NameHall; John Nicholas (1944-); Professor; FBPsS, CPsychol.
ForenamesJohn Nicholas
EpithetFBPsS, CPsychol.
Parallel NameJohn Hall
ActivityBorn: 9 April 1944, UK.

Education and qualifications:

1962-1966: University College, Durham: BA with Honours in Psychology, University of Durham 1966
1966-1968: Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Leeds: MSc in Clinical Psychology, University of Leeds 1968
1971-1978: Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Leeds: PhD in Clinical Psychology, University of Leeds 1978
2007 -2009: Centre for Health, Medicine and Society in the History Department of Oxford Brookes University, MA (merit) in the History of Medicine, Oxford Brookes University, 2009.

Professional career:

1968-1970 Clinical Psychologist, St Andrews Hospital, Norwich
1970 to 1977 MRC Research Fellow, University of Leeds
1977 to 1980 Principal Clinical Psychologist, Whitchurch Hospital, Cardiff
1980 to 2002: Head Clinical Psychologist, Oxfordshire Mental Healthcare NHS Trust and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Oxford (Member of Wolfson College Oxford)
seconded part-time 1988-1993 as Consultant Adviser in Clinical Psychology to Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Health
adjunct Professor of Psychology, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, Pasadena, California 1990 and 1992
(1) part-time Professor of Mental Health, School of Health and Social Care, Oxford Brookes University, employed part-time from 2002 to September 2008, now (2015) Visiting Professor.
(2) part-time Research Director, Health and Social Care Advisory Service, London, retired July 2009
From July 2009: Visiting Professor of Clinical Psychology, Bournemouth University
From October 2009: Senior Research Affiliate, Centre for Medical Humanities, Oxford Brookes University.

BPS and other activities:

Member of four major Department of Health working parties on ethics of behaviour modification (1974-1978), organisation of psychiatric hospitals (1977-1979), manpower planning advisory group on clinical psychology (1988-1991), outcomes of severe mental illness (1997-1999)
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Mental Health Group 1981-1985
Awarded M B Shapiro Lecturership by British Psychological Society 1989 (award for distinguished contribution to clinical psychology)
Awarded Lifetime Achievement Award by the Professional affairs board of the British Psychological Society 2011
British Psychological Society: Fellow of British Psychological Society 1981.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.

Sources: John Hall's CV.
PublishedWorksSelected publications:


Hall J N [1982] Psychology for Nurses and Health Visitors. Macmillan, London.

Hall J N [1982] Psychology for Nurses and Health Visitors - Tutor Manual. Macmillan, London.

Marzillier J S & Hall J N [First edition 1987, Second edition 1992, Third Edition 1999] What is Clinical Psychology? Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Marzillier J S & Hall J N (1997) Que es la Psicologia Clinica? Promolibro, Valencia. (Spanish translation)

Marzillier J S & Hall J N (2003) What is Clinical Psychology? University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo. (Japanese translation)

Hall J N & Llewelyn, S. [2006] What is Clinical Psychology? Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Barnes, D., Hall, J.N. & Evans, R., (2008) Survey of the Current Provision of Psychological therapy services in primary care in the UK. Artemis Trust, Chichester.

Hall, J., Pilgrim, D. & Turpin, G. (2015). Clinical Psychology in Britain: Historical Perspectives. History of Psychology Centre Monograph No 2. Leicester, British Psychological Society.


Hall J N [1973] Notes and radio talk for Open University, Course DS 261. Open University, Milton Keynes.

Hall J N [1981] Psychological assessment. In Wing JK & Morris B [Eds], Handbook of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practice, pi7. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Hall J N [1983] New initiatives in institutional care. In Karas E [Ed], Progress in Clinical Psychology, p241. Plenum, New York.

Hall J N [1984] Evaluation and research. In Simpson S et al. [Eds], Facing the Challenge, p89. BABP, Rossendale.

Hall J N [1984] Issues in assessment. In Simpson S et al. [Eds], Facing the Challenge, p55. BABP, Rossendale.

Hall J N & Baker R D [1986] Token economies and schizophrenia: a review. In Kerr A & Snaith R P [Eds], Contemporary Issues in Schizophrenia, p410. Gaskell, London.

Hall J N [1987] Care in the community: an overview. In Dent H [Ed], Clinical Psychology: Research and Developments p225. Croom Helm, London.

Hall J N [1987] Evaluating community care: a psychological perspective. In Dent H [Ed], Clinical Psychology: Research and Developments p244. Croom Helm, London.

