Ref NoBPS/002/2/01/02/03/04
TitleBPS DCP Papers 1995
Extent1- transfer case
DescriptionFile contains bundles of typed briefing papers, correspondence and other printed material consequential to meetings held by the British Psychological Society's Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) in 1995.

Details include:

Bundle marked DCP Full Committee meeting-January 16th 1995

Typed letter [and copy] from Irene Aggus, Administrator BPS to Dr.T.M.McMillan concerning: Attendance of Special Group in Clinical Neuropsychology, 24/01/95

Typed letter from Irene Aggus, Administrator BPS to Dr.J.D.Cape concerning: DCP Committee meeting on 16th January 1995

Typed letter [and copy] from Irene Aggus, Administrator BPS to Dr.Glenys Parry, Dept.of Health concerning: Possible meetings between DCP and the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland Health Departments, 24/01/95

2- page photocopied typed letter from Dr.John Cape Psychology Services Manager to Irene Aggus, Administrator BPS concerning DCP Committee meeting, 16th January 1995

Photocopied typed letter from P.O.Svanberg to Irene Aggus, Administrator BPS concerning P.O.Svanberg's resignation from SDSC and European Liaison Group, 05/01/95

2- page typed document from Ms Pat Frankish entitled 'National and Regional Training Issues, April 93-Jan.95 DCP Perspective'

10-page typed DSC Notice: 41/94/P28 Data Set Change Control Procedure a paper giving notification of changes approved by CRIR which will be included in the NHS Data manual in due course, January 1995
Bundle marked DCP Executive Committee meeting - 13th March 1995

Typed correspondence between Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS and Ron Farrall, Hon Secretary, International Stress Management Association (UK) concerning returning the ISMA National Forum on Stress Management questionnaire form, 24/02/95

Photocopied type letter from Dr.John Cape, Psychology Services Manager, Camden and Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust to Ms Sue Gardner concerning SACQ Briefing, 09/02/95

Typed circular letter from Colin V.Newman, Exec.Secretary BPS to Mr J.S.Bell Secretary for the DCP et al concerning Nominees of the PAB who Serve on the Standing Conference Committee, 08/02/95

Circular typed letter from Ian Jewesbury Dept.of Health, to Chief Executives Organisations and authorities concerning 'After-care form for the Discharge of Psychiatric Patients', 06/02/95

4- page photocopied press release issued by the UK Health Department concerning Review and Revision of the Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act, 06/02/95

2- page photocopied document entitled 'Clinical Outcomes Group Primary Care Clinical Audit Working Group Report to Clinical Outcomes Group' Executive Summary

Photocopied 4-page typed newsletter Networks No.4-December 1994

Typed circular letter to Division Members concerning annual subscription to the DCP

Typed letter from Jamie Hacker Hughes CCP CPS to Ms Pat Frankish Chair, DCP concerning Complementary Therapies, 26/01/95

Circular typed letter from Andrew Cooper Dept.of Health to NHS Executive Directors concerning Pump Priming Multi-Agency Projects 1991-1995, 11/01/95

3- page photocopied typed minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Mental Health Task Force-Support Group, 26/07/94

29- page paper by David King Leader Mental Health Task Force entitled 'Black Mental Health- A Dialogue for Change'

15- page paper by David King Leader Mental Health Task Force entitled 'Guidelines for a local charter for users of mental heath services'

31- page typed paper entitled 'Advocacy a code of practice' a publication by United Kingdom Advocacy Network sponsored by the NHS Mental Health Task Force User Group

14-page photocopied typed report by the Mental Health Task Force Project-london entitled Priorities for Action

43- page typed report [green cover] entitled 'Pump Priming Multi-Agency Projects, The Dept.of Health's pump priming grants to assist the development of multi-agency schemes for mentally disordered offenders 1991-95, An analysis of their impact and value and some recommendations for future initiatives', by Dr.Emma Seymour Sept.1994
Bundle marked DCP Policy Meeting 24th/25th April 1995

10 -page typed document 'Business for the Council May 1995'

