Ref NoBPS/001/4/03
TitleBPS Membership and Qualifications Board/ Membership and Standards Board 1985-
Extent38 folders and 1 volume
DescriptionThe British Psychological Society (BPS) Membership and Qualifications Board/ Membership and Standards Board 1985-


BPS/001/4/03/01 The BPS Membership & Qualifications Board Minutes

BPS/001/4/03/02 The BPS Membership & Qualifications Board Minutes and Agenda Papers 1985-2003.
FormatTextual Material
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
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Location16: Wellcome Library, London
17: BPS History of Psychology Centre, Leicester
AdminHistoryThe first meeting of the Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) was held on the 28th June 1985, with a further two meetings that year.

Terms of reference for the Board had been earlier approved by the Council in anticipation of the Privy Council allowing the change to the BPS Charter and Statutes for which Members voted.
The initial aim of the Board was to get ahead with detailed planning to implement the arrangements to set up a Register of Chartered Psychologists. Early meetings of the Board revolved around issues relating to the running of the Register and the criteria for interpreting the new statutes concerning registration. Various informal working parties were set up and reported to the Board. MQB additionally supported BPS to fulfil its responsibilities as an accrediting body reviewing both first degree and postgraduate degrees in various fields of applied psychology.

MQB met four times in 1986. Its primary task was to make the necessary arrangements for implementing the provisions in the revised Charter, Statutes and Rules. The Board approved a report recommending new criteria for those applicants with qualifications gained outside the UK who seek registration as Chartered Psychologists or Membership of the Society. The report was approved by the Council. The new Statutes also provide applicants for Chartered Psychologist status to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of the language in which psychology is to be practised in the UK. Three new Admissions Committees were established to deal with the later increase in applications to the Society when Chartered Status and Conditional Registration are added to the existing grades of membership. These committees took over the work previously fulfilled by the Standing Committee on Membership and its sub-committee.

On 18 December 1987 the Order in Council was granted by the Privy Council, giving the BPS authority to establish a Register of Chartered Psychologists. Before this the MQB had existed only in shadow form and was now a constituted Board.

The first meeting of MQB as a fully constituted Board was on 23 January 1988. The Board approved the document which then appeared in the first three issues of the Charter Guide. A substantial number of applicants for chartered Status were received and considered by the Board in 1988. The use of specialist adjectival titles was adopted and it was announced in the 1988 AGM that the membership had voted to sanction the use of the terms ‘Chartered Clinical Psychologist’ and ‘Chartered Occupational Psychologist’. The detailed work concerning the register was adopted by the Admissions Committees. The Board approved a policy statement prepared by the Training Committee of the Division of Educational and Child Psychology which consider issues in professional training. MQB were concerned with problems in providing financial support for trainee educational psychologists in Scotland. The Working Party on Administrative Issues, the Working Party on Membership Services and the Working Party on the Interpretation of Statutes 12(2), 12(3)(b), 12(7) were disbanded.

In 1989, a Diploma in the Teaching of Psychology was in development by the BPS due to difficulties of teachers of psychology being able to demonstrate their distinctively psychological experience and were thus unable to gain Chartered status. The Diploma was a formal postgraduate qualification and in which, upon completion, Chartered status would be granted. The Board also made plans for a further two BPS Diplomas; a Diploma in Counselling Psychology and a Diploma in Occupational Psychology. In conjunction with PAB, proposals were considered for a Certificate of Competence in Occupational testing. MQB were involved in discussions with The National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) concerning the planned extension of the NCVQ framework to professional qualifications (see: The Psychologist Vol.2 No.9 September 1989 pp.392). The Standing Committee on the Coordination of Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists met in 1989 for the first time.