Hall J N [1988] Lilac Ward: staff training in a rehabilitation setting. In West J & Spinks P [Eds], Clinical Psychology in Action p72. Butterworths, Sevenoaks.

Hall J N [1988] Introduction to section on adult problems. In West J & Spinks P [Eds], Clinical Psychology in Action, p3. Butterworths, Sevenoaks.

Hall J N [1989] Chronic psychiatric handicaps. In Hawton K et al. [Eds], Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychiatric Problems: a Practical Guide, p315. Oxford University Press.

Hall J N [1989] Changes in mental health policy. In Dyson R. [Ed], Mental Health Policy: the Way forward, p32. Mercia Publications, University of Keele Press, Keele.

Hall J N [1990] Ward-based rehabilitation programmes. In Watts F N & Bennett D H [Eds], Theory and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, pl31. Wiley, Chichester.

Hall J N [1990] Implications for practice: some discussion issues. In Carson J et al. [Eds], Using REHAB in Rehabilitation and Resettlement, p75. Proceedings of Symposium at British Psychological Society London Conference, Leicester.

Hall J N [1990] Potential changes in service policy. In Gardner S [Ed], Present Changes and Future Directions, p21. Occasional Papers of DCP, British Psychological Society, Leicester.

Hogg L & Hall J N [1992] Management of long-term impairments and challenging behaviour. In Birchwood M & Tarrier N [Eds], Innovations in the Psychological Management of Schizophrenia, pl71. Wiley, Chichester.

Hall J N [1993] An overview of adult mental health. In Powell G E et al. [Eds], Curriculum in Clinical Psychology, p27. British Psychological Society, Leicester.

Hall J N, Lipsker L E & Uslan D [1993] Psychological and social services: implications for PNI. In Lipsker L E & Brown W S [Eds], Psychoneurbimmunology and healthcare delivery: strategies for implementation of psychoneuroimmunological research into health services delivery programs, pi. Lee Travis Institute for Biopsychosocial Research, Pasadena.

Hall J N [1996] Recovering the tradition of patient-centred nursing: a response. In Fulford K W M, Ersser S & Hope T. [Eds], Essential Practice in Patient-Centred Care, p26. Blackwell Science, Oxford.

Hall J N [1998] Individual psychologists: professional registration and regulatory procedures in the United Kingdom. In Wiens A N [Ed] Comprehensive Clinical Psychology volume 22: Professional Issues, p 249. Pergamon, Oxford.

Hall J N [2000] Psychological assessment - behavioural and observational. In Gelder MG, Lopez-Ibor J J & Andreasen N C [Eds] New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, p104, vol.1. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Hall J N [2003] Service evaluation. In Donaghy M, Everett T & Feaver S [Eds] Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in Mental Health - a practical approach. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.

Hall, J.N. (2006) Mental Health Delivery Systems in Great Britain. In: Olson, R. P. (Ed.) Mental health systems compared: Great Britain, Norway, Canada, and the United States. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, p24-80.

Hall, J. (2008) Treatment and service provision in Britain - an overview. In: G Davey [Ed] Clinical psychology: topics in applied psychology. London, Hodder Education. Pp 19-34.

Hall, J. (2009) Questionnaire, rating, and behavioural methods of assessment. In: Gelder, M.G., Andreasen, N.C., López-Ibor, J.J. & Geddes, J.R. (Eds.) New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Pp 94-98.

Hall J N & Dearmun K (2009) Service audit. In: Neale J. (ed) Research Methods for Health and Social Care. London, Palgrave. Pp 105-118.

Hall, J. (2011). Responding to psychological need. In: H. Shimoyama (Ed) An international comparison of clinical psychology practice: West meets East. Tokyo, Kazama Shobo. Pp. 3-24.

Hall, J. (2011). The applicability of psychologies developed within one set of cultures to other cultures: working in cross-cultural and international settings. In: H. Shimoyama (Ed) An international comparison of clinical psychology practice: West meets East. Tokyo, Kazama Shobo. Pp. 93-102.

Hall, J. (2016). From work and occupation to occupational therapy: the policies of professionalisation in English mental hospitals from 1919 to 1959. In Ernst, W. (Ed) Work, Psychiatry and Society c.1750 to 2010. Manchester, Manchester University Press.

Peer-reviewed Articles:

Hall J N & Andrews W T [1972] Apparent homogeneity in characteristics of student nurse groups. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 9,103-109.

