NameLindsay; Geoff (1948-); Professor; PhD, C. Psychol, FBPsS, HonMBPsS, FRSA, AcSS
EpithetPhD, C. Psychol, FBPsS, HonMBPsS, FRSA, AcSS
Parallel NameG Lindsay
DatesAndPlacesSheffield Psychology Service, pre-1995 (nd)
Warwick Institute of Education, 1995
Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) 1999-
Centre for Education and Industry (CEI), 2010
ActivityDate of Birth:06/04/1948

University Qualifications:
BSc Psychology, Durham University (nd)
MEd (Ed Psych), Birmingham University (nd)
PhD Educational Psychology (nd)

Professional Career:
Principal Educational Psychologist, Sheffield Psychology Service, pre-1995 (nd)
Inaugural chair in special needs education and educational psychology, Warwick Institute of Education, 1995
Director, Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) 1999-
Director of the Centre for Education and Industry (CEI), 2010

Fellow of the British Psychological Society (nd)
Honorary Life Member, British Psychological Society (nd)
Academician of Social Sciences (nd)
Fellow Royal Society of Arts (nd)

Involvement with BPS and other institutions:
Past President (1994-1995), Honorary Treasurer, Trustee, Chair PAB, of the British Psychological Society (nd)
Convener of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations 1999-2009.

Sources: G Lindsay's CV.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

2011 Journals

Cullen, S. M., Cullen, M. A., Band, S., Davis, L. and Lindsay, G. (2011) 'Supporting fathers to engage with their children's learning and education: an under-developed aspect of the Parent Support Adviser pilot', British Educational Research Journal, 37 (3), 485 - 500 (0141-1926) [article]
Hartas, D. and Lindsay, G. (2011) 'Young people's involvement in service evaluation and decision making', Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 16 (2), 129 - 143 (1363-2752) [article]

2011 Other

Snowling, M., Hulme, C., Balley, A., Stothard, S., Lindsay, G.(2011) 'Better Communication Research Project: Language & Literacy Attainment of Pupils during Early Years and Through KS2: Does teacher assessment at five provide a valid measure of children's current and future educational attainments?', [Report to Government]
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Law, J., & Roulstone, S.(2011) 'Better Communication Research Programme: 2nd Interim Report', 2nd Interim Report [Report to Government]

2010 Journals

Chapman, C., Lindsay, G., Muijs, D., Harris, A., Arweck, E., and Goodall, J. (2010) 'Governance, leadership and management in federations of schools', School Effectiveness And School Improvement, 21 (1), 53 - 74 (0924-3453)
Saad, S. and Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in inclusive settings: challenging but not problematic', Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 18 (1), 115 - 132 (0128-7702)
Palikara, O., Dockrell, J. E. and Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Patterns of change in the reading decoding and comprehension performance of adolescents with specific language impairment', Learning Disabilities: a contemporary journal, (1937-6928)
Lindsay, G (2010) 'The collection and analysis of data on children with speech, language and communication needs: The challenge to education and health services', Child Language Teaching And Therapy, (0265-6590)
Cullen, M. A., Davis, L., Lindsay, G. and Davis, H. (2010) 'Engaging parents in Parentline Plus' Time to Talk community programme as part of England's teenage pregnancy strategy: lessons for policy and practice', Children And Society, (0951-0605)
Rushton, A. and Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Defining the construct of Masters level clinical practice in manipulative physiotherapy', Manual Therapy, 15 (1), 93 - 99 (1356-689X)
Hartas, D. and Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Young people's involvement in service development and decision-making', Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, (1363-2752)
Band, S., Lindsay, G., Neelands, J. and Freakley, V. (2010) 'Disabled students in the performing arts-are we setting them up to succeed?', International Journal Of Inclusive Education, (1360-3116)
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J. E. and Palikara, O. (2010) 'Self-esteem of adolescents with specific language impairment as they move from compulsory education', International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45 (5), 561 - 571 (1368-2822)
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Desforges, M., Law, J., and Peacey, N. (2010) 'Meeting the needs of children with speech, language and communication difficulties', International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45 (4), 448 - 460 (1368-2822)

2010 Books and Chapters

Leach, M.M., Stevens, M., Ferrero, A., Korkut, Y., & Lindsay, G. (2010) Handbook of international psychological ethics , New York: Oxford University Press
Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Educational pyschology and the effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming', in Readings for learning to teach in the secondary school : a companion to M level study, 161- 185, Editors: Capel, S., Leask, M. and Turner, T. (9780415552097) London: Routledge
Oakland, T., Leach, M. M., Bartram, D., Lindsay, G., Smedler, A. C. and Zhang, H. (2010) 'An international perspective on ethics codes in psychology', in Handbook of international psychological ethics, Editors: M.M. Leach, M. Stevens, A. Ferrero, Y. Korkut, & G Lindsay, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Educational mainstreaming', in The Corsioni encyclopedia of psychology 4th Edition, Vol 2, 544- 545, Editors: Weiner, I. B. and Craighead, W. E. (9780470170267) Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley
Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Ethical Considerations and legal issues in educational research', in Educational research and inquiry : qualitative and quantitative approaches, 110- 130, Editors: Hartas, D. (9781441183798) London: Continuum International Publishing Group
Lindsay, G. (2010) 'Ethical decision-making.', in Handbook of international psychological ethics, Editors: M.M. Leadh, M. Stevens, A. Ferraro, Y. Korkut & G. Lindsay, New York: Oxford University Press

