NameBaron-Cohen; Simon (1958-); Professor; FBPsS, FBA, CPsychol
EpithetFBPsS, FBA, CPsychol
Parallel NameS Baron-Cohen
Other NamesSimon Baron-Cohen
ActivityDate of Birth: 15/08/1958

University and Professional Training:
New College Oxford, BA (Hons) Human Sciences, 1978-1981
University College London, MRC CDU London PhD Psychology, 1982-1985
Institute of Psychiatry London, M.Phil in Clinical Psychology, 1985-1987

Professional career:

Lecturer in Psychology, University College London, 1987-1988
"New Blood" Lecturer in in Developmental Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1988-1991
Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1991-1994
Acting Head of Department, Psychology Department, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1991-1994
Joint Head of Autism Section, MRC Child Psychiatry Unit, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1992-1994
Lecturer in Psychopathology, University of Cambridge, Departments of Experimental Psychology and Psychiatry,1994-1999
Reader in Developmental Psychopathology, University of Cambridge, Departments of Experimental Psychology and Psychiatry, 1999-2001
Professor in Developmental Psychopathology, University of Cambridge, Departments of Experimental Psychology and Psychiatry, 2001-
Teaching Fellow in Experimental Psychology, Trinity College Cambridge, 1995-2007
Professorial Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge, 2007-
Co-Director, Cambridge Autism Research Centre (ARC), 1997-2002
Director, Cambridge Autism Research Centre (ARC), 2003-

Other Honours and Awards:
BPS Spearman Medal winner, 1990
The American Psychological Association (Division 7), McCandless Award, 1990
Fellowship to the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1992
BPS Clinical Psychology Section, May Davidson Award, 1993
Fellow of the BPS, 1996
BPS Chartered psychologist, (nd)
The British Association for the Advancement of Science (BA), Joseph Lister Lecturer, 1998
BAFTA Award nomination, Best DVD in off-line learning, 2002
Autism Award-Outstanding investigator, Philadelphia Autism Association/Princeton University, 2004
BPS President's Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Knowledge, 2006
The Tizard lecture, University of Kent, 2007
Fellow, British Academy, 2009
Distinguished Lecture, MIND Institute, Sacramento, 2009

Involvement with BPS and/or other societies and organisations (selected):
Presentations at several BPS conferences
Member of the BPS Fellowship Committee, 2002
Membership of BPS Developmental and Clinical Psychology Sections, (nd)
Membership of the Experimental Psychology Society, (nd)
Vice-President, National Autistic Society, 2004-
President of the Psychological Section of the British Association, 2007
Vice-President, International Society for Autism Research, 2009-2011.

Sources: S Baron-Cohen's CV.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.
PublishedWorksSelected publications:
Baron-Cohen, S, Leslie, A.M., & Frith, U, (1985) Does the autistic child have a “theory of
mind?” Cognition, 21, 37-46.
Baron-Cohen, S, Leslie, A.M., & Frith, U, (1986) Mechanical, behavioural and Intentional
understanding of picture stories in autistic children. British Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 4, 113-125.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1987) Autism and symbolic play. British Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 5, 139-148.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wyke, M, & Binnie, C, (1987) Hearing words and seeing colours: an
experimental investigation of a case of synaesthesia. Perception, 16, 761-767.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1988) Social and pragmatic deficits in autism: cognitive or affective?
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 18, 379-402.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1988) An assessment of violence in a young man with Asperger's
syndrome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 29, 351-360.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) The autistic child's theory of mind: a case of specific developmental
delay. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30, 285-298.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Perceptual role taking and proto-declarative pointing in autism.
British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 7, 113-127.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Do autistic children have obsessions and compulsions? British
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 28, 193-200.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Are autistic children behaviourists? An examination of their mentalphysical
and appearance-reality distinctions. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 19, 579-600.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Joint attention deficits in autism: towards a cognitive analysis.
Development and Psychopathology, 1, 185-189.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1990) Autism: a specific cognitive disorder of “mind-blindness”.
International Review of Psychiatry, 2, 79-88.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) The development of a theory of mind in autism: deviance and
delay? Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14, 33-51.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) Do people with autism understand what causes emotion? Child
Development, 62, 385-395.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) The theory of mind deficit in autism: how specific is it? British
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9, 301-314.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) The theory of mind hypothesis of autism: history and prospects of
the idea. The Psychologist, 5, 9-12.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) Out of sight or out of mind: another look at deception in autism.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 33, 1141-1155.
Baron-Cohen, S, Allen, J, & Gillberg, C, (1992) Can autism be detected at 18 months? The
needle, the haystack, and the CHAT. British Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 839-843.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Cross, P, (1992) Reading the eyes: evidence for the role of perception in
the development of a theory of mind. Mind and Language, 6, 173-186.
Charman, T, and Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) Understanding beliefs and drawings: a further test
of the metarepresentation theory of autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 33,
McManus, I.C., Murray, B, Doyle, K, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) Handedness in childhood
autism shows a dissociation of skill and preference. Cortex, 28, 373-381.
Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (1992) The role of eye contact in the detection of
goals: evidence from normal toddlers, and children with autism or mental handicap.
Development and Psychopathology, 4, 375-383.
Baron-Cohen, S, Harrison, J, Goldstein, L, and Wyke, M, (1993) Coloured speech
perception: Is synaesthesia what happens when modularity breaks down? Perception, 22,
Baron-Cohen, S, Spitz, A, & Cross, P, (1993) Do children with autism recognize surprise?
Cognition and Emotion, 7, 507-516.
Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) Drawing development in autism: the intellectual to
visual realism shift. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11, 171-185.
Goodhart, F, & Baron-Cohen (1993) How many ways can children with autism make the
point? First Language, 13, 225-233.
Holroyd, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) Brief Report: How far can people with autism go in
developing a theory of mind? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 23, 379-386.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) How to build a baby that can read minds: Cognitive mechanisms in
mindreading. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/ Current Psychology of Cognition, 13, 513-
Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) The Mindreading System: new directions for research. Cahiers de
Psychologie Cognitive/ Current Psychology of Cognition, 13(5), 724-750.
Baron-Cohen, S, Cross, P, Crowson, M, & Robertson, M, (1994) Can children with
Tourette's Syndrome edit their intentions? Psychological Medicine, 24, 29-40.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Goodhart, F, (1994) The “seeing leads to knowing” deficit in autism: the
Pratt and Bryant probe. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 12, 397-402.
Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Moriarty, J, Shmitz, P, Costa, D, & Ell, P, (1994) Recognition of
mental state terms: a clinical study of autism, and a functional neuroimaging study of normal
adults. British Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 640-649.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Staunton, R, (1994) Do children with autism acquire the phonology of
their peers? An examination of group identification through the window of bilingualism.
First Language, 14, 241-248.
Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) Another look at imitation in autism. Development
and Psychopathology, 6, 403-413.
Harrison, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) Synaesthesia: an account of coloured hearing.
Leonardo, 27, 343-346.
Baron-Cohen, S, Campbell, R, Karmiloff-Smith, A, Grant, J, & Walker, J, (1995) Are
children with autism blind to the mentalistic significance of the eyes? British Journal of
Developmental Psychology, 13, 379-398.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Robertson, M, (1995) Children with either autism, Gilles de la Tourette
Syndrome, or both: mapping cognition to specific syndromes. Neurocase, 1, 101-104.
