Ref NoBPS/001/6/02/02/01/09
TitleBPS Centenary Sub-Committee & Way Ahead/Legacy Group Meeting Papers and Correspondence, 2002
Extent1 folder
Physical DescriptionOne folder
DescriptionMeeting Papers and correspondence for the British Psychological Society BPS Centenary Sub-Committee, 2002, and later that year, a new committee, the 'Way Ahead/Centenary Legacy Group', reflecting on the activities of the Centenary year in 2001, and their legacy for the society.

15 January 2002: Correspondence from Vicki Bruce on the Centenary Report, on the usefulness of the centenary slogan and a way to thank Michael Davis who came up with the idea; Public Lecture series as part of the centenary legacy.

17 January 2002: BPS Centenary Sub-Committee Minutes and papers. Notes include: Arrangements for the draft Centenary Report to be sent to the Board of Directors meeting on 18 January 2002, including what to include and what amendments to make. That a report conferning Public Lectures for 2002 and beyond had been recieved. The committee noted the success of the public lectures during the centenary year, and hoped this activity could continue, under a single policy 'body' within the society. That the Committee noted the cost of these activities, but hoped the society would see them as necessary. Regarding the Royal Cornwall Show, that the South West Branch wished to attend the event again in 2002, following exhibiting during the centenary year. The committee agreed to fund for 2002, but that in future branches should include activities in the subvention request to Council. Regarding Parliamentary Activity: That the Press and Communications board would be responsible for taking forward suggestions contained in the report from Judi Ellis and Nicky Edwards. Regarding External Conferences, that attending Mind Conference and AIDS conference had been successful - that attending and exhibiting at this type of conference should be encouraged and continued; that central co-ordination of such activity was essential, that at such events there was a need to have psychologists present; that materials available for these events should be reviewed and input should come from relevant psychologists. Regarding the Science Museum activity: that Geoff Bunn's contract would not be renewed, which was noted with sadness, that the momentum gained between the Society and the Museum should not be allowed to slip and it was agreed that Society Staff should meet with Museum staff to discuss the continuing relationship. The committee noted with pleasure that despite the contract not being renewed, psychology, as a discipline, was now firmly established within the Museum's strategic planning. It was noted that events with the Adam Smith Foundation and the Edinburgh International Science Festival will go ahead in 2002; that Michael Davis, who devised the BPS Centenary Slogan, 'Bringing Psychology to Society' should be sent a £50 token. That mugs and pens still available should be offered to members of the Sub-Committee. That the Sub-Committee had come to the end of its working life and thanks were given again to everyone.

14 February 2002: Meeting notes for the Way Ahead/Legacy Group. [Including Steve Cooper, Pam Maras, Tom Williams, with Barry Brooking and Stephen White in attendance]. Items discussed includeL The Composition of the Group; Terms of Referance for the group - referring to the 'referance' from the Board of Directors' task list, but noting that the reference concerning the 'Review of Society Awards' was questioned as being perhaps beyond the remit of the group. Regarding the Royal Cornwall Show - that it would be supported for this year, that the Branch should report back on why members of the public visited the stand, that future activities like this should be guided with a strategic view - considering why we engage in such activities: to raise profile/awareness, to provide information, or as a recruitment function. Regarding lectures at the Adam Smith Foundation and the EISF Edinburgh International Science Festival, that these two activities, organised by the Centenary Sub-Committee would go ahead later in 2002, that Rory O'Connor had taken on the local organising responsibilities, that the costs would be bourn from the remaining Centenary funds. Regarding Public Lectures/Information about psychology, and Information provision - Reports/Responses: Agreed that the society should organise public lectures this year, although the type, style and audience was not discussed in detail. Centenary Awards should be made and the Board of Directors members present agreed to raise this item at BoD/Council. That a further meeting of the Way ahead group would be held during the Annual Conference 2002, on 14 March 2002 in Blackpool. Items for further discussion were: needing a strategy for external dissemination activities - the phrase, "we must disseminate to the public as well as we disseminate to psychologists" was noted. Was there a need for a small executive committee to take this forward?; Do we need a 'Public Policy Unit' in the office, to develop a Society agenda for proactive dissemination: both research and practice; is it possible to establish real evaluation measures?; there should be linkage between public dissemination activities and the Society's parliamentary/Governmental activities.

