NameBerger; Michael (1939-); Professor; FBPsS, CPsychol.
EpithetFBPsS, CPsychol.
Parallel NameMike Berger
DatesAndPlacesSouth Africa
London, UK
RelationshipsMarried to Judith Ann Middleton
ActivityDate of Birth: 04/03/1939.

University & Professional Qualifications:

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
1961 BA, Psychology Major, First Class.
1962 BA (Hons.), Psychology, Upper Second Class.
1962-63 University of London, Institute of Psychiatry
Academic Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology: Abnormal Psychology, University of London.
1976 Ph.D., University of London.

Academic and Professional Appointments:

1960-61 Undergraduate Assistant, University of the Witwatersrand.
1962 Graduate Assistant (one term), University of the Witwatersrand.
1964-65 Research Assistant to Prof. H. J. Eysenck, Institute of Psychiatry, London.
1965-66 Part-time Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London.
1966-73 Full-time Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London and Staff Psychologist, Bethlem Royal and Maudsley
Recognition as Teacher in the Faculties of Arts and Science, University of London (Board of Studies in Psychology),
Recognition as Teacher, Education 1973-80 Senior Lecturer in Child Development, Institute of Education.
1980-1996 Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, & Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Sciences, St. George's Hospital Medical School, University of London.
1980-82 Principal Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Service, Wandsworth and East Merton Health District, based at St. George's Hospital, London, SW17.
1982- Top Grade (Special Responsibility) Clinical
March 1996 Psychologist. Personal title. ("B" Grade) Consultant Clinical Psychologist
1986 - District Psychologist, Wandsworth Health
1992 Authority; Head of Acute Unit Psychology Services.
1992 - Head of Clinical Psychology Services, St.
March 1996 George's Healthcare NHS Trust and Head of Child and Adolescent Services
1986 - Consultant Psychologist, Children's Head
March 1996 Injury Unit, Tadworth Court Children's Hospital
1989 - Chartered Clinical Psychologist Present
April 1997 Professor of Clinical Psychology in the University of London, at Royal Holloway; Course Director, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Royal Holloway.
July 2000- Specialist Advisor to the Health Advisory Service on Child and Adolescent 2004 Mental Health services.

Clinical Appointments:

1965-1973 Staff Psychologist to the Adolescent Units, Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Children's Department, Maudsley Hospital, London.
1978-1981 Honorary Clinical Psychologist , Child Development Centre, Charing Cross Hospital.
From 1981 Psychologist, latterly, Consultant Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Services, St. George's Hospital, London.
July 1997 Consultant clinical Psychologist (2 sessions), Hounslow and Spelthorne Community NHS Trust; Ashford Hospital Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, to end March.

British Psychological Society (BPS) Contribution:

Member of the BPS Working Party to prepare evidence for submission to the DHSS on the role of psychologists in the NHS (Trethowan Committee).
Member of the BPS Working Party to prepare evidence for submission to the DES Committee of Enquiry into Special Education (Warnock Report).
Convenor of the BPS Professional Affairs Board Working Party on the Training of Child Psychologists.
Appointed as a nominee of the Council of the BPS to the Professional Affairs Board, 1975-1979.
Elected to the Council of the BPS.
BPS Council Representative on the Executive Committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology.
Founder and Convenor, Standing Sub-committee on Services for Children and Adolescents, Division of Clinical Psychology, BPS, later to become the Special Interest Group for Children and Adolescents.
Member, Board of Examiners for the BPS Diploma in Clinical Psychology.
Member of the Board of Examiners Working Party on the Future of the BPS Diploma in Clinical Psychology.
Invited by the Division of Clinical Psychology of the BPS to advise on enhancing Division communications using new technology.
British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology Nominee on the Steering Group on Clinical Audit for Professions Allied to
Member of DCP Standing Advisory Committee on Quality.
Member of the DCP Informatics Sub-committee.
Member of the Child and Young Persons SIG of the DCP.
Member of the Working Party on Clinical Testing of the SCTS.
Member of the BPS PAB Working Party on Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Member of the BPS PAB Working Party on Internet Therapy.
Committee Member of the Faculty for Children and Young People of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the British Psychological Society
Member of the British Psychological Society Standing Committee on Test Standards.

Professional Associations:

Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Membership of the Division of Clinical Psychology, British Psychological Society.
Professional Interest Groups:
Member of the Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry; Awarded Honorary Membership 1990 in recognition of work for the Association as Editor.
Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy.
Special Interest Group (now Faculty) for Children and Adolescents, BPS Division of Clinical Psychology.