Hall J N & Baker R D [1973] Token economy systems: breakdown and control. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 11, 253-263.

Baker R D, Hall J N & Hutchinson [1974] A token economy project with chronic schizophrenic patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 124, 367-384.

Hall J N [1974] Inter-rater reliability of ward rating scales. British Journal of Psychiatry, 125, 248-255.

Hall J N [1974] Nurses attitudes and specialised treatment settings: an exploratory study. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 13, 333-334.

Andrews P, Hall J N & Snaith R P [1976] A controlled trial of phenothiazine withdrawal in chronic schizophrenic patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 128, 451-455.

Hall J N [1976] Comment to Claeson and Malm 'Social Training in chronic schizophrenia'. European Journal of Behavioural Analysis and Therapy, 3, 176-177.

Hall J N & Brooks K M [1976] Teaching psychologists to teach psychology: the improvement of teaching skills in health service professions. Medical Education, 10, 183-188.

Baker R D, Hall J N & Bridge G W K [1977] Psychiatric changes in chronic schizophrenic patients in a token economy: a controlled experiment. British Journal of Psychiatry, 131, 381-393.

Hall J N [1977] The content of ward rating scales for long-stay patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 130, 287-293.

Hall J N, Baker R D & Hutchinson [1977] A controlled evaluation of token economy procedures with chronic schizophrenic patients. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 15, 261-283.

Hall J N [1978] Ethics, procedures and contingency management. Behavioural Psychotherapy, 6, 70-75.

Hall J N [1979] Assessment procedures used in studies on long-stay patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 135, 330-335.

Hall J N [1979] Token economy strategies in criminal institutions. British Journal of Criminology, 19, 373-383.
In Trasler G B & Farrington D P [Eds], Behaviour modification with offenders: a criminological symposium. Cambridge Institute of Criminology Occasional Papers, No.5, 373-383.

Hall J N [1980] Ward rating scales for long-stay patients. Psychological Medicine, 10, 277-288.

Pryce I G & Hall J N [1980] Up-to-date records of long-stay patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 137, 398.

Hall J N, Robertson J & Sampson C [1981] Assessing long-stay psychiatric patients in occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy, June, 179-181.

Mathur S & Hall J N [1981] Phenothiazine withdrawal in schizophrenia in a hostel. British Journal of Psychiatry, 138, 271-272.

Hall J N, Staples D & Wilson B [1985] Psychological tools of assessment in rehabilitation. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 8, 244.

Baker R D & Hall J N [1988] REHAB: a new assessment instrument for chronic psychiatric patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 14, 97-111.

Allen C, Gillespie C & Hall J N [1989] A comparison of practices, attitudes and interaction in two established units for people with a psychiatric disability. Psychological Medicine, 19, 459-467.

Hall J N [1990] Towards a psychology of caring. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 29, 129-144.

Hogg L I, Hall J N & Marshall M [1990] Assessing people who are chronically mentally ill: new methods for new settings. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 13, 7-9.

Hall J N [1992] Public mental health policy: some European issues. Journal of Mental Health, 1, 123-132.

Hall J N & Miller T W [1992-1993] Public service psychology in the 1990s. International Journal of Mental Health, 21, 87-95.

Baker R D & Hall J N [1994] A review of the applications of the REHAB assessment system. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 22, 211-231.

Patel V, Hope T, Hall J N & Fairburn C G [1995] Three methodological issues in the development of observer-rated behaviour rating scales: experience from the development of the rating scale for aggressive behaviour in the elderly. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 5, 21-27.

Hall J N [1996] Working effectively with clinical psychologists. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 2, 219-225.

Hall J N [1997] Inter-church alliances for counseling and caring in England. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 16, 154-160.

Jones J, Ward M, Wellman N, Hall J N & Lowe T [2000] Psychiatric Inpatients Experience of Nursing Observation - A UK perspective. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing. 38, 10-20.

Hall J N, Lavender A & Llewelyn S (2002) A history of Clinical Psychology in Britain: some impressions and reflections. History and Philosophy of Psychology, 4, 32-48.

Lavender A, Hall J N & Llewelyn S (2002) Clinical Psychology training: early developments and progress. Clinical Psychology Training, Research and development, 1, 3-15.

Hall, J.N. (2006) Mental Health Policy New Zealand Style. Mental Health Review, 11, 28-31.

Hall, J.N., Waldock, H. & Harvey, C. (2006) Improving mental health services for older people. Mental Health Review, 11, 7-13.