The first printed version of the Register of Chartered Psychologists was published in July 1990. BPS were designated in the annexe of the Directive of the European Community on the mutual recognition of professional qualifications between member states of the European Community as the Competent Authority to determine access to the chartered professional title. The Directive came into force in January 1991 and MQB set up the Joint Overseas Qualifications Committee in order to comply with its requirements. The Committee scrutinised applicants of professional applied psychologists from overseas to determine whether they had an equivalent level of knowledge and experience to join a BPS Division. MQB made it an increasing requirement for applicants for conditional registration should be supervised by Chartered Psychologists during postgraduate training. On 1 July 1990 the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching was launched, the regulations and syllabus were published and the first candidates for the Diploma were able to enrol with BPS (see: The Psychologist Vol.3 No.11 November 1990 pp. 513). MQB established a Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to other Professional Groups to assess the quality of the teaching of psychology to people who are members of other professions and students who study psychology at GCSE or A Level. MQB was involved in setting up a new Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing which was made available in 1991.

In 1991 to simplify procedures for considering applicants for Chartered Status with overseas qualifications the Joint Overseas Qualification Committee was merged with the Postgraduate Admissions Committee. MQB advised BPS to accept an invitation to participate in the NCVQ programme for Level 5 exemplar projects (see: The Psychologist Vol.4 No.11 November 1991 pp. 517). MQB looked into promoting a better understanding of psychology to initial teacher training courses and education in general.

1992 - MQB approved regulations and syllabus for Diploma in Counselling Psychology so Counselling Psychologists could achieve chartered status. Training Committee in Counselling Psychology set up to accredit courses in other institutions. BPS Board approved a Postgraduate Qualification in Occupational Psychology, a Board of examiners of Occupational Psychology was set up to prepare the regulations and syllabus for the examination. Pilot survey of Chartered Psychologists who had expressed an interest in paying for an entry in the Directory of Chartered Psychologists were able to describe the service they offer within the classification scheme prepared.

The Diploma in Counselling Psychology awarded for the first time in 1993. Due to the changes in the criteria for registration as a Chartered Psychologist the Board approved a revision to the account of the criteria for registration first published in the Charter Guide in 1988. The terms of reference for the Graduate Admissions Committee and the Postgraduate Admissions Committee were revised. The Postgraduate Admissions Committee became responsible for considering all applications from individual members for full registration, Associate Fellowship and Graduate membership; so its name was changed to the Admissions Committee. The Graduate Admissions Committee became responsible for the review of courses under the new name of the Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee.

Following the submission to the Open University, in 1994 the BPS was approved as an institution suitable to conduct courses leading to validated awards of the Open University on the basis that certain conditions were met. One of these conditions was the setting up of the Postgraduate Degrees Committee, which had its inaugural meeting in February 1994, to review and validate degrees. Initially the Society was authorised to validate only Masters Degrees in clinical psychology. The Board of Examiners introduced a revised syllabus for the Qualifying Examination which required candidates to have undertaken empirical practical work in psychology to be presented for examination. The first edition of the Directory of Chartered Psychologists was published in 1994.

1995 – The Special Group for the Teaching of Psychology established an Award to recognise distinguished contributions to the Teaching of Psychology with nominations starting in 1996. The MQB set up an Award Committee to choose the recipient of this Award. Proposals for the BPS to offer a Diploma in Educational Psychology were accepted and Dr Tim Carroll was appointed to Chair the new Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Educational Psychology. A provisional syllabus and regulations were approved by the MQB. The Board continued to be responsible for overviewing the way the BPS fulfilled its responsibilities as the authority for psychology under the terms of the Directive 89/48/EEC concerned with the mutual recognition of qualifications between Member States of the European Community. In conjunction with the Standing Committee of the Council and the Joint Committee with the Association of Heads of Psychology Departments on Resources in Higher Education, the Board approved a submission to the Higher Education Funding Council for England/CVCP/SCCP Review of Postgraduate Education. The Chair of the Board (David Legge) gave oral evidence at the review.

The first graduates to obtain the BPS, Open University Doctorate in Clinical Psychology graduated from the Oxford In-Service Training Course in Clinical Psychology in September 1996. A Working Party was set up to consider the recognition of Masters Degrees in Clinical Psychology which were awarded to candidates who entered for a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology but failed to complete all the requirements. A policy was adopted that such degrees can only be accredited as providing a training in clinical psychology if the courses responsible for them submit them for accreditation for positive approval. The inaugural Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Teaching of Psychology was presented to Professor John Radford who gave the award lecture at the 1996 London Conference.

