NameNunes; Terezinha (1947-); Professor
Other NamesTerzinha Nunes
DatesAndPlacesBrazil, 1947
USA, 1975
USA, 1976
Brazil, 1976
London, 1991
Oxford, 2000
AddressOxford, UK.
RelationshipsMarried to Peter E.Bryant
ActivityDate of Birth: 3rd October 1947
Place of Birth: Brazil

University & Professional Qualifications:

Bacharel em Psicologia (BSc in Psychology) and Psicóloga (Accredited Psychologist): Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1966 to 1970
Masters of Arts in psychology, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA, 1975
Ph.D. in Psychology, The Graduate Center and University School, City University of New York, USA,1976.

Professional Career:

Professor of Educational Studies, University of Oxford and Fellow of Harris-Manchester College (from October 2005)

Professor of Psychology and Head of Department, Oxford Brookes University (April 2000-September 2005)

Professor of Education, Child Development and Learning, Institute of Education, University of London (October, 1991, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, 1993, Professor, 1996); Course Tutor for the Masters in Child Development (1993-1998); Research Tutor (1998-2000); Head of the Child Development and Learning Academic Group

January to September, 1991, Research Fellow, School of Education, The Open University, Milton Keynes; February 1991 to December 1993: Tutor and Counsellor for the E820, Child Development Course

1978-1990: Professor Adjunto IV (Associate Professor, top level) and Course Tutor (for several years) of the Masters programme in Psychology, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Head of the Pedagogical Centre of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (in charge of in-service teacher education programmes in co-operation with the State Board of Education; 1981-84)

1976-78: Professor Adjunto I (Associate Professor, initial level) at the Department of Psychology, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, and Head of the Centre of Applied Psychology (1977) of the same university

1975: Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College, New York, and research assistant in the New York Infant Day Care Study (1973-75)

1976-1977: Head of the Institute of Child Development (an Institute for teaching and research on children with learning problems; Belo Horizonte, Brazil).


Fulbright fellowship for doctoral studies (1971-1976); Visiting Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford (1988/1989); Research Fellow, The Open University (1991); British Academy Research Reader (nominated in 2002).

International Committees:

Vice-President of the International Committee of the International Group for the Study of the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME (1989-90) and member of the Committee (1986-1990)
Member of the International Committee of the International Society for the Study of Behaviour Development, ISSBD (1989-96)
Member of the International Committee of the Jean Piaget Society (2009-2011)
Member of the Advisory Committee of the Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (2012-).


British Academy Research Reader, January 2002-December 2004.
National award (diploma) for outstanding research in education, awarded by the National Institute of Educational Research (INEP), Brazilian Ministry of Education, 1988.
National award (medal) for services (research work) rendered to education, awarded by the National Foundation in Support of Students (FAE), Brazilian Ministry of Education, 1985.
Best monograph of the year on poverty and reading acquisition, awarded by the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), 1984.

Editorial Boards:

Associate Editor: Human Development (2006-)
Member of the editorial board of The Quarterly Journal of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition (1986-1992), British Journal of Developmental Psychology (1989-1998), Educational Studies in Mathematics (1989-1995), Learning and Instruction. The Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (1990-1995); Mind, Culture, and Activity (since 1993); For the learning of mathematics. An international journal of mathematics education (2000-2004); Cognitive development (2000-2006); International Journal of Behavioural Development (2001-); Human Development (2003-2006); British Journal of Educational Psychology (2003-2006); Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (2005-); RELIME (2008-).

Source: Terezinha Nunes' CV.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.
PublishedWorksSelected Publications (earlier publications under the name T. N. Carraher)

