NamePeck; David Francis (1944-); Professor; FBPsS, CPsychol.
ForenamesDavid Francis
EpithetFBPsS, CPsychol.
Parallel NameDave Peck
ActivityBorn: 9th June, 1944
Place of Birth: Macclesfield, UK.

Education and Qualifications:

Honours degree in Psychology (2:1), Sheffield University, 1965.
Diploma in Applied Psychology (Clinical), Liverpool University, 1967.
BPS Chartered Clinical Psychologist (no dates)
BPS Chartered Health Psychologist (no dates)

Professional Career:

Clinical Psychologist in the NHS, 1967-72 (Rainhill Hospital, Liverpool and Lancaster Moor Hospital, Lancaster).
Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh, 1972-81.
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology (personal promotion), University of Edinburgh, 1981-88.
Area Clinical Psychologist (Head of Department), NHS Highland, 1988 until retirement in 2004.
DClinPsychol, University of Edinburgh: Research module coordinator (2004-2007); and Programme Director (2007-2009). Part time posts.
Teaching contract on MSc, University of Stirling, 2004-2013. Part time.
Senior lecturer, ClinPsyD, University of East Anglia (current)
Honorary Professor of Health Research, University of Stirling (current)

Other professional activities including BPS:

Research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, October to December,1975.
External Assessor for research projects submitted to Research & Development Directorate, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Glasgow, 2000-2004.
Member of Scottish Division of Royal College of Psychiatrists Research Advisory Group (no date)
Expert Clinician Adviser to National Institute for Clinical Excellent (NICE) on CBT, 2005.
External assessor for research projects submitted to Chief Scientist Office, 2015.
Scottish Health Advisory Service (SHAS) Panel of Visitors, 1994-1999.
Professional Advisory Committee on Alcohol (joint committee with Scottish Council on Alcohol), 1989-95.
Clinical Resource and Audit Group (CRAG) Working Group on Primary Care in Relation to Community Care, 1994-97.
National Dentistry Advisory Working Group contributor on the Availability and Uptake of Services for the Dentally Anxious, 1997.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) Working Group on Swallowing Disorders after Stroke, 1995-98.
National Panel of Assessors for Clinical Psychology Posts, 1990-2001.
CRAG Mental Health Reference Group, (and its Working Groups on Outcome Measures in Mental Health and on the Interface Between Primary Care, Social Work and Specialist Psychiatric Services), 1996-2000.
CRAG Clinical Effectiveness Programme Subgroup, Scoping Group on Mental Health, 1999-2000.
Framework for Mental Health Working Group
Contributor (minor) to SIGN guideline on Early Management of Patients with a Head Injury, 2000.
Clinical Psychology Committee of the Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education (SCPMDE), 1999-2002.
Clinical Psychology Workforce Planning Group of SCPMDE 2001-2002.
Psychology Advisory Group to Chief Medical Officer in Scotland, 2001-2002.
Scottish Needs Assessment Group on Psychology and Psychiatry in relation to Physical Illness, 2001-2002.
Advisor to the Scottish Advisory Committee on Distinction (Merit) Awards, 2002.
Substance Misuse Division Group to Prepare Plan for Action on Alcohol Problems, 2002.
Specialist reviewer for SIGN Guideline on Management of Alcohol Problems in Primary Care, 2003.
Research Advisory Group on the evaluation of 'Choosing Life', 2007-08.

British Psychological Society (BPS)

Chair of Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology,1983-86.
Standing Committee on Postgraduate Professional Training,1973-75.
Chair of Scottish Branch of Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP),1977-80.
Ordinary member of Scottish Branch of DCP,1973-75;1981-82.
National Executive Committee of DCP,1972-75;1983-86.
Standing Conference Committee,1989-93.
Member of Investigatory Panel on four occasions.
Member of on site visiting teams for accreditation of clinical psychology training courses on seven occasions.
Coordinator of BPS response to Scottish Executive document "Fair Shares for All" (the Arbuthnott Report), 1999.
Member of Panel to comment on Consultation Paper on Quality and Standards Board for Health in Scotland, 2002.

British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy

East of Scotland Branch Committee,1986-88.
Organising Committee for World Congress of Behaviour Therapy, Edinburgh,1988.
UK Chair,1989-90.
UK Committee,1990-94.
Organising Committee for Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 2008.