Hall, J.N. (2007)The emergence of clinical psychology in Britain from 1943 to 1958 part I: core tasks and the professionalisation process. History and Philosophy of Psychology, 9(1), 29-55.

Hall, J.N. (2007)The emergence of clinical psychology in Britain from 1943 to 1958 part II: practice and research traditions. History and Philosophy of Psychology, 9(2), 1-33.

A.C. Iversen, L. van Staden, J. Hacker Hughes, T. Browne, L. Hull, J. Hall,
N. Greenberg, R.J. Rona, M. Hotopf, S. Wessely & N.T. Fear (2009) The prevalence of common mental disorders and PTSD in the UK military: using data from a clinical interview-based study. BMC Psychiatry, 9, 68.

Leach, J. & Hall. J. (2011). A city-wide approach to cross-boundary working with students with mental health issues. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 25(2), 138-144.

Hall, J. (2012). From cottage to community hospitals: Watlington Cottage Hospital and its regional context 1874-2000. Local Population Studies, No 88, 33-49.

Turner, J., Hayward, R., Angel, K., Fulford, B., Hall, J., Millard, C., & Thomson, M. (2016). The history of mental health services in modern England: practitioner memories and the direction of future research. Medical History, 59(4) 599-624.

Other Articles:

Hall J N [1970] Psychological manpower in the health service: use or misuse. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 23, 219-222.

Hall J N [1970] How not to obtain student nurses. Nursing Times [Occasional Papers], October 1, 8, 29; 145-150, 164.
and [1974] In: Where have all the nurses gone? Nursing Times Publications, London.

Hall J N [1973] Ward behaviour modification projects in Great Britain. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 26, 199-201.

Hall J N & Rosenthall G [1973] Operant treatment of the long-term patient. Nursing Times [Occasional Papers] September 6 & 13, 143-148.

Hall J N [1974] Penal institutions and behaviour modification. Probation, July, 46-50.

Hall J N [1974] Teaching psychology to nurses. Nursing Times November 21, 1828-1829.

Hall J N [1974] Training nurses in behaviour modification: an analysis of current British practice. Behaviour Modification Newsletter, 6, 17-24.

Hall J N [1976] New weapons to fight an old foe. New Psychiatry, March 18, 14-16.

Hall J N [1976] The token economy: another view. Behaviour Modification, 10, 2-10.

Hall J N [1979] Nurse therapy and role change in health care professions. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 32, 71-73.

Hall J N [1979] Maintaining change in long-stay wards. Apex [Journal of the British Institute of Mental Handicap], 7, 4-6.

Hall J N [1980] ...and postqualification training. DCP Newsletter, No.27, 13-16.

Allen D G & Hall J N [1981] How little we know: how much do we care? - assessing residents in hostels. Community Care, October 22, 16-18.

Hall J N & Preston M [1981] Clinical psychology services in teaching areas and districts. Division of Clinical Psychology Newsletter, No.34, 23-25.

Wishart C & Hall J N [1981] Obtaining student nurses. Nursing Times [Occasional Papers], 76, 121-126.

Hall J N [1985] Pselecta psychologist. Division of Clinical Psychology Newsletter, June 1985.

Hall J N [1986] Teaching psychology to trainee psychiatrists. Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 10, 173-176.
Hall J N [1986] Teaching psychology to trainee psychiatrists. Clinical Psychology Forum, No.3, 38-42.

Hall J N, Koch H, Pilling S & Winter K [1986] Health services information and clinical psychology. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 39, 126-130.

Koch H, Hall J N, Pilling S & Winter K [1986] A psychologists view of Korner. Health Service Journal, July 10, 922-923.

Clark D F, Britton P, Cooke D J, Hall J N & Litton R A [1987] Insurance and legal advice for psychologists. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 40, 324-327.

Hall J N [1989] What is the national assessors list? Clinical Psychology Forum, No.24, 38-39.

Hall J N [1991] Clinical psychology: some American impressions and a European reflection. Clinical Psychology Forum, No.38, 18-21.

Hall J N [1991] Lateral transfer of professional applied psychologists into clinical psychology. Clinical Psychology Forum, No.34, 33-35.
Division of Educational and Child Psychology Newsletter, No.46, 36-39.

Hinton C, Martin J & Hall J N [1992] Changing patterns of student nurse recruitment. Nursing Times [Occasional Papers], 88, 36-41.