Books and monographs.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2009). Children’s reading and spelling. Beyond the first steps. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2006). Improving literacy through teaching morphemes. London: Routledge.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (Eds., 2004). Handbook of Children’s Literacy. Dordrecht (The Netherlands): Kluwer.
Nunes, T. (2004). Teaching Mathematics to Deaf Children. London: Wiley/Blackwell (translated into Greek).
Nunes, T., Campos, T. M. M., Magina, S., & Bryant, P. (2001). Introdução à Educação Matemática. Os números e as operações numéricas (An introduction to mathematics education: Number and operations). São Paulo: Proem Editora. (Nova edição: 2005, São Paulo, Editora Cortez.)
Magina, S., Campos, T. M. M., Nunes, T., & Gitirana, V. (2001). Repensando a Adição e Subtração. Contribuições da teoria dos campos conceituais (Rethinking the teaching of addition and subtraction in primary school). São Paulo: Proem Editora.
Nunes, T. (Ed, 1999). Learning to Read: An Integrated View from Research and Practice. Dordrecht (Netherlands), Kluwer.
Nunes, T. (1998). Developing children's minds through literacy and numeracy. An inaugural lecture. London: Institute of Education.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (1997) Las Matemáticas y su Applicación: La perspectiva del niño. Madrid. Spain: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. E. (Eds.,1997). Learning and teaching mathematics. An international perspective. Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. E. (1996). Children doing mathematics. Oxford: Blackwell; translated into Portuguese by Artes Médicas, Porto Alegre, Brazil; translated into Spanish and Greek).
Nunes, T. (1994). The environment of the child. The Hague: Bernard van Leer Foundation. Monograph of the series Occasional Papers, nos. 5 (in English) and 6 (in Spanish).
Nunes, T., Schliemann, A. D., & Carraher, D.W. (1993). Street mathematics and school mathematics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Nunes, T., Buarque, L. L. & Bryant, P. E. (1992). Dificuldades de aprendizagem da leitura. Teoria e prática (Difficulties in learning to read: Theory and practice. A review of the literature for psychologists and teachers; reprinted several times; 5,000 copies published by the Brazilian Ministry of Education for distribution to schools). São Paulo: Editora Cortez.
Carraher, T. N. (1989). Sociedade e Inteligência. São Paulo: Editora Cortez. (A text prepared for the undergraduate level on issues related to intelligence and society interpreted in the light of studies on culture and cognition; translated into Spanish by CIDE, Santiago, Chile).
Carraher, T. N.; Schliemann, A. D. & Carraher, D. W. (1988). Na Vida, Dez; Na Escola, Zero. Os Contextos Culturais da Aprendizagem da Matemática. São Paulo: Editora Cortez. (A collection of research studies by the authors written for the undergraduate level and for teachers on mathematical concepts and learning; 9th printing in 1995; translated into Spanish by Siglo XXI, Mexico; several printings.)
Carraher, T. N. (Ed.) (1983). Aprender Pensando. Aplicações da Psicologia Cognitiva à Educação. Petrópolis:
Editora Vozes (A collection of research papers about primary education topics written for undergraduates in psychology and prospective teachers; 8th printing in 1994).
Carraher, T. N. (1982). O Método Clínico. Usando os exames de Piaget. São Paulo: Cortez. (A text prepared for the undergraduate level to be used in teaching Piagetian theory through interviewing children and analysis of protocols of interviews).
Journal Articles
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Evans, D., Bell, D., & Hallett, D. (2013). Promovendo a compreensão da composição aditiva em crianças surdas. Cadernos Cedes (Campinas, Brazil), 33(91), 319-332.
Bryant, P., Nunes, T., & Barros, R. (2013) The connection between children’s learning about grapho-phonic and morphemic units spelling rules and their achievements at school. British Journal of Educational Psychology, in press. DOI:10.1111/bjep.12030
Bryant, P., Nunes, T., Hillier, J., Gilroy, C., Barros, R. (2013). The importance of being able to deal with variables in learning science. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, in press. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-013-9469-x
Watanabe, A., Nunes, T. & Abreu, G. (2013) Japanese parents’ perception of disclosing the diagnosis of cancer to their children. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, first published on January 7, 2013, doi: 10.1177/1359104512470599; on-line version
Campos, T. M. M., Nunes, T., Costa, N. M. L. d., & Ceragioli, L. (2012). A Representação de Quantidades Menores do que uma Unidade. Acta Scientiae, 14, 363-373.
Hallett, D., Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Thorpe, C. M. (2012). Individual Differences in Conceptual and Procedural Fraction Understanding: The Role of Abilities and School Experience. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113, 469-486.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Barros, R. (2012). The development of word recognition and its significance for later reading skills. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 959-973. DOI: 10.1037/a0027412.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Evans, D., Bell, D., & Barros, R. (2012). Teaching children how to include the inversion principle in their reasoning about quantitative relations. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 79, 371–388.
Howe, C., Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2011). Rational number and proportional reasoning: Using intensive quantities to promote achievement in mathematics and science. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9, 391-417.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Barros, R., & Sylva, K. (2011). The relative importance of two different mathematical abilities to mathematical achievement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 136–156.
