NameHowe; Christine Joyce (1948-); Professor; AFBPsS, CPsychol., AcSS
ForenamesChristine Joyce
EpithetAFBPsS, CPsychol., AcSS
Parallel NameChris Howe
AddressCambridge, UK.
ActivityDate of Birth: 21/11/1948
Place of Birth: Birmingham, UK

Education and qualifications:

B.A. Hons (Class I) in Social Psychology, Sussex University, 1967-1970
PhD. Cambridge, 1975

Professional Career:

Supervisor in Social and Political Sciences, Magdalene, Newnham, Clare, Emmanuel Colleges, Cambridge University, 1970-1974

Temporary Lecturer in Social Psychology, Sussex University, 1974-1976

Lecturer in Psychology, Strathclyde University, 1976-1990

Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Strathclyde University, 1990-1995

Reader in Psychology, Strathclyde University, 1995-1998

Head of Psychology Department, Strathclyde University, 1997-2002

Professor of Psychology, Strathclyde University, 1998-2006

Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Law, Arts & Social Sciences, Strathclyde University 2002-2005

Professor of Education, University of Cambridge, 2006-

Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge, 2008-

Director of Research, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 2009-2010

External assessor for Psychology Subject Health Review, University of Paisley, 2003

Visiting Scholar, St John's College Oxford, 2003

External assessor of professorial appointments in Psychology or Education, Dundee University, Hong Kong University, London University Institute of Education, Nottingham Trent University, Oxford Brookes University, University of East Anglia, York University, 2004-2013

Honours and awards:

Winner of Emanuel Miller Prize in Philosophy awarded by St. John's College, 1974?
Elected to Academy of Social Sciences, 2008

Involvement with BPS and others:

Secretary, British Psychological Society Developmental Section, 1997-1999
Committee Member, Association of Heads of Psychology Departments, 1998-2002
Chair, British Psychological Society Developmental Section, 2006-2008
TLRP Meeting of Minds Fellowships, 2007
Assessor for Carnegie PhD scholarships in Education, 2009-
Expert evidence to ESRC International Benchmarking Review of UK Psychology.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre

Sources: Christine Howe's CV
PublishedWorksSelected Publications:

Books and other:

Howe, C.J. (1981). Acquiring language in a conversational context. London: Academic Press. Pp xiii + 149.
Howe, C.J. (1993). Language: A special case for developmental psychology? Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pp xi + 219.
Howe, C.J. (1993). Peer interaction and knowledge acquisition. Edited Special Issue of Social Development. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp vi + 129.
Foot, H.C., Howe, C.J., Anderson, A., Tolmie, A.K. & Warden, D. (1994). Group and interactive learning. Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications. Pp 484.
Howe, C.J. (1997). Gender and classroom interaction: a research review. Edinburgh: SCRE. Pp iv + 56.
Howe, C.J. (1998). Conceptual structure in childhood and adolescence: the case of everyday physics. London: Routledge. Pp xiv + 232.
Howe, C.J. (2005). The PLAT 2004 Special Issue. Edited Special Issue of Psychology Learning and Teaching. York: LTSN Psychology.
Howe, C. (2010). Peer groups and children's development. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. x + 233.
Littleton, K., & Howe, C. (eds.) (2010). Educational dialogues: Understanding and promoting productive interaction. London: Routledge. Pp. xi + 356.
Howe, C.J. (2016). Conceptual structure in childhood and adolescence: the case of everyday physics (Second Edition). London: Routledge. Pp xiv + 232.