Highland Health Board

Harm Reduction Committee, 1990-1998.
Chair of Alcohol and Drug Services Review Group, 1992-94.
Ethics of Research Committee, 1992-2000.
Chair of Area Clinical Audit Committee, 1997-2000.

Highland Primary Care NHS Trust

Mental Health Clinical Governance Committee, 2001-2004.
Chair of Research Advisory Group, 2000-2004.
Psychological Therapies Review Group, 2000-2004.
Trust representative on the WHO Initiative on People Disabled by Mental Illness, 1990-97.
Information Strategy Working Group, 1993-95.
Research and Development Steering Committee, 1996-99.
Rehabilitation Services Steering Group, 1996-99.
Mental Health Management Group, 1991-2001.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Sources: David Peck's CV.


Peck, DF and Whitlow, D. Approaches to Personality Theory. London: Methuen,1975. [translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Italian, Hungarian and Serbo-Croat]

Peck, DF and Carrasco, JC. Advances in Behaviour Therapy. Bilbao: Deusto,1981.

Plant, MA, Peck, DF and Samuels, E. Alcohol, Drugs and School-Leavers. London: Tavistock, 1985.

Peck, DF and Shapiro, CM. Measuring Human Problems: A Practical Guide. Chichester: Wiley,1990.


Peck, DF, Ashcroft, JB and Bradshaw, PW. Ten Years of Behaviour Therapy, 1960-1969: a Classified Bibliography. London: British Psychological Society,1971.

Peck, DF. Transition from Hospital to Community: A Literature Review on Housing. Initiative on People Disabled by Mental Illness. Geneva: World Health Organisation,1993.

Scott, LC and Peck DF. Sheltered Housing. Initiative on People Disabled by Mental Illness. Geneva: World Health Organisation,1995.

Peck, DF. (plus numerous other contributors) Consensus Statement on Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Geneva: World Health Organisation,1996.

Peck, DF. An Update on Confidentiality. Leicester: British Psychological Society,1998.

Contributions to Books

Peck, DF and Gathercole, CE. Automated Techniques in Clinical Psychology. In: Schwitzgebel, RL and Schwitzgebel, RK (Eds) Psychotechnology. New York: Wiley,1973.

Peck, DF. The Modification of Habitual Gambling. In: Brengelmann, JC (Ed) Progress in Behaviour Therapy. Berlin: Springer-Verlag,1975.

Peck, DF. Behaviour is Behaviour is Behaviour. In: Brengelmann, JC (Ed) Progress in Behaviour Therapy. Berlin: Springer-Verlag,1975.

Peck, DF and McGuire, R. Behaviour Therapy. In: Kendell, RE and Zealley, AK Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 3rd edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,1983.

Peck, DF and Dean, C. Assessment in Psychiatry. In: Kendell, RE and Zealley, AK Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 3rd edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,1983.

Peck, DF. Some Determinants of Problem Drinking. In: Plant, MA (Ed) Drinking and Problem Drinking. London: Junction Books,1982

Peck, DF. Small N Research in Clinical Practice. In: Watts, F (Ed) New Developments in Clinical Psychology. London: Wiley,1985.

Peck, DF, Cull A, Dick, H, Nixon, S and Allison, A. Stress and the Practice of Surgery. In: Vinck, J et al. (Eds) Topics in Behavioural Medicine. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger,1986.

Peck, DF. Electromyography. In: Hersen, M and Bellack, AS (Ed) Dictionary of Behavioral Assessment Techniques. New York: Pergamon,1988.

Peck, DF and McGuire, R. Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. In: Kendell, RE and Zealley, AK (Eds) Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 4th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,1988.

Peck, DF and Dean, C. Assessment in Psychiatry. In: Kendell, R E and Zealley, A K (Eds) Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 4th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,1988.

Peck, DF. Research with Single (or few) Subjects. In: Freeman, C and Tyrer, P (Eds) Research Methods in Psychiatry. London: Gaskell Press,1989.

Peck, DF. Research with Single (or few) Subjects. In: Freeman, C and Tyrer, P (Eds) Research Methods in Psychiatry, 2nd edition. London: Gaskell Press,1992.

