Ref NoBPS/001/4/03/01/02/13
TitleBPS Membership & Qualifications Board Minutes 2000
Extent1 file
DescriptionThe British psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 22 January 2000 Regarding; Teaching Education Working Group, Financing the Accreditation Process, General Teaching Council (England and Wales), Protocols for Confidential Information Revealed During Accreditation Visits, Conditional Registration of Candidates, National Framework for Higher Educational Teaching, Chair Designate of The Board, Structure of Governance, DOP Affiliate Route- Assessor Honorariums, Referred Candidates for Society Examinations, Appeal from a Candidate, QAA Consultation on The Qualifications Framework, Expenses for Society Volunteers, Regulations for The Statement of Equivalence in Clinical Psychology, Endorsed Decisions taken by Chairs Action, Subject Benchmarking, Condones Failure. Appointments; Chair and Chief Examiners for the Board of Examiners in Educational Psychology, Psychologist Policy Committee, Admissions Committee, Chair for the Standing Committee for the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists (SCCPDP), Board of Examiners in Counselling Psychology, Board of Examiners in Occupational psychology, Board of Examiners in the Applied Psychology of Teaching, Co-Opted Student Representative (Research), Chair of DFPTC, Business From the Chair, Standards- Structures and Procedures for The Accreditation of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy, De Facto Policy on The Accreditation of Overseas programmes, CQAPT: Minutes of The Meeting Held in November 1999, Accreditation of Postgraduate Courses which Accept non-psychology Graduates. DFPTC; MSc Forensic and Legal Psychology (Distance Learning) at Leicester University, Terms of Reference, Guidelines on Supervised Practise, Diploma in Forensic Psychology, Postgraduate Training in Forensic Psychology, DHPTC Terms of Reference, Westminster University: MSc Psychology, University of The West of England: MSc Health Psychology, Middlesex University: MSc Health Psychology, City University: MSc Health Psychology. CTCP; Correspondence Regarding the University of Leeds Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Surrey University: Accredited Programmes in Counselling Psychology. DOPTC; City University of London: MSc Organisation Psychology, Procedure for Filling Vacancies on Committees, Occupational Standards, Board Annual Report for 1999. GQAC; Report from the Meeting held on 20th January 2000. Report from The Admissions Committee; Report from the Meeting held on 1th January 2000, Report from the International Committee, UK Inter-Professional Group Annual Report, Correspondence and any Other Business.

The British psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 17 March 2000 Regarding; Teacher Education Working Group, Financing the Accreditation Process, General Teaching Council (England and Wales), Protocols for Confidential Information Revealed During Accreditation Visits, Meeting with The Institute of Learning and Teaching, Structure of Governance, Appeal from a Candidate, Expenses for Society Volunteers, Subject Benchmarking, Condoned Failure, Registration of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy Working Party Update, Amendment to the Charter, Accreditation of Postgraduate Courses which Accept non-psychology Graduates, MSc Forensics and Legal Psychology (distance learning) at Leicester University, Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology, Surrey University: Accredited Programmes in Counselling Psychology, City University London: MSc Organisational Psychology. Appointments; Board of Examiners in Educational Psychology, Board f Examiners in Occupational Psychology, Chair of SDEPTC. GQAC; Committee for Training I Clinical Neuropsychology, Registrar for the Qualifying Examinations, Board Representative on the Ethics Committee, Procedure for Filling Vacancies on Committees, Deputy of the Chair. Business from the Chair; Congratulations to Members, Thank you Letter to Members, Thanks to Members of The Board, De Facto Policy on the Accreditation of Overseas Programmes. CTPT, Canterbury Christ Church University College: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Accreditation Report, Leeds University: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Accreditation Report and Correspondence, Teesside University: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Accreditation Report, Correspondence with Birmingham and South Wales Clinical Psychology Courses and City University. DECPTC, Proposed Revision to The Accreditation Criteria, University of Exeter: Med Educational Psychology, Qualifications and Experience as an Educational Psychologist, Training as an Educational Psychologist. CQAPT, Advertising in The Psychologist, Quality Assurance Handbook, Draft Minutes of Meeting on 28 February 2000, Occupational Standards, Report From The Admissions Committee, Admissions Quality Control. GQAC, Revised Terms of Reference, Report from The Meeting held on 20 January 2000, Report from The Meeting held on 2 March 2000, GQAC Operations, Report From CSICQ, Final Appeal Considered on 18 February 2000, Report From The Fellowships Committee, Report from The International Committee, Report From Ethics Committee, Award for Distinguished Contributions to The Teaching of Psychology – Call for Nominations, Protocol for Entering into Enduring Links Between The Society and Other Organisations, Parliamentary Officer, DFEE Consultation Paper on Compulsory Teaching Qualifications for Teachers in Further Education, Draft Guidelines for Becoming a Full Practitioner Member of The Division of Neuropsychology, Correspondence and Any Other Business, Chair of Next Meeting, Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting.

