NameSchaffer; H Rudolph (1926-2008); Professor; FBPsS (Hon), FRSE,
ForenamesH Rudolph
EpithetFBPsS (Hon), FRSE,
Parallel NameRudolph Schaffer
Other NamesH Rudolph Schaffer
DatesAndPlacesBowlby Research Unit, London, 1951-1955
Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, 1955-1963
University of Strathclyde, Department of Psychology, 1964-2008
Nuffield Social Science Fellow, University of North Carolina 1971
Van Leer Foundation Fellow, Van Leer Centre, Jerusalem, Israel, 1976
ActivityDate of Birth: 21/07/1926
Place of Birth: Berlin, Germany
Died: 23rd February, 2008

University Qualifications and Professional Training:
Birkbeck College, University of London BA (Hons) Psychology 1950
University of Glasgow, PhD. 1962

Honours and Awards:
Fellow of the BPS, 1974
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1995
Honorary Fellow of the BPS, 1998
Honorary Doctorate of the University, Open University, 1998
Bowlby-Ainsworth Award, New York Attachment Consortium, 2004

Professional career:
Research Assistant, Tavistock Clinic, Bowlby Research Unit, London, 1951-1955
Senior Clinical Psychologist,1955, 1959; Principal Psychologist, 1959-1963, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow
University of Strathclyde, Department of Psychology:
Lecturer, 1964-1965
Senior Lecturer, 1965-1968
Reader, 1968-1970
Professor, 1970-1991
Head of Department, 1982-1991
Professor Emeritus, 1991-2008
Nuffield Social Science Fellow, University of North Carolina 1971
Van Leer Foundation Fellow, Van Leer Centre, Jerusalem, Israel, 1976

Involvement with BPS and/or other societies and organisations (selected):
BPS Scottish Division of Professional Psychologists, committee member 1956-1961
BPS Scottish Branch, committee member 1967-1969
BPS Board of Examiners for the Diploma in Clinical Psychology 1973-1978
BPS Board of Examiners for the Qualifying Examination 1975-1978
Social Science Research Council, Member of Council 1976-1978
Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Chair 1986-1987
British Association for the Advancement of Science, President of Section J (Psychology) (nd)
Scottish Child and Family Alliance, Chair Under-Sixes Working Group 1986-1989
Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, Member of Advisory Board 1991-1996
Appointments Boards for University Chairs: Sussex, Exeter, Open University; Edinbugh
Founding Editor, Social Development 1990-2004
Co-Editor, British Journal of Psychology 1968-1976.

Sources: R Schaffer's Personal Details Sheet.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.
PublishedWorksBooks and monographs

Schaffer, H.R. & Emerson, P.E. (1964). The development of social attachment in infancy.
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 29, no.3, serial no.94

Schaffer, H.R. & Schaffer, E.B. (1969). Child Care and the Family. London: Bell.

Schaffer, H.R. (1971). The Growth of Sociability. Harmondsworth: Penguin (translated into 9

Schaffer, H.R. (ed.) )1971). The Origins of Human Social Relations. London: Academic Press.

Schaffer, H.R. (1977). Mothering. London: Fontana; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press (translated into 15 languages)

Schaffer, H.R. (ed) (1977). Studies in Mother-Infant Interaction. London: Academic Press
(translated into 2 languages)

Schaffer, H.R. (ed.) (1983). Nuevas Perspectivas En Psicologia Del Descarrollo En
Lengua Inglesa (New perspectives in psychological development in the English language).
Infancia y Apredizaja (Madrid). Monograph no.3.

Schaffer, H.R. (1984). The Child’s Entry into a Social World. London: Academic Press
(translated into 2 languages).

Schaffer, H.R. (1990). Making Decisions About Children: Psychological Questions and
Answers. Oxford: Blackwell (translated into 6 languages). Second edition, 1998
(translated into 6 languages).

Schaffer, H.R. (1995). Early Socialisation. Leicester: British Psychological Society.

Schaffer, H.R. (1996). Social Development. Oxford: Blackwell (translated into 6 languages).