3- page typed paper by Sue Gardner entitled 'The Future Structure of the Division of Clinical Psychology', May 1995

1- page typed notes of the meeting between the NHSE and the Society, Quarry House Leeds 16/05/95

Typed covering letter from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS to Irene Aggus and Sue Gardner with a copy of a report on the conference on core values for the medical profession in the 21st century, 05/05/95

Copy typed letter from James D.Read NHS centre for Coding and Classification to Ms Ingrid Lunt Chair of the Professional Affairs Board concerning Launch of the read clinical terms-Friday 20th October 1995, 04/05/95

Photocopied typed internal memorandum from Ms Irene Aggus, Administrator DCP to All DCP Committee Members et al concerning SSDC workshop on 'Clinical Psychology' at the turn of the century, Sept.22nd and 23rd at the Friendly Hotel Loughborough

Photocopied typed internal memorandum from Ms Irene Aggus, Administrator DCP to all committee members concerning DCP Strategy Meeting April 24/25

Typed letter from A.E.G.Skinner Chair elect, DCP to Ms M Rees concerning Assistant Psychologists and Affiliate membership of the DCP, 03/05/95

5-page typed list of DCP officers 02/05/95

1- photocopied typed letter from Dr.James R.G.Furnell CCP (child health) to Dr.Jonquil Drinkwater Hon.Secretary DCP concerning notes from the DCLP Committee Meeting, London 28/04/95

3- page typed facsimile message [A4 paper] from Laura Golding DCP Press Officer concerning DCP Press Officer Annual Report -April 1995

2- page typed memorandum from Lesley Parkinson CCP RMHT concerning World Federation for Mental Health European Initiatives, April 1995

3- page photocopied facsimile message of a letter from Adrian Newell and Sue Hingley National DCP Committee to Branch and SIG Chairs, and Branch Members concerning important consultation with all DCP members regarding the Development of psychology as a profession, 26 April [fax sent 01/05/95]

Typed correspondence between Ms.S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP and Mr C.A.White Chair, Affiliates Group of the Division of Clinical Psychology concerning voting rights for affiliate members,26/04/95

Photocopied typed letter from Sue Gildener Psychologists Special Interest Group in the Elderly to Ms Ingrid Lunt Chair, PAB concerning House of Commons Health Committee Inquiry into Long Term Care, 17/04/95

Typed letter from Rob Stoker BPS conference co-organiser, to all sections concerning visiting fellowship and Professor Howard Gardner, Harvard University contributing to the Division's annual conference [Howard Gardner's CV is attached], 21/04/95

Typed letter [with attachments] from Graeme Geldart, Project manager to all society divisions, special groups, sections, sub-systems and standing committees concerning project for the development of occupational standards in applied psychology, 14/04/95

1- page typed DCP Strategy meeting summary of meetings between DCP/MSF and BPS/RCP from Pat Frankish Chair DCP, 24/04/95

1- page typed BPS Media briefing on post traumatic stress disorder in second world war veterans to be held in The Institute of Education, 26/04/95

Typed letter and 5-page paper from Chris Allen CCP to Health Committee, House of Commons concerning 'Inquiry into Long Term Care' [attached evidence submitted on behalf of the BPS], 13/04/95

5- page typed paper from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS concerning a consultation on a new form of society subsystem, 13/04/95 [and copy]

1- page typed report by Ms Pat Frankish Chair, DCP entitled 'report on the Consultative Working Group on Occupational Standards (NVQ), DCP Strategy Meeting 24/04/95, 11/04/95

1- page typed memorandum from Irene Aggus Administrator, BPS to Various Chairs concerning Standards of Competence for Psychometric Testing in Clinical areas, 11/04/95

2- page typed facsimile message of a briefing paper for the DCP meeting-March 1995 by Mike Berger entitled 'Information about Information in the NHS', 10/04/95

1- page typed report by Ray Miller concerning BPS NVQ Level Exemplar Project, April 10th 1995

