NameLindley; Patricia Anne (1940-); Dr; CPsychol; CSci; AFBPsS, Dip RD; Cert Crim
ForenamesPatricia Anne
EpithetCPsychol; CSci; AFBPsS, Dip RD; Cert Crim
Parallel NamePat Lindley
Other NamesDr P Lindley
AddressWakefield, Yorkshire, UK.
ActivityDate of Birth: 20 March 1940

University & Professional Qualifications:

BA Hons. (Psychology) First Class. Open University (part-time), 1973-1978
Diploma in Reading Development, Open University (part-time), 1978-1979
Certificate in Criminology, Leeds University (part-time), 1976-1979
Ph.D., Hull University Psychology Department, 1979-1983

Professional Career:

April - Dec University of Hull Research Assistant
1983 - 1983 Educational Technology Computer Assisted Learning
Research Group for Hearing Impaired
Department of Psychology Children - (Language)

Jan - March University of Hull Research Assistant
1984 - 1984 Ergonomics Research Human Factors in
Group Control of Central
Department of Psychology Heating

April - Oct Employment Rehab. Centre
1984 - 1984 Leeds. Occupational Psychologist
Oct - April Employment Rehab. Centre
1984 1986 Hull. Occupational Psychologist

April - April Bartdale Ltd. Hull. Senior consultant in Occupational Psychology
1986 1987

April -Sept. Newland Park Associates Ltd. Director and Principal Consultant
1987 2005 Occupational Psychologists

Oct to present Newland Park Associates Owner and consultant (semi retired)
2005 to current

Professional qualifications and membership of professional bodies.

British Psychological Society: (BPS)
Chartered Occupational Psychologist;
Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS);
Member of the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology;
Chartered Scientist;
Registered Occupational Psychologist (HPC)
Registered EuroPsy Certificate holder
Registered EuroTest Certificate holder
BPS Registered Test User Level 3 Occupational (formerly Level A (Occupational Testing)
BPS Level B, Intermediate and Full (Occupational Testing)
Verified Assessor for BPS Level 2 (Occupational Testing) for Level 1 and Level2 Ability and Personality
Honorary Senior Fellow in Psychology University of Hull
Entry onto the Roll of Honour (Gramota) of the Praesidium of the Russian Psychological Society
BPS Lifetime Achievement Award from BPS Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP), 2012

DOP and DOP Related British Psychological Society (BPS) positions to 2012
Position Committee Year(s) Achievement
Member BPS Division of Occupational Psychology Committee 1989 to 1992 Represented the Division on Standing Committee for Co-ordination of Continuing Professional Development for Psychologists (SCCCPDP)
Chair BPS Division of Occupational Psychology Committee 1992 Contributed to the Formation of the Board of Examiners in Occ Psych
Chair BPS Training Committee for Occupational Psychology 1993 Developed Checklists and protocols for visits to Accredited courses
Chair SCCCPDP 1994 Led the cross divisional group to raise awareness of and develop the initial policy for MQB.
Had papers Published in The Psychologist, and the European Psychologist. Attended and contributed to the United Kingdom inter-professional Group Committee on CPD
Member BPS Professional Affairs Board 1992
Member BPS Membership and Qualifications Board 1993 t0 1998 Led the development of the BPS Policy on CPD
Member BPS Council 1992
Member BPS Consultative Working Group for Standards in Applied Psychology 3 years 1993 to 1995. Was representative of the Division on the Working Group. Part of the group that developed and completed the Standards which underpinned the new competence based membership qualifications
Chief Assessor BPS Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology 1998 to 2002 Set up Assessor training
Liaised with DOP on Supervisor Training
Produced the definitive Guidelines (with Michael Pearn) from the 8 versions in circulation
Chair BPS Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology 2002 to 2007 Led the transition from the 5 year experience qualification to the examination plus experience model. Later began the Q Occ Psy Part 2 qualification design
Member BPS Membership and Professional Training Board MPTB 2002 to 2007 Represented the BoE in Occupational Psychology
Co-opted member BPS Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology 2007 to 2011 Advised the Board on the development of documents for the Q Occ Psych
Acting Chief Assessor BPS Board of Examiners in Occupational Psychology 2011-2012 Reviewed changes to document following HPC visit
Held Training Sessions for Assessors
Monitored all assessments
Member of Working Group Division of Occupational Psychology Science and Practice Group 2012 - continuing Developing Standards for Assessment Centres