Peck, DF and Shapiro, CM. Guidelines for the Construction, Selection and Interpretation of Measurement Devices. In: Peck, DF and Shapiro, CM (Eds) Measuring Human Problems: A Practical Guide. Chichester: Wiley,1990.

Weller, M and Peck, DF. Personality. In: Weller, M and Eysenck, M (Eds) Scientific Basis of Psychiatry, 2nd Edition. London: Bailliere Tindall,1990.

Peck, DF. Measurement in Psychiatry. In: Kendell, RE and Zealley, AK (Eds) Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 5th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,1993.

Blackburn, I-M and Peck, DF. Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. In: Kendell, RE and Zealley, AK (Eds) Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 5th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,1993.

Duffy, JC, Morrison, D and Peck, DF. Measurement, Statistics and Experimental Design. In: Johnstone, EC, Freeman, CP & Zealley, AK (Eds) Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 6th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,1998.

Peck, DF. Current Approaches to the Assessment of Depression. In: Power, M (Ed) Mood Disorders: A Handbook of Science and Practice. Chichester: Wiley, 2004.

Peck, DF. Research with Single (or few) Subjects. In: Freeman, C and Tyrer, P (Eds) Research Methods in Psychiatry, 3rd edition. London: Gaskell Press, 2006.

Peck, DF. Current Approaches to the Assessment of Depression. In: Power, M (Ed) Mood Disorders: A Handbook of Science and Practice, 2nd edition. Chichester: Wiley, 2013.

Journal Articles

Moray, N and Peck, DF. On Worms and Their Turning. Advancement of Science, 1965, 22, 540. (Abstract).

Gathercole, CE, Craft, MJ, McDougall, J, Barnes, HM and Peck, DF. A Review of One Hundred Discharges From a Special Hospital. British Journal of Criminology, 1968, 8, 419-424.

Peck, DF and Gathercole, CE. Automated Techniques in Clinical Psychology. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 1970, 26, 161-165.

Peck, DF. The Conversion of Progressive Matrices and Mill Hill Vocabulary Raw Scores into Deviation IQs. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1970, 26, 67-70.

Peck, D. F., Ashcroft, JB. (1970). The use of stimulus satiation in the modification of habitual gambling. In Proceedings of the Second BEA Conference on Behaviour Therapy. Kilkenny, Ireland.

Burton, DA and Peck, DF. Nurses' Observation Scale for In-patient Evaluation (NOSIE): A Normative and Reliability Study in a British Hospital Population. Bulletin of National Foundation For Educational Research, 1971.

Thorpe, GL and Peck, DF. The Use of the PACE in the Automation of Systematic Desensitisation. Behavioural Technology, 1972, 9, 16.

Peck, DF. The Operant Assessment of Hearing Range in a Non-Verbal Patient. Behavior Therapy, 1973, 4, 319-320.

Peck, DF. The Psychiatric Nurse: An Agent of Behaviour Change. Nursing Times, 1973, 69, 139.

Muttar, AK, Peck, DF, Whitlow, D and Fraser, WI. Reversal of a Severe Case of Self-Mutilation. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 1975, 19, 3-9.

Peck, DF. Operant Conditioning and Physical Rehabilitation. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis and Modification, 1976, 3, 158-164.

Peck, DF. Reply to Kallinke. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis and Modification, 1976, 3, 169.

Peck, DF. EMG Feedback in the Treatment of a Severe Case of Blepharospasm. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 1977, 2, 273-277.

Peck, DF. Psychology in the Medical Curriculum: Communications and Compliance. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 1978, 31, 348-352.

Peck, DF. The Ethics of Behaviour Modification: An Empirical Note. Behaviour Analysis, 1979, 1, 60-62.

Attfield, M and Peck, DF. Temperature Self-Regulation and Relaxation in Migraine Patients and Normals. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1979, 17, 591-595.

Gray, CL, Lyle, RC, McGuire, RJ and Peck, DF. Electrode Placement, EMG Feedback, and Relaxation for Tension Headaches. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1980, 18, 19-23.

Gillespie, C and Peck, DF. The Effects of Biofeedback and Guided Imagery on Finger Temperature. Biological Psychology, 1980, 11, 235-247.

