NameTizard; Barbara (1928-2015); Professor; FBPsS, CPsychol.
EpithetFBPsS, CPsychol.
Parallel NameB Tizard
DatesAndPlacesInstitute of Psychiatry, 1960
Department of Experimental Physiology IoP 1963
Thomas Coram Research Unit, IoP (nd)
Professor of Education at the Institute of Education (nd)
Emeritus Professor of the Institute of Education, London (nd)
RelationshipsWife of Jack Tizard
ActivityDate of Birth: 16/04/1928
Date of Death: 2015


University of Oxford BA (PPE) Philosophy, Politics and Economics 1948
University College London, one year post-graduate course in psychology 1949
PhD in psychology 1957 Institute of Psychiatry
Chartered Psychologist BPS (nd)


Clinical Psychologist London Hospital, Whitechapel (for 3 years from 1957)
Researcher Institute of Psychiatry, Children's Department 1960
Lecturer Department of Experimental Physiology IoP 1963
Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit, IoP (nd)
Professor of Education at the Institute of Education (nd)
Consultant in early education and childcare for WHO and Save the Children (nd)
Emeritus Professor of the Institute of Education, London (nd)


Fellow of the British Psychological Society (nd)
Honorary Fellow of the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (nd)
Fellow of the British Academy (nd)
Honorary Fellow, The Centre for Social Policy, Thomas Coram Research Unit (nd)

Sources: B Tizard's transcription and IoE's website

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.
Related NameBPS/GB/133
Tizard, B (2010) Home is where one starts from: One woman's memoir. Edinburgh: Word Power Books.

Tizard, B. and Varma, V (eds) (1992) Vulnerability and Resilience in Development. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Tizard, B., and Phoenix, A. (1993) Black, white, or Mixed Race?. London and New York: Routledge. Revised Edition, 2002.

Tizard, B., Farquhar, C., Blatchford P., Burke, J., and Plewis, I. (1988) Young children at school in the Inner City. Hove and London: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Tizard, B., and Hughes, M. (1984) Young Children Learning. London: Fontana Paperbacks. 2nd edition, 2002.

Tizard, B., Burchell, B., and Mortimore J. (1978) Involving Parents in Nursery and Infant Schools. London: Grant McIntyre.

Tizard, B (1977) Adoption: A Second Chance. London: Open Books.

Tizard, B., and Harvey, D (eds) (1977) The Biology of Play. London: Spastics International Medical Publications. London: Heinemann Medical Books Ltd.

Tizard, B (1974) Early Education. Windsor: NFER Publishing co.

