation Event, Manchester Metropolitan University: MSc in Psychology and Criminology - A Change of Award Title; Budget Estimates from 1999; Division of Health Psychology - Budget Request For 1998; Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, A Review Process for the Society's Qualification Examination, Release of Details of Examination Performance; Report on the NVQ/SVQ Project; Summary Report on Consultation on 'Diversity and Equality'; Admissions Committee Report, Report on the Decisions of the Admissions Committee, Special Case Academic Applicants for the Graduate Basis for Registration; Report of the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications; Revised Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist; Cross Referencing in the Register of Chartered Psychologists; Fellowships Committee Report; Scrutiny of Applicants for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist; Fellowships Committee Report; Scrutiny of Applicants for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist; International Committee Report; UKIPG Annual Report; Concerning European Co-Operation in Quality Assurance in Higher Education; Correspondence and Any Other Business.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 21 November 1998. Regarding, Psychology Graduates and Entry to Teacher Training, Revisions to the Board's Terms of Reference Approved by Council, Appointments to Boards of Examiners and Standing Committees in General, Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC) Terms of Reference, Review Process for the Qualifying Examination, To Prepare for the Appeal to the Courts by a Candidate Rejected for a Statement of Equivalence in Clinical Psychology, Revised Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist, Whither the Proposed Educational Psychology Qualifications; Appointments to the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, The Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology, The Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology, The Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups, The Admissions Committee, Board Representative on the Communications Committee; Business from the Chair, Budget Estimate for 1999, The NVQ/SVQ Project; Scrutiny of Applicants for Registration as Chartered Psychologists; Further Reflections on Cross References to Names in the Register of Chartered Psychologists; Division of Health Psychology Training Committee (DHPTC), Criteria for the Accreditation of Courses, Correspondence from the University of Bristol Regarding the MSc in Health Psychology; Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP), Report on the D.Clin.Psych at Teesside University, D.Clin.Psych at the Salomons Centre; Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECPTC), Report on the MSc in Educational Psychology at the University College London, Report on the MA in Educational Psychology at the University of Nottingham; LGMB Learning House and Grants Scheme for Educational Psychologists in Training; Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology Training Committee (DCLPTC), MSC in Forensic and Legal Psychology by Distance Learning at the University of Leicester; Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOPTC), Administrative Support; Report of the Fellowships Committee; Report of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Report on Courses Approved, The Submissions to the Association of Heads of Psychology Departments (AHPD) on Financing the Accreditation Process and the Response, Thames Valley University; The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Association Conference - 8th December 1998; The QAA Bulletin Reporting the New Approach to Quality Assurance; The Consultation on 'Diversity and Equality'; The Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology, Proposed Amendments to the Terms of Reference; Board of Examiners in Counselling Psychology, Charging for Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL); Report of the Admissions Committee; Report of the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications; Report of the Appeals Sub-Committee; International Committee Report; A Proposed Response to a Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Consultation on Gats 2000; Award Announcements in The Psychologist; Chartered Directors; The 1998 UKIPG Annual Report; Proposed Dates of Board Meetings in 2000; Correspondence and any other Business, Tax Relief for Individuals Undertaking Career Related Training, Society Subscriptions Paid by Trainee Clinical Psychologists.
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
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