1- page photocopied typed letter from Dr.Jed Boardman Senior Lecturer in Social Psychiatry Keele University to Irene Aggus Administrator BPS concerning Community Psychiatric Nursing: A Discussion Document by a Working Party of the Social and Community Psychiatry Section' Bulletin RCP [4-page photocopy attached] (1980), 07/04/95

3- page typed facsimile of a letter from Ingrid Lunt, Chair of the Working Party and of the PAB to Chairs of all BPS subsystems concerning Council working party on the development of psychology as a profession, 05/04/95 [fax sent 01/05/95]

2- page typed list of DCP Committee Convenors and Members Other representatives and Nominees, April 1995

1- page typed report by Ray Miller Advice Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy Lead Body, March 29th 1995

Typed letter and 3-page copy report from the HPSS Management Executive entitled 'Acting on Complaints' The HPSS Management Executive's Response to 'Being Heard'-The Report of a review Committee on NHS Complaints Procedures, March 1995

5- pages of BPS Media Releases, 17/05/95

2- page typed letter from Dr.F.Caldicott President RCP to Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS concerning Joint Liaison Committee between the RCP and the BPS, 17/03/95

1- page typed document 'Health and Care Professions Education Forum-31 January 1995' summary of main points

1- page typed report from David R. Hemsley concerning the Activities of SAB 1994 relevant to DCP Committee, 06/03/95

1- page typed Conference Questionnaire of the DCP Conference 1995

1-page typed report from Ray Miller attending DCoP as observer, 05/11/95 and 06/03/95

1- page typed BBS message from Ray Miller concerning the growth of psyche bulletin board, 06/03/95

2- page typed notes of the meeting of the Research Working Party of the Division of Clinical Psychology held at CIBA Foundation, London 02/03/95

2- page typed briefing paper for the Development of clinical test standards by the Steering Committee on Test Standards (Clinical Sub-Group), March 1995

Typed letter from Colin V.Newman to All Sections et al concerning Case Studies: Advice to Authors Publishing in Society Journals , 16/02/95

4- page typed notes of SACQ/SIGS workshop on development of clinical guidelines and outcome measures for audit, 16/02/95

Typed correspondence between Professor G.Lindsay and Ms Pat Frankish Chair DCP, concerning a meeting with Minister for Health-25/01/95

1- page typed list of European Liaison Group Officers, undated

3- page typed DCP SIG Learning Disabilities Newsletter, undated

6- page photocopied typed report of The Alcohol Education and Research Council, 12th Annual 01/04/93 to 31/03/94

1- page typed appendix Workshop 4-Issues Identified during the Year requiring Strategies for Solution

2- page typed paper for The Psychologist journal by Ingrid Lunt, Chair of the Working Party and of the Professional Affairs Board entitled 'The Development of Psychology as a Profession'

1- page typed progress report by David Pike Co-ordinator entitled 'Psychology Read Code Working Group', 10 April 1995

Bundle marked DCP Executive Meeting -19th June 1995

2- page typed survey of clinical psychology services summary by Jim Meikle and Tom Zadik, June 1995

Typed letter from Dr.Sue Hingley University of Newcastle to Ms Sue Gardner Chair DCP concerning NCQ workshop, London 10th of June 1995 for DCP Executive Meeting 19th June 1995

Typed BBS message from Ray Miller to Irene Aggus concerning the level 5 exemplar project, 11/06/95

3- page typed notes from S.M.Gardner of the Professional Affairs Board, 09/06/95

Typed correspondence between Ms.S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP and Mr C.A.White Chair, Affiliates Group of the Division of Clinical Psychology concerning voting rights for affiliate members, 07/06/95

1-page typed extract from service development minutes 06/06/95

Typed letter from Irene Sclare CCP Lewisham and Guy's Mental Health NHS Trust concerning revision of the DCP Professional Practice Guidelines, 25/05/95

Typed draft memorandum from Options for expanding training project group to DCP members concerning notes of a meeting between the NHSE and BPS, 25/05/95