BPS Positions related to Occupational Testing

Position Committee Year(s) Achievement
Member BPS Standing Committee on Test Standards 1999 to 2007
Chair Elect BPS Standing Committee on Test Standards 2007 to 2008 Worked with the committee to introduce new qualifications in Testing and with European colleagues and the BPS to develop the review of the competency framework.
Chair BPS Standing Committee on Test Standards (SCTS) later CTS 2008 to 2011
Represented the SCTS with the British Council at a conference on Psychometric Testing in Bahrain
Led the project to gain acceptance of the RQTU as meeting the requirements of the EuroTest.
Introduced rigorous selection of new members of the committee
Member Psychological Testing Centre Executive Committee From its inception 2001 to 2011 Was part of the committee that managed the development of the Psychological Testing Centre
Worked with BPS staff to produce documentation and guidance for Assessment, for Test reviewing and handbooks for verifiers
Member SCTS Working group for Guidance for assessors Level A 1990? Worked with other members of the implementation group to provide the first edition of Guidance for Assessors for the Level A assessors
Verifier SCTS Level B Verifier (Intermediate and Full) 1995 to 2002 A part of the working group which established the procedures and documentation for Level B Intermediate and Full
Introduced and chaired the Test Publishers twice yearly meetings
Consultant Editor BPS Books Test Reviews 1992 to 2001 Acted as Consultant Editor for the first three Occupational Tests and instruments Volumes (Ability and Personality) for BPS books
Senior Editor BPS Books Test Reviews 2001 to 2003 Edited Vol 2 of Review of Personality instruments for BPS books
Senior Editor BPS Psychological Testing Centre Test Reviewing 2003 t0 2010 Led the change from paper to online reviews. Introduced the EFPA Guidelines to change the format of the review Updated all reviews to the EFPA Guidelines. Introduced Test Registration procedures and review process documentation
Member PPB 2007-2009 On behalf of SCTS agreed the establishment the Register of Qualified Test Users
Member MSB was MPTB 2007 -2011 On behalf of SCTS secured Agreement of the Board to the successful application for the EuroTest certification

Positions: European Federation of Psychologists' Associations

Co-opted member Standing Committee on Tests and Testing 2003 to 2011 Contributed to the development of the European Guidelines for Test Reviewing
Appointed Member Working Group on EFPA Guidelines 2003 to 2004 Contributed to the Development of the EFPA Standards for Test Users
Appointed member TUAC 2010 Ongoing Advised the Russian Psychological Society on the Development of Test User Standards Currently advising the Polish Psychological Society on developing test user qualifications
Member of working Group Board of Assessment (EFPA) 2011 ongoing Member of working group revising the EFPA Test Review Guidelines (ongoing)
Member of working Group for the production of Guidelines for Assessment for the EuroPsy Certificate.

