NameFletcher; Clive Alexander (1945-); Professor; CPsychol., FBPsS, FRSM
ForenamesClive Alexander
EpithetCPsychol., FBPsS, FRSM
Parallel NameClive Fletcher
AddressLondon, UK.
ActivityDate of Birth: 31 July 1945 UK

University & Professional Qualifications (no dates):

BA Hons (2:1) Psychology (University College, Cardiff)
PhD Psychology (Medical Research Council Scholarship, University of Wales Medical School; attached to MRC Social Psychiatry Research Unit)

Current Appointments:

Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths' College, University of London (2001 - )
Managing Director, Personnel Assessment Ltd (2001 -)

Current Advisory Roles & Positions (previous listed on page 5)

QA Advisor to the National Clinical Assessment Service 2002 -
Member of Board of Scientific Advisors, Behavioral Sciences Research Press Inc, Dallas, USA, 1998-

Previous Appointments:

1968-70 Visiting Lecturer in the Dept. of Applied Psychology, University of Wales
Institute of Science and Technology

1970-77 Psychologist (1970-71), then Senior Psychologist (1971-73), then
Principal Psychologist (1973-77), Behavioural Sciences Research Division,
Civil Service Department, Whitehall, London

1977-01 Lecturer (1977-80), Senior Lecturer (1980-89), Professor of Psychology (1989-
2001), Head of Department (1985-88, 1994-97), Department of Psychology,
Goldsmiths' College, University of London

2001-03 Non-Executive Director, Robertson Cooper Ltd
2001-07 Visiting Professor, Henley Management College
2004-05 Visiting Professor, Athens Laboratory of Business Administration
2001-08 Visiting Professor, University of Coimbra, Portugal
2009-11 Advisor to the Irish Public Appointments Service
2011-12 Visiting Professor, Central University College of Accra, Ghana
2007-12 Honorary Professor, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

Editorial Appointments:

Editor, Essential Business Psychology Series: (International Thomson Business Press) - Winner of Management Consultancies Association prize 1996.

Re-launched with new editions and additional books as "Psychology@Work" from 2001 (9 books published since 1995). Numerous foreign language editions

Associate Editor, Journal of Occupational Psychology (1984-89)
Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, (2000-09)
Consulting Editor, Management & Organisation, (2009-)
Consulting Editor, Quarterly Journal of Counselling Psychology (1988-2012)
Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment (1992-2002)
Member of the Editorial Board of Personnel Management (1988-94), then People Management (1995-2001)
Editor, Psychometric Test Series, Personnel Management (1994)


Fellow of the British Psychological Society (FBPsS): Elected to Fellowship at age 37 on research contribution
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM)
Given the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology Lifetime Achievement Award 2013

British Psychological Society Contribution, 1983 to date:

Chairman of the Occupational Psychology Section (1984), also Chair Elect (1983) and Past Chair of Committee (1985)
Member, Scientific Affairs Board (SAB) (1983-85)
Member, Professional Affairs Board (PAB) (1986-87)
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee (1988-91)
Member, Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Committee, (1986-87).
Convener, DOP membership committee (1986-88)
Member, DOP Training Committee (1986-91)
SAB Working Party on Performance Appraisal in Higher Education (1987)
PAB Working Party on Test Standards Committee (1986)
BPS Parliamentary Group Working Party on Innovation at Work (1993-94)
PAB/DOP Working Party on Performance Related Pay (1995-96)
BPS representative on the BPS/DTI/CIPD Feedback Initiative Project (1999-2000)
Member of panel of book review advisors for The Psychologist, (2000-08)
Member of DOP Expert Panel to review OP training and development (2011)
Co-chair, DOP Project Board for review of Stage 1 training in OP (2012-13)
Contributed workshop sessions on DOP Leadership programme 2012 &13.

Sources: C Fletcher's CV

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Fletcher, C. (1973) Interview Style and the Effectiveness of Appraisal Occupational
Psychology, 47, 225-230.

Shackleton, V. and Fletcher, C. (1973) Psychiatric Patients' Motivation in an Assessment
Situation: Implications Arising from Recent Work. Bulletin of the British Psychological
Society, 26, 17-23.

Walker, J., Fletcher, C., and McLeod, D. (1975) Flexible Working Hours in Two British
Government Offices Public Personnel Management.July/August. 216-222.

Fletcher, C. and Williams, R. (1976) The Influence of Performance Feedback in
Appraisal Interviews Journal of Occupational Psychology, 49, 75-83.

Williams, R. Walker, J. and Fletcher, C. (1977) International Review of Staff Appraisal
Practices: Current Trends and Issues Public Personnel Management. January/February,
6, 5-12.

Fletcher, C. (1978) Manager-subordinate Communication and Leadership Style: A field
study of their relationship to perceived outcomes of Appraisal Interviews. Personnel
Review, 7, 56-62.

Imada, A., Fletcher, C. and Dalessio, A. (1980) Individual Correlates of an Occupational
Stereotype: A Re-examination of the Stereotype of Accountants. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 65, 436-439.

Fletcher, C. and Williams, R. (1980) Interviewee Perceptions of an Organisational
Careers Guidance Scheme British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 8, 57-66.