Campbell, R, Walker, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) The development of differential use of
inner and outer face features in the development of familiar face identification. Journal of
Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 196-210.
Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) Understanding models, photos, and beliefs: a test of
the modularity thesis of metarepresentation. Cognitive Development, 10, 287-298.
Karmiloff-Smith, A, Klim, E, Bellugi, U, Grant, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) Is there a
social module? Language, face-processing and theory of mind in subjects with William's
Syndrome and autism. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7, 196-208.
Paulesu, E, Harrison, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Watson, J, Goldstein, L, Heather, J, Frakowiak, R,
and Frith, C, (1995) The physiology of coloured hearing. A Positron Emission Tomography
activation study of coloured-word synaesthesia. Brain, 118, 661-676.
Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (1995) To what extent do children with autism
understand desires? Development and Psychopathology, 7, 151-170.
Phillips, W, Gomez, J-C, Baron-Cohen, S, Riviere, A, & Laa, V, (1995) Treating people as
objects, agents, or subjects: How young children with and without autism make requests.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 36, 1383-1398.
Baron-Cohen, S, Burt, L, Smith-Leyton, F, Harrison, J, & Bolton, P, (1996) Synaesthesia:
prevalence and familiality. Perception, 25, 1073-1079.
Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Swettenham, J, Drew, A, Nightingale, N, Morgan, K, &
Charman, T, (1996) Psychological markers of autism at 18 months of age in a large
population. British Journal of Psychiatry, 168, 158-163.
Baron-Cohen, S, Riviere, A, Cross, P, Fukushima, M, Bryant, C, Sotillo, M, Hadwin, J, &
French, D, (1996) Reading the Mind in the Face: A cross-cultural and developmental study.
Visual Cognition, 3, 39-59.
Hadwin, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Howlin, P, & Hill, K, (1996) Can we teach children with autism
to understand emotions, belief, or pretence? Development and Psychopathology. 8, 345-365.
Harrison, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Acquired and inherited form of cross-modal
correspondence. Neurocase, 2, 245-249.
Scott, F, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Logical, analogical, and psychological reasoning in
autism: a test of the Cosmides theory. Development and Psychopathology, 8, 235-246.
Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Imagining real and unreal objects: an investigation of
imagination in autism. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8, 400-411.
Surian, L, Baron-Cohen, S, & Van der Lely, H, (1996) Are children with autism deaf to
Gricean Maxims? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 1, 55-72.
Swettenham, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Gomez, J-C, & Walsh, S, (1996) What's inside a person's
head? Conceiving of the mind as a camera helps children with autism develop an alternative
theory of mind. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 1, 73-88.
Baron-Cohen, S. (1997) Hey! It was just a joke! Understanding propositions and
propositional attitudes by normally developing children, and children with autism. Israel
Journal of Psychiatry, 34, 174-178.
Baron-Cohen, S, Baldwin, D, & Crowson, M, (1997) Do children with autism use the
Speaker's Direction of Gaze (SDG) strategy to crack the code of language? Child
Development, 68, 48-57.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Hammer, J, (1997) Is autism an extreme form of the male brain?
Advances in Infancy Research, 11, 193-217.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Hammer, J, (1997) Parents of children with Asperger Syndrome: What
is the cognitive e phenotype? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 548-554.
Baron-Cohen, S, Jolliffe, T, Mortimore, C, & Robertson, M (1997) Another advanced test of
theory of mind: evidence from very high functioning adults with autism or Asperger
Syndrome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 813-822.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Jolliffe, T, (1997) Is there a “language of the eyes”?
Evidence from normal adults and adults with autism/Asperger’s Syndrome. Visual
Cognition, 4, 311-331.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Stott, C, Bolton, P, & Goodyer, I, (1997) Is there a link
between engineering and autism? Autism, 1, 101-108.
Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1997) Brief report: prompted pretend play in autism.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 27, 325-332.
Charman, T, Swettenham, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, & Baird, G, (1997) Infants with
autism: an investigation of empathy, joint attention, pretend play, and imitation.
Developmental Psychology, 33, 781-789.
Hadwin, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Howlin, P, & Hill, K, (1997) Does teaching a theory of mind
have an effect on social communication in children with autism? Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 27, 519-538.
Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1997) Are people with autism or Asperger Syndrome faster
than normal on the Embedded Figures Task? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
38, 527-534.
Leekam, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Brown, S, Perrett, D, & Milders, M, (1997) Eye-Direction
Detection: a dissociation between geometric and joint-attention skills in autism. British
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 77-95.
Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Wheelwright, S, Scahill, V, Short, L, Mead, G, & Smith, A,
(1998) Does autism occur more often in families of physicists, engineers, and
mathematicians? Autism, 2, 296-301.
Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Cox, A, Baird, G, & Drew, A, (1998) An
experimental investigation of social-cognitive abilities in infants with autism: Clinical
implications. Infant Mental Health Journal, 19, 260-275.
Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Do children with autism talk about their dreams?
Predictions from the “theory of mind” hypothesis. (L’hypothèse de la theorie de l’esprit: Les
enfants autistes parlent - il de leurs rêves?) Psychologie Francaise, 43, 169-176.
Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (1998) Understanding intention in normal
development and in autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 337-348.
Plaisted, K, O’Riordan, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Enhanced visual search for a
conjunctive target in autism: A research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
39, 777-783.
Plaisted, K, O’Riordan, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Enhanced discrimination of novel,
highly similar stimuli by adults with autism during a perceptual learning task. Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 39, 765-775.
Stone, V, Baron-Cohen, S, & Knight, R, (1998) Frontal lobe contributions to theory of mind.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 640-656.
Swettenham, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Charman, T, Cox, A, Baird, G, Drew, A, Rees, L, &
Wheelwright, S, (1998) The frequency and distribution of spontaneous attention shifts
between social and non-social stimuli in autistic, typically developing, and non-autistic
developmentally delayed infants. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 39, 747-753.
Tager-Flusberg, H, Boshart, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Reading the windows to the soul:
evidence of domain specificity sparing in Williams Syndrome. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 10, 631-639.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Does the study of autism justify minimalist innate modularity?
Learning and Individual Differences, 10, 179-191.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Can studies of autism teach us about consciousness of the physical
and the mental? Special Issue of Philosophical Explorations, 3, 175-188.
Baron-Cohen, S, Mortimore, C, Moriarty, J, Robertson, M, & Izaguirre, J, (1999) The
prevalence of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in children with autism. Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 40, 213-218.
Baron-Cohen, S, O’Riordan, M, Jones, R, Stone, V, & Plaistead, K, (1999) Recognitiondul
of faux pas in normal children and children with Asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 29, 407-418.
Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Wheelwright, S, Bullmore, E, Brammer, M, Simmons, A, &
Williams, S, (1999) Social intelligence in the normal and autistic brain: an fMRI study.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 1891-1898.
Baron-Cohen, S, Saunders, K, & Chakrabati, S, (1999) Does autism cluster geographically?
A research note. Autism, 31, 39-43.