Hall J N [1993] Clinical psychology in context. Clinical Psychology Forum, No.61, 3-10.

Hall J N [1994] Protecting vulnerable people from abuse in residential settings. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 2, 71.

Hall J N [1997] Recent changes and current issues in adult (?mental) health. Newsletter of the Special Group for Psychology and Social Services, British Psychological Society, No 4, Summer.

Hall J N & Firth-Cozens (2000) Clinical Governance in the NHS: a briefing. DCP Information Leaflet No. 4.

Hall, J.N. (2006) Trauma and stress in high-demand conflict and emergency settings. Counselling at work, Issue 54, 2-4.

Barnes, D., Evans, R., & Hall, J.N. (2008) The shape of psychological therapy services in primary care. Healthcare Counselling and psychotherapy Journal, 8, 19-23.

Hall J N (2008) Mental Deficiency - changing the outlook. The Psychologist, 21, 1006-1007.

Marzillier J & Hall J (2009) editors of Opinion special section Beyond Cognitive Therapy of The Psychologist, including : Marzillier J. & Hall J. (2009) The challenge of the Layard initiative. The Psychologist, 22, 396-399. and Hall J. & Marzillier J. (2009) Alternative Ways of Working. The Psychologist, 22, 406-408.

Hogan M., Mrumbi K., Ayazi T. & Hall J. (2010) Clinical psychology training in Tanzania: Getting started. Clinical Psychology Forum No.215 November

Hall, J., Francis, L. & Callaghan, B. (2011). Faith and psychology in historical dialogue. The Psychologist, 24(4) 260-262.

Dictionary Entries:

Hall J N [1995] Entries on: care of the handicapped; cognitive behaviour therapy; disability and handicap; human development; institutionalisation; learning disabilities. In: Atkinson D J & Field D H [Eds], New Dictionary of Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology. IVP, Leicester.

Hall N J [2002] Entries on: applied psychology; cognition; cognitive dissonance. In: Carr W [Ed], The Dictionary of Pastoral Studies. SPCK, London.

Major Reports:

Hall J N, Baker R D, Jones H G & Hamilton [1977] Clinical applications of behaviour modification techniques with long-stay psychiatric patients: Final report to DHSS. Unpublished report, University of Leeds.

Report of a Working Group on Organisation and Management of Mental Illness Hospitals: the Nodder Report [1980] HMSO, London.

Royal College of Psychiatrists [1980] Psychiatric Rehabilitation in the 1980s. Royal College of Psychiatrists, London.

British Psychological Society, Royal College of Nursing, and Royal College of Psychiatrists [1980] Report of the Working Party on Ethical Guidelines for Behaviour Modification: the Zangwill Report. HMSO, London.

Manpower Planning Advisory Group [1990] Manpower Planning Advisory Group Report on Clinical Psychology. HMSO, London.

Charlwood P, Mason A, Goldacre M, Cleary R & Wilkinson E [1999] Health outcome indicators: severe mental illness. National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, Oxford.

Recent major conference presentations

Hall, J.N. (2006) New ways of responding to psychological need: a reflection on the impact of need, values, evidence and policy on the practice of applied psychologists internationally in health care. Keynote talk at International conference on clinical psychology, University of Tokyo, Sunday 19th March 2006

Hall, J.N. (2006) Roles and careers in clinical psychology - understanding our past for the future. Annual Conference of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the British Psychological Society, December 2006.

Hall, J.N. (2007) Mental Health care delivery in the UK. Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco. August 2007.

Hall, J.N. (2010) Thinking about mental health: past present and future. Inaugural professorial lecture, Bournemouth University, January 2010.

Hall, J.N. (2015) Understanding our past: contexts and challenges. Keynote address, Annual Conference of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the British Psychological Society, December 2015.
SourceJohn Hall's CV
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

Show related catalogue records.

PHO/001/02/221Hall, John - PhotographMay 1989
BPS/002/2/06/07b/01Alan R.Dabbs Correspondence1969-2007
PHO/001/04/01/04/01Hall, John - PhotographApril 1991
BPS/001/11/04/02/03/09Requirements for Short Courses for Speech Therapist and Psychologists on the Ilinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities 19791977
BPS/001/11/04/02/04/14 Guidance in Planning Short Courses in Psychological Testing 1980 1977
BPS/001/11/04/02/03/05The Teaching of Psychology in Schools 19771977
BPS/001/11/04/02/03/04Teaching Psychology to Nurses 19741974
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