Gottardis, L., Nunes, T., & Lunt, I. (2011). A Synthesis of Research on Deaf and Hearing Children's Mathematical Achievement. Deafness & Education International, 13, 131-150.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2011). Understanding risk and uncertainty: The importance of correlations. Em Teia, 2, 1-24.
Nunes, T. (2011). Can deaf children’s working memory span be increased? BATOD Magazine (British Association of Teachers of the Deaf), December, 30-31.
Nunes, T. (2011). Mastering the key concepts. British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Magazine, 24-25.
Nunes, T. (2011). Diálogo entre pesquisa e escola. Pátio, 57, 18-20.
Howe, C., Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2010). Intensive quantities: Why they matter to developmental research. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28, 307-329.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Evans, D. (2010). Morphological knowledge and learning new words. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia & Psychologica, Special joint volume, 67-74.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Evans, D., & Bell, D. (2010). The scheme of correspondence and its role in children’s mathematics. British Journal of Educational Psychology, - Monograph Series II, Number 7 - Understanding number development and difficulties, 83-99.
Howe, C., Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Bell, D., & Desli, D. (2010). Intensive quantities: Towards their recognition at primary school level British Journal of Educational Psychology - Monograph Series II, Number 7 - Understanding number development and difficulties, 101-118.
Hallett, D., Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2010). Individual Differences in Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge When Learning Fractions. Journal of Educational Psychology 102, 395-406.
Nunes, T. (2010). Learning from experts. Numeracy Briefing. Supporting Teachers and Managers of Adult Numeracy, 18, 12-13.
Nunest, T. (2010). Morpheme trials. BATOD Magazine, March, 24-25.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Hallett, D., Bell, D., & Evans, D. (2009). Teaching Children about the Inverse Relation between Addition and Subtraction. Mathematics Thinking and Learning, 11, 61–78.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2008). Rational Numbers and Intensive Quantities: Challenges and Insights to Pupils’ Implicit Knowledge. Anales de Psicología, 24(2), 262-270.
Nunes, T. (2008). A termeszetes számok megértése [Understanding rational numbers]. Magyar Pedagógia, 108(1), 5-27.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Burman, D., Bell, D., Evans, D., & Hallett, D. (2008). Deaf Children’s Informal Knowledge of Multiplicative Reasoning. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 14, 260-277.
Rosa, J. M. & Nunes, T. (2008) Morphological priming effects on children’s spelling. Reading and writing, 21, 763-781.
Burman, D., Evans, D., & Nunes, T. (2008). Assessing Deaf Children’s Writing in Primary School: Grammar and Story Development. Deafness and Education International, 10, 93-110.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Evans, D., Bell, D., Gardner, S., Gardner, A., & Carraher, J. (2007). The Contribution of Logical Reasoning to the Learning of Mathematics in Primary School. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25, 147-166.
Burman, D., Nunes, T., & Evans, D. (2007). Writing Profiles of Deaf Children Taught through British Sign Language. Deafness and Education International, 9, 2-23.
Nunes, T. (2007). Boosting maths skills. BATOD Magazine (January), 3-4.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Bindman, M. (2006) The effects of learning to spell on children’s awareness of morphology. Reading and Writing, 19, 767-787.
Kornilaki, E. & Nunes, T. (2005). Generalising principles in spite of procedural differences: Children’s understanding of division. Cognitive Development, 20, 388-406.
Nunes, T. (2005). What we learn in school: The socialization of cognition. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Newsletter, 29(3), 10-12.
Hurry, J., Bryant, P., Curno, T., Nunes, T., Parker, M. and Pretzlik, U. (2005) Teaching and Learning Literacy. Research Papers in Education, 20(2), 187-206.
Nunes, T., Preztlik, U., & Ilicak, S. (2005). Validation of a parent outcome questionnaire from pediatric cochlear implantation. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10, 3-12.
Ramos, C., Nunes, T., & Sim-Sim, I. (2004). A relação entre a consciência fonológica e as conceptualizações de escrita em crianças dos 4 aos 6 anos de idade. Da Investigação às práticas. Estudos de Natureza Educacional, 5, 13-34.
Abreu, G., Nunes, T., & Rosa, J. (2004). Desenvolvimento da escrita: Criação e validação de um teste de avaliação da escrita do segundo ao quarto ano. Da Investigação às práticas. Estudos de Natureza Educacional, 5, 35-50.
Castro, A., Nunes, T., & Strecht-Ribeiro, O. (2004). Relação entre consciência gramatical na linguagem materna e progresso na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Da Investigação às práticas. Estudos de Natureza Educacional, 5, 51-66.
Cruz, I., Nunes, T., Pretzlik, U., & Nabuco, M. E. (2004). Influências do contexto da educação de infância na formação do auto-conceito da criança como aprendiz. Da Investigação às práticas. Estudos de Natureza Educacional, 5, 111-129.
Nunes, T. (2004). Domain-general and domain specific processes in cognitive Development. Human Development, 47, 370-375.
Nunes, T., Preztlik, U., & Burman, D. (2004). Helping deaf children. Literacy Today, 39, 20-24.
Zarfaty, Y., Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (2004) The Performance of Young Deaf Children in Spatial and Temporal Number Tasks. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 9, 315-326.
Nunes, T & Bryant, P (2004) Morphological awareness improves spelling and vocabulary, Literacy Today, 38, 18-19.
Nunes, T., Desli, D., & Bell, D. (2003). The development of children’s understanding of intensive quantities. International Journal of Educational Research, 39, 652-675.
Nunes, T., Roazzi, A., & Buarque, L. L. (2003). Learning to mark stress in written Portuguese. Faits de Langues, 22, 99-108.