The British psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 6 May 2000 Regarding; Welcome by The New Chair and Explanation of The New Agenda System, Welcome to New Members, Minutes of The Meeting Held on 17 March 2000. The Agenda A; Matters Arising from The Minutes of The Meeting Held on 17 March 2000. Accreditation Reports; DOPTC: MSc in Occupational Psychology, Goldsmiths College- University London, DOPTC: MSc in Organisational Psychology- City University- London, DOPTC: MSc in Organisational Psychology- University of Birmingham, CTCP: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology- University of Surrey and Correspondence Regarding The Course, Accreditation Report From A Follow Up Visit, CTCP: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology- University Wales at Bangor, Postgraduate Degrees Committee, Minutes and Correspondence from The Course Director of The Oxford Course, Appointments, Committee for The Award of Distinguished Contributions to The Teaching of Psychology, Psychologist Policy Committee, Business From The Chair, Thanks to Past Members of The Board, Administrator: Examinations and Qualifications, Continuing Professional Development, Movement of an Agenda B Item to Agenda A, Quality Assurance Handbook. Agenda B; Matters Arising to be Noted from The Minutes of The Meeting Held on 17 March 2000, Teacher Education Working Group, Financing the Accreditation Process, Meeting with the Institute of Learning and Teaching, Structure of Governance, Registration of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy: Working Party Update, Accreditation Memo to All Accredited Courses, Quality Assurance Handbook. Appointments; Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology, Board of Examiners for The Qualifying Examination: Co-Ordinating Examiners, Committee for Training in Clinical Psychology, Learning and Teaching Support Network, Annual Appointments to The Committee under the Aegis of The Board, Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee (GQAC) and The Criteria for The Accreditation of First Qualifications in Psychology, DHPTC: Correspondence with Coventry University, Report From CSICQ, Date- Time and Place of Next Meeting.

The British psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 23 June 2000 Regarding; Welcome to New Members, Minutes of The Meeting Held on Saturday 6 May 2000. Agenda A; Matters Arising From The Meeting Held on 6 May 2000 Not Appearing Elsewhere on The Agenda, Psychologist Policy Committee, Accreditation Reports, DOPTC: MSc in Occupational Psychology- University of East London, DOPTC: MSc in Occupational Psychology- University of Hertfordshire, DOPTC: MSc in Occupational Psychology- London Guildhall University, DOPTC: MSc in Occupational Psychology- Heriot Watt/Strathcylde University, TCCP: MSc Counselling Psychology- London- Guildhall University, TCCP: Counselling Psychology Pathway of The MA Psychotherapy and Counselling- Regent’s College- London, TCCP: Postgraduate Diploma /MSc Counselling Psychology and Post-MSc Diploma in Counselling Psychology- City University, CTCP: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology- University of Hertfordshire. Institutions Offering Two Programmes of Study Resulting in Two Named Awards; Correspondence from The CTCP and DCP Regarding this issue, Correspondence from the University of Leeds. GBR and Postgraduate Training: Chronology and Membership of The Society; Responses from the Consultation on this issue, QAA Code of Practice: Assessment of Students. Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists; Outline and Proposal to Implement CPD, Practising Certificates and CPD, Article for The Psychologist. Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology; Referred Candidates for Society Examinations, Style Guide. Appointments; Deputy Chair of The Board and Representation on Other Committees, Psychotherapy Implementation Group Working Party, Chair of the CTCP, Appointment of Co-opted Members. Business From The Chair; Meeting Dates for 2001, Request from CQAPT, Revised Quality Assurance Handbook, European Congress Preliminary Programme. Movement of an Agenda B Item to The Next Meeting Under Agenda A, Criteria for Registration as a Charted Occupational Psychologist, Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology. Agenda B; Matters Arising to be Noted from The Minutes of the Meeting Held on 6 May 2000, New Agenda System, Postgraduate Degrees Committee and the Oxford Regional Clinical Psychology Training Course, Financing the Accreditation Process, Liaison with the Institute of Learning and Teaching, Registration of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy Working Party Update, Accreditation of Overseas Course. Appointments; Chair of the Training Committee in Counselling Psychology, Admissions Committee, Chair of the Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology. Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Psychologist, Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Forensic Psychologist, Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Health Psychologist, Criteria for Registration as a Chartered Occupational Psychologist. Qualifying Examination Review; Regulations for the statement of Equivalence in Clinical Psychology, Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology, Report from The Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Report from the Fellowships Committee, Psychology Subject Benchmarking Update, Correspondence with the University of Liverpool Regarding MSc in Investigative Psychology, Correspondence with Trinity College Dublin Regarding MSc Counselling Psychology, Society Web Site, Foundation Degrees and The Accreditation of First Qualifications in Psychology, The Human Rights Act, Date- Time and Place of Next Meeting.