1997 – Approved criteria for the accreditation of postgraduate training courses in criminological and legal psychology developed by the DCLP Training Committee. BPS criteria for the accreditation of initial training courses in educational psychology in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were revised to incorporate a major change of policy, that from 2001 only courses which were of three years duration were accredited by the Society. BPS introduced site visits for first qualifications in psychology. Regulations were approved for a new Diploma in Educational Psychology and facilities put in place to permit candidates from overseas. The 1997 Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Teaching of Psychology was awarded to Dr Nicky Hayes.

1998 – The Society submitted the Occupational Standards in Applied Psychology to the Department for Education and Employment and fulfilled its obligations in relation to the project to develop NVQ/SVQs in psychology. Also submitted a report its report to the Science, Technology and Mathematics Council. The Criteria for the Registration of Chartered Psychologists was reviewed and revised to take account amended criteria for registration as a Teacher of Psychology following the setup of the Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology. Criteria for the registration as a Chartered Forensic Psychologist was also updated. The Division of Health Psychology Training Committee became active and criteria for the accreditation of postgraduate professional training courses was approved. The Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination introduced the syllabus being reviewed at least every 5 years. The Board of Examiners also introduced the qualification with ‘distinction’ to be awarded to the most deserving candidates and to release candidate’s marks.

1999 – The first Health Psychology training courses were accredited by the Board. Based on a recommendation from the Board, the Society no longer recognised or accredited CPD courses. A survey was undertaken on behalf of the Board of all higher education institutions offering PGCE courses which accept psychology graduates. The results were published in The Psychologist.

In 2019 MSB was split into two separate boards, the Membership Board (MB) and the Education and Training Board (ETB).

The inaugural meeting of the ETB was held on 8 November 2019.

Committees of the Board:
• Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination
• Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Clinical Psychology
• Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology
• Board of Examiners for the Diploma in the Applied Psychology of Teaching
• Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Counselling Psychology
• Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology
• Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee
• Scottish Division of Educational and Child Psychology Training Committee
• Division of Occupational Psychology Training Committee
• Division of Criminology and Legal Psychology Training Committee
• Admissions Committee
• Postgraduate Degrees Committee
• Fellowships Committee
• Committee of Scrutiny of Individual Clinical Qualifications
• Standing Committee on Continuing Professional Development, later Standing Committee on the Coordination of Continuing Professional Development of Psychologists
• Joint Overseas Qualifications Committee
• Standing Committee on the Teaching of Psychology to Other Professional Groups
• Postgraduate Degrees Committee
• Training Committee for Counselling Psychology
• Committee on Training in The Applied Psychology of Teaching
• BPS/NCVQ/SCOTVEC Steering Group
• Graduate Qualifications Accreditation Committee

Working Parties of the Board:
• Working Party on Administrative Issues
• Working Party on Membership Services
• Working Party on the Interpretation of Statutes 12(2), 12(3)(b), 12(7)
• Working Party on the Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology
• Working Party on a Diploma in Counselling Psychology
• Working Party on Future of A Level Psychology
• Working Party on the Proposed Diploma in Educational Psychology
• Working Party on the Initial Training of Teachers

December 1985 membership: C.I. Howarth (Chair), J. Barker, D. A. Bromley, J. Davies, R.M. Farr, N. Hayes, C. Hollin, B. Kirkaldy, S.E.G. Lea, T.R. Lee, G. Leyden, M. McAllister, E. Miller, P.E. Morris, G. Parry, J. Patrick, L. Pearson, J. Radford, R.L. Reid, R. Riding, C.B. Ure, F. Watts, J. White, R. Wicks and C.V. Newman (Secretary).

December 1986 membership: C.I. Howarth (Chair), J. Barker, G. Beaumont, D. A. Bromley, A.J. Chapman, D. Davies, J.C. Ferguson, J. Greene, N. Hayes, C. Hollin, B. Kirkaldy, S.E.G. Lea, D. Legge, G. Leyden, S. Marshall, M. McAllister, E. Miller, G. Parry, J. Patrick, L. Pearson, L. Reird, R. Riding, F. Watts, R. Wicks and C.V. Newman (Secretary).