2010 Other

Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Law, J., Roulstone, S., Vignoles, A.(2010) 'Better Communication Research Programme: 1st Interim Report', 1st Interim Report [Report to Government]
Desforges, M. and Lindsay, G.(2010) 'Procedures used to diagnose a disability and to assess special educational needs: an international review', 1 - 202, Trim, Ireland: National council for special education, [Report]
Peacey, N., Lindsay, G., Brown, P. and Russell, A.(2010) 'Increasing parents? confidence in the special educational needs system: studies commissioned to inform the Lamb inquiry', 1 - 162, Final report [Report]
Lindsay, G., Cullen, S., Band, S., Cullen, M. A. and Strand, S.(2010) 'Evaluation of the parenting early intervention programme: 1st interim report', Research report DCSF-RR193/DCSF-RB193, London: Department for children, schools and families, Research report DCSF-RR193/DCSF-RB193 [Report]
Lindsay, G., Cullen, M. A., Cullen, S., Dockrell, J., Strand, S. and Hartas, D.(2010) 'Evaluation of impact of DCSF investment in initiatives designed to improve teacher workforce skills in relation to SEN and disabilities: the first six months', London: Department for children, schools and families, 1st interim report [Report] [view]

2009 Journals

Palikara, O., Lindsay, G. and Dockrell, J. E. (2009) 'The voices of young people with a history of specific language impairment (SLI) in the first year of post-16 education', International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 44 (1), 56 - 78 (1368-2822)
Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, G. and Connelly, V. (2009) 'The impact of specific language impairment on adolescents? written text', Exceptional Children, 75 (4), 427 - 446 (0014-4029)
Lindsay, G. (2009) 'Etica profesional y psicologia (Professional ethics and psychology)', Papeles del Psicologo, 30 (3), 184 - 194 (0214-7823)
Cullen, M. A., Lindsay, G., and Dockrell, J. E. (2009) 'The role of the Connexions service in supporting the transition from school to post-16 education, employment training and work for young people with a history of specific speech and language difficulties or learning difficulties', Journal Of Research In Special Educational Needs, 9 (2), 100 - 112 (1471-3802)
Strand, S. and Lindsay, G. (2009) 'Ethnic disproportionality in special education: evidence from an English population study', Journal of Special Education, 43 (3), 174 - 190 (0022-4669)
Hartas, D., Lindsay, G., Arweck, E., and Cullen, S. (2009) 'The nature and outcomes of PGCE Plus as a model for teacher professional development', Professional Development in Education, 35 (1), 101 - 118 (1941-5257)

2009 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. and Shah, S. (2009) 'Special educational needs and immigration/ethinicity: The English experience', in In European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education Multicultural diversity and SNE

2009 Other

Lindsay, G. A. and Shah, S.(2009) 'Special educational needs and immigration/ethinicity: the English experience', European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education: multicultural diversity and SNE, 1 - 11, Report from the experts from the United Kingdom [Report]
Lindsay, G., Davis, H., Strand, S., Cullen, M. A., Band, S., Cullen, S., Davis, L., Hasluck, C., Evans, R. and Stewart-Brown, S.(2009) 'Parent support advisor pilot evaluation: final report', Research report DCSF-RR151, 1 - 166, Nottingham: Department for children, schools and families, Research report DCSF-RR151 [Report] [view] Lindsay, G.(2009) 'Parent support advisor pilot evaluation: a guide', Research report DCSF-RR151A, Nottingham: Department for children, schools and families, Research report DCSF-RR151A [Report]
Neelands, J., Lindley, R., Lindsay, G., Winston, J., Galloway, S., Kellgren, I. and Morris, M.(2009) 'Dance and drama awards strategic review 2009: final report', 1 - 94, [Report]
Neelands, J., Galloway, S. and Lindsay, G.(2009) 'An evaluation of stand up for Shakespeare: the royal Shakespeare company learning and performance network 2006-2009', 1 - 99, Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]

2008 Journals

Rushton, A. and Lindsay, G. (2008) 'Defining the construct of Masters level clinical practice in healthcare based on the UK experience', Medical Teacher, 30 (4), e100 - e107 (0142-159X)
Muijs, D. and Lindsay, G. (2008) 'Where are we at? An empirical study of levels and methods of evaluating continuing professional development', British Educational Research Journal, 34 (2), 195 - 211 (0141-1926)
Hartas, D., Lindsay, G.and Muijs, D. (2008) 'Identifying and selecting able pupils for the NAGTY summer school: emerging issues and future considerations', High Ability Studies, 19 (1), 5 - 18 (1359-8139) [article]
Lindsay, G. and Dockrell, J. E. (2008) 'Language intervention in the school years: a systemic approach', Revista de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia, 28 (4), 207 - 217 (0214-4603)
Kaloyirou, C. and Lindsay, G. (2008) 'The self-perceptions of bullies in Cyprus primary schools', European Journal Of Special Needs Education, 23 (3), 223 - 235 (0885-6257)
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J. E. and Mackie, C. (2008) 'Vulnerability to bullying in children with a history of specific speech and language difficulties ', European Journal Of Special Needs Education, 23 (1), 1 - 16 (0885-6257)