Peck, DF and Attfield, ME. Migraine Symptoms on the Waters Headache Questionnaire: A Statistical Analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1981, 25, 281-288.

Plant, MA, Peck DF and Stuart, R. Self-Reported Drinking and Alcohol-Related Consequences Amongst a Cohort of Scottish Teenagers. British Journal of Addiction, 1982, 77, 75-90.

Morgan, AD, Peck, DF, Buchanan, D and McHardy, GJR. Psychological Factors and Beliefs Affecting Exercise Tolerance in Chronic Bronchitis. Clinical Science, 1982, 63, 40D (Abstract).

Morgan, AD, Peck, DF, Buchanan, D and McHardy, GJR. Psychological Factors in Chronic Bronchitis. British Medical Journal, 1983, 286, 171-173.

Morgan, AD, Peck, DF, Buchanan, D and McHardy, GJR. Psychological Factors Contributing to Disproportionate Disability in Chronic Bronchitis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1983, 27, 259-263.

McHardy G, Morgan A, Buchanan D and Peck DF. An index of disproportionate disability in chronic bronchitis. Thorax, 1983, 38, 231 (Abstract).

Weighill, A, Hodge, J and Peck, DF. Keeping Appointments With Clinical Psychologists. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1983, 22, 143-144.

Park, GR, Drummond, GB, Sinclair, ISR and Peck, DF. Bupivacaine Infiltration for Thyroid Surgery. Journal of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1983, 28, 295-296.

Peck, DF, Morgan, AD, Macpherson, ELR and Bramwell, L. The Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist: Subscale Intercorrelations from Two Independent Studies. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1984, 40, 123-125.

McHardy GJR, Peck D, and Morgan AD. Breathlessness, Beliefs and Exercise Tolerance in Bronchitic Patients. Bulletin Europeen De Physiopathologie Respiratoire, 1984, 20, 84. (Abstract).

Plant MA, Peck DF. Unemployment and Alcohol Use Amongst Young People: Phase 3 of a Follow Up Study. British Journal of Addiction, 1984, 79, 21. (Abstract).

Plant, MA, Peck, DF and Stuart, R. The Correlates of Serious Alcohol-Related Consequences and Illicit Drug Use Amongst a Cohort of Scottish Teenagers. British Journal of Addiction, 1984, 79,197-200.

Peck, DF and Duffy, JC. The Presentation and Analysis of Experimental Data. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1985, 29, 337-339.

Peck, DF. Prediction of Performance in a British Hill Race. Scottish Journal of Physical Education, 1986, 14, 41-42.

Peck, DF and Plant, MA. Unemployment and Illegal Drug Use: Concordant Evidence from a Prospective Study and National Trends. British Medical Journal, 1986, 293, 929-932.

Marshall, M and Peck, DF. Facial Expression Training in Blind Adolescents using EMG Feedback. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1986, 24, 429-435.

Plant, MA, Peck, DF and Duffy, JC. Trends in the Use and Misuse of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Drugs in the United Kingdom: Some Perplexing Connections. British Journal of Addiction,1988, 83, 943-947.

Plant, ML, Plant, MA , Peck, DF and Setters, J. The Sex Industry, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs: Implications for Spread of HIV Infection. British Journal of Addiction, 1989, 84, 53-59.

Ritson, B and Peck, DF. Consistency of Reported Levels of Alcohol-Related Problems in the Community. British Journal of Addiction, 1989, 84, 901-905.

Sales, J, Duffy, JC, Plant, MA and Peck, DF. Alcohol Consumption, Cigarette Sales and Mortality in the United Kingdom: An Analysis of the Period 1970-1985. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1989, 24,155-160.

Shapiro, CM, Peck, DF and Fossey, E. Cot Deaths and Sleeping Position. Lancet, 1990, 335, 226-227.

Shapiro, CM, Peck, DF and Fossey, E. Latitude and Seasonal Affective Disorder: a UK Sample. Psychiatric Bulletin, 1990, suppl. 3, 67-68. (Abstract).

Morrison, DP and Peck, DF. Do Self-Report Measures of Affect Agree? A Longitudinal Study. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1990, 29, 395-400.

Towlson, KL and Peck, DF. Assessment of Chronological Age of Third World Children: Can a Simple Tooth Count Help? International Dental Journal, 1990, 40, 179-182.