December 1987 membership: C.I. Howarth (Chair), M. Adams, J. Barker, G. Beaumont, D. A. Bromley, R. Bull, C. Cullen, A.J. Chapman, J.G.W. Davies, J.C. Ferguson, J. Greene, N. Hayes, C. Hollin, B. Kirkaldy, S.E.G. Lea, C. Leach, G. Leyden, S. Marshall, M. McAllister, E. Miller, G. Parry, J. Patrick, L. Pearson, N. Pearson, L. Reird, R. Riding, F. Watts, R. Wicks and C.V. Newman (Secretary).

December 1988 membership: F.N. Watts (Chair), M. Adams, J. Barker, J. G. Beaumont, D. A. Bromley, A.J. Chapman, M. Crawshaw, C. Cullen, J.G.W. Davies, A. Gale, J. Greene, N. Hayes, C. Hollin, J. Hutt, R. Kaitkowski, B. Kirkaldy, D. Lane, S.E.G. Lea, C. Leach, D. Legge, G. Leyden, G. Lindsay, I. Lunt, M. McAllister, A. Mackie, E. Miller, G. Owens, L. Pearson, N. Pearson, L. Reird, R. Riding, R. Wicks and C.V. Newman (Secretary).

December 1989 membership: F.N. Watts (Chair), M. Adams, J. Barker, J. G. Beaumont, D. Briggs, D. A. Bromley, E. Cairns, A.J. Chapman, R. Cochrane, A. Colley, M. Crawshaw, J.G.W. Davies, A. Gale, J. Greene, N. Hayes, J. Hutt, R. Kaitkowski, D. Lane, D. Legge, G. Lindsay, I. Lunt, M. McAllister, W. Maxwell, E. Miller, S. Morley, P. Morris, S. Newstead, G. Owens, N. Pearson, R. Riding, N. Sherwood, R. Wicks and C.V. Newman (Secretary).

December 1990 membership: F.N. Watts (Chair), M. Adams, W. Alladin, D. Briggs, D. A. Bromley, R. Bull, E. Cairns, A.J. Chapman, R. Cheston, R. Cochrane, A. Colley, M. Crawshaw, J. Davies, G. Davies, C. Doyle, A. Gale, J. Greene, N. Hayes, J. Hutt, R. Kaitkowski, D. Lane, G. Lindsay, I. Lunt, W. Maxwell, E. Miller, D. Milner, S. Morley, P. Morris, S. Newstead, P. Nicolson, A. Parkin, E. Pickard, A. Richardson, J. Ridgeway, J. Sloboda, E. Tough, E. Wilkinson and C.V. Newman (Secretary).

December 1991 membership: Stephen Newstead (Chair), M. Adams, W. Alladin, G. Beaumont, D. Briggs, D. A. Bromley, R. Bull, T. Carroll, E. Cairns, R. Cochrane, A. Colley, M. Crawshaw, J. Davies, C. Doyle, J. Figg, G. Finn, J. Greene, C. Hatton, N. Hayes, J. Hutt, B. Kirkaldy, R. Kaitkowski, D. Lane, I. Lunt, B. Maxwell, C. McGuinness D. Milner, P. Nicolson, E. Pickard, J. Ridgeway, A. Richardson, N. Sheehy, J. Sloboda, E. Tough, A. Tyerman, F. Watts, E. Wilkinson, T. Whitehead and C.V. Newman (Secretary).

1992 membership: S. Newstead (Chair), M. Adams, W. Alladin, P. Banister, H. Baron, G. Beaumont, D. A. Bromley, T. Carroll, R. Cochrane, A. Colley, M. Crawshaw, J. Elton-Wilson, J. Figg, G. Finn, J. Greene, J. Groeger, C. Hatton, N. Hayes, F. Hodges, J. Hutt, R. Kandola, B. Kirkaldy, R. Kwaitkowski, D. Lane, P. Lindley, I. Lunt, P. Maras, C. McGuinness, E. Miller, S. Monsell, P. Morris, P. Nicolson, E. Pickard, J. Radford, A. Richardson, J. Richardson, J. Ridgeway, N. Sheehy, L. Sherr, B. Thomas-Peter, A. Tyerman, F. Watts, T. Whitehead, E. Wilkinson and D. Williams.