1- page typed Dept.of Health press release entitled 'The Future of the Health Service, Aims, Goals and Priorities for the next Three Years, 24/05/95

3- page typed correspondence concerning Child Health in the Community: A Guide to Good Practice, 12/05/95

4- page typed Dept.of Health press release entitled 'Gerald Malone welcomes continued expansion of GP fundholding, 23/05/95

1- page typed letter from Michelle Benjamin to the Secretary of the DCP concerning a New Editor: British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19/05/95

Typed letter from Dr.Michael Berger CCP to Miss Sue Gardner Chair DCP concerning Cochrane Collaboration and undermining of professional advice, 22/05/95

Typed letter from Dr.Michael Berger CCP to Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS concerning Clinical Professions Information Advisory Group (CPIAG), 22/05/95

1- page typed notes of relevant items for DCP Executive,, 20/05/95

Typed correspondence between Ms S.M.Gardner and Professor G.A.Lindsay President BPS concerning outcome of the discussion at the working group on statutory registration, 17/05/95

Typed letter from Ms S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP to Professor E Miller University of Leicester concerning invitation to future meeting of the DCP, 17/05/95

Typed correspondence between Brian Gamble Director of Programmes and Human Resources British Association Promoting Science and Technology and Ms P.Frankish Chair DCP concerning the National Week of Science, 12/05/95

Typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS to Mr Jamie G.H. Hacker-Hughes concerning complimentary therapies, 10/05/95

18-page typed report with covering letter from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary entitled 'The Development of Occupational Standards Based Qualifications in Applied Psychology' a report of the Consultative Working Group on Applied Psychology to the council of the British Psychological Society, 20 May 1995

Typed letter from Diane Lukeman Hon.Secretary, Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology to Sue Gardner, Chair DCP concerning Membership of Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology, 09/05/95

Typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS to Mrs E.S.Coates concerning Joint Reviews of Social Services Authorities, 11/05/95
Typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary to Ms Sue Gardner and Mrs Irene Aggus concerning a letter from NHS executive on Community Health Councils, 11/05/95
Typed letter from Colin V.Newman to Dr.Mary McMurran, Secretary DCLP et al concerning a copy of the white paper 'Looking to the Future. Mediation and the Ground for Divorce' [copy enclosed], 10/05/95

Typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS to Professor J.G.Beaumont, Secretary, Special Group in Neuropsychology et al concerning The consultation paper from the Law commission on common and public law liability for psychiatric illness, 10/05/95
Bundle marked DCP-Full Committee meeting, 11/09/95

3- page typed programme of the NHSE Sponsored Conference organised by the DCP 'Good Practice in Clinical Psychology held November 2nd 1995 Paddington

24- pages of documents tabled 11/09/95 including; financial position 07/09/95, invitation to a media briefing 'Psychotherapy versus Counselling' 18/07/95, paper entitled 'physical exercise and psychological well being', Dept.of Health review of NHS Psychotherapy Services, and other matters

Typed letter from Ray Miller Director, West Cheshire NHS Trust to Irene Aggus Administrator concerning NVQ's and the lead body, 04/09/95

1- page typed memorandum from Irene Aggus Administrator concerning guidance for trusts, September 1995

3- page typed letter from Jonathan Calder Sub-editor, Subsystems Periodicals to Ms S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP concerning the 'Information officer' role, 24/08/95

Typed copy correspondence between Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS and Claire Palmer Clinical Practice Guidelines Facilitator RCP concerning Clinical Practice Guidelines Programme, 24/08/95

Typed letter [and copy] from Dr.Jonquil Drinkwater CCP to Irene Aggus Administrator re: Issues concerning the Council document: 'Subsystems: The Options', 18/08/95

3- page typed facsimile message from Aidan Bucknall with questionnaire concerning death of a client to be mailed to all UK members of the DCP, 18/08/95

Typed correspondence from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary to Irene Aggus Administrator concerning review of the health advisory service [documents attached], 17/08/95

2- page typed press release from Dept.of Health concerning Minister sets out plans for children's health charter standards, 15/08/95