Williams, R. and Fletcher, C. (1980) A Field Study of the Content and Outcomes of
Career Development Interviews Conducted Within in a Large Organisation. Journal of
Management Studies, 17, 214-226.

Fletcher, C. (1981) The Influence of Candidates' Beliefs and Self Presentation Strategies
in Selection Interviews. Personnel Review, 10,14-17.

Dulewicz, V. & Fletcher, C. (1982) The Relationship Between Previous Experience,
Intelligence and Background Characteristics of Participants and their Performance in an
Assessment Centre Journal of Occupational Psychology, 55, 197-207.

Fletcher, C. (1983) Sex of Interviewer as an Influence on Interviewee Expectations.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 22, 169-170.

Dulewicz, V., Fletcher, C. & Wood, P. (1983) A Study of the Internal Validity of an
Assessment Centre and of Participants Background Characteristics and Attitudes: A
Comparison Between British and American Findings. Journal of Assessment Centre
Technology, 6, 15-24.

Bayne, R. Fletcher, C. & Colwell, J. (1983) Board and Sequential Interviews in
Selection: An Experimental Study of their Comparative Effectiveness. Personnel
Review, 12, 14-19.

*Fletcher, C. & Spencer, A. (1984) Sex of Candidate and Sex of Interviewer as
Determinants of Self-Presentation Orientation in Interviews: An Experimental Study.
International Review of Applied Psychology, 33, 305-313.

Fletcher, C. & Dulewicz, V. (1984) An Empirical Study of a U.K. Based Assessment
Centre. Journal of Management Studies, 21, 83-97.

Fletcher, C. (1986) The Effects of Performance Review in Appraisal: Evidence and
Implications. Journal of Management Development, 5, 3-12.

Ferguson, J. & Fletcher, C. (1987) Personality Type and Cognitive Style Psychological
Reports, 60, 959-964.

*Fletcher, C. (1987) Candidate Personality as an Influence on Selection Interview
Assessments Applied Psychology: An International Review, 36, 157-162.

Ferguson, J. and Fletcher, C. (1989) An Investigation of Some Cognitive Factors
Involved in Person Perception During the Selection Interview Psychological Reports,
64, 735-745.

Fletcher, C. (1990) The Relationships between Candidate Personality, Self-Presentation
Strategies and Interviewer Assessments in Selection Interviews; An Empirical Study.
Human Relations, 43, 739-749.

Fletcher, C. (1991) Candidates' reactions to assessment centres and their outcomes: A
longitudinal study. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 64, 117-127.

Fletcher, C. Rose, F.D. & Radford, J. (1991) Employers' perceptions of psychology
graduates. The Psychologist, 14, 434-437.

Fletcher, C. (1991) Assessment feedback counselling and individual differences: An
exploratory study. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 4, 99-103.

Fletcher, C. (1992) Ethical issues in the selection interview. Journal of Business Ethics,
11, 361-367. (Invited, refereed paper)

Fletcher, C. & Kerslake, C. (1992) The Impact of Assessment Centres and their
outcomes on participants' self-assessments. Human Relations, 45, 73-81.

Fletcher, C. & Kerslake, C. (1993) Candidate anxiety level and assessment centre
performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 8, 19-23.

Fletcher, C. (1994) Questionnaire surveys of organisational assessment practices: A
critique of their methodology and validity, and a query about their future relevance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2, 172-175.

Fletcher, C. (1994) Validity, test use and professional responsibility: The need for a
review of priorities and principles (Peer Commentary). The Psychologist, 17, 30-31.

Bastos, M. & Fletcher, C. (1995) Exploring the individual's perception of sources and
credibility of feedback in the work environment. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 3, 29-40.

Fletcher, C. (1995) New directions for Performance Appraisal; Some findings and
observations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 3, 191-196.

Fletcher, C., Taylor, P. & Glanfield, K. (1996) Acceptance of personality questionnaire
feedback: The role of individual difference variables and source of interpretation.
Personality and Individual Differences, 20, 151-156.

Fletcher, C. & Williams, R. (1996) Performance management, job satisfaction and
organisational commitment. British Journal of Management, 7, 169-179.

Fletcher, C. (1997) Self-Awareness - a neglected attribute in selection and assessment.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 5, 183-187.Awarded ANBAR Citation
of Excellence: Highest Quality Rating as "an outstanding contribution to the Literature"

Fletcher, C., Lovatt, C., & Baldry, C. (1997) A study of State, Trait and Test Anxiety
and their relationship to assessment centre performance. Journal of Social Behaviour &
Personality, 12, 205-214. (Invited, refereed contribution to special edition on Assessment

Fletcher, C., Baldry, C., & Cunningham-Snell, N. (1998) The psychometric properties of
360 degree feedback: An empirical study and a cautionary tale. International Journal of
Selection and Assessment, 6, 19-34.

Fletcher, C. (1999) The implications of research on gender differences in self
assessments and 360 degree appraisal. Human Resource Management Journal, 9, (1), 39-

Fletcher, C. & Baldry, C. (2000) A study of individual differences and self awareness in
the context of multi-source feedback. Journal of Occupational and Organizational
Psychology, 73, 303-319.

Halman, F. & Fletcher, C. (2000) The impact of development centre participation and the role of individual differences in changing self assessments. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73, 423-442.