Previous and Current Professional Activities:

Senior Speciality Advisor on Higher Grade Child and Adolescent Psychology Appointments to the Consultant Advisor in Clinical Psychology, Department of Health (B-Grade Assessor). Also Advisor for posts involving managerial responsibility.
Appointed by the Professional Affairs Board to Chair the Psychology Special Working Group on the Read Code Clinical Terms Project, NHS Centre for Coding and Classification.
Member of the Mental Health Special Working Group for the Read Codes.
Representative of the BPS Professional Affairs Board on the Clinical Professions Information Advisory Group.
Member of the Steering Group for the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HONOSCA) project undertaken by the Royal College of Psychiatrists Research Unit, funded by the Department of Health.
Member of the BPS Standing Advisory Committee on Test Standards: Committee for the Development of Clinical Test Standards
Founder and Convenor of DCP Special Interest Group COMPUTERS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE.
Member of the Sub-committee on Computerised Testing of the Standing Committee on Test Standards of the BPS
Member of the Informatics Sub-committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology.
Representative of the Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology on the DCP
Member of Member of the Training Sub-committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology
Member of project Group on Benchmark Pricing of the Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology of the DCP, BPS.

History of Clinical Psychology
50th Anniversary of the BPS Division of Clinical Psychology. Lead author Child Clinical Psychology
PPB Electronic Records and Information Advisory Group
(Previously PPB Informatics Advisory Group). Founder and current Chair. Set up to advise the BPS Professional Affairs Board on responding to issues and fostering initiatives on behalf of Practitioner Psychologists in the Society.
Professional Records Standards Body for Health and Social Care.
Representative of the BPS and member of the Establishment Board (now defunct) and Advisory Board. This group that will be responsible for establishing Standards applying to Electronic Clinical Records across the NHS and will be the main source of ‘approval’ before professional records are submitted to the National bodies for final approval.
British Computer Society Mental Health Informatics Network.
BPS representative on this group becoming responsible for various facets of mental health information, increasingly relied upon for feedback to NHS England.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Sources: Mike Berger's CV.
Related NameBPS/GB/267