From the Institute of Psychiatry, 1958-68

Tizard, B.(1958). Psychological Effects of frontal lesions. Acta Psychiatry et Neurology 33, 232- 249.
Tizard, B.& Shapiro, M.B. (1958). Experimental study of a perceptual anomaly, J.Ment.Sci,104, 722-800
Tizard, B. (1958). Theories of brain localisation. Medical History, 3,132-146
Tizard, B. (1961).The application of Luria’s techniques to the study of normal school children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 3,175-184
Tizard, B. (1962). The personality of epileptics. Psychological Bulletin, 59, 196-210
Tizard, B. & Margerison, J.H. (1962). An experimental investigation of a patient with subcortical epilepsy. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14, 789.
Tizard, B. & Margerison J.H. (1963). The relationship between generalised paroxysmal EEG discharges and various test situations in two epileptic patients. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 26, 308.
Tizard,B. &.Margerison, JH.(1963). Psychological functions during wave-spike discharges. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 3, 6-15.
Tizard, B. (1966). Evoked changes in EEG and electrodermal activity during the waking and sleeping states. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 21, 122-128.
Tizard, B.(1966). Repetitive auditory stimuli and the development of sleep. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 20, 112-121.
Tizard, B. (1968). Observations of overactive imbecile children in controlled and uncontrolled environments. 1. Classroom studies. American Journal of Mental deficiency, 72, 548-554.
Tizard, B. (1968 ) Habituation of EEG and skin potential changes in normal and severely subnormal children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 73, 33-40.
Tizard, B. (1968)A controlled study of all-night sleep in overactive imbecile children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 73, 209-213.
From the Institute of Education, 1970- 2009
On the development of children in residential care
Tizard, B. & Joseph, A. (1970). Today’s Foundlings. A survey of young children admitted to the care of voluntary societies in England. New Society, 16, 584-585.
Tizard. & Joseph, A. (1970). The cognitive development of two year old children in residential care. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 11, 177-186
Tizard, B. & Tizard, J. (1971). Social development of two year old children in residential nurseries. In Schaffer, H.R. (Ed.) The Origins of Human Social Relations, New York: Academic Press.
Tizard, B., Cooperman, O., Joseph, A., and Tizard, J.( 1972). Environmental effects on language development. A study of young children in long-stay nurseries. Child Development, 43, 337-358 Reprinted in Annual Progress in Child Psychology and Psychiatry (1973) eds. Chess, S.and Thomas, A.
Tizard, B. (1974). Do social relationships affect language development? In Connolly, J. and Bruner, J.S.(eds.) The Growth of Competence. New York: Academic Press.
Tizard, B. & Tizard, J.( 1974 ). The institution as an environment for development. In Richards, M. (Ed.) The Integration of a Child into a Social World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Tizard, B.(1975) Varieties of residential nursery experience. In Clarke, R.V., Sinclair, I. and Tizard, J. (Eds) Varieties of Residential Experience. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul.
On the long-term effects of early residential care
Tizard, B. & Rees, J. (1974). A comparison of the effects of adoption, restoration to the natural mother, and continued institutionalisation on the cognitive development of four-year old children. Child Development, 45, 92-99. (Reprinted in Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development (1975) ed. Chess, S. and Thomas, A.
Tizard, B.and Rees, J. (1975) The effect of early institutional rearing on the behavioural problems and affectional relationships of four year old children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 16, 61-73.
Tizard, B. (1975). The adoption of children from institutions after infancy. The Hilda Lewis Lecture. Child Adoption, 79, 1.
Tizard, B. & Hodges, J. (1978). The effect of early institutional rearing on the development of 8 year-old children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 19, 99-118
Tizard, B. (1979). Later effects of unusual experiences in infancy. In Schaffer, D. and Dunn, J. The first Year of Life: Psychological and Medical Implications of Early Experience. Chichester. Wiley
Hodges, J.& Tizard, B. (1989). Social and Family relationships of ex-institutional adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30,1, 77-98.