Peck, DF. Clinical Psychology Training Programme - Basque Country. Clinical Psychology Forum, 1990, 29, 33.

Peck, DF. Climatic Variables and Admissions for Mania: A Reanalysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1990, 20, 249-250.

Fillmore, KM, Hartka E, Johnstone, BM, .... Peck, DF, .... et al (40 authors). Preliminary Results from a Meta-Analysis of Drinking Behaviour in Multiple Longitudinal Studies. British Journal of Addiction, 1991, 86, 1203-1210.

Johnstone, BM, Leino EV, Motoyoshi, M, .... Peck, DF, .... et al (40 authors). An Integrated Approach to Meta-Analysis in Alcohol Studies. British Journal of Addiction, 1991, 86, 1211-1220.

Fillmore, KM, Hartka, E, Johnstone, BM, .... Peck, DF, .... et al (40 authors). A Meta-Analysis of Life Course Variation in Drinking. British Journal of Addiction, 1991, 86, 1221-1268.

Temple, MT, Fillmore, KM, Hartka, E, .... Peck, DF, .... et al (40 authors). A Meta-Analysis of Change in Marital and Employment Status as Predictors of Alcohol Consumption on a Typical Occasion. British Journal of Addiction, 1991, 86, 1269-1281.

Hartka, E, Johnstone, BM, Leino, EV, .... Peck,DF, .... et al (40 authors). A Meta-Analysis of Depressive Symptomatology and Alcohol Consumption over Time. British Journal of Addiction, 1991, 86, 1283-1298.

Peck, DF. Measurement. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 1991, 4, 879-883.

Fitzpatrick MF, Martin K, Peck D, Shapiro CM and Douglas NJ. A community based survey of objective sleep quality in asthmatics and snorers. British Thoracic Society meeting, 1992 (abstract)

Peck, DF. Survey of Outpatient Satisfaction in a General Hospital. Health Bulletin, 1993, 51, 63-66.

Jones, A, Dobson, C, Robertson, A, Peck, DF and Tyrer, G. What Is It Like to Work Up There? Clinical Psychology Forum, 1994, 66, 2.

Austen, JB, Russell, G, Adam, MG, Mackintosh, D, Kelsey, S and Peck, DF. Prevalence of Asthma and Wheeze in the Highlands of Scotland. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1994, 71, 211-216.

Fillmore, K, Golding, JM, Leino, EV,....Peck, al (40 authors). Relationships of Measures of Alcohol Consumption with Alcohol-Related Problems in Multiple Studies: a Research Synthesis from the Collaborative Alcohol-Related Longitudinal Project. Addiction, 1994, 89, 1143-1156.

Fillmore, K, Golding, JM, Leino EV,....Peck, al (40 authors). Societal-Level Predictors of Groups' Drinking Patterns: A Research Synthesis from the Collaborative Alcohol-Related Longitudinal Project. American Journal of Public Health, 1994, 84, 247-253.

Fillmore, K, Golding, JM, Kniep, E,....Peck, al (40 authors). Gender Differences for the Risk of Alcohol-Related Problems in Multiple National Contexts. Recent Developments in Alcoholism, 1995, 12, 409-439.

Shapiro, CM, Sherman, D and Peck, DF. Withdrawal from Benzodiazopines by Initially Switching to Zopiclone. European Psychiatry, 1995, 10, 145-151.

Zeffert, S, Clark, A, Dobson, C, Jones, A and Peck, DF. The Symptom Questionnaire: British Standardisation Data. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1996, 35, 85-90.

Gardner, BW and Peck, DF. Drug Use in the Scottish Highlands. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 1996, 3, 285-294.

Peck, DF, Robertson, A and Zeffert, S. Psychological Sequelae of Mountain Accidents: a Preliminary Study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1996, 41, 55-63.

Kirkwood, KT and Peck, DF. Evaluation of a Travelling Psychiatric Day Hospital. Journal of Mental Health, 1997, 6, 201-208.

Kirkwood, KT and Peck, DF. How do You Identify People with Severe Mental Illness in Rural Communities? Mental Health Care, 1997, 1, 61-63.