The British psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 29 September 2000 Regarding; Welcome to New Members and Apologies for Absence, Minutes of The Meeting Held on Friday 23 June 2000. Agenda A; Presentation on The Implementation Plan for Registration of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy, Implementation Plan for Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists. Accreditation Reports; DHPTC: University of Surrey – MSc Health Psychology, DECPTC: Tavistock Clinical – MSc Educational Psychology, DECPTC: Manchester University – Msc in Educational Psychology, CTPT: University College London – Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, CTCP: University Exeter – Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, CTCP: University of Plymouth – Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Accreditation Report Following a Visit; CTCP: University of Coventry and University of Warwick – Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, DECPTC: Exter University Med in Educational Psychology, Qualifications Framework, Overseas Accreditation. Appointments; Board Representative on the Publications and Communications Board, Society Representative on the Council of the Institute of Learning and Teaching, Review of The Boards of Council and Proposals for Development, Business from The Chair, Movement of an Agenda B item to Agenda A. Agenda B; Matters Arising to be Noted from the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 June 2000, CPD Article for The Psychologist, Qualifying Examination Review, Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology, Postgraduate Degrees Committee and the Oxford Regional Clinical Psychology Training Course, Financing the Accreditation Process, E-mail Address List, Liaison with the Institute of Learning and Teaching, Psychology Subject Benchmarking Updates. Appointments; Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications, Admissions Committee, Fellowships Committee, DECPTC, Co-Opted Student Representative (Research), SAB Nominee to Serve on MQB. CQAPT; Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 June 2000, CQAPT Terms of Reference. DHPTC; Revision of DHPTC Accreditation Criteria, DHPTC Terms of Reference, TCCP Terms of Reference, QAA: Code of Practice for Placement Learning, Report from GQAC, Report from the Meeting held on 14 September 2000, Report from the Admissions Committee, General Teaching Council, Date- Time and Place of Next Meeting.

The British psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) minutes 25 November 2000 Regarding; Welcome to New Members and Apologies for Absence, Minutes of the Meeting Held on Friday 29 September 2000. Agenda A; Matters Arising from the Minutes not Appearing elsewhere on the Agenda, Board Representative on the Publications and Communications Board, Review of the Boards of Council and Proposal for Development, Time of MQB Meetings. Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology; Correspondence with the division of Forensic Psychology, Regulations for the Diploma in Forensic Psychology, Research Element of Forensic Psychology Training, Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology. Committee for Quality Assurance in Psychology Training; Working Party for Clinical Trainees with Academic Credit. Accreditation Reports; DHPTC: MSc Health Psychology – University of Sussex. Training Committee in Counselling Psychology, MSc Counselling Psychology – Trinity College Dublin. Business from the Chair; SCCPDP, Using the Society’s Website to Improve Communications. Movement of an Agenda B item to Agenda A; Committee for Training in Clinical Neuropsychology, Terms of Reference for the Psychotherapy Implementation Group, Register of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy. Agenda B; Matters Arising to be Noted from The Minutes of the Meeting Held on 29 September 2000, Terms of Reference for the Psychotherapy Implementation Group, Register of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy, Society Representative and Lord Alderdice, Implementation Plan for Continuing Professional Development for Psychologists, Accreditation of courses in Eire, Postgraduation Degrees Committee and the Oxford Regional Training Course, Financing the Accreditation Process – Cost Recovery Implementation Plan, E-mail Address List. Appointments; Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications, Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee, Committee for Training in Clinical Psychology, Division of Educational and Child psychology Training Committee. Board of Examiners in Forensic Psychology; Terms of Reference and Membership. Division of Forensic Psychology Training Committee; Revised Accreditation Criteria. Committee for Training in Clinical Neuropsychology, Accreditation Criteria. Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee; Accreditation Criteria. Committee for Quality Assurance in Psychology Training; Minutes of Meeting Held on 18 October 2000, Correspondence Regarding MSc Health Psychology at the University of Central Lancashire, Correspondence form the Chair of the board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Interim Arrangements for Chief Examiner to the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Organisation for the Statement of Equivalence in Clinical Psychology, Appeal from a Candidate Against a Decision of the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology, Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications, Appeals from Applicants, Report from the Fellowships Committee, Report from the Graduate Accreditation Committee, Date- Time and Place of Next Meeting.
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
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RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Sophie O’Reilly BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.
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