Schaffer, H.R. (2004). Introducing Child Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell.


Schaffer, H.R. (1963). Some issues for research in the study of attachment behaviour. In B.Foss
(ed), Determinants of Infant Behaviour, Vol 3. London: Methuen.

Schaffer, H.R. (1967). Social learning and identification. In E.A.Lunzer (ed), Development in
Human Learning. London: Staples Press.

Schaffer, H.R. (1971). Cognitive structure and early social behaviour. In H.R. Schaffer (ed), The
Origins of Human Social Relations. London: Academic Press.

Schaffer, H.R. (1973). The multivariate approach to early learning. In R.A.Hinde, R.A. &
J.S.Hinde, J.S. Constraints on Learning. London: Academic Press.

Schaffer, H.R. (1974). Cognitive components of the infant's response to strangeness. In
M.Lewis & L.A.Rosenblum (eds), The Origins of Fear. NY: Wiley.

Schaffer, H.R. (1975). Social development in infancy. In R.Lewin (ed), Child Alive. NY:

Schaffer, H.R. (1977). Introduction: Early interactive development. In H.R.Schaffer (ed),
Studies in Mother-Infant Interaction. London: Academic Press.

Schaffer, H.R., Collis, G.M. & Parsons, G. (1977). Vocal interchange and visual regard in verbal
and preverbal children. In H.R.Schaffer (ed), Studies in Mother-Infant Interaction.
London: Academic Press.

Schaffer, H.R. & Crook, C.K. (1978). The role of the mother in early social development. In H.
McGurk (ed.), Issues in Childhood Social Development. London: Methuen.

Schaffer, H.R. (1978). The development of interpersonal behaviour. In H. Tajfel & C.Fraser
(eds), Introduction to Social Psychology. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Schaffer, H.R. (1979). Acquiring the concept of the dialogue. In M.Bornstein & W.Kessen
(eds.), Psychological Development from Infancy: Image and Intention> Hillsdale, NJ:

Schaffer, H.R. (1979). Foreword. In W.Sluckin (ed), Fear in Animals and Man. NY: Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1979

Schaffer, H.R.(1981). Social development in early childhood. In A.J.Chapman & A.Gale (eds),
Psychology for Professional Groups. 1981

Schaffer, H.R. (1984). Parental control techniques in the context of socialisation theory. In
W.Doise & A.Palmonari (eds), Social Interaction in Individual Development. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Schaffer, H.R.(1984). Child care in a changing society. In A.Robertson & A.Osborn (eds),
Social Services and the Quality of Life. London: Heinemann.

Schaffer, H.R. & Collis G.M. (1986). Parental responsiveness and child behaviour. In
W.Sluckin & M.Herbert (eds), Parental Behaviour in Animals and Humans. Oxford:

Schaffer, H.R. (1987). The social context of psychobiological development. In H.Rauh &
H.C.Steinhausen (eds), Psychobiology and Early Development. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Hepburn, A., & Schaffer, H.R (1987). Les controles maternels dans la prime enfance. In
R.Zazzo (ed), La Premiere Annee de la Vie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Schaffer, H.R. (1988). Child Psychology: the future. In S.Chess & A.Thomas (eds), Annual
Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development. NY: Brunner/Mazel.

Schaffer, H.R. (1988). Los procesos de interaccion social en ninos preescolares. In A. Alvarez
(ed), Psicologia y Educaion: Realizaciones y tendencias actuales en la investigacion y en
la practica. Madrid: Visor.

Schaffer, H.R. (1989). Early social development. In A.Slater & G.Bremner (eds), Infant
Development. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Schaffer, H.R. (1989). Language development in context. In S.von Tetzchner, L.S. Siegel, &
L.Smith (eds), Social and Cognitive Aspects of Normal and Atypical Language
Development. NY: Springer.

Schaffer, H.R. (1991). The mutuality of parental control in early childhood. In M.Lewis &
S.Feinman (eds), Social Influences and Socialization in Infancy. NY: Plenum Press.