Burman, D., Nunes, T., & Pretzlik, U. (2003). Are they using the morphological route? British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Magazine, November, 3.
Nunes, T. (2003). The sociocultural construction of implicit knowledge. Cognitive Development, 18, 451-454.
Windrass, G., & Nunes, T. (2003). Montserratian mothers' and English teachers; perceptions of teaching and learning. Cognitive Development, 18, 555-577.
Tsai, K. & Nunes, T. (2003). The effect of character structure on children’s learning of Chinese pseudo-characters. Revue française de linguistique appliquée, vol. VIII-1, juin, Regards nouveaux sur la lecture et l'écriture, 47-62.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Olsson, J. (2003). Learning morphological and phonological spelling rules: an intervention study. Scientific Studies of Reading, 7, 289-307.
Wong, M. A. & Nunes, T. (2003) Hong Kong Children's concept of distributive justice. Early Child Development and Care, 2003, 173, 119-129.
Nunes, T. & Moreno, C. (2002). An intervention programme for promoting deaf pupils’ achievement in mathematics. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 7, 120-133.
Nunes, T. Bryant, P., Pretzlik, U., & Hurry, J. (2002). Teaching to the strengths or overcoming weaknesses: what is best for dyslexic children? Literacy Today, 30, 20-21.
Nunes, -61.
Aidinis, A. & Nunes, T. (2001). The role of different levels of phonological awareness in the development of reading and spelling in Greek. Reading and Writing, 14, 145-177.
Nunes, T., Preztlik, U., & Olsson, J. (2001). Deaf children’s social relationships in mainstream schools. Deafness and Education International, 3, 123-136.
Park, J. & Nunes, T. (2001). The development of the concept of multiplication. Cognitive Development, 16, 1-11.
Bryant, P., Nunes, T., & Bindman, M. (2000). The relations between children’s linguistic awareness and spelling: The case of the apostrophe. Reading and Writing, 12, 253-276.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (2000) A step after phonics. Literacy Today, 24, 24-25.
Bryant, P. E., Nunes, T., & Snaith, R. (2000). Children learn an untaught rule of spelling. Nature, 403, 6766, pp.157.
Nunes, T. (1999). Mathematics learning as the socialization of the mind. Mind, Culture, and Activity 6(1): 33-52.
Correa, J., Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (1998). Young children's understanding of division: The relationship between division terms in a noncomputational task. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 321-329.
Bryant, P., Nunes, T., & Bindman, M. (1998). Awareness of language in children who have reading difficulties: Historical comparisons in a longitudinal study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 39, 501-510.
Nunes, T. (1998). A criança deve aprender pensando. Patio, 4, 22-25.
Chan, L. & Nunes, T. (1998). Children's understanding of formal and functional constraints in written Chinese. Applied Psycholinguistics, 19, 115-131.
Nunes, T. (1998). Developing children's minds through literacy and numeracy. Education Journal, 21, 26-27.
Nunes, T. & Moreno, C. (1998). The signed algorithm and its bugs. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 35, 85-92.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P. E., & Bindman, M. (1997). Learning to spell regular and irregular verbs. Reading and Writing, 9, 427-449.
Bryant, P. E., Nunes, T., & Bindman, M. (1997). Backward readers' awareness of language: strengths and weaknesses. European Journal of Educational Psychology, 12, 357-372.
Nunes, T. (1997). Do teachers really know how children learn? Parliamentary Brief, 5, 44-45.
Nunes, T. & Moreno, C. (1997). Solving word problems with different ways of representing the task. Equals. Mathematics and special educational needs, 3 (2), 15-17.
Nunes, T. & Moreno, C. (1997). Is hearing impairment a cause of difficulty in learning mathematics? Equals. Mathematics and special educational needs, 3 (1), 15-16.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Bindman, M. (1997). Morphological spelling strategies: Developmental stages
and processes. Developmental Psychology, 33, 4, 637-649.
Bryant, P., Devine, M., Ledward, A., & Nunes, T. (1997). Spelling with apostrophes and understanding possession. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 67, 91-110.
Nunes, T., (1996). Mathematics learning as the socialization of the mind. Pensamiento Educativo, 19, 267-307.
Nunes, T. (1995). Spelling: Beyond the first years. The Montessory Society Review, 6, 12-16.
Nunes, T. (1995). Cultural practices and the conception of individual differences: Theoretical and empirical considerations. New Directions for Child Development, 67, 91-104.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. E. (1995). Do problem situations influence children's understanding of the commutativity of multiplication? Mathematical Cognition, 1, 245-260.
Nunes, T., Light, P., & Mason, J. (1995). Measurement as a social process. Cognition and Instruction, 13, 585-587.
Nunes, T. (1994). O papel da representação na resolução de problemas (The role of representation in problem solving). Dynamis, 1, 19-27.
Allerton, M. & Nunes, T. (1994). Another brick in the wall. Junior Education, 18, 26-27.
Nunes, T. (1994). O ambiente da criança. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 89, 5-23.
Nunes, T. (1994). The environment of the child. International Journal of Early Years Education, 2, 3-37.
Nunes, T. (1993). Psychology in Latin America: The case of Brazil. Psychology and Developing Societies, 5, 123-134.
Nunes, T., Light, P., & Mason, J. (1993). Tools for thought: The measurement of length and area. Learning and Instruction, 3, 39-54.
Nunes, T. (1992). Cognitive invariants and cultural variation in mathematical concepts. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 15, 433-453.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. E. (1991) Correspondência. Um esquema quantitativo básico (One-to-one correspondence as a basic quantitative schema). Psicologia, Teoria e Pesquisa, 7, 273-284.