Fletcher, C. (2001) Performance appraisal and performance management: The
developing research agenda. Invited (refereed) paper for the BPS Centenary Edition of Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74, 473-487

Jones, L. & Fletcher, C. (2002) Self assessment in a selection situation: An evaluation of
different measurement approaches. Journal of Occupational and Organizational
Psychology, 75, 145-161
Bailey, C. & Fletcher, C. (2002) The impact of multiple source feedback on management development: Findings from a longitudinal study. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 23, 853-867.

Fletcher, C. & Bailey, C. (2003) Assessing self awareness: Some issues and methods. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18, 395-404.

Jones, L., & Fletcher, C. (2004) The Impact of Measurement Conditions on the Validity of Self-Assessment in a Selection Setting. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 13, 101-111.

McDowell, A. & Fletcher, C. (2004) Employee development - an Organizational Justice perspective. Personnel Review, 33, 8-29.

Lopes, J. & Fletcher, C. (2004) Fairness of Impression Management in employment interviews: A cross-country study on the role of equity and Machiavellianism. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 32, 747-768

Waddington, K. & Fletcher, C. (2005) Gossip and emotion in nursing and healthcare organizations Journal of Health Organization and Management. 19, 378-394 Given Highly Commended Award (2006) by Emerald Literarti Network

Brutus, S., Derayeh, M., Fletcher, C., Bailey, C., Velazquez, P., Shi, K., Simon, C., & Labath, V., (2006) Multisource feedback systems: A six-country comparative analysis International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, 1888-1906

Brutus, S., Fletcher, C., & Bailey, C. (2008) The Influence of Independent Self-construal on Rater Self-Efficacy in Performance Appraisal International Journal of Human Resource Management. 19, pp 1999-2011.

In Preparation:

Hartley, J., Fletcher, C., & Ungemach, C. Developing a framework for studying political
astuteness in leadership.

*Scales developed and used for this research are held in the Health and Psychology Instruments section of Behavioral Measurement Database Services, for use by other researchers.

BOOKS/PUBLISHED RESEARCH REPORTS (excluding edited series)

Anstey, E., Fletcher, C. & Walker, J. (1971) Job Appraisal Review Training Manual.
H.M.S.O. London

Walker, J., & Fletcher, C. (1974) Selection Interview Training Manual. H.M.S.O.

Anstey, E., Fletcher, C. & Walker, J. (1976) Staff Appraisal and Development. George
Allen & Unwin, London

Fletcher, C. (1981) Facing the Interview. Unwin Paperbacks, London. 2nd, revised
and expanded edition published as "How to Face the Interview",1986. Reprinted under
slightly different titles by Harper Collins/Thorsons in 1992, 1995 and 1997.

Shackleton, V. & Fletcher, C. (1984) Individual Differences: Theories and
Applications Methuen (New Essential Psychology Series) London.

Fletcher, C. & Williams, R. (1985) Performance Appraisal and Career Development
Hutchinson (Personnel Management Series, London. 2nd Edition published 1992 by
Stanley Thornes, Cheltenham.

Toplis, J. Dulewicz, V. & Fletcher, C. (1987) Psychological Testing Chartered Institute
of Personnel and Development, London
(1991) - 2nd Edition published.
(1997) - 3rd Edition published
(2004) - 4th Edition published

Fletcher, C, Williams, R, Bevan, S, & Thompson, M. (1992) Performance
Management in the UK: An Analysis of the Issues. Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development, London.

Fletcher, C. (1993) Appraisal: Routes to Improved Performance. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London.
(1997) - 2nd Edition published
(2004) - 3rd Edition published under title Appraisal and Feedback: Making
Performance Review work.

Hartley, J., Fletcher, C., Wilton, P., Woodman, P., & Ungemach, C. (2007) Leading with Political Awareness: Developing Leaders Skills to Manage the Political Dimension Across All Sectors. Chartered Management Institute: London

Fletcher, C. (2005) Final Report on a Research Study Relating to Effective Selection of Staff for Senior Posts in the Civil Service. Office of the Civil Service Commissioners: London

Fletcher, C. (2008) Appraisal, Feedback and Development Routledge: London
(essentially the 4th edition of previous CIPD book)


Fletcher, C. (1980) Teaching Psychology in an Industrial, Commercial and Public
Service Context In The Teaching of Psychology, Eds. Radford, J. & Rose, D. John
Wiley & Sons, London

Fletcher, C. (1982) Assessment Centres In Judging People, Eds. Mackenzie-Davey,
D. & Harris, M. McGraw-Hill, London.

Fletcher, C. (1984) Performance Appraisal. In A Textbook of Techniques and
Strategies in Personnel Management Eds. Guest, D & Kenny, T. IPM London.
Fletcher, C. (1989) Appraising to Motivate In The Personnel Manager's Yearbook
1989 Ed. Kaminsky, A. AP Information Services, London.

Fletcher, C. (1989) Performance Appraisal Methods In European Handbook of Work
and Organizational Psychology Eds. Greif, S., Holling, H. & Nicholson, N.
Psychologic Verlags Union, Munich

Fletcher, C. (1989) Impression Management in the Selection Interview. In Impression
Management in Organizations Eds. Giacalone, R.A. & Rosenfeld, P. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates: Hillsdale CA.

