Ref NoBPS/002/2/01/02/03/01
TitleBPS DCP Papers 1991-1992
Extent1- transfer case
DescriptionFile contains 5 folders of typed briefing papers, correspondence, action notes, general information and other printed material consequential to meetings held by the British Psychological Society's Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) in 1991-1992.

Details are as follows:

Folder 1
1- printed and bound minutes book [blue cover ] marked as next exec.meeting 16/11/92 contains printed details of the 1st Executive meeting 22/06/1992,

162nd meeting of the Committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology 07/09/1992,

draft minutes of the meeting of the Standing Sub-committee on Continuing Professional Development, 02/10/1992,

72nd meeting of the Finance and Membership Sub-committee 02/07/1992,

Joint meeting of the Standing Sub-committee on Service Development and SIG's, 13/10/92 and the SSDC on 13/10/1992

2-Printed circular from Professor G.A.Lindsay, Chair PAB concerning 'General Practice Funding: Guidance on the Scope of the HCHS Element of the Fund', October 1992 6vii(a)

Draft typed document concerning responsibility holder for liaison on European issues, statement of interest forms and european issues, (5)
Typed correspondence from Malcolm Adams ,Chair DCP to Mr A.Sakne BPS concerning Glenys Parry's resignation 02/11/1992 (6i (a))

Photocopy of DCP Committee Organogram (6ii (a))

Photocopied document entitled 'Group of Clinical Psychology Trainers' (6iii (a))

10- page typed paper executive summary 'Psychological Therapies for Adults in the NHS' a joint statement by the BPS and the Royal College of Psychiatrists, October 1992 (6iv)

Typed correspondence in reply to the letter from Paul Evans, Clerk to the Health Select Committee by John Sheppard, Hon.Parliamentary Officer BPS, 25/09/1992 (6v (a))

1- page photocopy announcing a BPS DCP seminar entitled 'The Extension of the GP Fundholding Scheme and Implications for Psychological Services' 6vii (b)

6- page Photocopied reply from Mr.Keith Vaz MP (Lab.Leicester.East) with replies to the questions that he tabled recently to the Minister of Health, 23/07/1992 (6vii)

3-3- page photocopied notes of a meeting held on 3 November 1992 at UCL 'Task Group on Equal Opportunities' [draft press officer job description is included with the notes], 16/11/1992 [tabled]

Typed letter from Malcolm Adams, Chair BPS/NCVQ/SCOTVEC Steering Group to Mr Marc Binns re: National Council For Vocational Qualifications, 29/10/1992 (7viii)

Typed document concerning conference attendance 1/iii

4- page copy letter from Welsh Office with a copy of the All Wales Strategy for the Development of Services for People with Mental Handicaps guidance paper, 15/10/1992 (iiiv)

3- page typed BPS DCP Income and Expenditure Account 1991-92 (12i)

9- page typed Report on DCP Survey of Waiting lists in National Health Service Clinical Psychology Services: 1992 (14ic)

Typed correspondence between John Sharich and Mr D.Bird BPS, 30/09/1992 (15i a)

4- page correspondence from Colin V.Newman Executive Secretary BPS to Prof. S.E.Newstead, 15iii

Letter from P.O.Svanberg to Mr.M.Adams Chair DCP (16i0, 28/09/1992

Letter from Colin V.Newman to Dr.D.W.A.Jerrom re: The code of conduct for Psychologists and Child protection, 13/07/1992 (16ii)

Letter from Dr.John Hall to Dr.Glenys Parry re: Meeting of Professions Allied to Medicine with the Department of Health with meeting notes 11/05/1992 (16iii)

Letter from R.P.Webster to Mr.M.A.Adams Chair DCP with 4- page report of the RCP entitled 'Mental Health of the Nation: The Contribution of Psychiatry' (16iv), 08/10/1992

Copy typed letter from David Bird to Ms S.M.Gardner re: yearbook, 24/11/1992

Copy typed letter from Mary Burgess to the Editor 'Public Eye' BBC re: therapists programme, 18/11/1992

Typed and handwritten correspondence between David Bird and Dr.J.A.Ovretveit concerning resource pack, 24/11/1992