Baron-Cohen, S, Scahill, V L, Izaguirre, J, Hornsey, H, & Robertson, M M, (1999) The
prevalence of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in children and adolescents with autism: A
large scale study. Psychological Medicine, 29, 1151-1159.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (1999) Obsessions in children with autism or Asperger
Syndrome: a content analysis in terms of core domains of cognition. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 175, 484-490.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Stone, V, & Rutherford, M, (1999) A mathematician, a
physicist, and a computer scientist with Asperger Syndrome: performance on folk
psychology and folk physics tests. Neurocase, 5, 475-483.
Campbell, R, Walker, J, Benson, P, Wallace, S, Coleman, M, Michelotti, J, & Baron-Cohen,
S, (1999) When does the inner face advantage in familiar face recognition arise, and why?
Visual Cognition, 6, 197-216.
Cox, A, Klein, K, Baird, G, Swettenham, J, Nightingale, N, Drew, A, & Baron-Cohen, S,
(1999) Autism spectrum disorders at 20 and 42 months of age: stability of clinical and ADIR
diagnosis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 40, 719-732.
Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Creativity and imagination in autism and Asperger
syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29, 319-326.
Driver, J, Davis, G, Ricciardelli, P, Kidd, P, Maxwell, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Shared
attention and the social brain: gaze perception triggers automatic visuospatial orienting in
adults. Visual Cognition, 6, 509-540.
Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Linguistic processing in high-functioning adults with
autism or Asperger syndrome: Can local coherence be achieved? A test of central coherence
theory. Cognition, 71, 149-185.
Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) The Strange Stories Test: A replication with highfunctioning
adults with autism or Asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 29, 395-404.
Ring, H, Baron-Cohen, S, Williams, S, Wheelwright, S, Bullmore, E, Brammer, M, &
Andrew, C, (1999) Cerebral correlates of preserved cognitive skills in autism. A functional
MRI study of Embedded Figures Task performance. Brain, 122, 1305-1315.
Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, & Leslie, A, (1999) “If pigs could fly”: a test of counterfactual
reasoning and pretence in children with autism. British Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 17, 349-362.
Baird, G, Cox, A, Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Wheelwright, S, & Drew,
A, (2000) A screening instrument for autism at 18 months of age: A six year follow-up
study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 694-702.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2000) Is Asperger Syndrome/high functioning autism necessarily a
disability? Development and Psychopathology, 12, 489-500.
Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Bullmore, E, Wheelwright, S, Ashwin, C, & Williams, S, (2000)
The amygdala theory of autism. Neuroscience and Behavioural Reviews, 24, 355-364.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Charman, T, Swettenham, J, Drew, A,
& Doehring, P, (2000) Early identification of autism: the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
(CHAT). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 93, 521-525.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Charman, T, Swettenham, J, Drew, A,
& Doehring, P, (2000) Early identification of autism: the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
(CHAT). Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 4, 3-30.
Batki, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Connellan, J, & Ahluwalia, J, (2000) Is there an
innate gaze module? Evidence from human neonates. Infant Behavior and Development, 23,
Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Baird, G, Cox, A, & Drew, A, (2000) Testing
joint attention, imitation, and play as infancy precursors language and theory of mind.
Cognitive Development, 15, 481-498.
Connellan, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Ba’tki, A, & Ahluwalia, J, (2000) Sex
differences in human neonatal social perception. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 113-
Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2000) Story-telling ability in children with autism or Asperger
syndrome: A Window into the Imagination. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 37, 64-70
Heavey, L, Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (2000) The Awkward Moments test.
A naturalistic measure of social understanding in autism. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 30, 225-236.
Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2000) Linguistic processing in high-functioning adults with
autism or Asperger syndrome: Can global coherence be achieved? A further test of central
coherence theory. Psychological Medicine, 30, 1169-1187.
Baird, G, Charman, T, Cox, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Wheelwright, S, & Drew,
A, (2001) Screening and surveillance for autism and pervasive developmental disorders.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 84, 468-475.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) Theory of mind and autism: a review. International Review of
Mental Retardation, 23, 169-184.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) Theory of mind in normal development and autism. Prisme, 34,
Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, Skinner, R, Martin, J, & Clubley, E, (2001) The
Autism-Spectrum Quotient: Evidence from Asperger Syndrome/high-functioning autism,
males and females, scientists, and mathematicians. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 31, 5-17.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Hill, J, (2001) The ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test
Revised Version: A study with normal adults, and adults with Asperger Syndrome or High-
Functioning Autism. Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychiatry, 42, 241-252.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Scahill, V, Spong, A, & Lawson, J, (2001) Are intuitive
physics and intuitive psychology independent? Journal of Developmental and Learning
Disorders, 5, 47-78
Connellan, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S (2001) Sex differences in human neonatal
social perception. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 113-118
Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, & Scott, F, (2001) Drawing ability in autism: a window into the
imagination. Israel Journal of Psychiatry 3-4, 242-253
Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) A test of central coherence theory: can adults with
high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome integrate objects in context? Visual
Cognition, 8, 67-101.
Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) A test of central coherence theory: can adults with
high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome integrate fragments of an object? Cognitive
Neuropsychiatry, 6, 193-216.
Manning, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Sanders, G, (2001) Autism and the ratio
between 2nd and 4th digit length. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43, 160-
O’Riordan, M, Plaisted,K, Driver, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) Superior visual search in
autism. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 719-
Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) The link between autism and skills such as
engineering, maths, physics, and computing: A reply to Jarrold and Routh, Autism, 1998, 2:
281-289. Autism, 5, 223-227.
Adolphs, R, Baron-Cohen, S, & Tranel, D, (2002) Impaired Recognition of Social Emotions
Following Amygdala Damage. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, 1-11.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2002) The extreme male brain theory of autism. Trends in Cognitive
Sciences, 6, 248-254.
Bolton, D, Dearsley, P, Madronal-Luque, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2002) Magical thinking in
childhood and adolescence: development and relation to obsessive compulsion. British
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20, 479-494.
Drew, A, Baird, G, Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, Slonims V, Wheelwright, S, Swettenham, J,
Berry, B, & Charman, T, (2002) A pilot randomised control trial of a parent training
intervention for pre-school children with autism. European Child & Adult Psychiatry, 11,
Gray, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Brammer, M, J, Chopping, S, Nunn, J, Parslow, D, Gregory, L,
Williams, S, (2002) Implications of Synaesthesia for Functionalism: Theory and
Experiments. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9, 5-31.
Gregory, C, Lough, S, Stone, V, Erzinclioglu, S, Martin, L, Baron-Cohen, S, & Hodges, J,
(2002) Theory of mind in patients with frontal variant fronto-temporal dementia and
Alzheimer’s disease: Theoretical and practical implications. Brain, 125, 752-764.
Lutchmaya, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Raggatt, P, (2002) Foetal testosterone and vocabulary
size in 18 and 24 month old infants. Infant Behaviour and Development, 24, 418-424.
Lutchmaya, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2002) Human sex differences in social and non-social
looking preferences at 12 months of age. Infant Behaviour and Development, 25, 319-325.
Lutchmaya, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Raggatt, P, (2002) Foetal testosterone and eye contact in
12-month-old infants. Infant Behaviour and Development, 25, 327-335.
Nunn, J, Gregory, L, Morris, R, Brammer, M, Bullmore, E, Harrison, J, Williams, S, Baron-
Cohen, S, and Gray, J, (2002) Functional magnetic resonance imaging of synaesthesia:
activation of colour vision area V4/V8 by spoken words. Nature Neuroscience, 5, 371-375.