Schaffer, H.R. (1991). Early social development. In M Woodhead, R. Carr & P. Light (eds),
Becoming a Person. London: Routledge/The Open University.

Schaffer, H.R. (1992). Joint involvement episodes as contexts for cognitive development. In H.
McGurk (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Childhood Social Development. London:
Routledge (reprinted in H. Daniels, ed. An Introduction to Vigotsky. London: Routledge,

Schaffer, H.R. (1993). Early experience and the parent-child relationship: Genetic and
environmental interactions as developmental determinants. In B.Tizard & V.Varma (ed),
Human Resilience and Vulnerability. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Angel, C., Bigas, M., Carrio, R., Moll, B. & Schaffer, H.R. (1993). Interaccio adult-infant a
l'escola infantil. In M Bassedas (ed), Interaccions en les primeres edats. Barcelona:
Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Schaffer, H.R. (1993). Relacions del personal dels parvularis amb els infants. In M. Bassedas
(ed), Interaccions en les primeres edats. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Schaffer, H.R. (1994). Processes of social interaction in preschool children. In H.R.
Slobodskaya (Ed), Childhood: Ideal and Reality. Moscow: Sibirsky Khronograf
Publishing House.

Munn, P. & Schaffer, H.R. (1995). Teaching and learning in the preschool period. In M.
Hughes (Ed), Teaching and Learning in Changing Times. Oxford: Blackwell.

Schaffer, H.R. (1999). Understanding socialization: from unidirectional to bidirectional
conceptions. In M. Bennett (Ed), Developmental Psychology: achievements and
prospects. Washington: Psychology Press.

Schaffer, H.R. (2002). The early experience assumption: past, present and future. In
W.W.Hartup & R.K.Silbereisen (eds)., Growing Points in Developmental Science. Hove,
UK: Psychology Press.

Schaffer, H.R. (2003). Social interaction and the beginnings of communication. In A.Slater &
G.Bremner (eds.), An Introduction to Developmental Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell.

Journal articles

Schaffer, H.R. (1958). Objective observations of personality development in early infancy.
British Journal of Medical Psychology, 31, 174-183.

Schaffer, H.R. & Callender, W.M. (1959). Psychologic effects of hospitalization in infancy.
Pediatrics, 24, 528-539

Schaffer, H.R. & Emerson, P.E. (1964). Patterns of response to physical contact in early human
development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 5, 1-13

Schaffer, H.R. (1964). The too-cohesive family. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 10,

Schaffer, H.R. (1965). Changes in developmental quotient under two conditions of maternal
separation. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4, 39-46

Schaffer, H.R.(1966). Activity level as a constitutional determinant of infantile reaction to
deprivation. Child Development, 37, 595-602

Schaffer, H.R. The onset of fear of strangers and the incongruity hypothesis. Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 1966, 7, 95-106

Schaffer, H..R. & Schaffer, E.B. (1967). Deprived children and their families. Howard Journal
of Penology, 12, 113-120

Schaffer, H.R. & Emerson, P.E.(1968). The effects of experimentally administered stimulation
on developmental quotients of infants. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,
7, 61-67.

Schaffer, H.R. & Parry, M.H. Perceptual-motor behaviour in infancy as a function of age and
stimulus familiarity. British Journal of Psychology, 1969, 60, 1-9

Schaffer, H.R. & Parry, M.H. (1970). The effects of short-term familiarization on infants'
perceptual motor coordination in a simultaneous discrimination situation. British Journal
of Psychology, 6l, 559-569

Schaffer, H.R. & Parry, M.H. (1972). Effects of stimulus movement on infants' wariness of
unfamiliar objects. Developmental Psychology, 7, 87.

Schaffer, H.R., Greenwood, A. & Parry, M.H. (1972). The onset of wariness. Child
Development, 43, 165-175.

Millar, W.S. & Schaffer, H.R. (1972). The influence of spatially displaced feedback on infant
operant conditioning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 14, 442-453.