Typed correspondence between David Bird and Dr.R.K.Turner re: statement of interest, 24/11/1992

Typed correspondence between David Bird and Dr.T.C.Twining re: advising purchasers, 24/11/1992

Typed correspondence between Professor John Wing and Dr.Malcolm Binns BPS re: Clinical Terms Project, 13/10/1992

Typed letter from R.J.Miller to Mr D Bird BPS concerning Advice, Guidance and Counselling Lead Body, 09/10/1992

Typed letter from Craig Newnes Forum to David Bird BPS re: Psychological Therapies, 14/10/1992

Folder III contains:

2- page typed photocopy document containing a brief summary of response to the briefing papers and action notes of a DCP meeting with DoH/NHSME-13/07/1992

Typed circular letter from David Bird, Assistant Executive Secretary BPS, to Members of the DCP Committee enclosing a 3-page 'action points' list from the Executive meeting 24/06/92

1- page copy typed DOP feedback list from Morag to Glenys concerning the DOP meeting [17/06/1992], 19/06/1992

2- page copy typed letter from Dr.Michael Berger, Head of Psychology Services -St.George's Hospital, Tooting to Dr.Rachel Jenkins Dept.of Health concerning a request for medical audit funding for the Division of Clinical Psychology, 16/06/1992 [draft for DCP]

Typed letter and copy to DCP Committee from David Bird Assistant Executive Secretary concerning marking for agenda items, 15/06/1992

Typed Memorandum [and copy] from Alan Sakne, Business Manager BPS to Branches of the DCP et al, concerning Devolution for the BPS

a 2- page typed document [and copy] entitled 'Devolution' by Rev.Dr. Fraser Watts Vice President is attached to the memo, 08/06/1992

Copy typed letter from Laura Golding (North West Branch Representative) to Mr.D.Bird Assistant Executive Secretary BPS concerning Academic Curriculum for the Diploma in Clinical Psychology, 08/06/1992

Typed correspondence [and copies] between Adrian Newell DCP Warwick and Dr.Glenys Parry, Chair DCP Sheffield, concerning Professional Titles for Clinical Psychologists, 02/06/1992

Typed correspondence between Rob Palmerone, Community Health Hull and Dr.Glenys Parry, Chair DCP Sheffield concerning open referrals and medical responsibility, 01/06/1992

Typed correspondence [and copies] from Linda Walker, Chair of Child Special Interest Group to Dr.Fraser Watts, President BPS (with 2-page facsimile document) concerning Clinical Psychologists attending court, 14/05/1992

Typed correspondence [and copies] from Dr.A.H.Pattie DCP, York Health to Mr. R.Millar BPS concerning expenses for management course (breakdown included), 08/05/1992

Photocopied facsimile[and copies] from Dr.Chris Payne, Centre for Coding and Classification to Dr. M.Adams Regional Tutor in Clinical Psychology East Anglian RHA, concerning read codes in clinical psychology, 07/05/1992

Typed correspondence [and copies] from Rochelle Serwator, Editor , Professional Psychologist's Handbook to Ms Wilkinson concerning contents, 07/05/1992

Typed correspondence [and copies] from Elizabeth Irvine CCP to Mr D.Bird Asst. Exec. Secretary BPS concerning National DCP Committee Policy Meeting 27/28 April 1992, 06/05/1992

Typed circular letter from Colin V. Newman Exec. Secretary BPS to All Sub-Systems of the Society et al concerning a draft revised code of conduct for psychologists, May 1992

7- page typed manifesto draft [and copies] on The contribution of psychology to health and social care in 2001 [discussion document], May 1992

2- page typed document [and copy] Account of the Working Group-DCP Policy Meeting, 30 April 1992

2- page typed letter [and copy] from Colin V. Newman Asst. Exec. Secretary BPS to Miss Catherine Dooley, Kingston Hospital concerning Society Representation on the Health Care Professions Educational Forum, 29/04/1992

2- page typed letter [and copy] from Irene Sclare Chair, SIG Children and Young People to Mr. Geoff Lindsay, PAB BPS concerning Dept.of Health document 'With Health in Mind', 21/04/1992