Dulewicz, S.V. & Fletcher, C. (1989) The Context and Dynamics of Performance
Appraisal. In Assessment and Selection in Organizations, Ed. Herriot, P. John Wiley
& Son: London

Fletcher, C. (1989) Putting Psychology to Work. In A Liberal Science: Education in
Psychology Past, Present and Future Eds Radford, J. & Rose, D. O Press

Fletcher, C. (1993) Where is Performance Management Going? In The Human
Resource Management Yearbook 1993 Ed. A. Kaminsky. A P, Information Services,

Fletcher, C. (1994) Performance Appraisal in Context: Organisational Changes and their
Impact on Practice In Assessment and Selection in Organisations: Update 1. Eds P.
Herriot & N. Anderson. Wiley: London.

Fletcher, C. (1994) The Effects of Performance Review in Appraisal: Evidence and
Implications In Managing Learning. Eds. Mabey, C & Iles, P. Routledge/ Open
University: London.

Fletcher, C. (1995). Personality Testing (pp426-427), Psychological Testing (pp456-
458) Performance Management (p415), all in The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behaviour Ed N Nicholson. Blackwell: Oxford

Fletcher, C. (1996) Psychological Testing in Selection and Assessment The
Recruitment and Selection Handbook Gee Publishing: London.

Fletcher, C. (1997) Performance Appraisal in Context: Organisational Changes and their
Impact on Practice. In Handbook of Assessment and Selection in Organisations
Eds N. Anderson & P. Herriot. Wiley: London.

Fletcher, C & Williams, R. (1997) The route to performance management. In Readings
in Contemporary Employment Relations, Eds D. Mortimer, P. Leece and R. Morris.
Harcourt Brace & Co.

Fletcher, C. & Baldry, C. (1999) Multi-Source Feedback Systems: A Research
Perspective. In International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Vol 14. Eds C. L. Cooper & I. T. Robertson. Wiley: New York/London. (Reprinted in
Personnel Psychology & HRM Eds I T Robertson & C L Cooper. Wiley: New
York/London. 2001)

Fletcher, C. (2000) Performance Appraisal: Assessing and Developing Performance and
Potential. In Introduction to Work & Organisational Psychology Ed N. Chmiel. Blackwell: Oxford. Revised, second edition, 2008

Fletcher, C. & Perry, E. (2001) Performance Appraisal and Feedback: A Consideration
of National Culture and a Review of Contemporary Trends. In International Handbook
of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology Eds N. Anderson, D. Ones, H.
Sinangil & C. Viswesvaran Sage: London

Fletcher, C. (2002) Appraisal - An Individual Psychological Analysis. In The
Psychological Management of Individual Performance: A Handbook in the
Psychology of Management in Organisations Ed S. Sonnentag. Wiley.

Williams, R. & Fletcher, C. (2002) Performance Management In Individual
Performance and Organizational Effectiveness Eds I. Robertson, D. Bartram & M.
Callinan. Wiley: Chichester

Fletcher, C (2003) Round Table: Occupational and Organisational Psychology. In R.
Bayne & I Horton (Eds) Applied Psychology Sage.

Bailey, C., & Fletcher, C. (2008) Performance Management and Appraisal - An International Perspective In M M Harris (Ed) The Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management. Organization Management Series, Erlbaum

Hartley, J., and Fletcher, C. (2008) Leading with Political Awareness: Leadership across diverse interests inside and outside the organization In Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action Eds. K T James & J Collins. London: Palgrave

Fletcher, C (2011) The impact of ACs and DCs on candidates. In Assessment Centres and Global Talent Management Eds. Povah, N & Thornton, G. C. III London, Gower.

Fletcher, C (2012) Round Table: Occupational and Organisational Psychology. In R.
Bayne & I Horton (Eds) Applied Psychology 2nd Edition. Sage.

Fletcher, C. (2013) Performance Appraisal. In Guest, D & Needle, D (Eds) Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management 3rd Ed Wiley In Press

Fletcher, C (2014) Multisource feedback as a tool in development In J Passmore et al (Eds) The Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development and Feedback
Wiley Blackwell In Press

Fletcher, C. (2014) Assessment in the Work Context. In People Come First Eds A Manuti & P. D. de Palma. London: Palgrave In press


Fletcher, C. (1973) An Evaluation Study of Job Appraisal Reviews. Management
Services in Government, 28, 188-195

Fletcher, C (1975) Evaluating Job Appraisal Reviews State Service, April, 103-104.

Dulewicz, V., Fletcher, C. and Walker, J. (1976) Job Appraisal Reviews Three Years
On. Management Services in Government, 31, 134-153.

Walker, J. Fletcher, C., Williams, R. and Taylor, K. (1977) Performance Appraisal: An
Open or Shut Case? Personnel Review 6, 38-42.

Fletcher, C. (1979) New directions in interviewing Recruitment. November, 25.

Fletcher, C. (1981) Negotiating the selection interview: What Next in Education?
Autumn, 11-12

Fletcher, C. (1981) Charting your interview Company, November, 116-117.

Bayne, R. & Fletcher, C. (1983) Selecting the Selectors. Personnel Management, June,

Fletcher, C. (1984) What's New in Performance Appraisal? Personnel Management,
February, 20-22.

