Ref NoBPS/001/6/01/02/03/12
TitleBPS Annual Conference - Press 1993
Extent1 file
Physical Description1 file
DescriptionPress releases from the British Psychological Society Annual Conference held 2 - 5 April 1993,
Wintergardens, Blackpool. Held together with Division of Clinical Psychology Annual Conference.

Division of Clinical Psychology 25th Birthday Conference programme, press release
General release about conference
The Art of Drinking (Ron McKechnie)
Cutting Down Drinking To Brighten Up (Adrian Skinner)
Help for Relatives of Problem Drinkers (Jim Orford)
Psychologists, Clients and the Balance of Power (Craig Newnes)
Helping People After Heart Attacks (Ev Thornton)

Annual Conference list of delegates and speakers, papers, programme, abstracts; notes on papers suitable for releases
General press release about conference
1. New British Psychological Society President (Ann Colley) - press release
2. Work, Stress, Disease and Life Expectancy (Ben Fletch) - press release, abstract and summary for public lecture 'Stressing - A Self Help Treatment for Anxiety Patients on A Clinical Psychology Waiting List';
3. Food Craving Myths (Andrew Hill) -press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Understanding The Nature of Food Cravings';
4. Liverpool Learn To Pass The Ball (Steven Mercer) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'The Beautiful Game : A Network Analysis of Association Football';
5. It's A Hard Life for MPs (Ashley Weinberg) press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Workload, Stress and Family Life in Britain's M.P.'s';
6. Premenstrual Syndrome - Not Just Biology (John Richardson) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of papers for symposium 'Premenstrual Syndrome: Clinical Problem or Social Construct?';
7. The Medicalisation of Male Sexuality (John Bancroft) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract of paper 'The Medicalisation of Male Sexuality: Is The Relationship Between Man and His Penis Under Threat?';
8. Feminism Equals Left-Wing, Vegetarian Lesbians, Say Men (Gerda Siann) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Convergences and Divergences: Gender Differences in Perceptions of Feminism';
9. Young Children's First Encounters With Racism (Ann Phoenix) press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Growing Up Black, White or Mixed Parentage: Young People's Accounts of the Racialisation of Childhood';
10. Men and Women Disagree Over Causes of Date Rape (Kate Gillen) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Sex Differences in the Perceived Causal Structure of Date Rape';
11. Heart Strings to Purse Strings (Erica Burman) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Poor Children: Charity Appeals and Ideologies of Childhood';
12. Food Craving Myths (Andrew Hill) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Understanding The Nature of Food Cravings';
13. Weight Anxiety in Older Women (Kate Bennett), Post-Lunch Dip in Alertness (Andrew Smith), Fruit and Veg Link With Better Mental Health (David Benton) press releases, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of papers given at 'Food Research in Wales' Welsh Branch symposium;
14. Is Sexual Abuse Relevant To The Treatment of Eating Disorders (Glenn Waller) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'When is Sexual Abuse Relevant to the Eating Disorders';
15. Real Men Don't Make Beds - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of papers given at Psychology of Women Section and Occupational Psychology Section Symposium 'Women and Work: Aspirations and Reality';
16. Professional Watchdogs (John Marzillier) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of papers for Professional Affairs Board PAB symposium on 'Professional Abuse';
17. Stone Age Love (Julian Boon) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Aspects of Love: Gender Differences, Relationship Patterns, and the Indices of Mate Attraction';
18. Children Suffer Traumatic Stress Too (William Yule) - M B Shapiro Lecture press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Alleviating The Effects of Disasters Through Applying Child Psychology';
19. Hands Off Offenders Do It More Often (Katharine Mair, Rebecca Stevens) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'A Ten Year Follow Up of Sex Offenders Relating Offending Behaviour to Recidivism';
20. Self Carers Are Better For the Patient (Kukhansa Kauser, Graham Powell) press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of paper 'Personality Change and Burdon on the Carers After the Onset of Physical Disability';
21. It's Nothing to Do With The Time of the Month (Precilla Choi) - press release, contact and coverage sheet, abstract and summary of papers given at Psychobiology Section symposium 'The Psychobiology of the Normal Menstrual Cycle';