14 March 2002: Meeting notes for the Way Ahead/Legacy Group. That part of te reference from BoD had now been completed (overseeing the remaining Centenary budget on the Adam Smith lecture and on the EISF activities. That the main task for the group now was to report back and make recommendations to May BoD and Council meetings on: future developmetns including public lectures and information for external audiences; wider strategy for maintaining impetus gained during the Centenary Year in terms of 'taking psychology to society'. It was noted developments would not be at the financial or frequency level of those in the Centenary Year, that they would probably be time limited to 3 years; Regarding Centenary Awards, that the Chair would write a report for May BoD/Council recommending that Lords Sainsbury and May recieve an appropriate memento, indicating the society's thanks for their involvement with the Centenary - cost and wording of inscriptions specified. Regarding Strategy, that the group had recieved and discussed a document [written by Stephen White, Director of Information] on the future strategy of public engagement. That the guiding principle be: 'To advance and diffuse any knowledge of the discipline both pure and applied to audiences external to the Society's membership'. Regarding preliminary proposals, that a Public Lecture be held in October of this year on a subject to be chosen, advised by SAB [BPS Scientific Affairs Board] and PAB [BPS Professional Affairs Board] - futhrer, that the group wished to see the lecture organised in partnership with an appropriate organisation. That the proposal concerning information leaflets about aspects of psychology aimed at specific external target audiences be supported and some thought be given to the involvement of the Society's Staff Writer. It was agreed that the Centenary slogan - Bringing Psychology to Society be retained. In future years it was suggested a minimum of four public lectures be organised on issues that impact on the public (current subjects mentioned included pensions, employment, risk behaviour, faith schools). Again, it was hoped that these could be organised in partnership with other organisations. That the system should be flexible enough so that external events could be organised quickly to react to 'hot topics'; That the small working group of members be formed to take policy responsibility for such outward facing activities. It was noted other core parts of the Society were engaged in similar types of activities - such Parliamentary Group who were organising targeted events later this year. That it was important to co-ordinated.

19 April 2002: Meeting notes for the Way Ahead/Legacy Group. A report from Pam Maras titled, 'Centneary Legacy - way ahead was recieved and discussed. Noted that there had been good attendance at the Edinburgh International Science Festival lectures; that the festival organisers were keen to include psychology based lectures in their programme in 2003. That the Adam Smith Institute lecture had been postponed; That the report should acknowledge the staff who had supported the Way Ahead Group. That a recommendation be made for contingency funding; that the focus of events would not be solely 'English'; that subject matter for contingencies should arise from research and application; that indicative costings are required. Regarding the APA/Society Event - that discussions were at an early stage for a possible joint conference between the BPS and the APA (American Psychological Association), on the subject of terrorism. That such an event should be carefully considered within a wider political context.

24 April 2002: Report from Pam Maras to BPS Council titled, 'Centenary Legacy - way ahead': a report on the activities of the Way Ahead working group, with recommendations, strategy, specific activities and budget.

3 October 2002: Meeting notes for the Way Ahead Group. Notes include membership of the group - that Judi Ellis (Parliamentary Representative) and Bruce Napier (Chair of SCC Standing Conference Committee) had joined the group. That Anne Pollard (Marketing and Promotions Officer) had joined the group in an advisory capacity, that the group thanked Barry Brooking for his contribution to the work of the group. Regarding EISF Edinburgh Science Festival 2003, that a paper had been recieved and discussed, noted that Professor Mike Burton would be giving a lecture at the festival, with discussion regarding costs. That any decisions around future particpation in EISF would come through this group. That the Marketing and Promotions Officer had recieved an invitation for the society to participate in the Chelteham Science Festival 2003. That the group needed to discuss whether the Society should be invovled in any Science Festival and to this end, a paper would be drafted on Science Festivals across the UK. Regarding the Royal Cornwall Show 2003, that the BoD had agreed the South West Branch would receive funding to attend and that future requests would be routed to this group. That reports prepared by the South West Branch be circulated to this group to consider Society participation in other such 'county' shows. Regarding 'Information about Psychology' leaflets - that a template exists, and that both the Research Board and Professional Practice Board would be considering possible topics for such leaflets at their next meetings. Regarding Parliamentary Reception: that the Parliamentary Representative gave an update on plans for an event 27 November 2002 on 'Children and Young People', that Tommy MacKay would be the principle Society speaker, that the targeted minister, Estelle Morris, had not yet replied to the BPS invitation, but 20 MPs had so far replied to say that they were attending. Regarding Parliamentary Scientific meeting: that such a meeting may still be possible to organise before the end of the year. The theme may be 'childhood disorders' and the All Party Autism group had been invited. Various other topics discussed including behavioural genetics, inherited genetic disorders, nature/nurture debate. Open Lecture: it may be too late at this stage to organise a public lecture this year. As previously agreed, any public lecture should be organised jointly with another learned society. The Chair of the Research Board drew attention to the British Academy's 'conversazioni' meetings, it was agreed the Chair of the Research Board would meet with Professor Jim Reason of the British Academy Psychology Section to see if the Society could be formally involved in a joint meeting in the near future. Regarding a potential exhibition with the Wellcome Trust - that the group received and discussed a proposal from Professor Vicki Bruce for some joint funding to organise another public exhbition on aspects of 'the face'. The group warmly supported the proposal, but funding should be sought in first instance with the EPSRC [Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council]. The group noted that such sort of activities were rare within the discipline and agreed that some mechanism should be discussed which would encourage other psychologists to engage in such activities - e.g. a competition. Discussion also included use of local radio, that the Press Officer would investigate and report back; that the Chair would write a strategy/summary paper for discussion at the next meeting.