Rutherford, M, Baron-Cohen, S, Stone, V, & Wheelwright, S, (2002) Reading the mind in
the voice: A study with normal adults and adults with Asperger syndrome or high,
functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 32, 189-194.
Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton P, Brayne, C, (2002) The CAST (Childhood Asperger
Syndrome Test): Preliminary development of a UK screen for mainstream primary-school
age children Autism, 6, 9-31.
Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, & Brayne, C, (2002) Prevalence of autism spectrum
conditions in children aged 5-11 years in Cambridgeshire, UK. Autism, 6, 231-237.
Wellman, H, Baron-Cohen, S, Caswell, R, Gomez, J-C, Swettenham, J, & Toye, E, (2002)
Thought-bubbles help children with autism acquire an alternative to a theory of mind.
Autism, 6, 343-363.
Baron-Cohen, S, Richler, J, Bisarya, D, Gurunathan, N, & Wheelwright, S, (2003) The
Systemising Quotient (SQ): An investigation of adults with Asperger Syndrome or High
Functioning Autism and normal sex differences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society, Series B, 358, 361-374.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2003) The Friendship Questionnaire: An investigation
of adults with Asperger Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism and normal sex differences.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33, 509-517.
Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Baird, G, Drew, A, & Cox, A, (2003)
Predicting language outcome in infants with autism and pervasive development disorder.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 38, 265-285.
Richell, R A, Mitchell, D G V, Newman, C, Leonard, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Blair, J, (2003)
Theory of Mind and Psychopathy: can psychopathic individuals read the “language of the
eyes”? Neuropsychologia, 41, 523-526.
Shaw, P, Lawrence E, Baron-Cohen, S, David, A.S, (2003) Role of the amygdala in social
sensitivity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 985, 508-510.
Stone, V, Baron-Cohen, S, Young, A, Calder, A, & Keane, J, (2003) Acquired theory of
mind impairments in individuals with bilateral amygdala lesions. Neuropsychologia, 41,
Wicker, B, Perrett, D, Baron-Cohen, S, & Decety, J, (2003) Being the target of another’s
emotion: a PET study. Neuropsychologia, 41, 139-146.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) Autism: Research into causes and intervention. Paediatric
Rehabilitation, 7, 73-78.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) The Cognitive Neuroscience of Autism, Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 75, 945-948.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2004) The Empathy Quotient (EQ). An investigation
of adults with Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism, and normal sex differences.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 163-175.
Lawrence, E J, Shaw, P, Baker, D, Baron-Cohen, S, & David, A S, (2004) Measuring
Empathy – reliability and validity of the Empathy Quotient. Psychological Medicine, 34,
Lawson, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, (2004) Empathizing and systemizing in adults
with and without Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 34,
Lutchmaya, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Raggatt, P, & Manning, J T, (2004) Maternal 2nd to 4th digit
ratios and foetal testosterone. Early Human Development, 77, 23-28.
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2004) The Autism-Spectrum
Quotient (AQ) Japanese version: Evidence from high-functioning clinical group and normal
adults. Japanese Journal of Psychology. 75, 78-84.
Ashwin, C, Wheelwright, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (2005) Laterality biases to chimeric faces
in Asperger Syndrome: What is ‘right’ about face processing? Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 35, 183-196.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Belmonte, M, (2005) Autism: a window onto the development of the
social and the analytic brain. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 28, 109-126.
Baron-Cohen, S, Knickmeyer, R, & Belmonte, M (2005) Sex differences in the brain:
implications for explaining autism. Science, 310, 819-823.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Robinson, J, Woodbury-Smith, M, (2005) The Adult
Asperger Assessment (AAA): A diagnostic method. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 35, 807-819.
Goldenfeld, N, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S (2005) Empathizing and systemizing in
males, females, and autism. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2, 338-345.
Grice, S, Johnson, M, Griffin, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2005) Neural Correlates of Eye-Gaze
Detection in Young Children with Autism. Cortex, 41, 342-353.
Johnson, M, H, Griffin, R, Csibra, G, Halit, H, Farroni, T, de Haan, M, Tucker, L, A, Baron-
Cohen, S, & Richards, J (2005) The emergence of the social brain network: evidence from
typical and atypical development. Development and Psychopathology, 17, 599-619.
Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Raggatt, P, & Taylor, K (2005) Foetal testosterone, social
relationships, and restricted interests in children. Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry, 46,198-210.
Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S (2005) Gender-typed play and amniotic
testosterone. Developmental Psychology, 41, 517-528.
Shaw, P, Bramham, J, Lawrence, E, Morris, R, Baron-Cohen, S, and David, A, (2005) The
differential effects of lesions of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex on recognizing facial
expressions of complex emotions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 1410-1419.
Welchew, D, Ashwin, C, Berkouk, K, Salvador, R, Suckling, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Bullmore,
E, (2005) Functional dysconnectivity of the medial temporal lobe in autism. Biological
Psychiatry, 57, 991-998.
Williams, J, Scott, F, Stott, C, Allison, C, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Brayne, C, (2005) The
CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): Test accuracy. Autism, 9, 45-68.
Woodbury-Smith, M, Robinson, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2005) Screening
adults for Asperger Syndrome using the AQ: a preliminary study of its diagnostic validity in
clinical practice. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 331-335.
Asher, J, E, Aitken, M, R, F, Farooqi, N, Kurmani, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Diagnosing
and phenotyping visual synaesthesia: A preliminary evaluation of the Revised Test of
Genuineness (TOG-R). Cortex, 42, 137-146.
Ashwin, C, Wheelwright, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Finding a face in the crowd:
Testing the anger superiority effect in Asperger Syndrome. Brain and Cognition, 61, 78-95.
Ashwin, C, Wheelwright, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Attention bias to faces in Asperger
Syndrome: A pictorial emotional stroop study. Psychological Medicine, 36, 835-843.
Ashwin, C, Chapman, E, Colle, L & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Impaired recognition of
negative basic emotions in autism: a test of the amygdala theory. Social Neuroscience, 1,
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Foetal testosterone and the Child Systemizing Quotient (SQ-C). European Journal of
Endocrinology, 155, 123-130.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Two new theories of autism: hyper-systemizing and assortative
mating. Archives of Diseases in Childhood, 91, 2-5.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Empathy: Freudian origins and 21st Century Neuroscience The
Psychologist, 19, 536-537.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Mindreading: Evidence for both innate and acquired factors. Journal
of Anthropological Psychology, 17, 57-59.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) The hyper-systemizing, assortative mating theory of autism
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 30, 865-872.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Klin, A (2006) Editorial: What’s so special about Asperger Syndrome?
Brain and Cognition, 61, 1-4.
Baron-Cohen, S, Hoekstra, R, Knickmeyer, R, & Wheelwright, S, (2006) The Autism-
Spectrum Quotient (AQ) – Adolescent Version. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 36, 343-350.
Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Chitnis, X, Wheelwright, S, Gregory, L, Williams, S, Brammer,
M, Bullmore, E, (2006) fMRI of parents of children with Asperger Syndrome: a pilot study.
Brain and Cognition, 61, 122-130.
Baron-Cohen, S, Scott, F, Wheelwright, S, Johnson, M, Bisarya, D, Desai, A, & Ahluwalia,
J (2006) Can Asperger Syndrome be diagnosed at 24 months old? A genetic high-risk single
case study. Journal of Child Neurology, 21, 351-356.