Sources: Pat Lindley's CV.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.
PublishedWorksBooks and manuals.
Lindley P.A., Ward R.D., Sewell D.F. and Rostron A.B. (1983). Language and Deaf: Implementation of C.A.L. Booklet produced to accompany a suite of programs contracted by the Microelectronics in Education Programme
Bartram, D, Lindley, PA and Foster, JM (1990). A Review of Psychometric Tests for Assessment in Vocational Training. The Training Agency: Sheffield. c. 334pp.
Makin P and Lindley P A (1990) The Working Companion Handbook Produced for ICI Chemicals and Polymers
Makin P and Lindley P A (1991) Positive Stress Management Kogan Page (Since published in Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Indonesian languages)
Bartram, D, Lindley, PA and Foster, JM. (1991). Profile of Moods States - Bipolar form: British normative data supplement. NFER-NELSON: Windsor.
Bartram, D, Lindley, PA and Foster, JM. (1991). Culture Free Self-Esteem Inventory: British normative data supplement. NFER-NELSON: Windsor.
Lindley P A (1992) Why Continuing Professional Development is Important for Psychologists The Psychologist
Bartram,D, Lindley, P.A., J.Foster. (1992). Review of Psychometric Tests for Assessment in Vocational Training. BPS Books: Leicester. 315pp
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., & Marsall, L. (1992). 1992 Update to the Review of Psychometric Tests for Assessment in Vocational Training. BPS Books: Leicester. 64pp
Lindley P.A., and Tuton C. (1992). A Manual for the Fitness for Purpose technique for evaluating Initial Assessment provision. Produced for the Employment Department (Section IASU2).
Lindley P A and Hoghughi F (1992) The "Fitness for Purpose" Training Course Manual Produced for the Employment Department, Section IASU2.
Bartram, D, J Foster, Lindley, P.A., A Brown and S Nixon. (1993). The Learning Climates Questionnaire: A User's Guide. Sheffield & Hull: Employment Service and Newland Park Associates. pp 19.
Bartram, D, J Foster, Lindley, P.A., A Brown and S Nixon. (1993). The Learning Climates Questionnaire: Background and Technical information. Sheffield & Hull: Employment Service and Newland Park Associates. pp 24
Perry T & Lindley PA (1993) CPD: Units towards CPD via training (A) for members and (B) for Providers of Training The Occupational Psychologist No 21 pp 37 -38
Bartram, D & Lindley, PA (1994). Psychological Testing: The British Psychological Society's Level A Open Learning Programme. Leicester: BPS Books. [Distance learning package containing 12 sections.]
Lindley P A, (March 1994) Selection of Care Staff at Redsands - The Manual for the Selection Procedure Redsands Children's Centre, Cheshire County Council
Bartram, D, (Senior Editor) with Anderson, N., Kellett, D., Lindley, P.A. and Robertson, I. (Consulting Editors). (1995). Review of Personality Assessment Instruments (Level B) for use in occupational settings. Leicester: BPS Books. 300pp. ISBN 1-85433-151-5
Bartram, D. (1997). (Senior Editor, with Burke, E, Kandola, R, Lindley, P.A., Marshall, L, and Rasch, P. Consulting Editors). Review of Tests of Ability and Aptitude (Level A) for use in occupational settings. Leicester: BPS Books.
Bartram D. & Lindley, P. (1999). Psychologisch testen Module 1: Inleiding, wiskundige, basistechnieken en verklarende woordenlijst. Lisse, Netherlands, Swets & Zeitlinger. ISBN 90 265 1559 6
Bartram D. & Lindley, P. (1999). Psychologisch testen Module 2: Schaling, normen en standaardisatie. Lisse, Netherlands, Swets & Zeitlinger ISBN 90 265 1560 X
Bartram D. & Lindley, P. (1999). Psychologisch testen Module 3: Betrouwbaar-heid en de standaardmeetfout. Lisse, Netherlands, Swets & Zeitlinger ISBN 90 265 1561 8
Bartram D. & Lindley, P. (1999). Psychologisch testen Module 4: Valide en onbevooroordeeld testen. Lisse, Netherlands, Swets & Zeitlinger ISBN 90 265 1562 6
Bartram D. & Lindley, P. (1999). Psychologisch testen Modules 5, 6 & 7: Afnemen, scoren, interpreteren en kiezen van tests en testpakket. Lisse, Netherlands, Swets & Zeitlinger ISBN 90 265 1563 4.
Lindley, P (Senior Editor, with Cooper,J. Robertson, I, Smith,M, Waters,S Banerji,N, Drake, R, Consulting Editors) Review of Personality Instruments (Level B) for use in occupational settings. Leicester: BPS Books ISBN 1 85433 318 6
Bartram, D., & Lindley, P (2002). Test Users Guide. Leicester: British Psychological Society
Lindley, P & Bartram, D (2002). Test Takers Guide. Leicester: British Psychological Society
Bartram, D., & Lindley, P.A. (2006). BPS Test Administration (Occupational) Open Learning Programme. London: BPS Blackwell.