8 November 2002: Strategy document from Pam Maras to the Way Ahead Group, a draft proposal for BPS Council, titled, 'Way Ahead Group - Strategy'.

18 November 2002: Meeting notes for the Way Ahead Group. Matters discussed included Strategy (the group discussed the paper drafted by the Chair, Pam Maras. General target audiences were agreed: the general public, school and HE students, other professions and learned societies, government and other policy makers, use of services. Criteria to discuss: target, likely impact, rationale, specification of activity. Science Festivals: a document from the secretary on this subject. That in the first instance, the society should participate in the Edinburgh Science Festival, the Cheltenham Science Festival and the British Association Annual Science Festival for one year in the first instance. Regarding County shows, that such events were predominantly local and often related to local branch enthusiasm - where there was local branch support to run, they should be encouraged in principle - but not be restricted to County shows per se. Both rural and urban activities should be undertaken. Regarding 'Information about Psychology' leaflets - two subject areas received to date: panic attacks and self harm. That the Chair of the Research Board and the Professional Practice Board representative to identify potential authors for these leaflets. Scientific Meetings in Parliament: two topics suggested - autistic spectrum disorders; and asylum seekers. Other topics mentioned included obesity; brain and behaviour; environmental issues. Open Lecture: that the British Academy would be please to work with BPS on 'open lectures' within the Academy's programme. Exhibition-Welcome Trust/Science Museum: that the group received and discussed a detailed proposal from Vicki Bruce seeking funding for a forthcoming exhibition 'Future face'. The group noted that other funding was bring sought from EPSRC and were unsure what would happen if that was not granted? Notwithstanding, the group agreed to the request for funding up to £6k. Regarding Local Radio, that the group welcomed the paper and agreed to ask the Press Officer to work up a more detailed paper, containing specific proposals. Parliamentary items: That the Parliamentary Representative reported on the following items: environment; terrorism; genetic counselling; that working with All Party Groups would be a priority, that the chief guest at the forthcoming Parliamentary Reception is Barry Sheerman MP, Chair Education & Skills Select Committee; The chair reported that the Nuffield Foundation had expressed an interest in engaging in joint parliamentary activities with other organisations/learned societies.
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
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Location13: BPS History of Psychology Centre, London
AdminHistoryThe Psychological Society was founded on 24 October 1901 at University College London. Its aim was 'to advance scientific psychological research, and to further the co-operation of investigators in the various branches of Psychology.' It changed its name to 'The British Psychological Society' in 1906, to avoid confusion with another society.

In August 1991, ten years before the centenary of BPS in 2001, Stephen White [BPS Director of Information], initiated activity among BPS staff to support the celebration centenary.

A working party was founded in August 1991 following a meeting of Stephen White, Allan Sakne [BPS Business Manager], Amanda Briggs [BPS Conference and Events Manager] and David Bird [BPS Assistant Executive Secretary].

The working party was later to be established as a formal Sub-Committee under the Finance & General Purposes Committee in 1996.

After the Centenary in 2001, the Centenary Sub-Committee continued to meet to report on activity and it was agreed to form the 'Way Ahead Group' to cement the legacy of activity.
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following: ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MAD3 Third Edition 2000
ArchNoteCompiled by Lucy Parker BPS Assistant Archivist History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/506Bunn; Geoffrey Crinson (1968-); Dr; MBPsS1968-
BPS/GB/262Bruce; Dame; Victoria Geraldine (1953-); Professor; DBE, OBE, Hon. FBPsS, CPsychol., FRSE, FBA1953-
BPS/GB/500White; Stephen Grant (1949-2010); Director of Information1949-2010
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