Fletcher, C. (1985) Selecting Self Assessment. Guidance and Assessment Review, 2, 6-7.

Fletcher, C. (1985) Interviews, Inventories and Insight Occupational Psychology:
Section Chairman's Address Occupational Psychology Newsletter, April, 6-16.

Fletcher, C. (1985) Feedback of Psychometric Test Results: How Great is the Demand?
Guidance and Assessment Review, 6, 1-2.

Fletcher, C. (1985) Means of Assessment. Nursing Times July 3-9, pp24-26.

Fletcher, C. (1986) Should the Test Score be kept a Secret? Personnel Management,
April 44-46.

Fletcher, C. & Others (1987) Staff Appraisal in Further and Higher Education Paper
published by the British Psychological Society, Leicester.

Fletcher, C. (1989) The Impact of Demographic Changes on Selection. The
Occupational Psychologist, 8, 3-4.

Fletcher, C. (1989) Psychological Testing Personnel Management, December, Factsheet
pages 1-4.

Fletcher, C. Johnson, C. and Saville, P. (1989) A Test By Any Other Name: Personnel
Management March.

Herriot, P. & Fletcher, C. (1990) Candidate Friendly Selection in the 1990's Personnel
Management, February, 32-35.

Jones, R & Fletcher, C. (1990) Integrating selection in a merged company. Personnel
Management, September, 38-42.

Fletcher, C., Blinkhorn, S. & Johnson, C. (1991) Personality tests: The great debate.
Personnel Management, September 38-42.

Fletcher, C. (1992) Quality indicators in the use of psychometric tests Selection and
Development Review, 8, 1-3.

Fletcher, C. (1992) Ethics and the job interview Personnel Management, March, 36-39.

Fletcher, C. (1992) Performance appraisal and performance management: Myths and
Motivation Inaugural lecture. Goldsmiths' College, University of London. ISBN
0 901542 94 1

Fletcher, C & Williams, R. (1992) The route to performance management. Personnel
Management, October, 42-47.

Fletcher, C. (1993) Appraisal: An idea whose time has gone? Personnel Management,
September, 34-37. Reprinted in Effective Management, J Billsbury (ed), Open
University/Sage, 1996.

Fletcher, C. (1993) Testing times for the world of psychometrics. Personnel
Management, December, 46-50.

West, M., Fletcher, C. & Toplis, J. (1994) Fostering Innovation; A Psychological
Perspective. Report published by the British Psychological Society.

Fletcher, C. (1995) Ocena a placa, motywacja i rozwoj. Ekonomika Organizacja
Przedsiebiorstwa, 96, 10, 16-19. (Polish Management Journal)

Fletcher, C. (1995) Psychometric testing and effective assessment: Causes for optimism but no room for complacency? Executive Grapevine, Volume 1, 29-30.

Fletcher, C. (1995) What means to test integrity? People Management, August, 30-31.

Baldry, C., & Fletcher, C. (1997) The integrity of integrity testing. Selection and
Development Review, 13, 3-6.

Fletcher, C. (1997) Step out from the shadows. Executive PA, Spring, 8-10.

Fletcher, C. (1997) The impact of psychometric assessment: Fostering positive candidate
attitudes and reactions. Selection and Development Review, 13, 8-11.

Fletcher, C. & Anderson, N. (1998) A superficial assessment. People Management, 4, 10, 44-46.
Fletcher, C. (1998) Fraught Process. People Management, 4, 13, 42-45.

Fletcher, C. (1998) Circular Argument. People Management, 4, 1 October 46-49

Fletcher, C. (1998) Psychometric testing: A deciding factor People Management, 4, 26
Nov, 38-40.

Fletcher, C. (2000) Peak Performance. Research, September, 48.

Wareing, B. & Fletcher, C. (2004) Ethnic minority differences in self assessment Selection and Development Review, 20, 5, 7-10.

Fletcher, C., & Hartley, J. (2008) Research topic - Political Skills People Management, 1st May, p.43

Fletcher, C (2009) Commentary on Inaugural Editorial. Management & Organisation - A Multidisciplinary Journal of Business 1, (1). 13-18.

Fletcher, C (2010) One to One with Clive Fletcher The Psychologist, January, 21, 1,

Fletcher, C (2011) Individual psychological assessments in organisations: Big in practice, short on evidence? Assessment & Development Matters, Vol 3, No2, pp23-26

Fletcher, C (2011) Assessment for top management selection. Assessment & Development Matters, Vol 3, No4, pp 11-14

Fletcher, C. (2012) The politics of appraisal: Does upward feedback offer an objective view? An empirical study African Journal of Management Research, 21, (1) 69-75

Fletcher, C (2013) The threat to Occupational Psychology's research credibility. OP Matters, 18, March, pp22-26

Fletcher, C (2013) How Occupational Psychology helped scupper Mrs Thatcher and the polygraph: A lesson in exerting influence at the right time. OP Matters, 19, July, 48-9


Fletcher, C. (1973) Training, Interview Style and the Effectiveness of Appraisal BPS
Occupational Psychology Conference, Lancaster.

McLeod, D. Walker, J. & Fletcher, C. (1975) A Study of Flexible Working Hours in
Two Government Offices BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, York.