BERGER, M. (1970) The Third revision of the Stanford-Binet (Form L-M). Some methodological limitations and their practical implications. Bull. Br. Psychol. Soc.,23, 17-26.
BERGER, M. (1971) Behavioural control in the classroom. Proceedings of the Conference on Behaviour Modification, Dublin. Published by Papers in Psychology.
BERGER, M. (1971) Opening remarks to discussion. In: Rutter, M.(ed), Infantile Autism: Concepts, Characteristics and Treatment. Churchill Livingstone, London, 252-255.
BERGER, M. (1972) Modifying behaviour at school. Special Education, 61, 18-21.
BERGER, M. (1973) Early experience and other environmental factors: an overview. I: Studies with humans. In: Eysenck, H.J. (Ed), Handbook of Abnormal Psychology. Pitman, London, pp. 604-623.
BERGER, M. (1975) Clinical psychology services for children. Bull. Br. Psychol. Soc., 28,102-107
BERGER, M. (1975) Commentary. In: Kiernan, C.C. an Woodford, P. (Eds), Behaviour Modification with the Severely Retarded. Associated Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam.
BERGER, M. (1976) Psychological testing.
Learning theory, experimental psychology and child development.
Chapters in: Rutter, M. and Hersov, L.(Eds), Child Psychiatry: modern perspectives. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
BERGER, M. (1977) Children are different. In: The Pre-School Child. Open University Press
Milton Keynes .
BERGER, M. (1977) Psychology in paediatrics and child care. in: Rachman, S. (Ed.) Contributions to Medical Psychology, Vol. 1. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
BERGER, M. (1978) The Richmond Tests of Ability. In: Buros, O (Ed) Mental Measurements Yearbook. Gryphon Press, New Jersey.
BERGER, M. (1979) Behaviour Therapy. Supplement No. 12 published by the Forum for the
Advancement of Educational Therapy.
BERGER, M. (1979) Behaviour modification in education and professional practice: the dangers of a mindless technology. BPS Bulletin, 32, 418-419.
BERGER, M. (1980) Behaviour modification in teacher education. Psychology Teaching, 8, 43-48.
BERGER, M. (1982) The 'Scientific Approach' to intelligence: an overview of its history with special reference to mental speed. In: Eysenck, H.J. (Ed) A Model for Intelligence. Springer.
BERGER, M. (1982) Personality development and temperament. In: Temperamental Differences in Infants and Young Children. Ciba Foundation Symposium 89, Pitman Books, London.
BERGER, M. (1983) Applied behaviour analysis in education: a critical assessment and some implications for training teachers. Educational Psychology, 2, 289-300.
BERGER, M. (1983) Short entries on:
Personality and other tests; Norm and criterion referenced tests; Intelligence tests; IQ;
Attainment tests
Long entries on:
Behaviour change in the classroom
In: Harre, R. and Lamb, R. (Eds), The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
BERGER, M. (1985) Temperament and individual differences.
Learning theories and development.
Assessment and testing.
In: Rutter, M. and Hersov, L. (Eds), Child Psychiatry, 2nd Ed. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
BERGER, M. (1986) Towards an educated use of IQ tests: a reappraisal of intelligence testing. In: Lahey, B. and Kazdin, A. (Eds), Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, V9. Plenum Press, New York.
BERGER, M. (1987) What is a language disorder? In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Disorders in Children. Published by the Association for All Speech Impaired Children.
BERGER, M. (1987) What a clinical psychologist needs to know. Paper to BPS Conference on the Future of Training in Clinical Psychology.
BERGER, M. (1987) Issues in the development of clinical psychology services for children. Paper given to the National Special Interest Group in Clinical Child Psychology.
BERGER, M. (1988) P-CARD - A clinical, administrative and research database for child psychology and psychiatry services. (Limited Circulation Manual)
BERGER, M. P-CARD - application source (1987/90) code for personal computer based departmental information system. (Unpublished)
BERGER, M. (1989)* Introducing microcomputers in clinics: options and essentials.
BERGER, M. (1989)* Child, adolescent and family psychiatry and psychology services: psychology departments: some issues in setting up information systems.
* These papers are published in:
BERGER, M. (1989) (Ed) Clinic Services: Monitoring, Evaluation and Microcomputers. Occasional Papers, No.1, Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
BERGER, M. (1989) Dual function database simplifies records. British Journal of Healthcare Computing. 6,26-28
BERGER, M. (1989) Visions of the future: the NHS White Paper and child psychology services. Invited paper presented to the National Special Interest Group in Clinical Child Psychology.
BERGER, M. (1990) The national health service review in context. Newsletter of the Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 12, 15-17
BERGER, M. (1991) Psychological testing. Current Paediatrics, 1,233-235
BERGER, M. (1991) Aspects of Audit: Collecting and Using (Ed) Clinical Information. Occasional Paper, Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
BERGER, M. (1991) Threats to the profession. Clinical Psychology Forum, 36,2
BERGER, M. (1991) A framework for audit in clinical psychology. Clinical Psychology Forum
BERGER, M. (1994) P-CARD II. Revision of software to incorporate ACPP Data Set.
BERGER, M. (1995) P-CARD II. Revised Manual (Limited Circulation).
BERGER, M. (1994) Psychological testing. In M. Rutter, E. Taylor & L. Hersov (Eds.) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (3rd. edn), Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications
BERGER, M. (1996) Divided we Stand! Issues for clinical psychology services for children and
young people. Clinical Psychology Forum. 88, 40-46 Invited Paper for Special Issue.
BERGER, M. (1996) Outcomes and Effectiveness in Clinical Psychology Practice. Occasional Paper No. 1. Division of Clinical Psychology, British Psychological Society.
BERGER, M. (1997) IQ, Intelligence and assessment. In Read S.G.(Ed). Clinical Learning Disability Psychiatry, London, W.B. Saunders