2008 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (2008) 'Ethical decision making with the EFPA Meta-code of ethics', in Psychology: IUPsyS global resource 2008: CD-ROM of the International Journal of Psychology, Editors: Wedding, D. and Stevens, M. J. (9781841697338) Hove: Psychology Press
Lindsay, G. (2008) 'Ethics and value systems', in Frameworks for practice in educational psychology: a textbook for trainees and practitioners, 52- 66, Editors: Kelly, B., Wolfson, L. and Boyle, J. (9781843106005) London ; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Lindsay, G., Koene, C., Ovreeide, H. and Lang, F. (2008) Ethics for European psychologists Editors: Lindsay, G., Koene, C., Ovreeide, H. and Lang, F. (9780889373570) Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe and Huber
Lindsay, G. (2008) 'Baseline assessment', in The Routledge international encyclopedia of education, 45- 46, Editors: McCulloch, G. and Crook, D. (9780415277471) London: Routledge
Lindsay, G. and Dockrell, J. E. (2008) 'Outcomes for young people with a history of specific speech and language difficulties at 16-17 years: a more positive picture?', in Language disorders in children and adults : new issues in research and practice, 138- 158, Editors: Joffe, V., Cruice, M. and Chiat, S. (9780470518397) Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
Dockrell, J. E. and Lindsay, G. (2008) 'Inclusion versus specialist provision for children with developmental language disorders', in Understanding developmental language disorders in children: from theory to practice, 131- 147, Editors: Norbury, C. F., Tomblin, J. B. and Bishop, D. V. M. (9781841696669) Hove: Psychology Press

2008 Other

Lindsay, G., Davies, H., Band, S., Cullen, M. A., Cullen, S., Strand, S., Hasluck, C., Evans, R. and Stewart-Brown, S.(2008) 'Parenting early intervention pathfinder evaluation', Research report DCSF-RW054, 1 - 220, Nottingham: Department for children, schools and families, Research report DCSF-RW054 [Report] [view] Lindsay, G., Desforges, M., Dockrell, J., Law, J., Peacey, N. and Beecham, J.(2008) 'The effective and efficient use of resources in services for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs', DCSF-RW053, Nottingham: DCSF, Research for the Bercow review [Report] [view] Galloway, S., Neelands, J. and Lindsay, G.(2008) 'Towards an holistic institutional approach to pedagogy and servicing of student needs', 1 - 43, Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Lindsay, G., Cullen, M. A., Band, S., Cullen, S., Davis, L. and Davis, H.(2008) 'Parent support advisor pilot evaluation: second interim report', Research report DCSF-RR037, 1 - 52, Nottingham: Department for children, schools and families, Research report DCSF-RR037 [Report] [view]

2007 Journals

Dockrell, J., Lindsay, G., Mackie, C., & Connolly, V. (2007) 'Constraints in the production of written text in children with specific language impairments.', Exceptional Children, 73 (2), 147 - 164 (0014-4029)
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., & Strand, S. (2007) 'Longitudinal patterns of behaviour problems in children with specific speech and language difficulties: Child and contextual factors', British Journal Of Educational Psychology, 77 811 - 828 (0007-0998)
Dockrell, J. E. & Lindsay, G. (2007) 'Identifying the educational and social needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties on entry to secondary school', Educational & Child Psychology, 24 101 - 115 (0267-1611)
Rushton, A. & Lindsay, G. (2007) 'Developing clinical expertise for healthcare professionals through Masters courses in the UK', International Journal Of Therapy And Rehabilitation, 17 156 - 161 (1741-1645)
Palikara, O., Lindsay, G., Cullen, M., & Dockrell, J. E. (2007) 'Working together? The practice of educational psychologists? and speech and language therapists with children with specific speech and language difficulties', Educational & Child Psychology, 24 77 - 88 (0267-1611)
Leung, C., Lindsay, G. & Lo, S. K. (2007) 'Early identification of primary school students with learning difficulties in Hong Kong: The development of a checklist', European Journal Of Special Needs Education, 22 327 - 339 (0885-6257)
Lindsay, G. (2007) 'Educational psychology and the effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming', British Journal Of Educational Psychology, 77 (1), 1 - 24 (0007-0998)

2007 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (2007) 'Prioritisation: an educationist?s perspective', in Prioritising child health: Practice and principles, 88- 100, Editors: Roulstone S, London: Routledge
Lindsay, G. (2007) 'Rights, efficacy and inclusive education', in Included or excluded? The challenge of the mainstream for some SEN children, 15- 22, Editors: R. Cigman, London: Routledge
Cullen, M. A., & Lindsay, G. (2007) 'Lifelong learning and parental employability', in Supporting children and families: Lessons from Sure Start for evidence-based practice, 151- 163, Editors: J. Schneide, M. Avis & P. Leighton, London: Jessica Kingsley