Hodges, J. and Tizard, B (1989). IQ and behavioural adjustment of ex-institutional adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30, 1, 53-76
Tizard, B. and Hodges, J. (1990). Ex-institutional children. A follow up. Adoption and Fostering, 14, 17-20
On Race and IQ
Tizard, B. (1974). IQ and Race. Nature, 247, (5349), 316
Tizard, B. (1974). More light on heredity and environment. British Science News, 117, 4-6.
Tizard, B.(1974). Nature, Nurture, and the IQ. New Society, 27: 588, 73
Tizard, B. (1975). The environment and mental ability. In Racial Variation in Man, ed. F.J. Ebling. London: Institute of Biology/Blackwell’s.
Tizard, B. (1984).Race, education and Research. Rampton, Swann, and after. In Gundara, J. (ed.) Institute of Education Centre for Multicultural Education Working Paper no.3, Institute of Education, London.
On Play
Tizard, B. (1977). Play: The Child’s Way of Learning? In Biology of Play. Ed. B.Tizard and D. Harvey. Spastics International Publications, London: Heinemann.
Tizard, B., Philps, J., and Plewis, I. ( 1976) Play in pre-school centres, in relation to age, sex, and IQ. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,17, 251-26
Tizard, B.,Philps,J.,and Plewis, I. (1976). Effects on play of the child’s social class, and the educational orientation of the centre. Journal of Child Psychology .and Psychiatry, 17, 265.
On recent developments in adoption
Tizard, B.(1991) Intercountry Adoption: A review of the evidence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 32, 5, 743-756
Tizard, B. (1994). Recent developments in Adoption: Social Work policy and Research Outcomes. Tolley’s Journal of Child Law, 6, 2
On parent and teacher influences on early language
Tizard, B. (1976). Staff and parent talk to young children. English in Education, 10, 29-36.
Tizard,B., Philps J., and Plewis, I. (1976). Staff behaviour in pre-school centres. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17, 21-33.
Tizard, B. (1977). In Davies, A. (ed.)Language and Learning in Early Childhood. London: Heinemann.
Hughes, M., Carmichael, H., Pinkerton, G., and Tizard, B. (1979). Recording children’s conversation at home and at nursery school: a technique and some methodological considerations. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 20, 105-116.
Tizard, B., Hughes, M., Carmichael H., and Pinkerton, G. (1980) Four year olds talking to mothers and teachers. In Monograph Supplement no.2, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Language and Language Disorders in Childhood, L.A.Herzov et al. (eds.)
Tizard, B., Hughes, M., Carmichael, H., and Pinkerton, G.(1982) Adults’ cognitive demands at home and at nursery school. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 23, 2, 105-116. Reprinted (2000) in Psychology of Education: Major Themes, vol.1. School, Teachers and Parents. (eds) P.K.Smith and A.D.Pelligrini. London and New York: Routledge/Falmer.
Tizard, B., Hughes, M., Carmichael, H. and Pinkerton, G. (1983). Children’s questions and adults’ answers. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 24, 2, 269-281.
Tizard, B., Hughes., Carmichael, H. and Pinkerton,G. (1983). Is verbal deprivation a myth? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 24, 4, 533-542.
Tizard, B. (1984). What Joyce learnt from her mother. New Society, 69, 1134.
Tizard, B. (1984). Home rules. Times Educational Supplement, 14.9.84, 28-29.
Tizard,B. (1985). Social relationships between adults and young children, and their impact on intellectual functioning. In Social Relationships and Cognitive Development. ed. R.A.Hinde, A.N. Perret-Clermont, and J.Stevenson-Hinde.Oxford: Clarendon.
Tizard, B. and Hughes, M. (1988) The intellectual search of young children. In Pollard, A. Ed. Children and their primary schools: a new perspective. Brighton: Falmer Press.
On achievement in the Infant School
Blatchford, P. Farquhar, C., Burke, J. and Plewis, I., and Tizard B. (1985) Educational achievement in the infant school: The influence of ethnic origin, gender and home on entry skills. Educational Research, 27, 1.
Tizard, B., Farquhar C., Blatchford, P., Burke. and Plewis, I. (1985). A comparison of the views of parents and reception teachers. Education 3-13, 13, 2.
Tizard, B. (1987) Black girls flying high in reading and writing. Times Educational Supplement, 3, 4, 87.
Blatchford,P., Burke, J. Farquhar,C. and Plewis, I., and Tizard, B. (1987) An observational study of children’s behaviour at infant school. Research Papers in Education, 2, 1, 47-62
Tizard, B., Blatchford, P., Farquhar, C., Burke J. and Plewis, I., (1987)Association between pre-school reading related skills and later reading achievement. British Educational Research Journal, 13, 1, 15-23