Articles in refereed journals, other volumes and book chapters.
Lindley, P.A. (1983). Analytic and Constructive Processes in the Comprehension of Text. University of Hull doctoral thesis.
Ward R.D., Lindley P.A., Rostron, A.B., Sewell, D.F. and Cubie R. (1985). Computer assisted learning and deaf children's language. Journal of the British Association of Teachers of the deaf, 9, 61-66.
Ward R.D., Lindley P.A., Rostron, A.B., Sewell, D.F. and Cubie R. (1985). An evaluation of the Language and Thought software. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1, 66-72.
Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA. (1983). Perception and Behaviour in the Flow of Events. The New Psychologist, January, 37-49.
Lindley, P.A., & Bartram, D. (1989). Evaluation of the psychological impact of RESTART courses on participants. Proceedings of the Fourth meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences: Heidelberg. p62.
Lindley P A (1992) Why Continuing Professional Development is Important for Psychologists The Psychologist (in Press).
Bartram, D, Foster, JM, Lindley, P.A., Brown, A, & Nixon, S. (1993). The Learning Climates Questionnaire: A User's Guide. In A Toolkit for the Learning Organisation London: Institute of Training and Development. pp 19
Bartram, D, Foster, JM, Lindley, P.A., Brown, A, & Nixon, S. (1993). The Learning Climates Questionnaire: Background and Technical information. In A Toolkit for the Learning Organisation London: Institute of Training and Development. pp 24
Perry T & Lindley PA (1993) CPD: Units towards CPD via training (A) for members and (B) for Providers of Training The Occupational Psychologist No 21 pp 37 -38
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., Foster, J, and Marshall, L. (1995). The selection of young people by small businesses. British Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 68, 339-358.
Lindley P A, (1996) Continuing Professional Development and statutory registration Clinical Psychology Forum No.89 BPS Leicester March 1996
Lindley P A, (1996) CPD and statutory registration Forensic Update 45 BPS Leicester April 1996
Lindley P A, (1997 Continuing Professional Development in the British Psychological Society: the differing needs of the professional and the professional body. European Psychologist Vol 2, no 1 March 1997
Bartram, D., & Lindley, P. (2010). Delivering Standards for Tests and Testing. The Psychologist, 23 (3), 224-225.
Bartram, D., & Lindley, P. (2011). Launch of the European test user qualification model in the UK. Testing International, 26, December, 2-5.
Lindley, P., & Bartram, D. (2012). Issues raised by use of the EFPA test review model relating to the internationalization of test standards. International Journal of Testing, 12, 108-121.