Fletcher, C. (1979) New Directions in Selection Interview Research: The Effects of
Candidate's Beliefs, Expectations and Strategies Institute of Personnel Management
National Conference, Harrogate.

Bayne, R., Fletcher, C.,& Colwell, J. (1980) Do Sequential Interviews Produce Better
evidence than Boards? BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, York

Fletcher, C. (1980) Individual Differences in Candidates' Beliefs about and strategies in
Selection Interviews BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, York.

Bayne, R. Colwell, J. & Fletcher, C. (1980) An Experimental Comparison of Board and
Sequential Interviewing. British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Aberdeen.
Abstract: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 33, 174.

Dulewicz, V. & Fletcher, C. (1982) Work Experience, Individual Differences and
Assessment Centre Performance: An Empirical Study. BPS Occupational Psychology
Conference, Sussex

Bayne, R. & Fletcher, C. (1982) Selecting the Selectors: What Makes a Good
Interviewer? Institute of Personnel Management National Conference, Harrogate.

Dulewicz, V. & Fletcher, C. (1982) Does an Assessment Centre Measure Experience or
Potential? A comparison of U.K. and U.S. studies: 10th International Congress on the
Assessment Centre Method, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.

Fletcher, C. (1982) Self-Assessment at Work: 20th International Congress of Applied
Psychology, Edinburgh (convened Symposium on this theme, and gave introductory

Fletcher, C. (1983) Sex and the Interview: A Case for Positive Discrimination? British
Psychological Society's Occupational Psychology Conference, Warwick.

Fletcher, C. (1985) Interviews, Inventories and Insight Chairman's Address, British
Psychological Society's Occupational Psychology Conference, Sheffield.
Fletcher, C. (1985) Measuring the Performance of Managers. Paper given at the
BPS/ESRC Conference on Managerial Assessment, UMIST

Fletcher, C. (1985) Assessment Centre Feedback. Paper given at the BPS Occupational
Psychology Division Conference on Assessment Centres, London

Fletcher, C. (1985) Advances in Psychometric Testing: Giving Feedback. Paper given at
the Institute of Personnel Management National Conference, Harrogate.

Fletcher, C. (1987) Selection Criteria: What Are We Looking For? Paper given at the
Conference on Admissions to Higher Education, York

Fletcher, C. (1989) Making Selection Friendly - and Effective. Paper given at the
Institute for International Research Conference on Effective Recruitment Advertising
and Communication London.

Fletcher, C. (1990) Performance Appraisal in Industry. Paper given at the Department of
Education & Science Conference on Teacher Appraisal, Institute of Education, London

Fletcher, C. (1990) Imaginative Approaches to Developing the Content of Assessment
Programmes. Paper given at the Institute for International Research Conference on
Psychological Testing & Assessment, London

Fletcher, C. (1990) The Impact of Assessment Centres on Candidates Self Assessment
and Motivation. British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Section
Conference on Developments in Managerial Assessment Centres, University of

Fletcher, C. (1991) Quality Indicators in Psychometric Testing. Institute of Personnel
Management National Conference, Harrogate.

Fletcher, C. (1991) The Academic Perspective on Competencies in Psychological
Testing British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Section Conference on
Competencies in Psychological Testing, London

Fletcher, C. (1991) Feedback of Psychological Test Results and the Impact on the
Candidate. Psychology at Work/Institute of Psychiatry Conference on Making Sense of
New Developments in Psychological Testing, London

Fletcher, C. (1992) The Role of Personality Measures in Personnel Selection. British
Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference, Liverpool

Fletcher, C. (1992) Performance Management: Its Nature and Research Base.
Association for Management Education and Development Conference on Developing a
Performance Oriented Culture, Berkshire. Published by AMED as part of conference
proceedings, 31 January 1992.

Fletcher, C. & Williams, R. (1992) Performance Management Issues; What the Research
Says. Institute of Personnel Management National Conference, Harrogate

Fletcher, C. (1992) Performance Management; Current Perspectives Keynote address,
NHS Management Executive Exploratory Forum on Performance Management,

Fletcher, C. (1992) Performance Management in the UK: The State of the Art. ICM
Conference on Integrated Human Resources Management, London.

Fletcher, C. (1993) Performance Management: The Problems and the Pitfalls.
Conference on Performance Management for the Health Service, London.

Fletcher, C. (1994) Organisational Change and its Impact on Appraisal British
Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference on Advances in Selection
& Assessment, Nottingham University.

Fletcher, C. (1994) Assessment Centres; An Analysis of their Strengths and Weaknesses.
Association of Graduate Recruiters Annual Conference Warwick University.

Fletcher, C. (1994) The impact of organisational change on the aims and ownership of appraisal and performance management systems. European Committee for Pay & Work Conference on 'Matching Appraisal Systems to New Demands' Zurich.

Fletcher, C. (1995) Effective performance appraisal; design and management Local Government Annual Personnel Seminar, London.

Fletcher, C. (1995) Personality questionnaire use in employment settings; an overview of the evidence and the issues. Paper given as Discussant at the CGR conference "Striking the Right Balance", Dorchester Hotel, London.