2007 Other

Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.A., & Cullen, S.(2007) 'Evaluation of the parent early intervention pathfinder: Additional Study of the Involvement of Extended Schools', London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, DCSF-RW035 [Report] [view] Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.A., & Cullen, S.(2007) 'Parenting early intervention pathfinders 1st interim report', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Lindsay G,(2007) 'Ethical principles for psychologists across Eastern, western and Aboriginal cultures: A discussion', Proceedings of the International Assocaition of Applied Psychology (July 2006), [Audiovisual Material]
Lindsay, G., Muijs, D., Harris, A., Chapman, C., Arweck, E., & Goodall, J.(2007) 'School federations pilot: Study 2003-2007', Nottingham: Department for Children, Schools and Families, [Report]
Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.A., & Cullen, S.(2007) 'Evaluation of the parent early intervention pathfinder 2nd Interim report.', London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, DCSF-RW035 [Report] [view] Hartas, D., & Lindsay, G.(2007) 'A Warwickshire County analysis of the needs of vulnerable young people', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Specialist Community Health Services & Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) (Authors: Reeve, C., Cullen, M.A., Waterson, J., & Lindsay, G.)(2007) 'Supporting young children's physical development, a staff development tool for early years practitioners', [Learning / Development Resource]
Lindsay, G.(2007) 'Analysis of the 2005 entrants to professional dance and drama training courses', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Cullen, S., & Lindsay, G.(2007) 'National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY): Goal short residential courses: Goal, Aston University course 'Money and management' 5-7th June 2007', coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Cullen, S., Hartas, D., & Lindsay, G.(2007) 'Schools as creative beacons II: Creative Partnerships, Coventry', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Cullen, S., & Lindsay, G.(2007) 'The NAGTY GOAL programme: A case study of some initial participants', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.A., Cullen, S., Davis, L., Davis, H., Evans, R., Stewart-Brown, S., Strand, S., & Hasluck, C.(2007) 'Parent support adviser pilot: First interim report from the evaluation DCSF-RW020', London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, [Report] [view] Cullen, S., & Lindsay, G.(2007) 'Evaluation of the Big Deal national enterprise competition, 2007', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Presentation / Lecture]
Neelands, J., Band, S., Freakley, V., Good, T., Lindsay, G., Morris, M., Muijs, D., & Prior, R.(2007) 'LSC post-16 performing arts mapping study', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Lindsay G, Mackie C, Dockrell J E(2007) 'Writing development in children with SLI: Verb sensitivity', [Presentation / Lecture]
Dockrell, J., Lindsay, G., Palikara, O., & Cullen, M.A.(2007) 'Raising the achievements of children and young people with specific speech and language difficulties and other special educational needs through school, to work and college', Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills, RR837 [Report] [view]

2006 Journals

Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, G., Letchford, C., & Mackie, C. (2006) 'Educational provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties: Perspectives of speech and language therapy managers', International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 41 423 - 440 (1368-2822)
Neelands, J., Freakley, V. & Lindsay, G. (2006) 'Things can only get better: A study of social market interventions in the shaping of the field of cultural production', International Journal Of Cultural Policy, 12 (1), 93 - 109 (1028-6632)
Harris, A., Day, C., Goodall, J., Lindsay, G., & Muijs, D. (2006) 'What difference does it make? Evaluating the impact of continuing professional development in schools', Scottish Educational Review, 37 90 - 99 (0141-9072)
Phillips, E. & Lindsay, G. (2006) 'Motivation in gifted students', High Ability Studies, 17 57 - 73 (1359-8139)
Lindsay, G., & Muijs, D. (2006) 'Challenging underachievement in boys', Educational Research, 48 313 - 332 (0013-1881)
Kyriakides, L., Kaloyirou, C., & Lindsay, G. (2006) 'A Rasch measurement model analysis of the Greek version of the revised Olweus bully/victim questionnaire', British Journal Of Educational Psychology, 76 781 - 801 (0007-0998)

2006 Books and Chapters

Dockrell, J.E., Linsday, G. & Palikara, O. (2006) 'Language difficulties and educational achievement', in Actas 25 Congreso Internacional de AELFA (Asociacion Espanola de Logopedia, Foniatria Y Audiologia) 67- 79, Granada, Spain: AELFA and University of Granada
Lindsay, G. (2006) 'Developing ethical practice: A European perspective', in Il coloquio Europeu de psicologica e etica, 49- 68, Editors: V,Claudio et al, Lisbon, Portugal: ISPA
Lindsay, G. (2006) 'Ethical and legal matters (revised edition)', in Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems , UNESCO
Lindsay, G, & Dockrell, J.E. (2006) 'Language difficulties, behaviour and social groups in the classroom', in Actas 25 Congreso Internacional de AELFA (Asociacion Espanola de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia 81- 91, Granada, Spain: Revista de Logopedia, Foniatria & Audiologica (AELFA)

2006 Other

Lindsay, G.(2006) 'Analysis of the 2005 Entrants to professional Dance and Drama Training Courses. Technical Paper No 52', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Cullen, S., Arweck, E., Cullen, M.A., Hartas, D., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'Evaluation of the PGCE Plus 2004-2006', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Day, C., Naysmith, C., Leveridge, R., Barlow, J., Davis, H., Fonagy, P., Lindsay, G., & Stewart-Brown, S.(2006) 'Personal and social development: Scoping report- birth to five', London: Sure Start, [Report]
Cullen, S., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Evaluation of the summer schools 2005: The impact of the summer schools', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Cullen, S., Hartas, D., Medwell, J. & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'Schools as creative beacons', [Report]
Lindsay, G., Muijs, D., Hartas, D., Band, S.(2006) 'Evaluation of the capital modernisation funding for electronic registration in selected secondary schools', Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills, RR759 [Report] [view] Arweck, E., Cullen, S., Hartas, D., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'Evaluation of PGCE Plus 2005. Interim report 2', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Day, C., Naysmith, C., Leveridge, R., Barlow, J., Davis, H., Fonagy, P., Lindsay, G., Stewart-Brown, S.(2006) 'Personal and social development: Training Pack', London: Sure Start, [Learning / Development Resource]
Cullen, S., Hartas, D., Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Evaluation of the summer schools 2005', [Report]
Cullen, S., Hartas, D., Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Evaluation of the Summer Schools 2005', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood: Report of the local evaluation 2005-6, Outcomes for children and support for parenting', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Lindsay, G., Pather, S., & Strand, S.(2006) 'Special educational needs and ethnicity: Issues of over and under-representation', Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills, RR 757 [Report] [view] Neelands, J., Lindsay, G., Freakley, V., Galloway, S., Lindley, R., & Davies, R.(2006) 'Dance and Drama Award Scheme Evaluation project Phase II. Final Report', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Trowdale, J., Winston, J., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'Cultivating creativity? A report for Solihull LA on a two year project 2003-2005', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Band, S., Freakley, V., & Lindsay, G.(2006) 'Dance and Drama Award Scheme: Flexible Provision Projects 2004-5', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]