Chakrabarti, B, Kent, L, Suckling, J, Bullmore, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Variations in
the human cannabinoid receptor (CNR1) gene modulate striatal response to happy faces.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 1944-1948.
Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Empathizing with basic emotions:
common and discrete neural substrates. Social Neuroscience, 1, 364-384.
Chapman, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Auyeung, B, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K & Hackett, G (2006)
Foetal testosterone and empathy: evidence from the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the
‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test’. Social Neuroscience, 1, 135-148.
Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, & Hill, J, J, (2006) The Cambridge Mindreading (CAM) Face-
Voice Battery: testing complex emotion recognition in adults with and without Asperger
Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 169-183.
Golan, O & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Systemizing empathy: teaching adults with Asperger
Syndrome or High Functioning Autism to recognize complex emotions using interactive
multimedia. Development & Psychopathology, 18, 589-615.
Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Hill, J, J, & Golan, Y (2006) The “Reading the Mind in Films”
Task: complex emotion recognition in adults with and without autism spectrum conditions.
Social Neuroscience, 1, 111-123.
Gomot, M, Bernard, F, Davis, M, H, Belmonte, M, K, Ashwin, C, Bullmore, E, T, Baron-
Cohen, S, (2006) Change detection in children with autism: an auditory event-related fMRI
study. NeuroImage, 29, 475-495.
el Kaliouby, R, Picard, R & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Affective Computing and Autism.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1093, 228-248.
Kent, L, Chinnery, P, F, Lambert, C, Pyle, A, Elliott, H, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S,
(2006) The mitochondrial DNA A3243A>G mutation must be an infrequent cause of
Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 149, 280-281.
Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Raggatt, P & Taylor, K (2006) Foetal testosterone and
empathy. Hormones & Behaviour, 49, 282-292.
Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Fane, B, A, Wheelwright, S, Mathews, G, Conway, G,
Brook, C, & Hines, M, (2006) Androgens and autistic traits: A study of individuals with
congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Hormones and Behaviour, 50, 148-153.
Knickmeyer, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Foetal testosterone and sex differences in typical
social development and in autism. Journal of Child Neurology, 21, 825-845.
Knickmeyer, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Foetal Testosterone and Sex Differences. Early
Human Development, 82, 755-760.
Knickmeyer, R, Hoekstra, R, Wheelwright, S & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Age of Menarche
in Females with Autism Spectrum Conditions. Developmental Medicine & Child
Neurology, 48, 1007-1008.
Ronald, A, Happé, F, Bolton, P, Butcher, L, Wheelwright, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Plomin, R,
(2006) Genetic heterogeneity between the three components of the autism spectrum: a twin
study. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 691-699.
Ronald, A, Happe, F, Price, T, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Plomin, R, (2006) Phenotypic and
genetic overlap between autistic traits at the extremes of the general population. Journal of
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 1206-1214.
Saxe, R & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Editorial: The neuroscience of theory of mind. Social
Neuroscience, 1, i-ix.
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Tojo, Y (2006) The Autism Spectrum
Quotient (AQ) in Japan: a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 36, 263-270.
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2006) Are autistic traits an
independent personality dimension? A study of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and
Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) and NEO-PI-R. Personality and Individual Differences,
41, 873-883.
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Goldenfeld, N, Delaney, J, Fine, D,
Smith, R & Weil, L (2006) Development of short forms of the Empathy Quotient (EQShort)
and the Systemizing Quotient (SQ-Short). Personality and Individual Differences, 41,
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2006) Individual and gender
differences in Empathizing and Systemizing: Measurement of individual differences by the
Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the Systemizing Quotient (SQ). Japanese Journal of
Psychology, 77, 271-277.
Wheelwright, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Goldenfeld, N, Delaney, J, Fine, D, Smith, R, Weil, L &
Wakabayashi, A, (2006) Predicting autism spectrum quotient (AQ) from the Systemizing
Quotient-Revised (SQ-R) and Empathy Quotient (EQ). Brain Research, 1079, 47-56.
Williams, J, Allison, C, Scott, F, Stott, C, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, & Brayne, C, (2006)
The Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST): Test-retest reliability sample. Autism, 10,
Yirmiya, N, Gamliel, I, Pilowsky, T, Feldman, R, Baron-Cohen, S, and Sigman, M, (2006)
The development of siblings of children with autism at 4 and 14 months: social engagement,
communication and cognition. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 511-523.
Allison, C, Williams, J, Scott, F, Stott, C, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, & Brayne, C, (2007)
The Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST): Test-retest reliability in a high scoring
sample. Autism, 11, 173-185.
Ashwin, C, Baron-Cohen, S, O’Riordan, M, Wheelwright, S, & Bullmore, E, T, (2007)
Differential activation of the amygdala and the ‘social brain’ during fearful face-processing
in Asperger Syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 45, 2-14.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Review: Autism. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience &
Rehabilitation, 7, 10.
Baron-Cohen, S, Bor, D, Billington, J, Asher, J, Wheelwright, S, & Ashwin, C, (2007)
Savant memory in a man with colour-number synaesthesia and Asperger Syndrome. Journal
of Consciousness Studies, 14, 237-251.
Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Burtenshaw, A, Hobson, E, (2007) Mathematical talent is
linked to autism. Human Nature, 18, 125-131.
Billington, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2007) Cognitive style predicts entry into
physical sciences and humanities: Questionnaire and performance tests of empathy and
systemizing. Learning and Individual Differences, 17, 260-268.
Bor, D; Billington, J; & Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Savant memory for digits in a case of
synaesthesia and Asperger syndrome is related to hyperactivity in the lateral prefrontal
cortex Neurocase 13, 311-319.
Colle, L, Baron-Cohen, S, & Hill, J, J, (2007) Do children with autism have a theory of
mind? A non-verbal test of autism vs specific language impairment. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 37, 716-723.
Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Hill, J, J, & Rutherford, M, (2007) The ‘Reading the Mind in the
Voice’ Test - Revised: A study of complex emotion recognition in adults with and without
autism spectrum conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1096-
Herrington, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Singh, K, D, Bullmore, E, T, Brammer, M,
& Williams, S, C, R, (2007) The role of MT+/V5 during biological motion perception in
Asperger Syndrome: an fRMI study. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1, 14-27.
Ingudomnukul, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Knickmeyer, R, (2007) Elevated
rates of testosterone-related disorders in a sample of women with autism spectrum
conditions. Hormones and Behavior, 5, 597-604
La Cava, P, G, Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, & Smith Myles, B, (2007) Using assistive
technology to teach emotion recognition to students with Asperger Syndrome. Remedial and
Special Education, 28, 174-181.
Lombardo, M, Barnes, J, L, Wheelwright, S & Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Self-referential
cognition and empathy in autism. Public Library of Science, 2, e883,
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Uchiyama, T, Tojo, Y, Yoshida, Y, Kuroda, M, &
Wheelwright, S, (2007) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Children’s Version in Japan:
a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 491-500.
Wakabayashi, A, Uchiyama, T, Tojo, Y, Yoshida, M, Kuroda, S, Baron-Cohen, S, &
Wheelwright, S, (2007) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Japanese children’s version:
comparison between high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders and normal
controls. Japanese Journal of Psychology, 77, 534-540.