Freir, V, Kirkwood, KT, Peck, DF, Scott-Lodge, L, Robertson, S and Zeffert, S. Telemedicine for Clinical Psychology in the Highlands of Scotland. Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare, 1999, 5, 157-161.

Heather, N, Luce, A, Peck, DF, Dunbar, B and James, I. Development of a Treatment Version of the Readiness to Change Questionnaire. Addiction Research, 1999, 7, 63-83.

Kirkwood, KT, Peck, DF and Bennie, L. The Consistency of Neuropsychological Assessments Performed via Telecommunication and Face to Face. Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare, 2000, 6, 147-151.

Freir, V, Robertson, S, and Peck, DF. Rural Relocation and Clinical Psychology Referrals. Health Bulletin, 2000, 59, 418-420.

Peck, DF and Kirkwood, KT. Challenging the Vicious Circle: a Review of the Links between Unemployment and Mental Health. Mental Health Care, 2001, 4,154-157.

Simpson, T, Murphy, N and Peck, DF. Saliva Alcohol Concentrations in Accident & Emergency Attendances. Emergency Medicine Journal, 2001,18, 250-254.

Peck, DF, Grant, S, McArthur, W, and Godden, D. The Psychological Impact of Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Farmers. Journal of Mental Health, 2002, 11, 523-531.

Peck DF. Computers, Clinicians, and Conundrums (abstract). Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 2002.

Duffy JC and Peck DF. Letter (rapid response) on 'Depression in primary care'. British Medical Journal web site, 14 February 2003.

Law, J, Banis, J and Peck, DF. The Journal-Reading Habits of Adult Mental Health Clinical Psychologists. Clinical Psychology Forum, 2004, 34, 36-40.

Hunter, R, MacLean, J, Peck, DF, Pullen, I, Greenfield,A, McArthur,W, Quinn,C, Eaglesham,S, Hagen,S & Norrie,J. The Scottish 700 Outcomes Study: A Comparative Evaluation of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS), the Avon Mental Health Measure (Avon), and an Idiographic Scale (OPUS) in Adult Mental Health. Journal of Mental Health, 2004, 13, 93-105.

Peck, DF and Jones, A. Bureaucratic Barriers to Research and Research Training in the NHS. Clinical Psychology Forum, 2004, 36, 7-10.

Peck, DF. Foot and Mouth Outbreak: Lessons for Mental Health Services. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 2005, 11, 270-276.

Peck, DF. Whither small N designs?. Clinical Psychology Forum, 2007, 174, 24-27.

Peck, DF. Computer-Guided Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Anxiety States. Psychiatry, 2007, 6, 166-169.

Hayward, L, MacGregor, AD, Peck, DF and Wilkes P. The feasibility and effectiveness of computer-guided CBT (FearFighter) in remote and rural areas. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 2007, 35, 409-419.

Thomson, P, Niven, CA, and Peck, D. Patient and partner perceived health status and quality of life before and 4 months after CABG surgery. 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Cardiology: changing practice to improve care. Manchester, 2007. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2007, Suppl 1, S46-7 (Abstract).

MacGregor, AD, Hayward, L, Peck, DF and Wilkes, P. Clients' and referrers' perceptions of computer-guided CBT (FearFighter). Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 2009, 37, 1-10.

Trevett, A, Forbes, R and Peck, DF. The psychological impact of sports diving accidents. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2010, 68, 263-268.

Peck DF. The therapist-client relationship, self help and active therapy ingredients. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2010, 17,147-153.

Law J, Laidlaw K and Peck DF. Is depression viewed as an inevitable consequence of age? The "Understandability Phenomenon" in older people. Clinical Gerontologist, 2010, 33,1-15.

Thomson P, Niven CA, Peck DF, Howie K. Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors: Concordance Between Patients and Partners Before and After Bypass Grafting Surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular
nursing, 2013, 28, 550-562.

Thomson P, Niven CA, Peck DF, Eaves J. Patients' and partners' health-related quality of life before and 4 months after coronary bypass grafting surgery. BMC Nursing, 2013, 12, 16

Hamill C, Newman E, Todd L, Peck DF. Attachment and violent offending: A meta-analysis. ggression and Violent Behaviour, 2014, 19, 322-339.
SourceDavid Peck's CV.
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.

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