1- page typed press release from Dept.of Health concerning Children's Services Plans: Legislation Strengthened, 14/08/95

8- page copy typed Law commission consultation paper no.137: common and public law liability for psychiatric illness; a consultation paper, 15/08/95

Typed correspondence between Ms S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP and Dr.Steven Jones concerning communication with members, 14/08/95

Typed letter from Dr.J.Drinkwater to Ms S Gardner, Chair DCP concerning role of Honorary Secretary [typed outline of the role attached], 14/08/95

Typed news release from the Mental Health Foundation entitled 'Purchasing Services for Offenders with Mental Health Problems', 14/08/95

Typed letter from Diane Lukeman Hon.Secretary Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology to Ian Gray, Chair, GTiCP concerning a joint meeting, 11/08/95

Typed letter from Diane Lukeman Hon.Secretary Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology to Professor David Legge, Chair MQB concerning Membership of Committee of Training in Clinical Psychology, 11/08/95

Typed correspondence between Graeme Geldart, Asst.Exec.Secretary to Dr.T.M.McMillan concerning; access to medical reports, 11/08/95

Typed letter from Joanna Saper PCP to Graeme Geldart Asst.Exec. concerning Solicitors, 11/08/95

2- page typed press release from Dept.of Health entitled 'Stephen Dorrell sets out his agenda for the NHS, letter to all Chairmen of NHS trusts and Health Authorities', 10/08/95

2- page typed news release from the Scottish Office entitled 'The Costs and Quality of Care for People with Disabilities', 08/08/95

2- page covering letter to Rabbi Julia Neuberger, Chairman of Working Party, The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health with 4-page paper entitled Work and Training-The Future for Mental Health Care Staff from Chris Allen CCP, 07/08/95

Typed memorandum from Irene Aggus Administrator to SIG chairs et al containing a letter from the NHSE about Information to support Adult (including elderly) Mental Health Care, 03/08/95

Typed memorandum from Irene Aggus Administrator to Branch Representatives concerning rolling programme for election of Branch representatives, 03/08/95

Typed letter from Lesley S.Cohen Chair of CPD Committee of the DCP to DCP Branch Representatives concerning developing a facilitative structure for CPD, 02/08/95

Typed letter from Dr.Mike Berger, St.George's Hospital Tooting to Tom Zadik Treasurer DCP concerning funding for new SIG, Computers in Clinical Practice, 01/08/95

Issue of SDR Volume 11 Number 4, August 1995

2- page typed draft financial statement Oct-94 to Aug-95

2- page draft paper for presentation to NHS Executive, November 1995

1- page typed press release from MIND entitled 'MIND Launches New Guide to Complimentary Therapies, 31st July 1995

Typed correspondence between Colin V. Newman Exec.Secretary BPS and Dr.Fleur Fisher BMA, concerning a briefing paper on the Confidentiality of Personal Health Information, 28/07/95

2- page typed correspondence between Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS and Dr.Michael Berger, St. George's Tooting concerning Read Codes, 26/07/95

Typed correspondence from Jose Ramon Fernandez Hermida concerning the support of EFPPA by the BPS in in their bid for European Funding, 17/07/95

1- page typed letter from Jon Fraise Chair, DCP Yorkshire Branch to Ms S.M.Gardner concerning Supervision for Qualified staff, 20/07/95

1-page typed notes for DCP from CTCP meeting held on July 14th 1995, S.M.Gardner

Letter and report from Charlotte Stark, Information Officer The Mental Health Foundation concerning The Homeless Mentally Ill Initiative, 13/07/95

Typed 2-page letter from James R.G.Furnell CCP to Dr.Jonquil Drinkwater Secretary DCP concerning notes from a DCLP committee meeting 07/07/95

2-page typed circular letter from Craig White on behalf of the Affiliates Group of the DCP concerning National guidance document- health and safety guidelines for courses, 07/07/95

22- page NHS Executive Health Service Guidelines entitled 'Ensuring the Effective Involvement of Professionals in Health Authority Work', 30/06/95