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Uchiyama, T, Yoshida, Y, Kuroda, M & Wheelwright, S,
(2007) Empathizing and systemizing in adults with and without Autism Spectrum
conditions: cross-cultural stability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37,
Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Charman, T, Richler, J, Pasco, G & Brayne, C,
(2008) The Q-CHAT (Quantitative CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT): A
normally distributed quantitative measure of autistic traits at 18-24 months of age:
Preliminary Report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1414-1425.
Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Allison, C, (2008) The Autism Spectrum
Quotient: Children’s Version (AQ-Child). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,
38, 1230-1240.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Autism, hyper-systemizing, and truth. Quarterly Journal of
Experimental Psychology, 61, 64-75.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Theories of the autistic mind. The Psychologist, 21, 112-116.
Billington, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Bor, D, (2008) Systemizing influences attentional
processes during the Navon task: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 46, 511-520.
Colle, L, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S & van der Lely, H (2008) Narrative discourse in
adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 38, 28-40.
Colle, L, Mate, D, Del Giudice, M, Ashwin, C, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Children’s
understanding of intentional vs. unintentional action. Journal of Cognitive Science, 8, 39-68.
Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Hill, J, J, & Golan, Y, (2008) The ‘Reading the Mind in Films’
Task (Child Version): complex emotion and mental state recognition in children with and
without autism spectrum conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38,
Gomot, M, Belmonte, M, K, Bullmore, E, T, Bernard, F, A, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008)
Brain hyper-reactivity to auditory novel targets in children with high-functioning autism.
Brain, 131, 2479-2488.
Knickmeyer, R, Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Sex-typical play:
masculinization/defeminization in girls with an autism spectrum condition. Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1028-1035.
Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Auyeung, B, Ashwin, E, (2008) How to test the extreme
male brain theory of autism in terms of foetal androgens? Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 38, 995-996
Owens, G, Granader, Y, Humphrey, A, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) LEGO®Therapy and the
social use of language programme: an evaluation of two social-skills interventions for
children with high functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 38, 1944-1957.
Ring, H, Woodbury-Smith, M, Watson, P, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2008)
Clinical heterogeneity among people with high functioning autism spectrum conditions:
evidence favouring a continuous severity gradient. Behavior and Brain Functions, 4, 1-6.
Williams, J, Allison, C, Scott, F, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Matthews, F, E, & Brayne, C,
(2008) The Childhood Autism Spectrum Test (CAST): sex differences. Journal of Autism
and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1731-1739.
Asher, J, Lamb, J, A, Brocklebank, D, Cazier, J-B, Maestrini, E, Addis, L, Sen, M, Baron-
Cohen, S, & Monaco, A, P, (2009) A whole-genome scan and fine-mapping linkage study of
autidory-visual synthethesia reveals evidence of linkage to chromosomes 2q24, 5q33, 6p12
and 12p12. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 84, 279-285.
Ashwin, C, Ricciardelli, P, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Positive and negative of gaze
perception in autism spectrum conditions. Social Neuroscience, 4, 153-164.
Ashwin E, Ashwin, C, Rhydderch, D, Howells, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Eagle-eyed
visual acuity: an experimental investigation of enhanced perception in autism. Biological
Psychiatry, 65, 17-21.
Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Ashwin, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K, Hackett, G & Hines,
M, (2009) Fetal testosterone predicts sexually differentiated childhood behavior in girls and
boys. Psychological Science, 20, 144-148.
Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Chapman, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K & Hackett, G, (2009)
Foetal testosterone and autistic traits. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 1-22.
Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Allison, C, Samarwickrema, N, Satcher, M,
& Atkinson, M (2009) The Children’s Empathy Quotient and Systemizing Quotient: sex
differences in typical development and in autism spectrum conditions. Journal of Autism
and Developmental Disorders, 39, 1509-1521.
Barnes, J, Lombardo, M, Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Moral dilemmas film
task: A study of spontaneous narratives by individuals with autism spectrum conditions.
Autism Research, 2, 148-156.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Autism. Psychology Review, 14, 2-5.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) The Empathizing-Systemizing Theory of Autism: Implications for
Education. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 14, 4-13.
Baron-Cohen, S, Ashwin, E, Ashwin, C, Tavassoli, T, & Chakrabarti, B, (2009) Talent in
autism: hyper-systemizing, hyper-attention to detail, and sensory hypersensitivity.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, Series B, 364, 1377-1383
Baron-Cohen, S, Auyeung, B, Ashwin, E, Knickmeyer, R, (2009) Reply to commentaries on
Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Chapman, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K, & Hackett, G,
(2009) Foetal testosterone and autistic traits. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 39-47.
Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, & Ashwin, E, (2009) Can emotion recognition be taught to
children with autism spectrum conditions? Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B,
Special Issue, 364, 3567-3574.
Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, & Ashwin, E, (2009) Can empathy be taught? ‘The
Transporters’: animation to teach children with autism to recognise emotions. Autism
Spectrum Quarterly, Winter, 15-18.
Baron-Cohen, S, Scott, F, J, Allison, C, Williams, J, Bolton, P, Matthews, F, E, & Brayne,
C, (2009) Prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions: UK school-based population study.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, 500-509.
Chakrabarti, B, Hill-Cawthorne, G, Dudridge, F, Kent, L, Wheelwright, S, Allison, C,
Banerjee-Basu, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Genes related to sex-steroids, neural growth
and social-emotional behaviour are associated with autistic traits, empathy and Asperger
Syndrome. Autism Research, 2, 157-177.
Churches, O, Baron-Cohen, S, and Ring, H, (2009) Seeing face-like objects: An eventrelated
study. NeuroReport, 20, 1290-1294.
Elsabbagh, M, Volein, A, Csibra, G, Holmboe, K, Garwood, H, Tucker, L, Krijes, S, Baron-
Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Charman, T, Baird, G & Johnson, M, H, (2009) Neural Correlates of
Eye Gaze Processing in the Infant Broader Autism Phenotype. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 31-
Elsabbagh, M, Volein, A, Holmboe, K, Tucker, L, Csibra, G, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P,
Charman, T, Baird, G, Johnson, M (2009) Visual orienting in the early broader autism
phenotype: disengagement and facilitation Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50,
Hoekstra, R, A, Happé, F, Baron-Cohen, S, Ronald, A, (2009) The association between
extreme autistic traits and intellectual disability: Insights from a general population twin
study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, 531-536. Erratum: British Journal of Psychiatry,
197, 77.
Levin, Y, Wang, L, Ingudomnukul, E, Schwarz, E, Baron-Cohen S, Palotas, A, Bahn S
(2009) Real-time evaluation of experimental variation in large-scale LC–MS/MS-based
quantitative proteomics of complex samples. Journal of Chromatography B, 877, 1299-1305.
Mercure, E, Ashwin, E, Dick, F, Halit, H, Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, & Johnson, M, H,
(2009) IQ: fetal testosterone and individual variability in children’s functional lateralization.
Neuropsychologia, 47, 2537-2543.
Minio-Paluello I, Baron-Cohen S, Avenanti A, Walsh V, Aglioti S, M, (2009). Absence of
embodied empathy during pain observation in Asperger Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry,
65, 55-62.