2005 Journals

Hunt, M., Barnes, A., Powell, B., Lindsay, G., & Muijs, D. (2005) 'Primary modern foreign languages: An overview of recent research, key issues and challenges for educational policy and practice', Research Papers In Education, 20 (4), 371 - 390 (0267-1522) [article]
Lindsay,G., Dockrell, J. E., Mackie, C., & Letchford, B. (2005) 'The role of specialist provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and Wales: A model for inclusion?', Journal Of Research In Special Educational Needs, 5 88 - 96 (1471-3802)
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J. E., Mackie, C., & Letchford, B. (2005) 'Local education authorities? approaches to provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and Wales', European Journal Of Special Needs Education, 20 329 - 345 (0885-6257)

2005 Books and Chapters

Dockrell, J.E., Lindsay, G.,Connelly, V., & Mackie, C. (2005) 'Constraints in the production of written text in children with specific language inpairments', in Proceedings:Writing 2004 (CD), Editors: L. Allal & J. Dolz, Adcom Productions

2005 Other

Lindsay, G., Arweck, E., Chapman, C., Goodall, J., Muijs, D., & Harris, A.(2005) 'Evaluation of the Federations programme: 2nd interim report', [Report]
Goodall, J., Day, Lindsay, G., Muijs, D., & Harris, A.(2005) 'Evaluating the impact of CPD', [Report]
Neelands, J., Lindsay, G., Freakley, V., Band, S., Galloway, S., Lindley, R., Davies, R., & Behle, H.(2005) 'Dance and Drama Awards Scheme Evaluation Project: Phase II 3rd interim report', [Report]
Lindsay, G., & Muijs, D.(2005) 'Challenging underachievement in boys in years 8 and 10: A study for the Oldham Leading Edge partnership', [Report]
Lindsay, G., Arweck, E., Chapman, C., Goodall, J., Muijs, D., & Harris, A.(2005) 'Evaluation of the Federations Programme: 2nd Interim Report', [Report]
Cullen, S., Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Summer Schools 2005: Seven case study strands', [Report]
Arweck, E., Cullen, M.A., Cullen, S., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Evaluation of the PGCE Plus 2004: Interim report 1', [Report]
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Cullen, M.A., & Palikara, O.(2005) 'Educational Provision for Children with Specific Speech and Language Difficulties: The Investigation of Good Practice', Report to the Nuffield Foundation, Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood: Report of the local evaluation 2004. Vol 3. Supporting Adults Returning to Learning', [Report]
Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood: Report of the local evaluation 2004, Vol 1: Parents' views from internal examinations', [Report]
Cullen, M.A., Cullen, S., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Evaluation of the summer schools 2004', [Report]
Band, S., Muijs, D., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Evaluation of capital modernisation funding for electronic registration in selected secondary schools: 2nd interim report', [Report]
Goodall, J., Day, C., Harris, A., Lindsay, G., & Muijs, D.(2005) 'Evaluating the impact of continuing professional development (CPD).', Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills, Research report RR659 [Report] [view] Lindsay, G., Muijs, D., Harris, A., Chapman, C., Arweck, E., Goodall, J., & Threadgold, M.(2005) 'Evaluation of the Federations programme: 1st interim report', [Report]
Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood: Report of the Local Evaluation 2004. Vol 4. Working in Partnership', [Report]
Lindsay G, Dockrell J E, Connelly V, Mackie C(2005) '?Constraints in the production of written text in children with specific language impairments?', Proceedings: Writing2004, Editors: Allal L, Dolz J, [Audiovisual Material]
Cullen, S., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Evaluation of the Gifted Entrepreneurs Programme 2004/5', [Report]
Winston, J., Strand, S., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Research into young people's levels of aspiration: Initial report', [Report]
Muijs, D., Barnes, A., Hunt, M., Powell, B., Arweck, E., Martin, E., & Lindsay, G.(2005) 'Evaluation of the Key Stage 2 Language Learning Pathfinders', Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills, RR692 [Report] [view]

2004 Journals

Lindsay, G. (2004) 'Inclusive education: A critical perspective (Reprinted from British Journal of Special Education, 30, 3-12)', Sygchroni Ekpaidevsi, 136 127 - 148 (Unavailable)
Lindsay, G. (2004) 'Pupil particiupation: The NASEN policy.', Support For Learning, 19 (4), 194 - 195 (0268-2141)
Lindsay, G. (2004) 'Widening participation: research, policy and practice', Journal Of Research In Special Educational Needs, 4 161 - 163 (1471-3802)
Lindsay, G.,& Dockrell, J. (2004) 'Whose job is it? Parents' concerns about the needs of their children with language problems', Journal of Special Education, 37 (4), 225 - 236 (0022-4669)
Lindsay, G., Martineau, E., & Lewis, A. (2004) 'Content analysis of baseline assessment schemes.', Journal of Reading Research, 27 (2), 118 - 131 (Unavailable)

2004 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (2004) 'Ethical and legal matters', in Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems , UNESCO
Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J. E. (2004) 'Specific speech and language difficulties and literacy', in Handbook of Children?s Literacy, 403- 435, Editors: T. Nunes & P. Bryant, Kluwer Academic Publishers: London
Lindsay, G. (2004) 'Baseline assessment and the early identification of dyslexia', in Dyslexia in Context: Research, Policy and Practice, 278- 287, Editors: G. Reid & A. Fawcett, London: Whurr
Muijs, D., Day, C. , Harris, A., & Lindsay, G. (2004) 'Evaluating CPD: An Overview', in International Handbook on the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers, 291- 310, Editors: C. Day & J. Sachs, Buckingham: Open University Press