Nunes, T. (1991) Construtivismo e alfabetização. Um balanço critico (Constructivism and learning to read. A critical analysis). Educação em Revista, 12, 21-32.
Schliemann, A. D. & Nunes, T. (1990) A situated scheme of proportionality. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8, 259-268.
Carraher, T. N. & Spinillo, A. G. (1990) Niveis de significacao social e resultados experimentais em psicolinguistica (Pragmatics and experimental studies in psycholinguistics). Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 5, 1, 21-29.
Carraher, T. N. (1989). Negotiating the results of mathematical computations. International Journal of Educational Research, 13, 627-646.
Carraher, T. N. (1989) The cross-fertilization of research paradigms. Cognition and Instruction, 6, 4, 319-324.
Carraher, T. N., Schliemann, A. D. & Carraher, D. W. (1988). Mathematical concepts in everyday life. New Directions for Child Development, 41, 71-87.
Carraher, T. N. & Meira, L. L. (1989) Learning computer languages and concepts. The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of comparative Human Cognition, 11, 1-7.
Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1988). Using money to teach about the decimal system. Arithmetic Teacher, 36, 4, 42-43.
Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1988) Culture, arithmetic and mathematical models. Cultural Dynamics, 1, 2, 180-194.
Carraher, T. N. (1987) Desenvolvimento cognitivo e ensino de ciências (Cognitive development and science teaching). Educacao em Revista, 5, 1-32.
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1987). Written and oral mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 18, 2, 83-97.
Carraher, T. N. (1987). Theoretical and empirical approaches to causality: The case of segmental analysis and literacy. European Bulletin of Cognitive Psychology, 7, 5, 456-461.
Carraher, T. N. (1987) Psicologia e didatica: predominancia, superacao, omissao (Psychology and pedagogy: Different forms of Cupertino). Educacao Brasileira, 8, 18, 163-174.
Carraher, T. N. (1986). From drawings to buildings: Working with mathematical scales. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 9, 527-544.
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1986). Escola, cultura, ideologia e cognição (Schooling, culture, ideology, and cognition). Cadernos de Pesquisa, 57, 78-85.
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1986). Proporcionalidade na educação cientifica e matematica, III: aprendizagem e desenvolvimento cognitivo (Proportionality in mathematics and science education: Learning and cognitive development). Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagogicos, 67, 157, 586-602.
Carraher, T. N., Schliemann, A. D. & Carraher, D. W. (1986). Proporcionalidade na educação cientifica e matematica, II: Uma analise de tarefas piagetianas (Proportionality in mathematics and science education: An analysis of Piagetian tasks). Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagogicos, 67, 156, 367-379.
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, d. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1986). Proporcionalidade na educação cientifica e matematica, I: quantidades medidas por razões (Proportionality in mathematics and science education: Quantities measured by ratios). Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagogicos, 67, 155, 93-107.
Carraher, T. N. (1985). Exploracoes sobre o desenvolvimento da competencia em ortografia em portugues (Exploring spelling in Portuguese through error analysis). Psicologia, Teoria e Pesquisa, 1, 3, 269-285.
Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1985). Computation routines prescribed by schools: Help or hindrance? Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 16, 1, 37-44.
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1985). Mathematics in the streets and in schools. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 3, 21-29.
Carraher, D. W., Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1985). Caminhos e descaminhos no ensino de ciências (Routes and detours in science teaching). Ciencia e Cultura, 37, 889-896.
Carraher, T. N. (1984). Face saving and literacy in Brazil. Sociological Abstracts, 32, 40-41.
Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1983). Adição e subtração na escola primária. Algoritmos ensinados e estratégias aprendidas (Addition and subtraction in school: Algorithms taught and strategies learned). Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos, 64 (148), 234-242.
Carraher, T. N. & Rego, L. B. (1984). Desenvolvimento cognitivo e alfabetização (Cognitive development and learning how to read). Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagogicos, 65 (149), 38-55.
Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1983). Fracasso escolar: uma questão social. (School failure: A social problem.). Cadernos de Pesquisa, 45, 3-19.
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1982). Na vida, dez, na escola, zero: os contextos culturais da aprendizagem da matematica (Succeeding in life and failing in school. The cultural contexts of learning mathematics). Cadernos de Pesquisa, 42, 79-86.
Weber, S., & Carraher, T. N. (1982). Reforma curricular ou definicao de diretrizes? Uma proposta para o curriculo de Psicologia (New directions in training future psychologists). Psicologia, 8, 1-11.
Carraher, T. N. & Carraher, D. W. (1981) Do Piagetian stages describe the reasoning of unschooled adults? The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 3, 61-68.
Carraher, T. N. & Rego, L. B. (1981). O realismo nominal como obstáculo na aprendizagem da leitura. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 39, 3-10.
Carraher, T. N. & Brito, L. (1979) Modelos e metodos no diagnostico da inteligencia (Theoretical models and methods in the diagnosis of intelligence). Psicologia Clinica e Psicoterapia, 3, (2), 13-26.
Carraher, T. N. (1978) Um novo objetivo na psicologia clinica: A psicoterapia dos problemas cognitivos. (New goals in clinical psychology: Psychological approaches to cognitive problems). Psicologia Clinica e Psicoterapia, 2 (1), 17-32.