Papers in journals and chapters in edited volumes

Howe, C.J. (1976). The meanings of two-word utterances in the speech of young children. Journal of Child Language, 3, 29-47.
Howe, C.J. (1978). Semantic elaboration and structural growth. Polish Journal of Education.
Howe, C.J. (1980). Mother-child conversation and semantic development. In H. Giles, P. Robinson & P. Smith (eds.), Language: Social Psychological Perspectives. Oxford: Pergamon, 35-40.
Howe, C.J. (1980). Learning language from mothers' replies. First Language, 1, 83-97.
Howe, C.J. (1981). Case grammar and stage I speech: some evidence against. Edinburgh University Work in Progress, 14, 32-38.
Howe, C.J. (1981). Interpretive analysis and role semantics: a ten-year mésalliance? Journal of Child Language, 8, 439-456.
Howe, C.J. (1983). Concepts and methods in the study of conversation. Journal of Child Language, 10, 231-238.
Howe, C.J. (1983). The conversational factor in language acquisition. Early Child Development and Care, 11, 55-67.
Howe, C.J. (1989). Visual primacy in social attitude judgement: a qualification. British Journal of Social Psychology, 28, 263-272.
Howe, C.J. (1990). Grouping children for effective learning in science. Primary Science Review, 13, 26-27.
Roy, A.W.N., & Howe, C.J. (1990). Effects of cognitive conflict, socio-cognitive conflict and imitation on children's socio-legal thinking. European Journal of Social Psychology, 20, 241-252.
Howe, C.J., Rodgers, C., & Tolmie, A. (1990). Physics in the primary school: peer interaction and the understanding of floating and sinking. European Journal of Psychology of Education, V, 459-475.
Howe, C.J. (1991). Explanatory concepts in physics: towards a principled evaluation of teaching materials. Computers and Education, 17, 73-80.
Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., & Anderson, A. (1991). Information technology and group work in physics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 7, 133-143.
Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., & Rodgers, C. (1992). The acquisition of conceptual knowledge in science by primary school children: group interaction and the understanding of motion down an incline. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 113-130.
Anderson, A., Tolmie, A., Howe, C.J., Mayes, J.T., & Mackenzie, M. (1992). Mental models of motion. In Y. Rogers, P. Bibby & A. Rutherford (eds.), Models in the Mind: Theory, Perspectives and Application. London: Academic Press, 59-71.
Howe, C.J. (1992). Grouping children for effective learning in science. In P. Ovens & W. Harlen (eds.), Primary Science Review Collection. Hatfield: The Association for Science Education, 28-29.
Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., Anderson, A., & Mackenzie, M. (1992). Conceptual knowledge in physics: the role of group interaction in computer-supported teaching. Learning and Instruction, 2, 161-183.
Howe, C.J. (1992). Social construction and individual development: a reply to Doise and Mugny's rejoinder. European Journal of Psychology of Education, VII, 245-247.
Tolmie, A., & Howe, C.J. (1993). Gender and dialogue in secondary school physics. Gender and Education, 5, 191-209.
Howe, C.J. (1993). Peer interaction and knowledge acquisition: introduction to the special issue. Social Development, 2, iii-vi.
Tolmie, A., Howe, C.J., Mackenzie, M., & Greer K. (1993). Task design as an influence on dialogue and learning: primary school group work with object flotation. Social Development, 2, 183-201.
Howe, C.J. (1993). Piagetian theory and primary school physics: a rapprochement with possible relevance to special needs education. Early Child Development and Care, 95, 23-39.
Telfer, K. E., & Howe, C. J. (1994). Verbal, vocal and visual information in the identification of warm and hostile attitudes. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 13, 331-344.
Tolmie, A.K., & Howe, C.J. (1994). Computer-directed group activity and the development of children's hypothesis testing skills. In H.C. Foot, C.J. Howe, A. Anderson, A. K. Tolmie, & D. Warden (eds.) Group and Interactive Learning. Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 139-144.
Howe, C.J., & Tolmie, A.K. (1994). Task design: A neglected variable in the study of group work. In H.C. Foot, C.J. Howe, A. Anderson, A. K. Tolmie, & D. Warden (eds.) Group and Interactive Learning. Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 429-435.
Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., & Mackenzie, M. (1995). Collaborative learning in physics: some implications for computer design. In C. O'Malley (ed.), Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 51-68.
Howe, C.J. (1995). Group work in physics: towards an inclusive curriculum. In P. Potts, F. Armstrong & M. Masterton (eds), Learning, Teaching and Managing Schools. Milton Keynes: Open University, 62-79.
Howe, C.J. (1995). Learning about physics through peer interaction. In P. Murphy, M. Selinger, J. Bourne & M. Briggs (eds), Subject Learning in the Primary Curriculum: Issues in English, Science and Mathematics. London: Routledge, 197-204.
Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., Greer, K., & Mackenzie, M. (1995). Peer collaboration and conceptual growth in physics: task influences on children's understanding of heating and cooling. Cognition and Instruction, 13, 483-503.
Howe, C.J. (1996). Piagetian theory and primary school physics. In P. Woods (ed.) Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning. London: Routledge, 105-119.
Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., & Rodgers, C. (1996). The acquisition of conceptual knowledge in science by primary school children. In L. Smith (ed.), Critical Readings on Piaget. London: Routledge.
Anderson, A., Howe, C.J., & Tolmie, A. (1996). Interaction and mental models of physics phenomena: evidence from dialogue between learners. In J. Oakhill & A. Garnham (eds.), Mental Models in Cognitive Science: Essays in Honour of Phil Johnson-Laird. Hove: Erlbaum, 247-273.
Howe, C.J. (1996). Genere e dialogo nel lavoro scientifico di gruppo. Passagi, 3, 61-78.
Howe, C.J., & Tolmie, A. (1998). Computer support for learning in collaborative contexts: prompted hypothesis testing in physics. Computers and Education, 3/4, 223-235.
Howe, C.J., & Tolmie, A. (1998). Productive interaction in the context of computer-supported collaborative science. In K. Littleton & P. Light (eds.), Learning with Computers: Analysing Productive Interaction. London: Routledge, 24-45.
Foot, H., & Howe, C.J. (1998). The psycho-educational basis of peer assisted learning. In K. Topping & S. Ehly (eds.), Peer Assisted Learning. New Jersey. Lawrence Erlbaum, 27-43.
Howe, C.J. (1998). Psychology teaching in the twenty first century: the role of technology in Higher Education. Invited Special Edition of The Psychologist.
Howe, C.J., & Smith, P. (1998). Conceptual understanding and investigative skills: can group-based practical work serve them both. In J.J. Wellington (ed.), Practical Work in School Science: Which Way Now? London: Routledge, 220-236.
Howe, C. J., Tolmie, A., & Sofroniou, N. (1999). Experimental appraisal of personal beliefs in science: constraints on performance in the 9 to 14 age group. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 69, 243-274.
Davenport, P., & Howe, C.J. (1999). Conceptual gain and successful problem-solving in primary school mathematics. Educational Studies, 25, 55-78.
Howe, C., Foot, H., Cheyne, B., Terras, M., & Rattray, C. (1999). What do parents really want from pre-school education? In V. Wilson & J. Ogden-Smith (eds.), Pre-school Educational Research: Linking Policy with Practice. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Education Department, 58-75.
Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., Duchak-Tanner, V., & Rattray, C. (2000). Hypothesis testing in science: group consensus and the acquisition of conceptual and procedural knowledge. Learning and Instruction, 10, 361-391.
Davenport, P., Howe, C.J., & Noble, A. (2000). Peer interaction in the teaching of mathematics: explanation and the co-ordination of knowledge. Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'Education, 3, 481-507.
Anderson, A., Cheyne, W., Foot, H., Howe, C., Low, J., & Tolmie, A. (2000). Computer support for peer-based methodology tutorials. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 16, 41-53.
Foot, H., Howe, C., Cheyne, B., Terras, M., & Rattray, C. (2000). Pre-school education: parents' preferences, knowledge and expectations. International Journal of Early Years Education, 8, 189-204.
Howe, C.J., Duchak-Tanner, V., & Tolmie, A. (2000). Co-ordinating support for conceptual and procedural learning in science. In R. Joiner, K. Littleton, D. Faulkner & D. Miell (eds.), Rethinking Collaborative Learning. London: Free Press, 81-100.
Howe, C.J., & McWilliam D. (2001). Peer argument in educational settings: variations due to socioeconomic status, gender and activity context. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 20, 61-80.
Anderson, A., Howe, C., Soden, R., Halliday, J., & Low, J. (2001). Peer interaction and the learning of critical thinking skills in further education students. Instructional Science, 29, 1-32.
Howe, C.J. (2002). The countering of overgeneralisation. Journal of Child Language, 29, 875-895.
Foot, H., Howe, C., Cheyne, B., Terras, M., & Rattray, C. (2002). Parental participation and partnership in pre-school provision. International Journal of Early Years Education, 10, 5-19.
Howe, C.J., & Tolmie, A. (2003). Group work in primary school science: discussion, consensus and guidance from experts. International Journal of Educational Research, 39, 51-72.
Howley, M., & Howe, C. (2004). Social interaction and cognitive growth: an examination through the role-taking skills of deaf and hearing children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22, 219-243.