2004 Other

Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2004) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood: Report of the local evaluation 2004, Vol 2: Speech and language development work', [Report]
Lindsay, G., & Muijs, D.(2004) 'Schools Enterprise Programme (Scotland) Evaluation', [Report]
Muijs, D. & Lindsay, G.(2004) 'CPD provider questionnaire. The impact of continuing professional development, Technical report 3', [Report]
Neelands, J., Lindsay, G., Freakley, V., Band, S., Galloway, S., Lindley, R. & Davies, R.(2004) 'Dance & Drama Awards Scheme Evaluation Project: Phase II 1st Interim Report', [Report]
Muijs, D., & Lindsay, G.(2004) 'CPD coordinator and teacher questionnaires: Rasch analysis of the evaluation scales', [Report]

2003 Journals

Lindsay, G. (2003) 'Inclusive education: A critical perspective', British Journal Of Special Education, (30), 3 - 12 (0952-3383)
Lindsay, G., & Lewis, A. (2003) 'An evaluation of the use of accredited baseline assessment schemes in England.', British Educational Research Journal, 29 (2), 149 - 167
Radford, J., Law, J., Soloff, N., Lindsay, G., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M. & Band, S. (2003) 'Collaboration between LEA and SLT Managers for the planning of services to children with speech and language needs', Educational Management and Administration, 31 83 - 95 (0263-211X)
Rushton, A. & Lindsay, G. (2003) 'Clinical education for healthcare professional: a critical analysis facilitated by a soft systems methodological approach', International Journal Of Therapy And Rehabilitation, 10 (6), 271 - 279 (1741-1645)
Lewis, A., Lindsay, G. & Phillips, E. (2003) 'Assessment in special schools: National early assessment procedures and pupils attending special schools in England', European Journal Of Special Needs Education, (18), 141 - 153 (0885-6257)

2003 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (2003) 'Intervencion colaborativa:logopedias y profesores trabajando juntos', in Dificultades del lenguaje, colaboracion e inclusion educativa, 93- 104, Editors: V.M. Acosta Rodriguez & A.M. Moreno Santana, Barcelona, Spain: Ars Medica
Lindsay, G. (2003) 'Implementing the revised Code of Practice: Ethics and values', in Children with Special Educational Needs: A Response to the New Code of Practice. Occasional Papers of the Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47- 55, Editors: D. Galloway, London: ACAMH
Lindsay, G. (2003) 'Intervencion en el lenguaje en una escuela inclusiva', in Dificultades del lenguaje, colaboracion e inclusion educativa, 105- 115, Editors: V.M. Acosta Rodriguez & A.M. Moreno Santana, Barcelona, Spain: Ars Medica
Lindsay, G. (2003) 'Modelling the implications of 'graduation' for 16-19- year-olds in three geographical areas', in Re-thinking the 14-19 Curriculum: SEN Perspectives and Implication, 30- 39, Editors: B. Norwich, Tamworth: NASEN
Lindsay, G. (2003) 'Ethics', in Applied Psychology: Current Issues and New Directions, 226- 227, Editors: R.Bayne & I. Horton, London: Sage

2003 Other

Lindsay, G., & Muijs, D.(2003) 'Raising Educational Standards: Overcoming Underachievement in white UK-born, Black Caribbean and Black African boys', [Report]
Hartas, D., Cullen, M.A., & Lindsay, G.(2003) 'The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth; Evaluation of the Summer School 2003', [Report]
Hartas, D., Cullen, M.A. & Lindsay, G.(2003) 'The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Evaluation of the Summer School 2003.', [Report]
Coates, E., Lindsay, G. & Phillis, E.(2003) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood External Evaluation.', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, [Report]
Muijs, D. & Lindsay, G.(2003) 'First analyses of the teacher and CPD coordinator survey. The impact of continuing professional development, Technical Report 1', [Report]
Trowsdale, J., Wolf, T., Neelands, J. & Lindsay, G.(2003) 'Dramatic Effect? A report on Solihull's Artists in Schools RALP funded project September 200 to September 2002', [Report]
Neelands, J., Lindsay, G., Freakley, V., & Band, S.(2003) 'Dance and Drama Awards Scheme Evaluation Project: Final report', [Report]

2002 Journals

Law, J., Lindsay, G., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., Soloff, N., Radford, J., & Band, S. (2002) 'Consultation as a model for providing speech and language therapy in schools: a panacea or one step too far? ', Child Language Teaching And Therapy, 18 (2), 145 - 163 (0265-6590)
Lindsay, G., Soloff, N., Law, J., Band, S., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., & Radford, J. (2002) 'Speech and language therapy services to education in England and Wales ', International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 37 (3), 273 - 288 (1368-2822)
Lindsay, G.,& Dockrell, J. (2002) 'Meeting the needs of children with speech and communication needs: a critical perspective on inclusion and collaboration ', Child Language Teaching And Therapy, 18 (2), 91 - 101 (0265-6590)
Campbell, R.J., Lindsay, G. & Phillips, E. (2002) 'Professional development of primary school headteachers: the paradox of ownership', School Leadership And Management, 22 (4), 357 - 368 (1363-2434)
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Letchford, B., & Mackie, C., (2002) 'Self esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties ', Child Language Teaching And Therapy, 18 (2), 125 - 143 (0265-6590)
Band, S., Lindsay, G., Law, J., Soloff, N., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., & Radford, J. (2002) 'Are health and education talking to each other? Perceptions of parents of children with speech and language needs ', European Journal Of Special Needs Education, 17 (3), 211 - 227 (0885-6257)