See also
BPS/001/6/01/2/1/1 for Programme and Abstracts of this conference
PHO/001/03/01/05 BPS Annual Conference 1993 Photographs
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Stephen White - Director of Information File.
Related MaterialBPS/001/11/03 BPS Press Launches, Releases and Events
PHO/001/03/01/05 BPS Annual Conference 1993 Photographs
BPS/002/3/09/06/01 Psychology of Women Section Conferences
BPS/002/1/04 Welsh Branch
BPS/002/3/03/02/05 Occupational Psychology Conferences
PHO/001/03/01/05/14 Annual Conference 1993 photographs
PHO/003/2/31/07/07 Ashley Weinberg and Liam Delaney - Photograph
AccessConditionsRegistered Users by Appointment Only. Personal data on contact sheet not to be available to researcher.
Location13: BPS History of Psychology Centre, London
TermHealth Psychology
AdminHistoryThe British Psychological Society held regular 'general' meetings from its earliest days when members and invited guests would read papers some of which were then published. They were called general meetings to differentiate them from Section (as the Society's specialist groups were called which were created 1919-1920). Lists of meeting titles and abstracts were published in the British Journal of Psychology and other Society publications.

By the end of its first year, December, 1902, the Society had held six meetings, four at University College, London, one at Cambridge and one at Oxford. Two or three papers were read with an interval for tea and afterwards a dinner was held. In 1910 the British Psychological Society joined the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association for a week-end of meetings. Two weekend meetings were held with the Royal Society of Medicine in 1914 - the second meeting was held at Durham University [see photographs PHO/001/03/08/05]).

In 1931 a general meeting was held outside London at the University of Reading and in 1933 a visit was made to Bethlem Royal Hospital. In 1936 a new venture of extended general meetings held was initiated, they were held from Friday until Monday at regional venues - the first was in Leeds 17-20 April. AGM was originally held in January and then December but by 1941 were part of the extended meeting which was called the Annual General Conference until 1995 and then the Annual Conference but it still included the AGM. [An annual London Conference was started in 1958].

1936 Leeds 1983 York
1937 Manchester 1984 Warwick
1938 St Andrews 1985 Swansea
1939 Reading 1986 Sheffield
1940 Birmingham (Louvain was cancelled) 1987 Sussex
1941 Nottingham 1988 Leeds
1942 Brighton 1989 St. Andrews
1943 Oxford 1990 Swansea
1944 Glasgow 1991 Bournemouth
1945 Exeter 1992 Scarborough
1946 Durham 1993 Blackpool
1947 Dartford Heath 1994 Brighton
1948 Birmingham 1995 Warwick
1949 Bristol 1996 Brighton
1950 Reading 1997 Edinburgh
1955 Durham 1998 Brighton
1951 Liverpool 1999 Belfast
1952 Oxford 2000 Winchester
1953 Nottingham 2001 Glasgow
1954 Nottingham 2002 Blackpool
1956 Manchester 2003 Bournemouth
1957 St. Andrews 2004 London
1958 Birmingham 2005 Manchester
1959 Cambridge 2006 Cardiff
1960 Hull 2007 York
1961 Liverpool 2008 Dublin
1962 Bristol 2009 Brighton
1963 Reading 2010 Stratford-upon-Avon
1964 Leicester 2011 Glasgow
1965 Aberdeen 2012 London
1966 Swansea 2013 Harrogate
1967 Belfast 2014 Birmingham
1968 Sheffield 2015 Liverpool
1969 Edinburgh 2016 Nottingham
1970 Southampton 2017 Brighton
1971 Exeter 2018 Nottingham
1972 Nottingham
1973 Liverpool
1974 Bangor
1975 Nottingham
1976 York
1977 Exeter
1978 York
1979 Nottingham
1980 Aberdeen
1981 Surrey (Univ. of)
1982 York

During the 1990 Annual Conference in Swansea the BBC recorded an edition of 'Any Questions'
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Claire Jackson BPS Archivist History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/79The British Psychological Society; Division of Clinical Psychology; 1966-; (DCP)1966-
BPS/GB/261The British Psychological Society; Professional Practice Board; 1973-2002; PAB1973-2002
BPS/GB/88aThe British Psychological Society; Psychology of Women & Equalities; 1988-; PoWES1988-
BPS/GB/88The British Psychological Society; Occupational Psychology Section; 1919-20011919-2001
BPS/GB/96The British Psychological Society; Welsh Branch; 1955-1955-
BPS/GB/147The British Psychological Society; Psychobiology Section; 1983-1983-
BPS/GB/500White; Stephen Grant (1949-2010); Director of Information1949-2010
BPS/GB/486Richardson; John (1948-); Professor; FBPSs1948-
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