Encyclopaedia entries
Nunes, T. (2008). Learning and Cognition - places of learning: Learning outside school. In E. Baker, B. McGaw & P. Peterson (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (pp. in press). Oxford: Elsevier.
Nunes, T. (2008). Mathematics instruction in primary school: The first three years. In J. Balayeva (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development ( London, Ontario, Ca: Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network.
Research reports
Bryant, P. & Nunes, T. (2012). Children’s Understanding of Probability. A literature review. Full report.
Bryant, P. & Nunes, T. (2012). Children’s Understanding of Probability. A literature review. Summary report.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Watson, A. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 1: Overview.
Bryant, P. & Nunes, T. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 2. Understanding whole numbers.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 3. Understanding rational numbers and intensive quantities.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 4. Understanding relations and their graphical representation.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Watson, A. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 8: Methodological appendix.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Sylva, K., & Barros, R. (2009). Development of Maths Capabilities and Confidence in Primary School (No. Research Report DCSF-RR118). London: Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Book chapters:

Nunes, T., Barros, R., Evans, D., & Burman, D. (2012). A game-based working memory intervention for deaf children. In S. D. Wannemacker, S. Vandercruyse & G. Clarebout (Eds.), Serious games: The challenge (pp. 31-39). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Nunes, T. (2011). Why we need to know about more than phonics to teach English literacy. In S. Ellis & E. McCartney (Eds.), Applied linguistics and primary school teaching (pp. 140-153). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nunes, T. & Csapó, B. (2011) A matematikai gondolkodás fejlesztése és értékelése (Developing and assessing mathematical reasoning). In Csapó, B. & Szendrei, M. (2011) (Eds.). Tartalmi keretek a matematika diagnosztikus értékeléséhez (Framework for diagnostic assessment of mathematics). Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2011). The development of mathematical thinking. In R. Gillibrand, V. Lam & V. O’Donnell (Eds.), Developmental Psychology (pp. 168-213). London: Pearson.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2011). Morphemic approaches for reading words. In P. Vadasy & R. O’Connor (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Interventions (pp. 88-112). New York: Guilford Press.
Nunes, T., Burman, D., Evans, D., & Bell, D. (2010). Writing a language that you can’t hear. In N. Brunswick, S. McDougall & P. d. M. Davies (Eds.), Reading and dyslexia in different orthographies (109-128). Hove (UK): Psychology pres/Taylor & Francis.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2010). Insights from everyday knowledge for mathematics education. In D. Preiss & R. Sternberg (Eds.), Innovations in Educational Psychology (51-78). New York: Springer.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Burman, D., Bell, D., Evans, D., Hallett, D., & Montgomery, L. (2008). Deaf Children’s Understanding of Inverse Relations. In M. Marshark & P. C. Hauser (Ed.), Cognitive Underpinnings of Learning by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students (pp. 201-225). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Pretzlik, U., Bell, D., Evans, D., & Wade, J. (2007). La compréhension des fractions chez les enfants. In M. Merri (Ed.), Activité humaine et conceptualisation (pp. 255-262). Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail.
Nunes, T. (2006). Promoting deaf children's mathematical reasoning by using their visual-spatial strengths. In R. J. Sternberg & R. F. Subotinik (Eds.), Optimizing student success in school with the other three Rs (pp. 75-94). Greenwich (Connecticut): Information Age Publishing.
Bryant, P. E., Deacon, S. H., & Nunes, T. (2005). Morphology and spelling: What have morphemes to do with spelling? In T. R. M. Joshi & P. G. Aaron (Eds.), Handbook of Orthography and Literacy (pp. 601-616). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Journal article included as book chapter:
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. Mathematics in the streets and in schools. In A.J.Bishop (2010) Mathematics Education, London: Routledge, Volume.3, pp.61-71.
In T. C. Carpenter, J. A. Dossey, & J. L. Koeler (Eds., 2004). Classics in Mathematics Education Research. Reston, VA: National Council of Mathematics Teachers.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2004). L´effet des connaissances orthographiques sur la conscience morphologique des enfants. In C. B.-D. Miniac & C. Brissaud & M. Rispail (Eds.), La Literácie. Conceptions théoriques et pratiques d´enseignement de la lecture-écriture (pp. 223-232). Paris: L´Harmattan.
Bryant, P., & Nunes, T. (2004). Morphology and spelling. In T. Nunes & P. Bryant (Eds.), Handbook of Children's Literacy (pp. 91-118). Dordrecth (The Netherlands): Kluwer.
Nunes, T., & Hatano, G. (2004). Morphology, reading and spelling: Looking across languages. In T. Nunes & P. Bryant (Eds.), Handbook of Children's Literacy. Dordrecth (The Netherlands): Kluwer.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (2003). Mathematical and scientific thinking. In A. Grayson & J. Oates (Eds.), Cognitive and Language Development in Children. Oxford: Blackwells, in press.
Nunes, T. (2002). The role of systems of signs in reasoning. In T. Brown & L. Smith (Eds.), Reductionism and the Development of Knowledge (pp. 133-158). Mawah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum.
Bryant, P. & Nunes, T. (2002). Children’s understanding of mathematics. In U. Goswami (Ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Development (pp. 412-440). Oxford: Blackwell.
Nunes, T. (2002). Aprendizaje matemático y desarrollo de la mente. In. M. Benlloch (Ed.), La Educación en ciencias: idea para mejorar su práctica (pp. 138-155). Barcelona: Paidos (ISBN 84-493-1172-1).
Nunes, T. (2001). British Research on the Development of Numeracy Concepts. In M. Askew & M. Brown (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Primary Numeracy: Policy, Practice and Effectiveness. Southwell, Notts (UK): British Educational Research Association (BERA), 11-13.
Nunes, T. (2001). La matemática en la vida y en la escuela: Dos décadas de investigación. In A. E. Lizarzaburu & G. Z. Soto (Eds.), Pluralidad y aprendizaje de na matemática en América Latina. Experiencias y desafíos (pp. 234-252). Madrid: Ediciones Morata.