Farquhar, C., Blatchford, P., Burke, J., and Plewis, I., and Tizard, B. (1987). Curriculum diversity in London infant schools. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 57, 151-165.
Blatchford, P., Burke J., Farquhar, C., Plewis, I., and Tizard B. (1989) Teacher Expectations in Infant School: Associations with Attainment and Progress, curriculum coverage and classroom interaction. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 59, 19-30.
Tizard, B. (1993). Early influences on literacy. In R. Beard (ed.) Teaching literacy: Balancing Perspectives. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
On children’s responses to the nuclear threat
Tizard, B. (1984) Aspects of nuclear education. Harvard Educational Review, 54,3,271-281 Reprinted 1985 in Threat of Nuclear War, Harvard Educational Review Reprint Series no.18. (eds. B.Zars, B.Wilson, and A.Phillips).
Tizard, B. (1985) Children and the nuclear threat. Sanity, September.
Tizard, B. (1986) Can children face the future? New Society, 77, 1237.
Tizard, B. (1986). The impact of the nuclear threat on children’s development. In Richards, M. and Light, P. Children of Social Worlds. Cambridge, Polity Press.
Tizard, B. (1989) Old and New Paradigms. Research on young people’s response to the nuclear threat. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 1-10.
Tizard, B. (1989) Guest Editor of special issue of the Journal of Adolescence, on Young People and the Nuclear threat, 12, 1.
On parental involvement in school
Tizard, B.( 1984) Parents, teachers and the infant school. ESRC Newsletter, 52, June.
Tizard, B. (1987) Parent Involvement- A no score draw? Times Educational Supplement, 3.4.87
On the development of children in day care
Tizard, B. (1986) The care of young children. Implications of recent research. Thomas Coram Research Unit Working Paper, 1.
Tizard, B. (1990) Working mothers and the care of young children. In Woodhead, M., Light, P., and Carr,R. (Eds.) Growing Up in a Changing Society. Milton Keynes. Open University Press.
Tizard, B.(1991) Employed mothers and the care of young children. In Phoenix, A, Woollett, A. and Lloyd, E., (eds.) Motherhood, Meanings, Practices, Ideologies. London: Routledge
On identity, race, and transracial adoption
Tizard, B. and Phoenix, A. (1989) Black identity and transracial adoption. New Community, 15,3, 427-437. Reprinted in In the best interests of the Child: Culture, Identity, and Transracial Adoption.( 1994) Ed. I.Gaber & J.Aldridge. London: Free Association Books.
Tizard, B. Young People of Mixed Race. The Psychologist, 5, 2, 11.
Tizard, B. and Phoenix, A. (1994) Not such mixed up kids. Adoption and Fostering, 18,1, 17-22. .Reprinted in Signposts in Adoption policy, practice, and research. (1998) Eds M.Hill and M,Shaw. London: BAAF
Tizard, B. and Phoenix, A. (1995) The identity of mixed race adolescents
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 36, 8, 1399-1410. Reprinted 1996 in Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development. eds. M.E.Hertzig and E.A.Farburg.
Tizard, B. (1996) Identity. In Looking after Children: Good Parenting, Good Outcomes. Ed. S. Jackson and S.Kilroe.
Phoenix, A. and Tizard, B. (1996) Thinking through class: The place of social class in the lives of young Londoners. Feminism and Psychology, 6,3, 427-442.
On research policy and methodology
Tizard, B. (1990) Research and policy: Is there a link? The Psychologist, 13, 10, 435-440 Reprinted in Research and its relation to policy(1991) eds. P.Gray and G.Lindsay, the British Psychology Society.
Tizard, B. and Hughes,M. (1991) Reflections on ‘Young Children learning’. In Walford, G.(ed.) Doing Educational Research. London: Routledge.
On academic retirement
Tizard, B. (2000). When are retired academics not retired? Times Higher Educational Supplement, March 24, 34-5.
Tizard, B. and Owen, C. (2001). Activities and Attitudes of Retired University Staff. Oxford Review of Education, 27, 253-270.
Tizard, B. (2004) Support for retired academic staff, university policies and practices. Oxford Review of Education, 30, 256-263.
On Attachment Theory
Tizard, B. (2009) The making and breaking of attachment theory. The Psychologist, 22, 10, 902-3
SourceB Tizards, transcription and IoE's website
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3 National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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PHO/001/02/525Tizard, Barbara - Photograph (1995) and Tizard, Jack (1976) 1992
HEARN/1/3/10Scientific, Experimental, Perception and Behaviour1936-1980
AUD/002/OHP 28Tizard, Barbara - Recording6 February 2007
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