Howe, C.J., McWilliam, D., & Cross, G. (2004). Peer collaboration and individual learning: incubation, contradiction and collective insight. In K. Littleton, D. Faulkner & D. Miell (eds.), Learning to Collaborate: Collaborating to Learn. Nova Science.
Howe, C.J. (2004). All together now. The Psychologist, 17, 199-201.
McWilliam, D., & Howe, C. (2004). Enhancing pre-schoolers' reasoning skills: an intervention to optimize the use of justificatory speech acts during peer interaction. Language and Education, 18, 504-524.
Cassidy, C., O'Connor, R. C., Howe, C., & Warden, D. (2004). Perceived discrimination, self-esteem and psychological distress among ethnic minority young people. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51, 329-339.
Howe, C., McWilliam, D., & Cross, G. (2005). Chance favours only the prepared mind: incubation and the delayed effects of peer collaboration. British Journal of Psychology, 96, 67-93.
Cassidy, C., O'Connor, R., Howe, C., & Warden, D. (2005). Perceived discrimination among ethnic minority young people: the role of psychological variables. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35, 1246-1265.
Woolfson, L., Howe, C., & Smyth, K. (2005). Higher Still Programme in Psychology: implications of school and college provision for Higher Education. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 5, 42-46.
Howe, C., & McWilliam, D. (2006). Opposition in social interaction between children: why intellectual benefits do not mean social costs. Social Development, 15, 205-231.
Howe, C., & Mercer, N. (2007). Children's social development, peer interaction and classroom learning. The Primary Review (Research Survey 2/1b). Cambridge: University of Cambridge.
Howe, C., Tolmie, A., Thurston, A., Topping, K., Christie, D., Livingston, K., Jessiman, E., & Donaldson, C. (2007). Group work in elementary science: organizational principles for classroom teaching. Learning and Instruction, 17, 549-563.
Thurston, A., Topping, K.J., Christie, D., Donaldson, C., Howe, C.J., Jessiman, E., Livingston, K., & Tolmie, A. (2008). Effects of group work training on science attainment in rural and urban schools. Research in Science and Technological Education, 26, 31-46.
Thurston, A., Christie, D., Howe, C.J., Tolmie, A., & Topping, K.J. (2008). Effects of continuing professional development on group work practices in Scottish primary schools. Journal of In-Service Education, 34, 263 - 282.
Howe, C. (2009). Expert support for group-work in elementary science: the role of consensus, In B. Schwarz, T. Dreyfus, & R. Hershkowitz (eds.). Transformation of knowledge through classroom interaction (pp.93-104). London: Routledge.
Christie, D., Tolmie, A., Thurston, A., Howe, C., & Topping, K. (2009). Supporting group work in Scottish primary classrooms: Improving the quality of collaborative dialogue. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39, 141-156.
Howe, C. (2009). Collaborative group work in middle childhood: Joint construction, unresolved contradiction, and the growth of knowledge. Human Development, 52, 215-239.
Howe, C., Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Bell, D., & Desli, D. (2010). Intensive quantities: Towards their recognition at primary school level. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series II, 7, 101-118.
Howe, C. (2010). Peer dialogue and cognitive development: A two-way relationship? In Littleton, K. & Howe, C. (Eds.) Educational dialogues: Understanding and promoting productive interaction (Pp. 32-47). London: Routledge.
Tolmie, A.K., Topping, K.J., Christie, D., Donaldson, C., Howe, C., Jessiman, E., Livingston, K., & Thurston, A. (2010). Social effects of collaborative learning in primary schools. Learning and Instruction, 20, 177-191.
Hunter, S.C., Durkin, K., Heim, D, Howe, C., & Bergin, D. (2010). Psychosocial mediators and moderators of the effect of peer-victimization upon depressive symtomatology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 1141-1149.
Baines, E., & Howe, C. (2011). Discourse topic management and discussion skills in middle childhood: The effects of age and task. First Language, 30, 508-534.
Howe, C., Nunes, T., & Bryant, P. (2011). Rational number and proportional reasoning: Using intensive quantities to promote achievement in mathematics and science. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9, 391-417.
Howe, C. (2012). Neuroscience and knowledge acquisition in curriculum contexts: Modelling conceptual development in school science. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series II, 8, 83-98.
Howe, C., Tavares Taylor, J. & Devine, A. (2012). Everyday conceptions of object fall: Explicit and tacit understanding in middle childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 111, 351-366.
Durkin, K., Hunter, S., Levin, K., Bergin, D., Heim, D., & Howe, C. (2012). Discriminatory peer aggression among children as a function of minority status and school context. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 243-251.