Typed letter to The Chair DCP with notes of Special Group in Clinical Psychology meeting [16/06/95] from June Robson, CCP [observer], 17/06/95

Typed letter to Chief Executives et al with a paper attached 'New Arrangements for Education and Training' from Gi Cheesman, Asst. Director of Corporate Affairs NHS Executive Trust, 15/06/95

Typed letter from Ms S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP to Colleagues concerning a proposed draft on 'Issues for Trusts in Managing Psychological Services' 15/06/95

Typed letter from Ms S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP to Mr R Rowden, Director IHSM containing a summary of their meeting on 28th April, 15/06/95

Typed letter from Ms S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP to Mr P.Hunt NAHAT containing a summary of their meeting on 26th April, 15/06/95

6- typed pages of a paper by Sue Gardner entitled 'The Future of the Division of Clinical Psychology', June 1995

Typed letter from Ms S.M.Gardner Chair, DCP to Ms A Kosviner concerning Accreditation as a Psychological Psychotherapist, 15/06/95

2- page typed draft paper of DCP priorities for 1995/96

3- page typed paper [and copy] by Adrian Newell and Sue Hingley entitled 'BPS Council Working Party on the Development of Psychology as a Profession: Request for Evidence, The DCP Members Response', 15/06/95

1- page typed document entitled 'The May Davidson Award', undated
Bundle marked DCP Executive meeting-27 November 1995

2-page typed letter from Dr.Jonquil Drinkwater to Sue Gardner concerning Mental Health Commissioners, 15/11/95

17-page typed briefing papers for the meeting with National Health Service Management Executive, 14/11/95

Typed letter and paper from Dr.Graham Turner, Convenor, Project Group concerning 'A Survey of Clinical Placements and Supervisors Involved in Clinical Psychology Postgraduate Training', 02/11/95

Typed correspondence between Dr.Fleur Fisher and Colin V.Newman, Exec.Secretary BPS concerning NHS-Wide Network Security: Briefing Meeting, 30/10/95

Typed memorandum and notes from Lesley Parkinson to John R.Sheppard, BPS Parliamentary Officer concerning Joint Meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group, 29/10/95

Typed BPS Media Release entitled 'Demand For Clinical Psychologists', 27/10/95

Typed letter from Dr.Mary Watts Chair of the Division of Psychology, to Ms Sue Gardner Chair DCP concerning Counselling Psychology Annual Conference, 26/10/95

Typed letter from Claire Palmer,Clinical Practice Guidelines Facilitator RCP, to Irene Aggus Administrator BPS concerning participation in the Clinical Practice Guidelines Programme Review Panel, 03/11/95

Typed Memorandum from Alan Sakne Business Manager concerning 'Office Service to the Division of Clinical Psychology', 21/09/95

Typed letter from Colin V. Newman Exec.Secretary BPS to Ms Sue Gardner, Chair DCP et al concerning European Parliament debate on drugs, 16/10/95

4-pages typed notes taken at the council meeting held on October 14th 1995 by Sue Gardner

1- page typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec. Secretary BPS to all chairs et al concerning the categorisation of psychology in the directory of chartered psychologists, 13/10/95

1- page typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec. Secretary BPS to all chairs et al concerning terms and reference and membership of training committees, 13/10/95

1- page typed newsletter from the Mental Health Foundation announcing a new series of bulletins, 12/10/95

1- page typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec. Secretary BPS to organisations concerned with the provision of psychological therapies in the National Health Service, October 1995

Typed Dept.of Health press release entitled New director of research and development in Dept.of Health, 02/10/95

Typed Dept.of Health press release entitled NHS research and development programme poised to revolutionise patient care in the next century-Stephen Dorrell, 02/10/95

4- page typed paper entitled 'Inquiry into long term care evidence to the House of Commons committee' submitted by the BPS, DCP PSIGE, 02/10/95

3- page typed notes made at the IHSM Partnership meeting on 26 September 1995 by Sue Gardner DCP, Chair,