2002 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J. (2002) 'The Impact of specific language difficulties on learning and literacy. ', in Learning and Instruction: Recent Research Approaches , 187- 203, Editors: Centre for Educational Research

2002 Other

Lindsay G, Phillips E, Coates E(2002) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood External Evaluation: 2nd Interim Report ', [Report]
Lindsay, G., Muijs, D., Hartas, D., Phillips, E.(2002) 'The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Evaluation of the First Talent Search and Summer School', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, ISBN 1 871501 18 0 [Report]
Lindsay G, Lewis A(2002) 'Evaluation of the national baseline assessment scheme in England ', Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 10 (1) (1350-472X) [Non Peer Reviewed Journal Article]
Campbell, R.J., Lindsay, G. & Phillips, E.(2002) 'Heads you Win: 1st Follow up Report on the Heads You Win Programme', [Report]
Lindsay G, Neelands J, Freakley V, Band S (2002) 'Dance and Drama Awards Scheme Evaluation Project 3rd Interim Report ', [Report]
Neelands, J., Lindsay, G., Freakley, V., & Band, S.(2002) 'Dance and Drama Awards Scheme Evaluation Project: 3rd Interim Report', [Report]
Coates, E., Lindsay, G., & Phillips, E.(2002) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood External Evaluation: 2nd Interim Report', [Report]
Lindsay G, Dockrell J, Mackie C, Letchford B (2002) 'SATS and children with specific speech and language difficulties (SSLD): entitlement denied? ', Proceedings of the British Psychological Society , 10 (1) (1350-472X) [Non Peer Reviewed Journal Article]
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Mackie, C., & Letchford, B. (2002) 'Educational Provision for Children with Specific Speech and Language Difficulties. ', ISBN 1-871501-17-2 [Report]
Lindsay G, Campbell R J, Phillips E(2002) 'Heads You Win: First follow-up report of the Heads You Win Programme ', [Report]
Lindsay G, Dockrell J, Mackie C, Letchford B (2002) 'The Behaviour and self-esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties ', Proceedings of the British Psychological Society , 10 (1) (1350-472X) [Non Peer Reviewed Journal Article]
Lindsay G, Dockrell J, Mackie C, Letchford B (2002) 'Exploring the relationships between oral and written language in a cohort of children with primary language difficulties ', Proceedings of the British Psychological Society , 10 (1) (1350-472X) [Non Peer Reviewed Journal Article]
Lindsay,G. & Maguire, M.(2002) 'Modelling the potential implications of graduation on 16 year olds in three geographical areas. ', London: DfES, Research Report 340 [Report] [view] Band, S. & Lindsay, G. with Phillips, E.(2002) 'An Evaluation of the Implementation of Two Elements of the University of Warwick's Learning and Teaching Strategy: Research-led Teaching and the development of Undergraduate skills', [Report]
Lindsay G, Maguire M, Phillips E, Sinclair-Taylor A, Grewcock C, Band S, Hoare M, Huddleston P (2002) 'Modelling the implication of graduation of 16 year olds in three geographical areas ', Report for DfES [Report]
Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Mackie, C., & Letchford, B. (2002) 'Education provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties: Report to the Nuffield Foundation ', Coventry: CEDAR, University of Warwick, ISBN 1 871501 17 2 [Report]

2001 Journals

Lindsay, G. (2001) 'Baseline assessment: What purpose and for whose benefit? ', Education 3-13, 29 (3), 47 - 52 (0300-4279)
Dockrell, J., & Lindsay, G. (2001) 'Children with specific speech and language difficulties: the teachers' perspective ', Oxford Review Of Education, 27 (3), 369 - 394 (0305-4985)
Law, J., Lindsay, G., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., Soloff, N., Radford, J., & Band, S. (2001) 'Facilitating communication between education and health services: the provision for children with speech and language needs ', British Journal Of Special Education, 28 (3), 133 - 137 (0952-3383)

2001 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (2001) 'Identification and intervention in the Primary School ', in Dyslexia: Theory and Good Practice, 256- 280, Editors: A J Fawcett (1861562101) London: Whurr

2001 Other

Lindsay G, Neelands J, Freakley V, Band S (2001) 'DADA Award Scheme. Evaluation Project: Interim Report ', Warwick (CEDAR) [Report]
Lindsay G, Neelands J, Freakley V, Band S (2001) 'DADA Award Scheme Evaluation Project: Annual Report ', Warwick (CEDAR) [Report]
Neelands, J., Lindsay, G., Freakley, V., Band, S., Wolf, T., & Phillips, E.(2001) 'DADA Award Scheme Evaluation Project: 2nd Interim Report', [Report]
Coates, L., Lindsay, G., & Phillips, E.(2001) 'Sure Start Chelmsley Wood External Evaluation: First Interim Report March 2001', [Report]
Lindsay, G.(2001) 'Baseline Assessment, Special Needs and Dyslexia', [Report]
Neelands, J., Lindsay, G., Freakley, V., Band, S., Wolf, T., Phillips, E., Compton, J., & Lindley, R.(2001) 'Dance and Drama Award Scheme Evaluation Project: 2nd Annual Report', [Report]