Technical reports
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., & Crawshaw, CM. (1986). A comparison of four different conditions for using the Rapid A101 foot stapler. Report ERG/MSC/86/8 prepared for the Manpower Services Commission pp 12.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., & Foster, JM (1987). Evaluation of the impact of RESTART courses for participants: Behavioural, cognitive and affective changes occurring over the period of the RESTART course. Report to the Manpower Services Commission. NPAL: Hull.
Bartram, D, Lindley, PA and Foster, JM. (1988). Evaluation of the impact of RESTART courses for participants: Psychometric analyses of the NPAL RESTART Assessment Battery. Technical report to the Employment Service: Sheffield. pp 195.
Lindley, P.A., Bartram, D, Foster, JM, & Lee, DJ. (1988). Evaluation of the impact of RESTART courses for participants: A report prepared for the Claimant Services Branch. Final executive report, Employment Service: Sheffield. pp 40.
Bartram, D and Lindley, PA. (1989). The Profile Evaluation Booklet: A concurrent validation study. Technical Report prepared for Profile Evaluation Systems Ltd. NPAL: Hull. pp20.
Bartram, D and Lindley, PA. (1989). Coding Desk Key Sequences: Extension of National Short Codes. Post Office Research: Swindon. 5pp.
Lindley, P.A., Bartram, D, & Foster, JM. (1989). Final report on the project to produce a guide to the use of psychological testing for Training Agents in ET and Managing Agents in YTS. Report to the Training Agency, NPAL: Hull.
Tuton, C, Lindley, P.A., & Bartram, D. (1989). An analysis of factors underlying the productivity of two Training Agents. Report to the Training Agency. NPAL: Hull. pp23.
Lindley, P.A., & Bartram, D (1990). Review of recruitment and selection procedures at Aycliffe Centre for Children. Phase One: Job analysis and recommendations for improvements to the selection procedure. NPAL report to Aycliffe Centre for Children. 21pp.
Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA (1990). A framework for the professional development of psychologists within the Employment Department. Report prepared for the Employment Department Head of Profession (psychologist class). pp21.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., & Tuton, C. (1990). Assessment models underlying the delivery of Initial Assessment. Report to the Employment Department NPAL: Hull. pp 28.
Tuton C., Lindley P.A. and Bartram D. (1991). Developing Benchmarks for Initial Assessment. Report Produced for the Employment Department, Section IASU2
Lindley P.A. (1991) Evaluation of Initial Assessment Methods and Materials in CEWTEC. Report produced for CEWTECTuton, C, Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA (1991). An Evaluation of the use of APTICOM in Initial Assessment for ET. Report to the Employment Department NPAL: Hull. pp 9 [excluding appendices].
Tuton, C, Lindley, P.A., & D. Bartram (1991). An Evaluation of Programmes concerned with increasing Client Confidence and Motivation in Initial Assessment for ET. Report to the Employment Department NPAL: Hull. pp 17 [excluding appendices].
Tuton, C, Lindley, P.A., & D. Bartram (1991). Developing Standards for Initial Assessment. Report to the Employment Department NPAL: Hull. pp 12.
Tuton, C, Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA (1991). The development of a Fitness for Purpose framework for assessing the quality of Initial Assessment provision. . Report to the Employment Department NPAL: Hull. pp 5.
Lindley P.A. (1991) Evaluation of Initial Assessment Methods and Materials in CEWTEC. Report produced for CEWTEC
Hoghughi F. and Lindley P.A. (1992). A Fitness for Purpose evaluation of the provision of Initial Assessment for ET as delivered by the Training Assessment Unit. Site Report: Wrexham. Report Produced for the Employment Department, Section IASU2.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., & Foster, J. (1992). The selection of young people by medium-sized and large organisations. Report to the Employment Department Careers Service Branch. (40 pages excluding appendices).
Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA. (1992). An enhanced Assessment and Guidance System for Adults in the Humberside TEC Area. University of Hull DIRECT report to Humberside Training and Enterprise Council. (62 pages excluding Annexes)
Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA (1992). Proposals for a Quality Assurance system for the provision of assessment and guidance services in the Gloucester TEC area. Report to Gloucester Training and Enterprise Council. 20pp
Tuton, C, Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA (1992). Expanded Benchmarks for the Provision of Assessment and Guidance. Employment Department, IASU2.
Tuton, C, Lindley, P.A., & Bartram, D. (1992). The Development of Summary and Expanded Benchmarks for the provision of Assessment and Guidance. Information and Advice Services Unit, Employment Department Group. pp24.
Tuton, C, Lindley, P.A., & Bartram, D. (1992). Benchmarks for Assessment and Guidance. Report to TECMedia. pp13.
Tuton, C, Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA (1992). Summary Benchmarks for the Provision of Assessment and Guidance. Employment Department, IASU2. 25pp
Tuton, C, Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA (1992). The Development of Summary and Expanded Benchmarks for the provision of Assessment and Guidance within the Gateways to Learning Initiative. Employment Department, IASU2. 146 pp.