Auyeung, B, Taylor, K, Hackett, G, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Fetal testosterone and
autistic traits in 18 to 24-month-old children, Molecular Autism, 1:11.
Baron-Cohen, S. (2010) Empathizing, systemizing, and the extreme male brain theory of
autism. Progress in Brain Research, 186, 167-175.
Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, Wheelwright, S, Granadar, Y & Hill, J, (2010) Emotion word
comprehension from 4-16 years old: a developmental study. Frontiers in Evolutionary
Neuroscience, 2, 109.
Belmonte, M, K, Gomot, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Visual attention in autism:
‘unaffected’ sibs share delayed and prolonged fronto-cerebellar activiation but not decreased
functional connectivity. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 133, 611-624.
Buxbaum, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Devlin, B, (2010) Genetics in psychiatry: common variant
association studies. Molecular Autism, 1: 6.
Chura, L, Lombardo, M, Ashwin, E, Auyeung, B, Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, T, & Baron-
Cohen, S, (2010) Organizational effects of fetal testosterone on human corpus callosum size
and asymmetry. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35, 122-132.
Churches, O, Wheelwright, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Ring, H, (2010) The N170 is not
modulated by attention in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport, 21, 399-403.
Ecker, C, Rocha-Rego, V, Johnston, P, Mourao-Miranda, J, Marquand, A, Daly, E,
Brammer, M, Murphy,C, Murphy, D, and the MRC AIMS Consortium (2010) Investigating
the predictive value of whole-brain structural MR scans in autism: A pattern classification
approach. NeuroImage, 49, 44-56.
Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Ashwin, E, Granader, Y, McClintock, S, Day, K, & Leggett, V,
(2010) Enhancing emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum conditions: an
intervention using animated vehicles with real emotional faces. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 40, 269-279.
Hoekstra R, Happé F, Baron-Cohen S, Ronald A, (2010) Limited Genetic Covariance
Between Autistic Traits and Intelligence: Findings From a Longitudinal Twin Study.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B, 153B, 994-1007.
Hoekstra, R, Vinkhuyzen, A, Wheelwright, S, Bartels, M, Boomsma, D, Baron-Cohen, S,
Posthuma, D, van der Sluis, S, (2010) The construction and validation of an abridged
version of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-Short) Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 41 (5) 589-96.
Holmboe, K, Elsabbagh, M, Volein, A, Tucker, L, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Charman, T,
Johnson, M, (2010) Frontal cortex functioning in the infant broader autism phenotype. Infant
Behavior and Development, 33, 482-491.
Lai, M-C, Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, Sadek, S, Pasco, G, Wheelwright, S, Bullmore, E,
Baron-Cohen, S, MRC Aims Consortium & Suckling, J, (2010) A shift to randomness of
brain oscillations in people with autism. Biological Psychiatry, 68, 1092-1099.
Lombardo, M, Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Unraveling the paradox of the autistic self. Wiley
Interscience Reviews (WIRES), 1, 393-403.
Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, Sadek, S, Pasco, G, Wheelwright, S, Suckling,
J, MRC AIMS Consortium & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Atypical neural self-representation in
autism. Brain, 133, 611-624.
Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, & Wheelwright, S, Sadek, S, Suckling, J, MRC
AIMS Consortium & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Shared neural circuits for mentalizing about
the self and others. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 277, 1623-1635.
Manning, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Fink, B, (2010) Is digit ratio (2D:3D) related
to systemizing and empathizing? Evidence from direct finger measurements reported in the
BBC Internet Survey. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 767-771.
Manning, J, Reimers, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, and Fink, B, (2010) Sexually
dimorphic traits (digit ratio, body height, systemizing-empathizing scores) and gender
segregation between occupations: Evidence from the BBC Internet study. Personality and
Individual Differences. 49, 511-515.
Schwarz, E, Guest P, Rahmoune, H, Wang, L, Levin, Y, Ingudomnukul, E, Ruta, L, Kent, L,
Spain, M, Baron-Cohen, S, & Bahn, S, (2010) Sex-specific serum biomarker patterns in
adults with Asperger's Syndrome. Molecular Psychiatry. 2010 [Epub ahead of print].
Wheelwright, S, Auyeung, B, Allison, C, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Defining the broader,
medium and narrow autism phenotype among parents using the Autism Spectrum Quotient
(AQ). Molecular Autism,1, 10.
Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Stone, M, Muncer, S, (2011) Psychometric
analysis of the Empathy Quotient (EQ). Personality and Individual Differences. 51, 829-835.
Auyeung, B, Ashwin, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K, Hackett, G, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011)
Effects of Fetal Testosterone on Visiospatial Ability. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) The Evolution and Diagnosis of Empathy. The Evolutionary
Review. 2, 55-57
Baron-Cohen, S, Lombardo, M, Auyeung, B, Ashwin, E, Chakrabarti, B, & Knickmeyer, R,
(2011) Why are Autism Spectrum Conditions more prevalent in males? Public Library of
Science Biology. 9, 1-10 And Supplementary Material to ‘Why are autism spectrum
conditions more prevalent in males?’
Catarino, A, Churches, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Andrade, A, & Ring, H, (2011) Atypical EEG
complexity in autism spectrum conditions: a multiscale entropy analysis. Clinical
Chakrabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Variation in the human cannabinoid receptor
(CNR1) gene modulates gaze duration for happy faces. Molecular Autism. 2, 10.
Curran, S, Dworzynski, K, Happé, F, Ronald, A, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Brayne, C, &
Bolton, P, F, (2011) No major effect of Twinning on Autistic Traits. Autism Research. 4,
Damiano, C, Churches, O, Ring, H, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) The development of
perceptual expertise for faces and objects in autism spectrum conditions. Autism Research.
4, 297-301.
Elsabbagh M, Holmboe K, Gliga T, Mercure E, Hudry K, Charman T, Baron-Cohen S,
Bolton P, Johnson MH, The BASIS Team (2011) Social and attention factors during infancy
and the later emergence of autism characteristics. Progress in Brain Research. 189C, 195-
Guiraud, J, Kushnerenko, E, Tomalski, P, Davies, K, Ribeiro, H, Johnson, M, & The BASIS
Team, (2011) Differential habituation to repeated sounds in infants at high risk for autism.
Jones, R, Wheelwright, S, Farrell, K, Martin, E, Green, R, Di Ceglie, D, & Baron-Cohen, S,
(2011) Brief Report: Female-To-Male Transsexual People and Autistic Traits. Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2011 Mar 30 [Epub ahead of print].
Lai, M, Lombardo, M, Pasco, G, Ruigrok, A, Wheelwright, S, Sadek, S, Chakrabarti, B, the
MRC AIMS Consortium, & Baron-Cohen, S (2011) A comparison of male and female
adults with high functioning Autism Spectrum Conditions. PLoS-one. 2011, 6.
Lombardo, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) The role of the self in mindblindness in autism.
Consciousness & Cognition special issue. 20, 130-140.
Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti; B, Bullmore, E, the MRC AIMS Consortium, & Baron-Cohen,
S, (2011). Specialization of right temporo-parietal junction for mentalizing and its relation to
social impairments in autism. NeuroImage. 56, 1832-8.
Preti, A, Vellante, M, Baron-Cohen, S, Zucca, G, Petretto, D, R, & Masala, C, (2011) The
Empathy Quotient: a cross-cultural comparison of the Italian version. Cognitive
Neuropsychiatry. 16, 50-70.