Chan, L. & Nunes, T. (2001). Explicit teaching and implicit learning of Chinese characters. In L. Tolchinsky (Ed.), Developmental aspects in learning to write (pp.33-54). Dordrecth: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Nunes, T & Roazzi, A (1999) Education, social identity and occupational aspirations in Brazil. Reasons for (not) learning. In F.E. Leach & A.W. Little (Eds.), Education, cultures and economics. Dilemmas for development (p327-343). Falmer Press: London
Nunes, T. (1999). Systems of signs and conceptual change. In W. Schnotz, S. Vosniadou, & M. Carretero (Eds.), New Perspectives on Conceptual Change (pp. 67-80). Loughborough: Midlands.
Nunes, T. & A. Aidinis (1999). A closer look at the spelling of children with reading problems. In T. Nunes (Ed.). Learning to Read: An Integrated View from Research and Practice (155-172). Dordrecht (Netherlands): Kluwer.
Bryant, P., Nunes, T, & Bindman, M. (1999). Morphemes and Spelling. In T. Nunes (Ed.). Learning to Read: An Integrated View from Research and Practice (15-42). Dordrecht (Netherlands): Kluwer.
Bryant, P., Nunes, T. & Aidinis, A. (1999). Different morphemes, same spelling problems: cross-linguistic developmental studies. In Harris, M. & Hatano, G. (Eds), Learning to read and write A cross linguistic perspective (pp. 112-133). Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nunes, T. & Moreno, C (1998). Is hearing impairment a cause of difficulties in learning mathematics? In Donlan, C. (Ed), The Development of Mathematical Skills (pp. 227-254). Studies in Developmental Psychology. East Sussex: Psychology Press.
Bryant, P. E. & Nunes, T. (1998). Learning about the orthography: A cross-linguistic approach. In S. G. Paris & H. M. Wellman (Eds.), Global prospects for education. Development, culture, and schooling (pp. 171-192). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P. E., & Bindman, M. (1997). Learning to spell regular and irregular verbs. In R. Treiman (Ed.), Spelling (pp. 113-135). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Nunes, T. (1997). What organizes our problem-solving activities? In L. B. Resnick, R. Saljo, C. Pontecorvo & B. Burge (Eds.). Discourse, tools, and reasoning. Essays on situated cognition (pp. 288-311). New York: Springer.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P. E., & Bindman, M. (1997). Orthographe et grammaire. In L. Rieben, M. Fayol, & C. Perfetti (Eds.), Des orthographes et leur acquisition (pp. 101-124). Paris: Delachaux et Niestle.
Bryant, P. E., Nunes, T., & Bindman, M. (1997). Children's understanding of the connection between grammar and spelling. In B. Blachman (Ed.). Linguistic underpinnings of reading (pp. 219-240). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Nunes, T. (1997). A aprendizagem da matematica e a socializacao da inteligencia. In B. Freitag (Ed.), Piaget. 100 anos (pp.47-80). Sao Paulo: Cortez Editora.
Nunes, T. (1997). Systems of signs and mathematical reasoning. In Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. E. (Eds.). Learning and teaching mathematics. An international perspective (pp. 29-44). Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P. E., & Bindman, M. (1997). Spelling and grammar. The necsed move. In C. Perfetti, L. Rieben, and M. Fayol (Eds.). Learning to spell. Research, theory, and practice across languages (pp. 151-170). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Nunes, T. (1996). Professores: Formacao e profissao. A experiencia inglesa. In L. C. Menezes (Ed.). Professores: Formacao e profissao (pp. 64-70). Sao Paulo: Editores Associados.
Nunes, T. (1996). A matematica na escola da vida e na vida escolar. In H. M. Guimaraes (Ed). Dez anos de ProfMat. Intervencoes (pp.211-224). Lisbon: Associacao de Professores de Matematica.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P. E., & Bindman, M. (1996). E quem se preocupa com a ortografia? (Who worries about spelling?) In C. Cardoso-Martins (Ed.), Consciencia fonologica e alfabetizacao (pp. 129-158). Petropolis (Brazil): Editora Vozes.
Nunes, T. (1996). O desenvolvimento da consciencia sintatica e da ortografia. In T. O. M. de Souza
(Ed.). Quem e o professor do terceiro milenio?, pp.23-30. Salvador: Avante.
Nunes, T. (1996). Frames of knowledge. In D. Baker, J. Clay, & C. Fox (Eds.), Challenging ways of knowing: In English, mathematics and science (pp.71-79). London: Falmer Press.
Nunes, T. (1996). What is the difference between one, un and yi? In H. M. Mansfield, N. A. Pateman, & N. Descamps-Bednarz (Eds.), Mathematics for tomorrow's young children: International Perspectives on curriculum (pp.177-185). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Nunes, T. (1995). The development of mathematical and scientific concepts. In V. Lee & P. Das Gupta (Eds.), Children's cognitive and language development (pp. 189-229). Oxford: Blackwell.
Nunes, T. (1994). Street intelligence. In R. Sternberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Intelligence. Vol 2 (pp. 1045-1049). New York: MacMillan.
Nunes, T. (1994). Cultural diversity in learning mathematics: A perspective from Brazil. In E. Thomas (Ed.). International perspectives on culture and schooling (pp. 357-370). London: The Institute of Education.
Nunes, T. (1993). The socio-cultural context of mathematical thinking: research findings and educational implications. In A.J. Bishop, K. Hart, S. Lerman & T. Nunes (Eds.), Significant influences on children's learning of mathematics (pp. 27-42). Paris: UNESCO.
Nunes, T. (1993). Learning mathematics: Perspectives from everyday life. In R.B. Davis & C.A. Maher (Eds.), Schools, mathematics, and the world of reality (pp. 61-78). Needham Heights (MA): Allyn and Bacon.
Bryant, P., & Nunes, T. (1993). Was wissen Kinder uber Rechtschreibung und Syntax? In H. Balhorn & H. Brugelmann (Eds.), Bedeutungen erfinden - in Kopf, mit Schrift und miteinander (pp. 318-323). Hamburg: Faude.
Nunes, T. (1992). Leitura e escrita: Processos e desenvolvimento. In A.S. Alencar (Ed.), Novas contribuicoes da psicologia aos processos de ensino e aprendizagem (pp. 13-50). Sao Paulo: Cortez Editora.
Nunes, T. (1992). Ethnomathematics and everyday cognition. In D. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook for research in mathematics education (pp. 557-574). New York: MacMillan.
Carraher, T. N. (1991). Systemes alternatifs de connaissainces selon differents environments. In C. Garnier, N. Bednarz, & I. Ulanovskaya (Ed.), Apres Vygostski et Piaget. Perspectives sociale et construtiviste. Ecoles russe et occidentale. Brussels: De Boeck, pp. 117-128.
Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1990) Knowledge of the numeration system among pre-schoolers. In L. Steffe & T. Wood (Eds.) Transforming early childhood education: International perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp.135-141.
Carraher, T. N. (1990) Construtivismo e educacao matematica (Constructivism and mathematics education). In R. E. A. Mendes (Ed.) Construindo a alfabetizacao do pre-escolar a primeira serie. Belo Horizonte (Brazil): AMAE, pp.61-64.

