Ref NoBPS/001/4/03/02/15
TitleBPS Membership & Qualifications Board agendas, minutes and meeting papers 1999
Extent4 folders
Physical Description1 file.
DescriptionThe British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership & Qualifications Board (MQB) agendas, minutes and meeting papers 1999.

15 January 1999 agenda, minutes and meeting papers including minutes for 21 November 1998; MQB cross-referencing of names in the register of chartered psychologists Names under which psychologists practice guidelines statement December 1998; the Scottish Qualifications Authority Advisory Groups executive summary and report to stakeholders November 1998; A step by step strategy for change and a BPS new structure discussion document October 1998; Board of Examiners in Counselling Psychology Charging for Accreditation for Prior Learning proposal October 1998; training in ethical issues proposal December 1998; BPS representative's report on the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Subject Associations Conference 8 December 1998; Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education consultation on qualifications framework postgraduate qualifications December 1998; draft logo for BPS accredited courses; Committee on Training in Clinical psychology (CTCP) accreditation report on the doctorate in clinical psychology at University of Newcastle Upon Tyne December 1998; correspondence concerning the doctorate in clinical psychology at Canterbury Christ Church University College (previously held at the Salomon's Centre); MQB Standing Committee for Continuing Professional Development policy statement on CPD December 1998; Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications correspondence concerning criminal record checks; Board of Examiners in clinical psychology revised regulations for the Statement of Equivalence in clinical psychology; MQB International Committee report and MQB annual report 1998.

20 March 1999 agenda, minutes and meeting papers including minutes for 15 January 1999; Qualifications Framework for postgraduate Qualifications consultation and conference report March 1999; training in ethical issues proposal December 1998; issues surrounding volunteers serving on Society Committees document November 1998 with When volunteers need to be paid article from The Psychologist November 1994; Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee membership document; decisions of the Admissions Committee 20 March 1999; correspondence concerning General Teaching Council representatives; correspondence and background document concerning support with committee work from BPS Leicester Office staff; Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee (GQAC) accreditation of courses report January and February 1999; GQAC report concerning financing the accreditation process March 1999; Criteria for registration as a Chartered Forensic Psychologist report and correspondence; Criteria for registration as a Chartered Health Psychologist report March 1999; criteria for Fellowship Award Council minutes extract 23 February 1999; MQB Teaching psychology to other professions update report March 1999; Board of Examiners in Counselling Psychology Charging for Accreditation for Prior Learning proposal October 1998; The Local Government Management Board Clearing House and Grants Scheme for educational psychology training correspondence; Annual liaison meeting of the Association of Educational Psychologists and the BPS minutes 1 February 1999; correspondence concerning the approval of short courses for CPD; Registration of Candidates for BPS Examinations discussion document January 1999; correspondence concerning BPS membership of Diploma candidates; correspondence concerning the doctorate in clinical psychology at the Salomon's Centre; CTCP revised terms of reference October 1998; CTCP accreditation report on the doctorate in clinical psychology at University of East London; correspondence concerning the doctorate in clinical psychology at University of Newcastle Upon Tyne; Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee (DECP TC) criteria for the accreditation of one year initial training courses for Educational Psychologists in England Northern Ireland and Wales revised draft January 1999; report and correspondence concerning the MA educational psychology at University College Dublin; DECP TC correspondence with Exeter University concerning accreditation; DECP TC correspondence with Nottingham University concerning accreditation; Division of Criminological and Legal Psychology Training Committee (DCLP TC) accreditation report for MSc Forensic Psychology at Glasgow Caledonian University February 1999; Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee (DOP TC) accreditation report on MSc Occupational Psychology held jointly at Strathclyde University and Heriot Watt University January 1999; Scottish Division of Educational Psychology Training Committee (SDEP TC) report on the accreditation of Scottish Educational Psychology Services March 1999; Postgraduate Degrees Committee minutes 12 February 1999; accreditation of MSc courses in Health Psychology report March 1999; Committee for Quality Assurance in Psychology Training minutes 30 November 1998; decisions of the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications February 1999; Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology correspondence concerning a candidate appeal; Ethics Committee report February 1999 and the Institute for Learning and Teaching The National Framework for Higher Education consultation.