1993 membership: S. Newstead (Chair), M. Adams, P. Banister, H. Baron, G. Beaumont, D. A. Bromley, T. Carroll, R. Cochrane, A. Colley, T. Cox, M. Crawshaw, J. Elton-Wilson, J. Figg, G. Finn, J. Greene, J. Groeger, F. Hodges, I. Hussain, J. Hutt, R. Kwaitkowski, D. Legge, P. Lindley, G. Lindsay, I. Lunt, B. Maxwell, J. McGinley, C. McGuinness, E. Miller, P. Morris, H. Murphy, B. Napier, E. Pickard, J. Radford, A. Richardson, J. Richardson, L. Sherr, T. Whitehead, E. Wilkinson, D. Williams and A. Young.

1994 membership: David Legge (Chair from May), S. Newstead (Chair until May), N. Banerji, P. Banister, H. Baron, D. Bartram, G. Beaumont, I. Blackburn, R. Bor, L. Brindle, D. A. Bromley, M. Burton, E. Campbell, T. Carroll, D. Clark-Carter, R. Cochrane, A. Colley, M. Crawshaw, J. Elton-Wilson, J. Figg, G. Finn, I. Gersch, J. Greene, J. Groeger, N. Hayes, J. Hutt, R. Kwaitkowski, P. Lindley, G. Lindsay, D. Lukeman, J. McGinley, E. Miller, P. Morris, B. Napier, E. Pickard, M. Pitts, J. Radford, A. Richardson, J. Richardson, C. Robson, N. Rumsey, L. Sherr, D. Ward, T. Whitehead, E. Wilkinson, D. Williams and T. Williams.

1995 membership: D. Legge (Chair), J. Allen, N. Banerji, P. Banister, H. Baron, D. Bartram, G. Beaumont, I. Blackburn, R. Bor, L. Brindle, R. Bor, M. Burton, E. Campbell, T. Carroll, D. Clark-Carter, M. Crawshaw, G. Finn, I. Gersch, J. Greene, J. Groeger, N. Hayes, P. Lindley, B. Lindsay, G. Lindsay, D. Lukeman, E. Miller, J. Moorthy, G. Mulhern, L. Myers, P. Morris, M. McAllister, B. Napier, S. Newstead, E. Pickard, M. Pitts, J. Radford, A. Richardson, J. Richardson, C. Robson, N. Rumsey, M. Shams, L. Sherr, C. Till, P. Tomlinson, J. Weinman, T. Whitehead, E. Wilkinson, D. Williams and T. Williams.

1996 membership: D. Legge (Chair), J. Allen, N. Banerji, P. Banister, D. Bartram, G. Beaumont, I. Blackburn, M. Callanan, E. Campbell, T. Carroll, D. Clark-Carter, P. Clarkson, J. Compton, M. Crawshaw, J. Elton Wilson, G. Finn, I. Gersch, B. Gray, J. Greene, N. Hayes, P. Lindley, B. Lindsay, D. Lukeman, K. McClymont, C. McGuinness, P. Morris, L. Myers, B. Napier, A. Needs, E. Pickard, M. Pitts, J. Radford, J. Richardson, J. Redfern, C. Robson, J. Sheppard, S. Strawbridge, L. Sherr, C. Till, P. Tomlinson, E. Wilkinson, D. Williams, T. Williams and A. Woollett.

1997 Tim Carroll (Chair)

1998 Tim Carroll (Chair)
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Sophie O'Reilly BPS Assistant Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

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BPS/GB/370The British Psychological Society; Membership and Qualifications Board; 1985-; MQB1985-
BPS/GB/13Chapman; Anthony John (1947-); Professor; HonFBPsS OBE, FAcSS1947-
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