Typed letter from Dr.Mike Berger to Irene Aggus, Administrator BPS concerning Read Code Psychology Terms and typed minutes of the 10th meeting of the read codes psychology working group , 15th september 1995

2- page typed letter from Sue Gardner, Chair DCP to Ms K.Jarvie Dept.of Health concerning Review of the Health Advisory Service, 21/09/95

1- page typed press release from Dept.of Health re: John Bowis Launches Research Initiative on Supporting Parents, 26/09/95

3- page typed notes taken from PAB meeting held on September 15th, 1995

2- page typed progress report for the boards of the council Working Party on the development of psychology as a profession, Ingrid Lunt, September 1995

Typed letter from Irene Aggus Administrator to Jean Gaffin re Gaffin's report on palliative care, 12/09/95

Typed letter from Zenobia Nadirshaw Chair of DCP SIG-Learning Disabilities to Mrs M Hutchins Dept.of Health with response to draft research proposal; A Two stage specification for an evaluation of different types of accommodation for people with learning difficulties, 07/09/95

Typed correspondence between Dr.Graham Turner, Chair ,Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology and Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS concerning the NVQ project, 30/08/95

Typed correspondence between Dr.Graham Turner, Chair ,Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology and Ms A Kosviner concerning accreditation as a Psychological Psychotherapist, 30/08/95

Typed letter from Colin V.Newman Exec.Secretary BPS to Professor C.Cullen concerning a bid to host the EFPPA-sponsored International Congress of Psychology, 28/07/95

Typed letter from Sue Gardner, Chair, DCP to Irene Aggus Administrator BPS concerning complaints against Clinical Psychologists, 22/06/95

60-page printed publication entitled 'Reshaping the NHS, strategies, priorities and resource allocation'by Sharon Redmayne published by NAHAT, 1995

15-page booklet of a joint DCP/CTCP report [yellow cover] entitled 'Clinical Psychology Training:: Meeting health service demand' printed by the BPS

6-page photocopied article entitled 'The development of psychology in Finland' taken from the journal News from EFPPA [European Federation of Professional Psychologists Associations], June 1995

12-page glossy booklet about EFPPA [European Federation of Professional Psychologists Associations], May 1995

1- page photocopied letter by Bernard Kat entitled taken from Health Service Journal, 7/09/95

3- page photocopied article 'The Directive on the Protection of Individuals....' by Laurence J. Cordier, European Commission taken from Biomedical and Health Research, for PAB ,September 15th

9-page photocopied BPS report entitled 'Written Evidence for the Outside World', December 1991, for PAB 15/09/95

3- page photocopied documents concerning RSM enquiry into the integration of research, development and policy for an ageing population, November 1995

29-page journal 'News from EFPPA' [European Federation of Professional Psychologists Associations], Editor Ingrid Lunt, Vol.9 No.3, September 1995

1- page typed document Reduced subscription fees for newly qualified clinical psychologists, Adrian Skinner 27/06/95

1- page typed Conference Sub-committee Members list

6- page typed DCP Finance: A Discussion Paper 1990-1995
FormatTextual Material
NotesThe History of Psychology Centre is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users. Be aware that our catalogue contains historic terminology relating to mental health which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguers or the British Psychological Society.
Transferred to Wellcome - not yet on their catalogue use this reference number to request.
AccessConditionsAuthorised Users. View by Appointment
Location18: Wellcome Library Off Site Storage
TermClinical psychology
Legal medicine
Old age
Forensic medicine
RulesDescription compiled in line with the following standard
ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description
ArchNoteCompiled by Mike Maskill BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Show related Persons records.

BPS/GB/320Intenational Union of Psychological Science IUPsyS; International Congress of Psychology; 1889-; ICP1889-
BPS/GB/386European Federation of Professional Psychological Association; 1981-; EFPA1981-
BPS/GB/290Kat; Bernard John Bastion (1946-); BA, MSc, CPsychol., DipClinPsychol, FBPsS.1946-
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