8 May 1999 agenda, minutes and meeting papers including minutes for 20 March 1999; BPS response to the Qualifications Framework for Postgraduate Qualifications consultation; training in ethical issues proposal December 1998; General Teaching Council correspondence; criteria for Fellowship Award; Standing Committee for the Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists (SCCPDP) approval for short courses actions; DECP TC correspondence with Nottingham University concerning accreditation of educational psychology course; BPS response to the Institute for Learning and Teaching The National Framework for Higher Education Teaching April 1999; Psychology graduates and entry into teacher training correspondence; DOP TC correspondence concerning decision of BPS Board of Directors to withdraw Leicester Office assistance to the Training Committee; membership of the Postgraduate Degrees Committee correspondence; BPS Council correspondence concerning expense claims; SCCPDP background document concerning specialist titles and eligibility for Division membership April 1999; SCCPDP Policy Statement on CPD January 1999; GQAC financing the accreditation process reports April 1999; GQAC courses accredited report April 1999; Association of Heads of Psychology Departments abstract from unconfirmed minutes 30 April 1999 BPS GQAC proposals progress; Board of examiners for the Qualifying Examination quinquennial review of the syllabus of the BPS Qualifying Examination; BPS accreditation of course in the Republic of Ireland correspondence; Economic and Social Research Council 1999 Training Board Consultation Exercise document; application by the North of England Association for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy to the BPS for accreditation as a major course; CTCP accreditation report on Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Royal Holloway University of London February 1999; DOP TC accreditation report on MSc in Occupational and Organisational Psychology at University of Surrey April 1999; DOP TC terms of reference January 1999; DECP TC Professional Training in Educational Psychology; DECP TC correspondence with University of Exeter concerning accreditation; DHP TC progress report on accreditation visits May 1999; Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology ramification of policy change on examining resubmissions correspondence; International Committee report April 1999; BPS International Committee guidelines for reading European union documents; Commission of the European Communities re-examined proposal for a Council recommendation concerning European cooperation in quality assurance in higher education 1998; BPS European Framework for Psychologists Training report April 1999 and decisions of the Admissions Committee May 1999.

18 June 1999 agenda, minutes and meeting papers including minutes for 8 May 1999; Fellowships Committee report June 1999 concerning a DHP representative and award criteria; Fellowships Committee dates of appointment and retirement May 1999; Guidelines for replacement members of the Fellowship Committee; Fellowships Committee terms of reference standing orders and membership October 1989; breakdown of applications for a Fellowship which have been rejected in 1995 1996 and 1997; Candidates elected to Fellowship during 1995 1996 and 1997; Fellowship statistics from 1989 to 1999; revised criteria for the award of Fellowship article extract from The Psychologist May 1996; BPS accreditation of courses in the Republic of Ireland correspondence; correspondence concerning the criteria for registration as a chartered Forensic Psychologist; consultation paper on Qualification Framework Postgraduate Qualifications correspondence; office support for BPS Training Committees correspondence; Quinquennial Review of the Syllabus of the BPS Qualifying Examination May 1999; BPS International Committee proposal for an International Conference on Ethical Issues in Psychology; correspondence concerning a European Framework for Psychologists Training funded by the European Union Leonardo Programme; list of committees appointed by MQB at June 1999; MQB representation on Open University Committees correspondence; criteria for Fellowship Award; correspondence relating to the accreditation of course in Northern Ireland; North of England Association for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (NEATPP) accreditation as a major course correspondence and NEATPP application; CTCP Procedures to establish new postgraduate training courses in clinical Psychology May 1999; CTCP review of accreditation criteria May 1999; DOP TC accreditation report on MSc Occupational Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University May 1999; DHP TC accreditation report on MSc Health Psychology at Staffordshire University May 1999; DHP TC accreditation report on MSc Health Psychology at University College London and Guy's King's and St Thomas' Medical and Dental School June 1999; DCLP TC accreditation report on MSc Forensic and Legal Psychology at University of Leicester May 1999; University of Leicester correspondence concerning accreditation report; DCLP TC observations report on the accreditation of MSc Forensic and Legal Psychology at University of Leicester June 1999; correspondence concerning accreditation of MA Educational Psychology at University College Dublin; MQB Protocols for confidential information revealed during accreditation visits June 1999; correspondence concerning The Psychologist and accuracy of advertisements relating to accredited courses; The Psychologist Advertising Code of Practice June 1999; MQB Image of Psychology discussion document May 1999; Ethics Committee list of documentation held by the BPS relating to ethical guidance and conduct April 1999; Authorising the use of the BPS logo correspondence; Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology accreditation of courses offering training to partially qualified Clinical Psychologists correspondence; CTCP Criteria for the accreditation of courses offering a training to partially qualified Clinical Psychologists intending to fulfil the training requirements as specified by CSICQ report April 1995; Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology candidate appeals process and outcome correspondence and decisions of the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications May 1999.