Lindley PA (September 1992) Review of Recruitment and Selection Procedures at Redsands. Phase 1 - Job Analysis and Recommendations for the Selection Procedure Redsands Childrens Centre, Cheshire County Council
Lindley P A (1992) Continuing Professional Development for Chartered Occupational Psychologists Discussion Paper produced for the Training Committee of the British Psychological Society.
Tuton C and Lindley PA (January 1993) A Study of the "Fitness for Purpose" of the Assessment and Guidance Provision at the South and East Cheshire TEC "Prospects" Shops Report produced for IASU2
Lindley PA and Marshall LA (March 1993) Measuring Culture in the Employment Service - A Feasibility Study Report prepared for the ES Psychology Branch
Foster J and Lindley PA (March 1993) A Study of the Fitness for Purpose of the Assessment and Guidance Provision at South Tyneside Adult Guidance Unit (STAGU) Report prepared for IASU2)
Foster J and Lindley PA (March 1993) A Study of the Fitness for Purpose" of the Assessment and Guidance Provision at Positive People Development (PPD) Report prepared for IASU2)
Foster J and Lindley PA (March 1993) A Study of the Fitness for Purpose of the Assessment and Guidance Provision at North East Employment Training Agency Ltd (NEETA) Report prepared for IASU2)
Plant BTW and Lindley PA (April 1993) A Study of the Fitness for Purpose of the Assessment and Guidance Provision at the Opportunities Centre, Leeds Report prepared for IASU2)
Plant BTW and Lindley PA (May 1993) A Study of the Fitness for Purpose of the Assessment and Guidance Provision at the Thomas Danby College, Leeds Report prepared for IASU2)
Tuton C and Lindley PA (May 1993) A Study of the "Fitness for Purpose" of the Pilot "Choices" Programme of Assessment and Guidance providedforSainsburys PLC.
Lindley PA (August 1993) Progress Report and Recommendations to Redsands Working Party Redsands Childrens Centre, Cheshire County Council
Bartram, D, Foster, J, Lindley, P.A., Brown, A, & Nixon, S. (1993). The Learning Climates Questionnaire. In A Toolkit for the Learning Organisation London: Institute of Training and Development.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., Marshall, L & J.Foster. (1993). The recruitment and selection of young people by small businesses. Moorfoot, Sheffield: Careers Service Branch Report. pp 38 excluding annexes.
Lindley, PA & Bartram, D. (1993). Recruitment and selection of young people: Implications of the research findings for guidance practitioners. Moorfoot, Sheffield: Careers Service Branch Report. pp 10.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., Foster, JM, & Marshall, L (1993). Evaluating the new Employment Service Recruitment and Retention System. Interim Report to Employment Service Personnel Branch: Sheffield.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., J Foster, & Marshall, L. (1993). Evaluating the new Employment Service recruitment and retention system - Final executive report. Sheffield: Personnel Branch Report. pp 59.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., J Foster & Marshall, L. (1993). Evaluating the new Employment Service recruitment and retention system - Technical report. Sheffield: Personnel Branch Report. pp 40 excluding annexes.
Bartram, D, & Lindley, PA. (1994). Abilities underlying GNVQ competences: An analysis of BTEC GNVQ Standards specifications. Report to the Further Education Unit.
Lindley P A, (March 1994) Selection into the post of Residential Care Worker at Redsands - The Job Analysis and Person Specification Redsands Childrens Centre, Cheshire County Council
Lindley P A, (April 1994) Selection of Residential Care Staff at Redsands - a response to the report of the Committee of Inquiry Redsands Childrens Centre, Cheshire County Council
Lindley P A, (1994) Report to the Chief Executive Designate, Humber Chamber on the Skills and Expertise of Staff in Chambers of Commerce in the Humber Region. Chief Executive Designate, Humber Chamber
Lindley PA. Coyne I, Richmond S (1999) Analysis of Team Types for Dupont Canada. Report to CEO IAS
Lindley PA. Coyne I, Richmond S (1999) Construct Validation of the ICES and Hogan Development Survey Internal Technical Report for IAS Inc.
Lindley PA. Coyne I, Richmond S (2000) Sociometry: A Step-by-Step Guide for use in Organisational Settings Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2003) Five team types and their communication styles, relevant to SALES. Report for IAS Inc.
Coyne I, Lindley P A, Smith-Lee Chong P (2001) Reanalysis of the content validity of the Job Description Survey. Report to CEO IAS
Coyne I, Lindley P A, Smith-Lee Chong P (2001 Inter-group race differences on ICES Plus scales Report to CEO IAS
Lindley PA, Tuton C. Marshall LA. (2001) A test takers Guide and practice tests for ICES. Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2003) Allegis Report - Benchmark Study. Report to IAS
Lindley PA, Coyne I, Craig J (2003), Analysis of Team Interaction in the Fire Service: Report to IAS
Lindley PA, Coyne I, MacPherson J (2003), I* * Dutch-English Equivalency Study: Report to IAS