Roelfsema, M, Hoekstra, R, Allison, C, Wheelwright, S, Brayne, C, Matthews, F, & Baron-
Cohen, S, (2011) Are Autism Spectrum Conditions more prevalent in an informationtechnology
region? A school based study of three regions in the Netherlands. Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2011 17 June [Epub ahead of print]
Ruta, L, Ingudomnukul, E, Taylor, E, Chakrabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Increased
serum androstenedione in adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions.
Psychoneuroendocrinology. 36(8), 1154-63.
Ruta, L, Mazzone, L, Mazzone, D, Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) The Autism-
Spectrum Quotient - Italian version : A cross-cultural confirmation of the Broader Autism
Phenotype. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2011 May 28. [Epub ahead of
Schwarz, E, Guest, P, Rahmoune, H, Harris, L, Wang, L, Leweke, F, Rothermundt, M,
Bogerts, B, Koethe, D, Kranaster, L, Ohrmann, P, Suslow, T, McAllister, G, Spain, M,
Barnes, A, van Beveren, N, Baron-Cohen, S, Steiner, J, Torrey, F., Yolken, R. & Bahn, S.
(2011) Identification of a biological signature for schizophrenia in serum. Molecular
Psychiatry 2011 Apr 12. [Epub ahead of print].
Spencer, M, Holt, R, Chura, L, Suckling, J, Calder, A, Bullmore, E, Baron-Cohen, S (2011)
A novel functional brain imaging endophenotype of autism: The neural response to facial
expression of emotion. Translational Psychiatry. 2011, 1, e19
Tavassoli, T, & Baron-Cohen, S (2011) Taste identification thresholds in adults with Autism
Spectrum Conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. [Epub ahead of
Tavassoli, T, Latham, K, Bach, M, Dakin, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Psychophysical
Measures of Visual Acuity in Autism Spectrum Conditions. Vision Research 51, 1778-1780.
Tavassoli, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Olfactory Detection Thresholds and Adaptation in
Adults with Autism Spectrum Condition. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
van Honk, J, Schuttera, D, Bosa, P, Kruijtc, A, Lentjesd, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011)
Testosterone administration impairs cognitive empathy in women depending on second-tofourth
digit ratio. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 2011 Feb 7
[Epub ahead of print]. 108(8):3448-52.
Allison, C, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2012) Towards brief "Red Flags" for autism screening: the
short AQ and the short Q-CHAT in 1000 cases and 3000 controls. Journal of the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Barnes, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2012) The Big Picture: Storytelling in Adults with Autism
Spectrum Conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Beacher, F, Minati, L, Baron-Cohen, S, Lombardo, M, Lai, M, Gray, M, Harrison, N, &
Critchley, H, (2012) Autism attenuates sex differences in brain structure: a combined voxelbased
morphometry (VBM) and diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI) study. American Journal of
Neuroradiology. [Epub ahead of print].
Ecker, C, Suckling, J, Deoni, S.C., & the AIMS Consortium, (2012) Brain anatomy and its
relationship to behaviour in adults with autism: A multi-centre MRI study. Archives of
General Psychiatry.
Langen, M, Leemans, A, Johnston, P, Ecker, C, Daly, E, Murphy, C, dell’Acqua, F,
Durston, S, the AIMS Consortium, & Murphy, D, (2012) Fronto-striatal circuitry and
inhibitory control in autism: Findings from diffusion tensor imaging tractography. Cortex.
Lombardo, M, Ashwin, E, Auyeung, B, Chakrabarti,Taylor, K, Hackett, G, Bullmore, E, &
Baron-Cohen, S, (2012) Fetal testosterone influences sexually dimorphic gray matter in the
human brain. Journal of Neuroscience.
Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Ashwin, C, (2012) Do autism traits overlap with the traits
of schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder in the general population? Research in
Autism Spectrum Disorders.
In press
Baron-Cohen, S, (in press) On the Autism Trail. Scientific American.
Baron-Cohen, S, (in press) Autism. Scholarpedia (on-line).
Baron-Cohen, S, and Bolton, P, (1993) Autism: the facts. Oxford University Press.
Baron-Cohen, S, Tager-Flusberg, H, and Cohen, D.J. (eds.) (1993) Understanding other
minds: perspectives from autism. Oxford University Press.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) Mindblindness: an essay on autism and theory of mind. MIT
Press/Bradford Books.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Harrison, J, (eds.) (1997) Synaesthesia: classic and contemporary
readings. Blackwells.
Baron-Cohen, S, (ed.) (1997) The maladapted mind: essays in evolutionary
psychopathology. Erlbaum, Taylor Francis, UK.
Howlin, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Hadwin, J, & Swettenham, J, (1999). Teaching children with
autism to mind-read. Wiley.
Robertson, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Tourette Syndrome: The facts. Oxford University
Baron-Cohen, S, Tager-Flusberg, H, & Cohen, D, (eds. 2000). Understanding other minds:
perspectives from developmental cognitive neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2003) The essential difference: men, women and the extreme male brain.
Penguin/Basic Books.
Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2004) An exact mind. Jessica Kingsley Ltd. Artwork
by Peter Myers.
Baron-Cohen, S, Lutchmaya, S, & Knickmeyer, R, (2005) Prenatal testosterone in mind:
Studies of amniotic fluid. MIT Press/Bradford Books.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Autism and Asperger Syndrome: The Facts. OUP.
Hadwin, J, Howlin, P, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Teaching children with autism to
mindread: a handbook. – 2nd Edition. Wiley.
Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Zero Degrees of Empathy. Penguin. (The Science of Evil, Basic
Baron-Cohen, S, Tager-Flusberg, H, and Cohen, D.J. (eds,) (in press) Understanding other
minds: perspectives from developmental cognitive neuroscience – 3rd Edition. Oxford
University Press.
Baron-Cohen, S, Lombardo, M, & Wakabayashi, A, (eds) (in press) The Empathizing-
Systemitizing (E-S) Theory: Beyond Sex Differences in Cognition. The MIT Press.

Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, Wheelwright, S & Hill, J, (2004). Mindreading: the interactive
guide to emotions. Jessica Kingsley Limited ( BAFTA nominated.
Baron-Cohen, S, Scott, F & Humphrey, A, (2006) Asperger Syndrome: A different mind.
BBC Documentary. Jessica Kingsley Limited (
Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, Harcup, C, & Lever, N, (2007) The Transporters. Changing
Media Development ( BAFTA nominated.
BOOK CHAPTERS (Chronological order)
Frith, U, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1987) Perception in autistic children. In Cohen, D, Donnellan,
A, & Paul, R, (eds.) Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders, New York:
Wiley and Sons.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) The theory of mind deficit in autism: how specific is it? In
Butterworth, G, Harris, P, Leslie, A, & Wellman, H, (eds.) Perspectives on the child's theory
of mind. Oxford Science Publications/British Psychological Society. Reprint of British
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9, 301-314.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) Precursors to a theory of mind: Understanding attention in others. In
A. Whiten (ed.) Natural theories of mind. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) The girl who liked to shout in church. In R. Campbell (ed.) Mental
lives: case studies in cognition. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
SourceS Baron-Cohen's CV
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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