1 October 1999 agenda, minutes and meeting papers including minutes for 18 June 1999; proposed amendments to the criteria for registration as a Chartered Forensic Psychologist October 1998; criteria for registration as a Chartered Health Psychologist June 1999; request for an immediate increase in quality assurance staffing proposal and correspondence July 1999; Recommendation concerning financing the accreditation process September 1999; Joint BPS and Association of Heads of Psychology Departments (AHPD) working party remit and membership; quinquennial review of the syllabus for the Qualifying Examination email September 1999; Scientific Affairs Board response to Economic and Social Research Council Training Board consultation July 1999; MQB consideration of the draft Advertising Code of Practice for The Psychologist regarding the accurate information relating to psychology courses July 1999; General Teaching Council (GTC) letter regarding GTC elections; MQB protocols for confidential information revealed during accreditation visits October 1999; Boards of Examiners membership changes notes September 1999; Joan Figg letter stepping down as Chair of the Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology August 1999; Correspondence regarding the extension of a registrar to the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology; letter regarding a BPS occupational standards and the psychology discipline meeting 12 November 1999; letter regarding the new management structure for the BPS September 1999; MQB financial statement and budget estimates for 2000 letter and report; memo regarding responding to consultation papers emanating from the new Scottish Parliament July 1999; BPS admissions processes draft reports June and September 1999; Fellowships Committee report June 1999; Fellowships membership list May 1999; Guidelines for replacement members of the Fellowships Committee May 1999; Fellowships Committee terms of reference, standing orders and membership October 1989; Fellowships Committee call for nominees; criteria for the Fellowships Award April 1999; correspondence concerning Fellowships awarded to members of DOP 1998; applications for Fellowships in 1995, 1996 and 1997 reports; Fellowship statistics from 1989 to present 1999; BPS postgraduate examinations conditional registration memo August 1999; BPS examination assessment fees report July 1999; draft DFP Regulations, syllabus and reading list for the Statement of Equivalence in Forensic Psychology September 1999; MQB CPD course accreditation and/or recognition report September 1999; Dr Ronald Roberts and the University of Research International CPD course correspondence and report; Professional Affairs Board Standards structures and procedures for the accreditation of psychologists specialising in Psychotherapy report September 1999; MQB Quality Assurance Agency meeting with representatives of Professional and Statutory Bodies report July 1999; the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education draft statements benchmark standards for Chemistry, History and Law 1999; GQAC list of accredited courses September 1999; GQAC correspondence concerning condoned failure and accreditation; DCLP TC correspondence and report regarding MSc Forensic and Legal psychology at University of Leicester 1999; CTCP accreditation report on Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Coventry University and the University of Warwick May 1998; CTCP accreditation report on Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at University of Sheffield September 1999; CTCP accreditation report on Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Trinity College Dublin September 1999; Oxford Regional Training Centre in Clinical Psychology letter concerning Oxford course in Clinical Psychology applicant numbers; DHP TC accreditation report on MSc Health Psychology at University of Bath July 1999; DHP TC accreditation report on MSc Health Psychology at University of Kent at Canterbury July 1999; DHP TC accreditation report on MSc Health Psychology at University of Plymouth September 1999; DHP TC accreditation report on MSc Health Psychology at University of Southampton July 1999; DHP TC accreditation report on MSc Health Psychology at University of Surrey July 1999; MQB Board of Examiners for Stage 2 Professional Qualifying Examination in Health Psychology report; DECP TC accreditation report on MSc Educational Psychology at University of Birmingham July 1999; DECP TC accreditation report on MSc Educational Psychology at Graduate