Millar, W.S. & Schaffer, H.R. (1973). Visual-manipulative response strategies in infant operant
conditioning with spatially displaced feedback. British Journal of Psychology, 64, 545-

Schaffer, H.R. (1974). Early social behaviour and the study of reciprocity. Bulletin of the British
Psychological Society, 27, 109-216

Schaffer, H.R. (1974). Behavioural synchrony in infancy. New Scientist, 62, 16-18.

Schaffer, H.R. (1974). Orientation perception by children. Nature, 252, 222-223.

Schaffer, H.R. (1975). Concordance of visual and manipulative responses to novel and familiar
stimuli: a reply to Rubenstein (1974). Child Development, 46, 290-291.

Collis, G.M. & Schaffer, H.R. (1975). Synchronization of visual attention in mother-infant pairs.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 16, 315-320.

Schaffer, H.R. & Christie, B. (1977). Research in Psychology and the role of the Social Science
Research Council. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 30, 131-134.

Schaffer, H.R. & Hargreaves, D. (1978). Young people in society: a research initiative by the
SSRC. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 31, 91-94.

Schaffer, H.R., & Crook, C.K. (1979). Maternal control techniques in a directed play situation.
Child Development, 50, 989-998

Schaffer, H.R. & Crook, C.K. (1980). Child compliance and maternal control techniques.
Developmental Psychology, 16, 54-61

Schaffer, H.R. (1980). La socializacion y el apredizaje en los primeros anos. Infancia y
Aprenizaje, 9, 73-83

Schaffer, H.R. (1982). Socialization und Lernen in den ersten Lebensjahren. Zeitschrift fur
Pedagogik, 28, 193-202

Schaffer, H.R. (1982). Tenicas de controls parental no contexto da teoria da socializaco. Analise
Psicologia, 3, 27-38

Schaffer, H.R., Hepburn, A., & Collis, G.M. (1983). Verbal and nonverbal aspects of mothers'
directives. Journal of Child Language, 10, 337-355

Hepburn, A. & Schaffer, H.R. (1983). Les controles maternels dans la prime enfance. Enfance,
1-2, 117-127

Schaffer, H.R. & Liddell, C. (1984). Adult-child interaction under dyadic and polyadic
conditions. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2, 33-42

Schaffer, H.R. (1985). Making decisions about children. Adoption and Fostering, 9, 22-28

Schaffer, H.R. (1986). Some thoughts of an ordinologist. Developmental Review, 6, 115-121

Schaffer, H.R. (1986). Growing up in a technological society: Presidential address to Section J
(Psychology) of British Association for the Advancement of Science. Universities
Quarterly, 40, 31-48

Schaffer, H.R. (1986). Child psychology: the future. Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry, 27, 761-780

Schaffer, H.R. (1988). Family structure or interpersonal relationships: the context for child
development. Children and Society, 2, 91-101

Schaffer, H.R. (1988). Educacio individualitzada: educacio en grup. Infancia, 44, 8-11

Lecuyer, R., Schaffer, H.R., & Beaudichon, J. (1989). Interactions sociales an cours de la petite
enfance: avant propos. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 2, 7-8

Ogilvy, C., Boath, E., Cheyne, W.M., Jahoda, G. & Schaffer, H.R. (1990). Staff attitudes and
perceptions in multi-cultural nursery schools. Early Child Development and Care, 1-13

Ogilvy, C., Boath, E., Cheyne, W.M., Jahoda, G., & Schaffer, H.R. (1992). Staff-child
interaction styles in multi-ethnic nursery schools. British Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 10, 85-97

Munn, P., & Schaffer, H.R. (1993). Emergent literacy and numeracy in social interactive context.
International Journal of Early Years Education, 1, 61-80.

Schaffer, H.R. (1996). Is the child father to the man? Psychology Review, 2, 2-6.

Schaffer, H.R. (1998). Cross-cultural perspectives on child development. Psychology Review, 4,

Schaffer, H.R. (2000). The early experience assumption: past, present and future. International
Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 5-14.
SourceR Schaffer's Personal Details Sheet.
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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