Lindley PA, (2003), Rules for creating new items in working with words: Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2004) Allegis Concurrent Validation Study: Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2006) Outcomes of H**** of America Mfg., Inc. advancement procedure study: Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2006) Outcomes of the Analysis of Bell Mobility Study Data Stage One: Relationship between competency ratings and rankings and Test scores: Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2007) Equivalence of Arabic data set: Report to IAS
Lindley PA, (2006) Translation Protocol German Adaptation: Report to IAS
Lindley PA, (2006) Report on P*****Data Received from the South African Study: Report to IAS
Lindley PA, (2009) Protocols for concurrent and predictive Validity Studies: Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2011) Nurse Anesthetist Selection Validation Study: Report to IAS
Lindley PA (2011) Evaluation Study of V*** Candidates assessed using the P****** Assessment tools: Report to IAS
Some papers presented at conferences
Lindley, P.A., Bartram, D, & Foster, JM. (1989). RESTART courses: the impact of intervention on the long-term unemployed. A symposium of four papers presented at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference: Bowness-on-Windermere. The British Psychological Society 1989 Abstracts, p.60.
Lindley P.A. and Tuton C. (1992) Guidance and Assessment: Fitness for Purpose and Benchmarks Workshop presented at the CRAC conference. Guidance: Strategies and Models for TECs
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., & Foster, JM. (1993). The selection of young people by medium-sized and large organisations. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 1, p 10.
Bartram, D, Lindley, P.A., Marshall, L, & Foster, JM. (1994). The recruitment and selection of young people by small businesses. 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology, Madrid, July.
Bartram D, & Lindley PA. (1995). Development of the Learning Climate Questionnaire. Paper presented at the IVth European Congress of Psychology, Athens, July 1995
Lindley P.A., & Bartram, D. (1995). Selecting care staff for children's homes Paper presented at the IVth European Congress of Psychology, Athens, July 1995
Lindley P A, (1997) Improvements in Assessment Centre Performance following Feedback on Previous Performance: Paper presented to the Fifth European Congress of Psychology, Dublin, Ireland. August 1997
Bartram, D., Lindley, P.A., & Middleton, R. (2008). Reaching people, ensuring quality and adding value through standards. Workshop sponsored by the British Psychological Society. 6th Conference of the International Test Commission, Liverpool, 13-16 July.
Lindley, P., Bartram, D., & Evans, N. (2009). A review of developments in occupational test user standards and certification relating to occupational testing. Professional Forum convened at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Blackpool, UK, 14-16 January.
Lindley P and Bartram D (2010) The Society's plan for development in Test User Standards and qualifications relating to Occupational Testing Professional Forum convened at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Brighton , UK, 14-16 January.
Lindley, P.A. (2010). Delivering test user qualifications: The UK approach. Paper presented in invited symposium at the Conference on Contemporary Psycho-diagnostics in a Changing Russia, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, 8-10 September.
Lindley, P.A. & Aidman, E.V. (2010). National and international approaches to quality standards for tests. Invited symposium convened for the Conference on Contemporary Psycho-diagnostics in a Changing Russia, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, 8-10 September
Lindley, P.A. (2010). The UK approach to delivering test registration and review. Paper presented in invited symposium at the Conference on Contemporary Psycho-diagnostics in a Changing Russia, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, 8-10 September.
Lindley, P., & Bartram, D. (2011). The new Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU) and related developments affecting Occupational testing. Professional forum presentation at the British Psychological Society's Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon, January.
Lindley, P.A. (2011). Using EFPA Criteria as a common Standard to review tests and instruments in different countries. Paper presented as part of an Invited Symposium presented at the EFPA Conference Istanbul 2011
Lindley, P.A. (2011). Internationalization of Test Reviewing: a UK perspective. Paper presented as part of an invited Symposium presented at the EFPA Conference Istanbul 2011
Lindley, P.A. (2012).Process and Impact of Implementing Test User Standards and Qualifications . Professional forum presentation at the British Psychological Society's Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Chester 2012
Lindley, P.A. & Bartram, D. (2012). Development of the EFPA model of test reviewing. Paper presented in K Geisinger (chair) International Perspectives on Test Reviewing at the 8th Conference of the International Test Commission, Amsterdam, 3-5 July.
Lindley, P.A. (2012). Developing and accrediting the EuroTest in the UK. Paper presented in D Bartram (chair) Test User Qualification in Europe: the work of the EFPA Board of Assessment at the 8th Conference of the International Test Commission, Amsterdam, 3-5 July.
SourcePat Lindley's CV
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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