Fletcher, C. (1995) Upward feedback: Potential and Problems. European Committee for Pay & Work Conference on Strategic Remuneration, Maastricht

Fletcher, C. (1996) Insight and self assessment capability as factors determining
evaluation outcomes in organisations. 8th European Conference on Personality, Ghent.

Fletcher, C. (1996) Challenge and change for psychometrics: The need for a new
approach. Keynote Address: Conference on Ethics & Good Practice in Assessment and
Psychological Testing; HRM Centre Cheltenham & Gloucester College.

Fletcher, C. (1997) Psychometric Testing: Product or Expertise? Convenor, Chair &
Discussant, Conference Debate, British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology
Conference Blackpool.

Anderson, N. & Fletcher, C. (1997) Telephone-based selection interviews: A field study
modelling interviewer impression formation and decision making. European Congress
on Work & Organizational Psychology, Verona

Fletcher, C. (1997) Candidate reactions to the assessment centre experience: Influence,
outcomes and implications. 25th International Congress on Assessment Centre Methods,

Fletcher, C. (1997) The impact of psychometric assessment: Fostering positive candidate
attitudes and reactions. BPS Occupational Psychology Division 2nd Test User
Conference, Stratford on Avon

Cunningham-Snell, N., Fletcher, C., Anderson, N. & Gibb, A. (1997) Candidates'
perceptions of assessment centre procedural fairness: A longitudinal study on the impact
of unmet expectations. BPS London Conference

Cunningham-Snell, N., Anderson, N., Fletcher, C., & Gibb, A. (1998) What influences
candidates' perceptions of procedural fairness: Due process or final verdict? BPS
Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, Eastbourne.

Baldry, C., Fletcher, C., & Cunninghham-Snell, N. (1998) Psychometric properties of
alternative performance appraisal systems. BPS Annual Occupational Psychology
Conference, Eastbourne.

Fletcher, C. (1998) Gender differences in self assessment: A review of the research
findings. Equal Opportunities: Retrospect & Prospect - Invited contribution to Seminar
convened by the Equal Opportunities Commission & the Open University Business
School to mark 10th anniversary of the EOC University College, London.

Waddington, K. & Fletcher, C. (1998) Women gossip, men talk - myth or reality? The
differences between men and women's gossip at work with regard to interpersonal
relationships and organisational factors. International Work Psychology Conference,

Cunningham-Snell, N., Anderson, N, & Fletcher, C. (1998) Interview process fairness:
The impact of exceeding candidates' expectations International Work Psychology
Conference, Sheffield

Fletcher, C. (1998) Building positive candidate attitudes and reactions to psychological
tests: The challenge for psychometrics in the UK. Conference organised by Behavioural
Sciences Research Press, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Fletcher, C. & Baldry, C. (1998) Self assessment, peer review and 360 degree
assessment: Implications of research and practice for their future use. BPS Occupational
Psychology Division Conference on 'Assessment in the Millennium: Beyond
Psychometrics'. Birkbeck College, London

Cunningham-Snell, N., Fletcher, C., Anderson, N., & Gibb, A. (1999) Psychological
contract mutuality: Increasing congruence during organisational socialisation. British
Psychological Society Annual Occupational Psychology Conference, Blackpool

Fletcher, C. (1999) Is Occupational psychology valued by Psychology? Convenor & speaker at debate, British Psychological Society Annual Occupational Psychology conference, Blackpool

Fletcher, C. (1999) The contribution of occupational psychology to Human Resource
Management. Said Business School Workshop on Psychology and Business, Oxford

Fletcher, C. (1999) Self assessment, self awareness and 360 degree feedback
Conference organised by Behavioural Sciences Research Press, Vancouver, Canada.

Baldry, C., & Fletcher, C. (2000) The impact of multiple source feedback on
management development: Findings from a longitudinal study. British Psychological
Society Annual Occupational Psychology Conference, Brighton.

Jones, L., & Fletcher, C. (2000) The psychometric properties of self assessment in the
context of selection. British Psychological Society Annual Occupational Psychology
Conference, Brighton.

Baldry, C., & Fletcher, C. (2000) The distribution and measurement of managerial self
awareness in the context of multi-source feedback: Findings from a field study. British
Psychological Society Annual Occupational Psychology Conference, Brighton.

Lopes, J. & Fletcher, C. (2000) May collectivism and allocentricism help understand
occupational preference and career gender-typicality? Poster presentation, XXVII
International Congress of Psychology: Stockholm, Sweden.

Yuan, H. & Fletcher, C. (2001) Gender differences in self assessment and 360-degree
feedback. BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Winchester, January

Waddington, K. & Fletcher, C. (2001) Interdisciplinary scholarship in the investigation
of the function of gossip at work: theoretical and methodological considerations. BPS
Occupational Psychology Conference, Winchester, January

Kaipiainen, S. & Fletcher, C. (2001) Emotional intelligence and work performance
BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Winchester, January

Jones, L. & Fletcher, C. (2001) The validity of self assessment in a selection setting.
BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Winchester, January

Fletcher, C, Burke, E, Grey, A, & Lindley, P. (2001) Best practice guidelines for the use
of 360 degree feedback. BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Winchester,

Scheinfeld, H. & Fletcher, C. (2001) Antecedents of organisational commitment and job
satisfaction in different employment relationships. Poster presentation, BPS
Occupational Psychology Conference, Winchester, January

Fletcher, C. (2001) What do you mean, I am Emotionally Intelligent - and who says so
anyway? BSRP Scientific Board Conference, Miami, February

Fletcher, C. (2001) Making occupational assessment more 'Self-ish': Invited address,
BPS Centenary Conference, Glasgow, April

Fletcher, C. & Perry, E. (2001) Performance Appraisal and Feedback: A Consideration of National Culture and a Review of Contemporary Trends. European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology Congress, Prague, May.