2000 Journals

Cotton, L., Brazier, J., Hall, D.M.B., Lindsay, G., Marsh, P., Polnay, L., & Sim Williams, T. (2000) 'School nursing:costs and potential benefits', Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 31 (5), 1063 - 1071 (0309-2402)
Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J. (2000) 'The behaviour and self-esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties', British Journal Of Educational Psychology, 70 (4), 583 - 601 (0007-0998)
Dockrell, J., & Lindsay, G. (2000) 'Meeting the needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties', European Journal Of Special Needs Education, 1 (15), 24 - 41 (0885-6257)

2000 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (2000) 'Baseline assessment: how can it help?', in Special Education Reformed: Beyond Rhetoric, 123- 137, Editors: H. Daniels, Lewes: Falmer
Clarkson, P. & Lindsay, G. (2000) 'Collegial working relationships - ethics, research and good practice', in Working with Ethical and Moral Dilemmas in Psychotherapy, 126- 149, Editors: P. Clarkson, London: Whurr
Lindsay, G. & Clarkson, P. (2000) 'Ethical dilemmas of psychotherapists', in Ethics: Working with Ethical and Moral Dilemmas in Psychotherapy, 1- 19, Editors: P. Clarkson, London: Whurr
Lewis, A. & Lindsay, G. (2000) 'Overview', in Researching Children's Perspectives, 189- 197, Editors: A. Lewis & G. Lindsay, Buckingham: Open University Press
Lewis, A., & Lindsay, G. (2000) Researching Children's Perspectives , Buckingham: Open University Press
Dockrell, J., Lewis, A. & Lindsay, G. (2000) 'Researching children's perspectives: a psychological dimension', in Researching Children's Perspectives, 46- 58, Editors: A. Lewis & G.Lindsay, Buckingham: Open University Press
Clarkson, P. & Lindsay, G. (2000) 'Ethical dilemmas in supervision, training and organisational contexts', in Ethics: Working with Ethical and Moral Dilemmas in Psychotherapy, 173- 190, Editors: P. Clarkson, London: Whurr
Lindsay, G. (2000) 'Researching children's perspectives: ethical issues', in Researching Children's Perspectives, 3- 20, Editors: A. Lewis & G. Lindsay, Buckingham: Open University Press

2000 Other

Cotton, L.J., Williams, T.S., Lindsay, G., Marsh, P., Polnay, L. & Hall, D.M.B.(2000) 'Purchasing of Community Child Health Services-How and How Much?', [Report]
Campbell, R.J., Lindsay, G., & Phillips, E.(2000) 'Heads you Win: Final Evaluation Report for the Esmee Fairbairn Trust', [Report]
Law, J., Lindsay, G., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., Soloff, N., Radford, J., & Band, S. with Fitzgerald, L.(2000) 'Provision for Children with Speech and Language Needs in England and Wales: Facilitating Communication Between Education and Health Services. htt://', [Report] [view] Lindsay, G., Lewis, A., & Phillips, E.(2000) 'Evaluation of Accredited Baseline Assessment Schemes 1999/2000', [Report]

1999 Books and Chapters

Wolfendale, S. & Lindsay, G. (1999) Special Issue: Baseline Assessment of Literacy, Journal of Research in Reading, 22

1998 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. & Desforges, M. (1998) Baseline Assessment. , London: David Fulton
Norwich, B. & Lindsay, G. (1998) Baseline Assessment , Tamworth: NASEN

1997 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. & Thompson, D. (1997) Values into Practice in Special Education , London: David Fulton

1991 Books and Chapters

Clough, P. & Lindsay, G. (1991) Integration and the Support Services: Changing Roles in Special Education. , Windsor: NFER-Nelson
Lindsay, G. & Miller, A. (1991) Psychological Services for the Primary School , Harlow: Longman
Lindsay, G. (1991) Research and Relation to Policy, special issue: Educational and Child Psychology (Issue 8) , Leicester: British Psychological Society, P Gray and G Lindsay

1990 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G., Quayle, R., Lewis, G. & Jessop, C. (1990) Special Educational Needs Review1990. , Sheffield: City of Sheffield Local Education Authority

1989 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G., Wigley, V. & Irving, M. (1989) Initial Assessment of Literacy and Numeracy. A Review of Techniques for Employment Training and YTS. , Sheffield: Training Agency
Lindsay, G. & Peake, A. (1989) Child Sexual Abuse. Special issue: Educational & Child Psychology (issue 6) , Leicester: British Psychological Society

1986 Books and Chapters

Pearson, L. & Lindsay, G. (1986) Special Needs in the Primary School. , Windsor: NFER-Nelson

1985 Books and Chapters

Poppleton, P., Deas, R., Gray, J., Harrison, B., Lindsay,G., Sharples, H., & Thompson, D. (1985) Aspects of Care. , Sheffield: Division of Education, Sheffield University.
Lindsay, G. (1985) Integration: Practice, Possibilities and Pitfalls, Special Issue, Educational and Child Psychology (issue 2) , Leicester: British Psychological Society

1984 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (1984) Screening for Children with Special Needs , London: Croom Helm

1983 Books and Chapters

Lindsay, G. (1983) Problems of Adolescence in the Secondary School , London: Croom Helm
1981 Books and Chapters
Lindsay, G. & Pearson, L. (1981) Identification and intervention: School-based Approaches. , Oxford: TRC Publishing
SourceG Lindsay's CV
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

Show related catalogue records.

PHO/001/02/319Lindsay, Geoffrey Anthony - Photograph1998-2001
AUD/002/OHP 81Lindsay, Geoff - Recording7 December 2011
BPS/001/6/02/02/01/02BPS Centenary Working Party Meeting Papers and Correspondence 1994-19951994-1995
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