Mercer, N., & Howe, C. (2012). Explaining the dialogic processes of teaching and learning: The value and potential of sociocultural theory. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, 1, 12-21.
Fung, D., & Howe, C. (2012). Liberal Studies in Hong Kong: A new perspective on critical thinking through group work. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 7, 101-111.
MacQuarrie, S., Howe, C., & Boyle, J. (2012). Exploring the characteristics of small groups within Science and English secondary classrooms. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42, 527-546.
Hast, M., & Howe, C. (2012). Understanding the beliefs informing children's commonsense theories of motion: The role of everyday object variables in dynamic event predictions. Research in Science and Technological Education, 30, 3-15.
Howe, C., Devine, A., & Tavares Taylor, J. (2013). Supporting conceptual change in school science: A possible role for tacit understanding. International Journal of Science Education, 35, 864-883.
Howe, C. (2013). Dialogue and self-regulation in the primary classroom: Concluding comments. British Journal of Education Monograph Series, 11, 10, 147-156.
Howe, C. (2013). Scaffolding in context: Peer interaction and abstract learning. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 2, 3-10.
Hast, M. & Howe, C. (2013). Towards a complete commonsense theory of motion: The interaction of dimensions in children's predictions of natural object motion. International Journal of Science Education, 35, 1649-1662.
Howe, C., & Abedin, M. (2013). Classroom dialogue: A systematic review across four decades of research. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43, 325-356.
Hast, M., & Howe, C. (2013). The development of children's understanding of speed change: A contributing factor towards commonsense theories of motion. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22, 337-350.
Howe, C., Taylor Tavares, J., & Devine, A. (2014). Children's understanding of physical events: Explicit and tacit understanding of horizontal motion. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32, 141-162.
Howe, C. (2014). The development of scientific reasoning. In A.J. Holliman (Ed.). The Routledge international companion to educational psychology (pp. 92-103). London: New York.
Howe, C. (2014). Optimizing small group discourse in classrooms: Effective practices and theoretical constraints. International Journal of Educational Research, 63, 107-115.
Howe, C. (2014). If you've seen it before then you know: Physical evidence and children's trust in testimony. In E.J. Robinson & S. Einav (Eds.), Trust and skepticism: Children's selective learning from testimony (pp. 151-162). Hove: Psychology Press.
Howe, C., Heim, D., & O'Connor, R. (2014). Racism, identity and psychological well-being: A longitudinal perspective on politically embattled relations. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37, 2457-2474.
Fung, D., & Howe, C. (2014). Group work and the learning of critical thinking in the Hong Kong secondary liberal studies curriculum. Cambridge Journal of Education, 44, 245-270.
Howe, C., Ilie, S., Guardia, P., Hofmann, P., Mercer, N., & Riga, F. (2015). Principled improvement in science: Forces and proportional relations in early secondary-school teaching. International Journal of Science Education, 37, 162-184.
Howe, C. (2015). Misconceptions, intuitions and elementary physics: harnessing everyday understanding in learning environment design. In K.Y.T. Lim (Ed.), Disciplinary intuitions and the design of learning environments (pp. 185-197). Singapore: Springer.
Taber, K.S., Ruthven, K., Howe, C., Mercer, N., Riga, F., Hofmann, R., & Luthman, S. (2015). Developing a research-informed teaching module for learning about electricity circuits at lower secondary school level: Supporting personal learning about science and the nature of science. In E. de Silva (Ed.), Cases on research-based teaching methods in science education (pp. 123-156). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Howe, C., Luthman, S., Ruthven, K., Mercer, N., Hofmann, R., Ilie, S., & Guardia, P. (2015). Rational number and proportional reasoning in early secondary school: Towards principled improvement in mathematics. Research in Mathematics Education, 17, 38-56. [Awarded prize for journal's best article published in 2015]
Hast, M., & Howe, C. (2015). Children's predictions and recognition of fall: The role of object mass. Cognitive Development, 36, 103-110.
Howe, C. (2015). Monitoring student collaboration in classroom contexts: Towards a process-oriented approach. In R. M. Gillies (Ed.), Collaborative learning: Developments in research and practice (pp. 85-100). New York: Nova.
Howe, C. (In press). Recognition as support for reasoning about horizontal motion: A further resource for school science. Under review at Research in Science and Technological Education.
SourceChristine Howe's CV
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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