RACHMAN,S. & BERGER, M. (1963) Whirling and postural control in schizophrenic children.
J. Child Psychol Psychiat, 4, 137-155.
BERGER, M. & YULE, W. (1972) Cognitive assessment in young children with language delay. In: Rutter, M. and Martin, J.A.M. (Eds), The Child with Delayed Speech. Spastics International Medical Publications, London. (Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 43), 120-136.
BERGER, M. & YULE, W. (1972) Attainment, ability and adjustment in ametropolitan setting. I: The prevalence of……. Conference, Nottingham.
BERGER, M. & YULE, W. (1972) Behaviour modification in the classroom. Research notice. Behaviour Modification Newsletter, 3, 10-11.
BERGER, M. & YULE, W. (1972) Cross-cultural survey of educational and psychiatric disorders in school children. Final report to the Social Science Research Council (unpublished research report to grant-giving organisation).
RUTTER, M. BERGER, M. et al. (1974)The children of West Indian immigrants.
New Society, March 14, 27, 630-633.
BERGER, M., YULE, W. & RUTTER, M. (1975) Attainment and adjustment in two geo-
graphical areas. II: The prevalence of specific reading retardation. Brit J Psychiat, 126, 510-519.
RUTTER, M. & BERGER, M. et al. (1975) Attainment and adjustment in two geo-
graphic areas. I: The prevalence of psychiatric disorder. Brit J Psychiat, 126, 493-509.
RUTTER, M. & BERGER, M. et al. (1974) Children of West Indian immigrants. I: Rates of behavioural deviance and psychiatric disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiat, 15, 241-262.
RUTTER, M. & BERGER, M. et al. (1974) Attainment and adjustment in two geo-
graphical areas. III: Some factors accounting for area differences. Brit J Psychiat, 125, 520-533.
YULE, W. & BERGER, M. (1972) Behaviour modification principles and speech delay. In: Rutter, M. and Martin, J.A.M. (Eds), The Child with Delayed Speech. Spastics International Medical Publications, London. (Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No 43), pp.204-219.
YULE, W. & BERGER, M. (1975) Communication, language and behaviour modification. In: Kiernan, C. and Woodford, P. (Eds), Behaviour Modification with the Severely Retarded. Associated Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam.
YULE, W. & BERGER, M. et al. (1969) The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence: an evaluation with a British sample. Brit J Ed Psychol, 39, 1-13.
BERGER, M. et al. (1973) Instructing parents in the use of behaviour modification techniques as part of a home-based approach to the treatment of autistic children. Behaviour Modification Newsletter, 5, 15-26.
YULE, W. & BERGER, M. et al. (1974) Over- and under-achievement in reading: distribution in the general population. Br J Educ Psychol, 44, 1-12.
YULE, W. BERGER, M. & HOWLIN, P. (1974) Language deficit and behaviour modification. In: O'Connor, N. (Ed), Language and Cognition in the Handicapped. Butterworths, London.
YULE, W. & BERGER, M. et al. (1975) Children of West Indian immigrants. II: Intellectual performance and reading attainment. J Child Psychol Psychiat, 16, 1-17.
HEMSLEY, R. & BERGER. M. et al. (1978) Treating autistic children in a family
context. In: Rutter, M. and Schopler, E. (Eds) Autism: a reappraisal of concepts and treatment. Plenum, New York.
HERSOV, L., BERGER, M. & SHAFFER, D. (1978) (Eds) Aggression and Anti-Social Behaviour in
Childhood and Adolescence. Pergamon Press, Oxford
HERSOV, L. BERGER, M. & NICOL, R. (1980) (Eds) Language and Language Disorders in
Childhood, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
WIGLEY, V., YULE, W. & BERGER, M. (1982) A primary solution to soiling. Special Education: forward trends, 9, 27-30.
YULE, W. BERGER, M. & WIGLEY, V. (1984) Behaviour modification and classroom
management. In: Frude, N. and Gault, H. (Eds), Disruptive Behaviour in Schools. John Wiley, Chichester.
BERGER, M. & McINTOSH, N. et al. (1984) Facilitating attachment by television,
Maternal and Child Health, 10, 74-76.
BERGER, M. & YULE, M. (1985) IQ and the assessment of mental handicap.
In: Clarke, A.M., Clarke, A.D.B. and Berg, J.M. (Eds), Mental Deficiency: the changing outlook, 4th Ed. pp. 53-96.
WIGLEY, V. YULE, W. & BERGER, M. (1985) Helping withdrawn children in school. British Journal of Special Education, 12, 159-162.
BERGER, M. & YULE, W. (1987) Psychometric approaches. In: Hogg, J. and Raynes, N. (Eds). Assessment in Mental Handicap. Croom Helm.
BERGER, M. YULE, W., WIGLEY, V. (1987) The teacher-child interaction project
(TCIP): implementing behavioural programmes with troublesome individual children in the primary school In: K. Wheldall (Ed). The Behaviourist in the Classroom, Allen & Unwin, London.
HOWLIN, P. RUTTER, M. BERGER, M., HEMSLEY, R. HERSOV, L. & YULE, W. (1987) Treatment of Autistic Children. John Wiley. Chichester.
BERGER, M & PORTNOY,S. (1990) Clinical child psychology. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 3, 781-784
Michael Berger 24
BERGER, M & MIDDLETON, J (1991) Head Injury: some consequences for injured pupils, their teachers and schools. Children's Head Injury Trust, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford
BERGER, M & MILLER, R (1991) Down the wires: electronic communication for Division members. Clinical Psychology Forum, 35,39-40
HILL, P & BERGER, M (1991) Behaviour therapy. Current Paediatrics.
BERGER, M HILL, P, SEIN, E., THOMPSON, M, VERDUYN, C (1993) A Proposed Core Data Set for Child Psychology and Psychiatry Services. Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, London.
BERGER, M HILL, P & WALK, D (1993) A suggested framework for outcomes in child and adolescent mental health services. In Berger, M. et al. (1993)*
* Reprinted in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: Together We Stand, The NHS Health Advisory Service, 1955.
WALLACE, S., CROWN, J., COX, A., & BERGER, M (1996) Epidemiologically Based needs Assessment: Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Department of Health, London
McINTOSH, N., CROCKFORD, H., PORTNOY, S., BERGER, M (1995) Outcomes at three years of sick neonates involved in a double blind trial of two parenteral amino acid preparations. Dev.Med. Ch. Neurol., 37, 221-225.