Journal article reprinted as book chapter:

Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W., & Schliemann, A. D. Mathematics in the streets and in schools. In V. Lee (Ed., 1990). Children's learning in school (pp. 91-102). London: Hodder & Stroughton and The Open University.(1991).
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W., & Schliemann, A. D. Mathematics in the streets and in schools. In P. Light, S. Sheldon, & M. Woodhead (Eds., 1990). Children's development in social context 2. Learning to think (pp. 223-235). London: Routledge and The Open University.
Carraher, T. N. (1988). Illiteracy in a literate society. Understanding reading failure. In D. Wagner (Ed.) The Future of Literacy in a Changing World. Oxford, Pergamon Press (new printing to appear soon).
Carraher, T. N. (1986) Exploracoes sobre o desenvolvimento da ortografia em portugues (Analysing the development of spelling in Portuguese). Projeto IPE, Curso II: Isto se Aprende com o Ciclo Basico. Secretaria de Estado da Educacao-Coordenadoria de Estudos e Normas Pedagogicas, Sao Paulo, 109-117.
Carraher, T. N. (1986) Alfabetizacao e pobreza: tres faces do problema (Poverty and reading acquisition: Three sides of the problem). In S. Kramer (Ed.) Alfabetizacao: Dilemas da Pratica. Rio de Janeiro: Dois Pontos Editora, 47-98.
Carraher, T. N. (1986) Ensinando ciencias e Estudos sociais nas series iniciais (Teaching science and social studies in primary school). Projeto IPE, Curso II: Isto se Aprende com o Ciclo Basico, Sao Paulo: Secretaria de Estado da Educacao, 121-136.
Carraher, D. W. Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1984) Learning and using proportions in problem solving. In P. Damerow, M. E. Dunkley, B. F. Nebres & B. Werry (Eds.) Mathematics for All, Science and Technology Education Document Series, UNESCO, Number 2562, 90-92.
Carraher, D. W., Carraher, T. N. & Schliemann, A. D. (1984) Having a feel for calculations. In P. Damerow, M. E. Dunkley, B. F. Nebres & B. Werry (Eds.) Mathematics for All, Science and Technology Education Document Series, UNESCO, Number 2562, 87-89.
Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1984) Can mathematics teachers teach proportions? Em P. Damerow, M. E. Dunkley, B. F. Nebres & B. Werry (Eds.), Mathematics for All. Science and Technology Education Document Series, UNESCO, Number 2562, 90-91.
Carraher, T. N. (1983). O desenvolvimento mental e as operacoes com o sistema numerico decimal (Cognitive development and operations with the decimal numeration system). Em T. N. Carraher (Ed.) Aprender Pensando: Aplicacoes da Psicologia Cognitiva a Educacao, Petropolis: Editora Vozes.
Carraher, T. N. & Rego, L. B. (1982). Understanding the alphabetic system. In D. R. Rogers & J. A. Sloboda (Eds.) The Acquisition of Symbolic Skills, New York: Plenum Press.

Published reports:

Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Sylva, K., & Barros, R. (2009). DEVELOPMENT OF MATHS CAPABILITIES AND CONFIDENCE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. The full report (DCSF-RR118) can be accessed at
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Watson, A. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 1: Overview.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 2. Understanding whole numbers.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 3. Understanding rational numbers and intensive quantities.
Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 4. Understanding relations and their graphical representation.
Nunes, T., Bryant, P., & Watson, A. (2009) Key Understandings in Mathematics Learning. Paper 8: Methodological appendix.

Source: Terezinha Nunes' CV.
SourceTerezinha Nunes' CV.
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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