School of Education University of Bristol July 1999; DECP TC accreditation report on MSc Educational Psychology at Institute of Education University of London July 1999; DECP TC course diary; DECP TC correspondence; SDECP TC accreditation report on MSc Educational Psychology at University of Dundee June 1999; Training Committee in Counselling Psychology accreditation report on MSc Counselling Psychology at University of Wolverhampton September 1999; MQB memo regarding terminology with GQAC criteria; MQB generic terms of reference of all training committees November 1999; decisions of the Committee for Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications 1999; decisions of the Admissions Committee October 1999; MQB report on the International Committee meeting 20 September 1999; The National Framework for Higher Education Teaching consultation document 1999; Research assessment Exercise 2001 consultation on assessment panels' criteria and working methods August 1999; handwritten notes regarding matters arising in the agenda.

20 November 1999 agenda, minutes and meeting papers including minutes for 1 October 1999; correspondence concerning the Recommendation concerning financing the accreditation process report; GTC press release, membership, notice of elections, election timetable and electoral roll form; BPS response to the GTC consultation Improving our schools; MQB protocols for confidential information revealed during accreditation fourth draft October 1999; the Admissions Committee terms of reference, standing orders and membership November 1999; Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology memo concerning conditional registration for BPS examinations candidates October 1999; CPD course recognition scheme to be discontinued report October 1999; BPS Council The Structure of Governance report 21 October 1999; Responding to consultation papers emanating from the new Scottish executive memo July 1999; BPS Examination and assessment fees report July 1999; Standing Committee on the Psychotherapies letter concerning standards, structures and procedures for the accreditation of psychologists specialising in psychotherapy October 1999; Memo regarding the background of the proposed private member's bill in The House of Lords being prepared by Lord Alderdice November 1999; the Directory of Chartered Psychologists descriptions of Psychologist's work areas correspondence September 1999; DOP affiliate route assessor honorariums memo October 1999; Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology memo regarding referred candidates for BPS examinations November 1999; candidate appeal against decision of the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology letters November 1999; correspondence concerning title of BPS awards; The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education consultation on National Qualifications Frameworks for Higher Education October 1999; The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Guidelines on the Quality Assurance of Distance Learning March 1999; Committee for Quality Assurance in Psychology Training minutes 1 November 1999; CTCP letter concerning expenses for BPS volunteers October 1999; correspondence concerning condoned failure and BPS accreditation; GQAC accreditation diary; DCLP Standards for supervised practice draft June 1999; DFP TC membership and terms of reference October 1999; DHP TC terms of reference; CTCP terms of reference and constitution November 1999; CTCP accreditation visit to the University of Leeds correspondence; general postgraduate accreditation diary October 1999; memo concerning the terms of reference for the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology September 1999; proposed changes to the regulations for the statement of Equivalence in Clinical Psychology; Regulations and reading lists for the Qualifying Examination 2000 September 1999; email concerning the discontinuation of the archival annual report; interim report of the Task Force appointed to review the complaints and investigatory procedures in relation to the conduct of Psychologists September 1999; application for scrutiny of qualifications and experience in Occupational Psychology gained overseas.
FormatTextual Material
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only.
Location17: BPS History of Psycholgoy Centre, Leicester
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Sophie O'Reilly BPS Assistant Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.
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