BERGER, M. (2005). The NSF Mental Health Standard 9: the Devil is in the Delivery! Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 10, 123–126.
BERGER, M. & FENECH, M. (2005). An Internet Based System for Logging Trainee Clinical Activity: Introducing ACE for the Audit of Clinical Experience on Placements. Clinical Psychology Forum. 156, 29-32.
*BERGER, M. (2006). A model of preverbal social development and its application to social dysfunctions in autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 338–371.
*BERGER, M. (2006). Computer Assisted Clinical Assessment. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 11, 64–75.
BERGER, M. (2007). New NHS clinical information systems: the challenge of diagnosis and other issues. Clinical Psychology Forum, 179, 19-23
BERGER, M. (2008). A Functional Approach to Clinical Practise: Introducing the International Classification of Functions and its Implications for Clinical Psychology. Leicester: BPS
BERGER, M. (2008). Clinical services information system assessment framework. DCP, Leicester, BPS.
BERGER, M. & SKINNER, A. (2008). Clinical psychologists and electronic records: the new reality. Clinical Psychology Forum, 183, 51-59
BERGER, M. & HERSOV, L. (2009). JCPP - The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry: a history from the inside. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 2-8.
BERGER, M. & SKINNER, A. (2009). The provision of psychological services via the internet and other non-direct means. PPB, Leicester: BPS.
BERGER, M. (2009). A standards-based approach to training in psychological testing in clinical psychology: A discussion paper. DCP Occasional Paper 7. Leicester, BPS
*BERGER, M. (2010). ‘It’s the sight not the bite’: A model and reinterpretation of visually-based developmental fears. Clinical Psychology Review, 30, 779-793.
BERGER, M. (2011). The use of psychological test in healthcare research. Committee on Test Standards and the Psychological Testing Centre, Leicester, BPS.
BERGER, M. (2011). Psychological assessment. In D. Skuse, H. Bruce, L. Dowdney & D. Mrazek (Eds.) Child Psychology & Psychiatry, Oxford; Wiley Blackwell, 251-254.
BERGER, M. (2011). Norm-referenced testing; criterion-referenced testing. In F. Volkmar (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer Reference Live.
BERGER, M. (2011). On the record or off the record? Challenges for psychologists in the age of the electronic clinical record – Parts 1. Clinical Psychology Forum, 228, 9-13
BERGER, M. (2011). On the record or off the record? Challenges for psychologists in the age of the electronic clinical record – Parts 2. Clinical Psychology Forum, 228, 14-18
BERGER, M. (2011). Visual-affective Processing: the application of a new neural model in development and psychopathology, with special reference to autism spectrum disorders and developmental fears. Unpublished Manuscript
BERGER, M. (2013). Classification, diagnosis and datasets: Towards an approach for clinical psychology services and electronic records. DCP Occasional Papers 8. Leicester: BPS.
BERGER, M. (2014). Brief Guide to ACE2. A revision of the AVCE guide describing its current use and functionality. Available on-line for all users of ACE2. A copy is available from the author.
BERGER, M. (2013). Contribution to correspondence on DCP diagnosis and DSM. The Psychologist August 2013, v26, 6, p.545
BERGER, M. (2013). Psychologists, healthcare informatics and the BPS. The Psychologist August July 2012, v.25, 7 pp. 467-8
*Peer reviewed journals
SourceMike Berger's CV
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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