Typed correspondence[ and copies/handwritten drafts] between Dr.David Hall, Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Child Health, St George's Tooting and Dr.M.Berger SCP Dept. of Child Psychiatry, St George's Tooting concerning formal training in psychometrics for doctors, 16/04/1992

Typed correspondence [and copies] between Dr. R.G.Lansdown , Great Ormond Street hospital and Ms E.Wilkinson BPS DCP concerning a letter [enclosed] to Dr.John Hall Consultant Adviser in Clinical Psychology, Warneford Hospital re: clinical responsibility and clinical psychologists, 07/04/1992

Copy facsimile memorandum [and copies] from Eric Jefferson Care Group Manager, Hull Health Authority to CaGrAT members concerning medical responsibility for clients receiving mental health care, 14/02/1992

Typed 1- page BPS DCP document entitled 'Forum Editorial Collective Draft Terms of Reference'

1- page typed document BPS DCP proposed dates of meetings in 1993

1- page typed [and copy] document entitled 'Annual Report from Society Representatives United Kingdom Standing Conference for Psychotherapy (UKSCP) report by John Davis

1- page typed document [and copy] entitled 'Recommendations to PAB from the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Psychotherapy'

1- page typed document [and copy] entitled 'DCP Scribe's Notes: Internal Matters'
Folder IV contains:

Typed document 'Branches their function and purpose', Kingston General Hospital, Hull 10/03/1992

Typed document and copy BPS DCP Responsibility Holder for Liaison on European Issues affecting Clinical Psychology (European Liaison Officer)

4- page typed document [ and copies] entitled 'Key Information and Key Tasks for Managers' by Elizabeth Irvine and Liz Wilkinson, January 1992

1-page typed document Guidelines for Appointment of Responsibilities Holders by Alan Sakne, Business Manager, June 1991

9- page typed document [and copy] entitled 'BPS DCP Mapping the External Environment' by Professor David F. Marks, Chair Health Psychology Section

Typed correspondence [and copy] from Malcolm Adams Chair DCP to Ms Irene Sclare, Kings College Hospital London concerning Child Special Interest Group, 05/03/1992

24- page document entitled BPS Membership and Qualifications Board Committee of Training in Clinical Psychology, recently approved accreditation reports for University of Exeter and Torbay Health Authority. MSc Course in Clinical Psychology, University of Manchester, Msc Course in Clinical Psychology, East Anglian RHA and the University of cambridge RTS in Clinical Psychology and M Phil in Psychopathology, Mersey regional Training Scheme in Clinical Psychology, MSc in Clinical Psychology Course, March 1992

1- page typed circular letter [and copy] to Chairs and Secretaries of Sub-Systems from Graham Davey, Hon.Conference Secretary concerning Keynote themes and Invited Speakers for the Society's 1993 Annual Conference

2- page typed letter from Professor David F. Marks Chair, Health Psychology Section to Mr.Malcolm Adams, Chair DCp concerning Manifesto on Health and Social Care, 26/02/1992

2- 2-page typed letters [and copies] from Glenda Wallace Chair Affiliates Group DCP to Mr. Adrian Skinner Hon.Treasurer DCP concerning increase in subvention, 20/02/1992

1- typed letter and 4- page typed document [and copies] from Bernard J.Kat CCP to David Bird Asst. Exec.Secretary BPS concerning Draft Proposals for Revisions to Section 4 of the Code of Conduct, 18/02/1992

1- page typed job desciption [post convenor] and 2- typed statements of interest from Chris Cullen and Marc Binns

1- page typed letter [and copy] from Dr. James R.G.Furnell CCP to Mr.David Bird concerning 66th meeting of DCLP Committee held at Leicester on 17th January 1992, 20/01/1992

Typed correspondence between Stephen Galvin CCP and Mr.R.Miller Convenor of Post Qualification Training Committee DCP concerning draft copy of report Accreditation Visit -Newcastle Cognitive Therapy course (NCTC), 02/09/1991

2- pamphlets from the BPS DCP entitled 'Core Purpose and Philosophy of the Profession'

1- Photocopied DCP Committee Organogram
Folder V contains:

1-3-page typed document of a draft discussion paper entitled 'DCP Guidance for DCP Members on Advising Purchasers of Health and Social Care Project Specification', 20/01/1992

Typed letter [and copy] from Malcolm Adams Chair DCP to Mr D Nichol Chief Executive NHSME concerning request for a meeting between DCP and NHSME, 09/01/92

Typed letter [and copy] from Malcolm Adams Chair DCP to Dr. A.T.Carr Polytechnic South West concerning Group of Psychology Trainers, 08/01/1992

Typed letters between Dr.Eva Bratslavsky Hon. Sec. DCP Oxford Branch and Malcolm Adams Chair DCP concerning elections and rule changes, 07/01/1992

Typed letter [and copy] between Malcolm Adams, Chair DCP and Dr. E. Coyle Consultant in Public Health Medicine concerning Proposed Joint conference-Faculty of Public Health Medicine and DCP, 07/01/1992

6- page typed document [and copies] entitled 'Clinical Psychology The Core Purpose and Philosophy of the Profession',02/01/1992

Typed circular letter [and copy] from Alan Sakne Business Manager BPS to all members of the council concerning the President Elect, 20/12/1991

Typed letter and documents [copies] from Malcolm Adams, Chair DCP to Dr.C.V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS concerning the Code of Conduct, 19/12/1991

Typed letter from Malcom Adams, Chair DCP to Mr.M.O'Callaghan DP Basildon Hospital concerning Meeting of Regional Advisory Groups, 19/12/1991

Typed letter from David T.A.Bird to Ms S.M.Gardner Oak House Upton Hospital concerning dates of meetings, 16/12/1991

1- page typed document entitled 'Developing Guidance on Advising Purchasers by Malcolm Adams Chair DCP

1- page [and copy] typed letter from John Fitzgerald Hon.Sec.West Midlands DCP to MR. A.Newall with letter from Chris to David concerning Professional Titles for Clinical Psychologists, 12/12/1991

Typed letter from C.J.Dobson Hon.Sec. DCP-SB to Mr David Bird Asst. Exec.Secretary BPS concerning Committee meeting minutes, 20/11/1992

Typed circular letter from Dr.G.A.Lindsay, Chair PAB to Chairs of all divisions and special groups on PAB concerning President's award for distinguished contributions to professional psychology, 11/11/1991

1- page typed document [and copy] entitled DECP Committee meeting, 08/11/91 Points of Interest to D.C.P. 12/11/1991

13-page typed letter [and copy] from G.A.Lindsay in reply to the Dept of Health's 'The Health of the Nation', 31/10/1991

1- page typed circular letter from Colin V.Newman to Secretaries of all divisions concerning membership of the steering Committee on test standards, 14/10/1991

3- page typed document entitled DCP Guidance for DCP members on advising purchasers of health and social care: Project Specification, 02/01/1992
1- page typed circular letter from Stephen White Director of Information BPS to Chairs and Secretaries of all boards, divisions, branches, special groups and sections, 02/01/1991

8- page typed document entitled notes of meeting held 18/12/91 to discuss the DCP agenda for Europe, 02/01/1992.
FormatTextual Material
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Transferred to Wellcome - not yet on their catalogue use this reference number to request.
Related MaterialBPS/001/11/04/03/05/11 Response to Health of the Nation 1993
BPS/001/11/04/02/05/10 Lobbying Concerning Clinical Psychology Training Bursaries 1992-1993
AccessConditionsAuthorised Users. View by Appointment
Location18: Wellcome Library Off Site Storage
TermClinical psychology
Legal medicine
Health Psychology
Forensic medicine
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following standard
ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description
ArchNoteCompiled by Mike Maskill BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/219Lansdown; Richard G (1934-); Dr; FBPsS, CPsychol1934-
BPS/GB/323Davey; Graham C L (1949-); Professor; FBPsS1949-
BPS/GB/374Royal College of Psychiatrists; 1841-1841-
BPS/GB/290Kat; Bernard John Bastion (1946-); BA, MSc, CPsychol., DipClinPsychol, FBPsS.1946-
BPS/GB/366The British Psychological Society; DCP Special Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology; 1991-; GTiCP1991-
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