Bailey, C. & Fletcher, C. (2001) 'Whose opinions matter? The credibility of feedback from co-workers: University of Queensland 1st Symposium on Organisational Psychology. Emmanuel College, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Fletcher, C. (2002) 360 Degree Appraisal: Supporting Effective Teamworking, Clinical Governance, Patient Involvement and Consultant Revalidation. Keynote Address, Conference on 360 Degree Appraisal, Royal College of Physicians, London, July

Fletcher, C. (2002) Some findings on self assessment in a selection setting. BSRP Scientific Board Conference, New Orleans, October.

Bailey, C., & Fletcher, C. (2002) When do other people's opinions matter? The credibility of feedback from co-workers. BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Blackpool, January.

Bailey, C, Fletcher, C., Lutte, A. (2003).'360-degree feedback and gender: Implications for female managers' development'. European Work and Organizational Psychology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2003.

Fletcher, C. (2003) Performance appraisal - what the research says tells us about getting it right. BSRP Scientific Board Conference, Kauai (Hawaii), November.

Waddington, K., & Fletcher, C. (2004) Storytelling and Emotion: Some Findings from Multimethod Research into Gossip in Nursing and Health Care Organisations. British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference, Warwick, January

Hartley, J., Morrell, K., & Fletcher, C. (2005) Look at it from my angle: The development and use of a 360 degree feedback instrument for political leaders. British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference, Warwick, January.

Kaipiainen, S., & Fletcher, C. (2005) Does the concept of emotional intelligence contribute to our understanding of managerial behaviour and leadership theory? British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference, Warwick, January

Fletcher, C. (2005) Multisource feedback, self awareness and improving performance CIPD Conference 'In Search of the Holy Grail - Lessons in Performance Management' Jersey, Channel Islands, September.

Fletcher, C. (2006) Where the assessment centre may not reach: Assessing candidates for the top levels in a UK Government context. 33rd International Congress on the Assessment Centre Method, London, September

Fletcher, C. (2006) The usefulness of the concept of Emotional Intelligence in senior level assessment. Panel speaker in Debate at the 33rd International Congress on the Assessment Centre Method, London, September

King, J., McAvoy, P., Fletcher, C., & Scotland, A. (2006) Behavioural assessment of doctors in difficulty: Findings and implications from 120 cases from NCAS. Poster presentation: International Association of Medical Regulators conference, New Zealand November.

Hartley, J., Fletcher, C., & Branicki L. (2006) Managing with Political Awareness. Studying Leadership Conference Cranfield University, December.

King, J., Johnson, J., Fletcher, C., and Scotland, A. (2007) Personality profiles of doctors in difficulty: Content analysis of 120 behavioural assessments. Poster presentation, British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference, Bristol, January

Fletcher, C., & Hartley, J. (2007) Political awareness in leadership: A study to define and investigate a meta-competency. Seventh BSRP Scientific Board Conference, Palm Beach, Florida

Brutus, S, Fletcher, C., & Bailey, C. (2007) The Influence of Independent Self-
Construal on Rater Self-Efficacy in Performance Appraisal: Academy of Management annual conference, Philadelphia, July

Hartley, J, Fletcher, C., and Ungemach, C. (2007) Leadership with political awareness: Contexts, capabilities and development. Conference paper for the 6th International Studying Leadership Conference, Warwick, December

Hartley, J, Fletcher, C., and Ungemach, C. (2008) Developing a framework for measuring and studying political skills in organisations British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Division annual conference, Stratford Upon Avon, January

Hartley, J, Fletcher, C., and Ungemach, C. (2009) Developing a framework for studying political skills in Leadership: Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago, August

Fletcher, C (2010) Performance appraisal - what the research tells us about getting it right. Keynote address, conference "In search of Performance Management": School of Social Profit and Public Management, University College of Ghent. November, Ghent, Belgium

Fletcher, C. & Lewis, C. (2012) What can occupational and organisational psychology contribute to corporate Ghana? Public lecture delivered under the auspices of Central University College, Accra, Ghana

Patterson, F. & Fletcher, C. (2013) Are the eight areas of Occupational Psychology fit for purpose? DOP Annual Conference, Chester, January

Kwiatkoswki, R., Donaldson-Fielder, E., Fletcher, C. & Briner R. (2014) How would you like your Occupational Psychology? Presentation and Panel Discussion, BPS DOP Conference, Brighton, January

Weldon, P., Fletcher, C. & MacIver, R. (2014) Individual Psychological Assessments; A predictive validity study. BPS DOP Conference, Brighton, January

Fletcher, C., & MacDowall, A (2014) Were Eight Great? Doing more with less! An introduction to the new OP curriculum. BPS DOP Conference, Brighton, January
SourceProfessor Fletcher's CV
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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