
Raven, J.C..JPG

NameRaven; John Carlyle (1902-1970); FBPsS
ForenamesJohn Carlyle
Other NamesJohn Raven
DatesAndPlacesBorn 28 June 1902 died 1970
Dumfries, Scotland
Colchester, England
RelationshipsMarried with three sons; John, Barton & Martin (nd)
ActivityJ C Raven was educated at the Polytechnic Secondary & Science Schools and gained a B.Sc. (Hons) Psychology, King's College London 1933.M.Sc by examination and thesis "Mental Tests used in Genetic Studies", King's College London 1936.

At the end of 1934 he joined Dr.Penrose's research team at the Royal Eastern Counties Institution, Colchester. In 1938 he printed his first series of matrices tests.
He was awarded a Fellowship in Child Psychology, London Child Guidance Clinic Canonbury under Drs. W.Moodie (psychiatrist) and Fildes (psychologist) 1939 (6 months).
He worked as Psychologist to the Child Guidance Council, working at the Tavistock Clinic, the London Hospital, the West End Hospital for Nervous Diseases, and the Victoria Hospital for Children, 1940.
In 1941 J.C. Raven registered as a conscientious objector and worked part-time at the Mill Hill Emergency Hospital (Maudsley Hospital was evacuated to Mill Hill during WWII) and part-time with the War Office Officer Selection Board's Research Unit at Hampstead. During this period J.C.Raven published the Mill Hill Vocabulary scale and subsequently the Advanced Progressive Matrices in 1943.
At the end of 1943 J.C.Raven was asked by the Board of Governors at Crichton Royal, Dumfries to inaugurate a Department of Psychological Research. Raven accepted their offer and remained the Department's Director until his retirement in 1964.
J C Raven was made a Fellow of the British Psychological Society in 1944 and in 1943 was a member of the BPS Committee of Professional Psychologists .
J C Raven was also a member of the Association of Scientific Workers and a member of the Psychic Research Society.

Details taken from:
J.C.Raven's obituary by J.H.Court published in Bulletin of the British Psychological Society 24 (1971) pp, 47-48

Further reading:
Hetherington, R. (1997). Scotland's greatest psychologist: J. C. Raven and contemporary psychology. BPS Bulletin (Newsletter of the Scottish Branch of the British Psychological Society), June, 18­21.
John Carlyle Raven, 1902­1970, An assessment by Ralph Hetherington. Dyslexia, 4(1), March, 1998, 50­52.
Hetherington, R. (1969). Twenty years of psychology at the Crichton Royal, Dumfries: A personal account. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 22, 310­306.

Compiled by Mike Maskill, BPS Archivist for the History of Psychology Centre.
OtherInfoAuthor of the influential Progressive Matrices
PublishedWorksRaven, J. C. (1936). Mental Tests Used in Genetic Studies: The Performances of Related Individuals in Tests Mainly Educative and Mainly Reproductive. M.Sc. Thesis, University of London.

Raven, J. C. (1939). The R.E.C.I. series of perceptual tests: An experimental survey. British Journal of Medical Psychology, XVIII, Part 1, 16­34.

Raven, J. C. (1940). Matrix tests. Mental Health, January, 10­18.

Raven, J. C. (1940). Progressive Matrices. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1940). Progressive Matrices; Instructions, Key and Norms. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1941). Standardisation of Progressive Matrices, 1938. British Journal of Medical Psychology, XIX, Part 1, 137­150.

Raven, J. C. (1942). Testing the mental ability of adults. The Lancet, January 24, 115­122.

Raven, J. C. (1943). The Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1944). Controlled Projection. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1947). Age and directive capacity in industry. Industrial Welfare Society's Directors' Conference, July.

Raven, J. C. (1948). A Comparison of Skill and Awkwardness. International Congress of Psychology, July (Revised 1969).

Raven, J. C. (1948). Differences Between Skilful and Awkward Behaviour. International Congress of Psychology, July (Revised 1963).

Raven, J. C. (1948). A method for determining the typicality of personality descriptions. Journal of Mental Science, XVIV(394) 114­117.

Raven, J. C. (1948). The comparative assessment of intellectual ability. British Journal of Psychology, 39, 12­19.

Raven, J. C. (1950). The comparative assessment of personality. British Journal of Psychology, XL(3), 116­123.

Raven, J. C. (1950). What is clinical psychology? Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, January, 1­4.

Raven, J. C. (1951). Controlled Projection for Children. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1951). The instinctive disposition to act intelligently. British Journal of Psychology, XLII(4), November, 336­344.

Raven, J. C. (1952). Human Nature, Its Development Variations and Assessment. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1952). Professional relations between psychologist and client. Quarterly Bulletin, January 1­5.

Raven, J. C. (1956). The principle of individuation and the co-ordinates of conduct. British Journal of Psychology, 47(2), 95­100.

Raven, J. C. (1958). Verbal dysfunction in mental illness: A comparative study. Language and Speech, 1, Part 3, 218­225.

Raven, J. C. (1959). Note on Burt's "The distribution of intelligence". British Journal of Psychology, 50(1), February, 70­71.

Raven, J. C. (1962). Extended Guide to Using the Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale with the Progressive Matrices Scales. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1965). Advanced Progressive Matrices, Sets I and II: Plan and Use of the Scale with a Report of Experimental Work Carried out by G. A. Foulds, & A. R. Forbes. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C. (1966). Psychological Principles Appropriate to Social and Clinical Problems. London: H. K. Lewis.

Raven, J. C., & Waite, A. (1939). Experiments on physically and mentally defective children with perceptual tests. British Journal of Medical Psychology, British Journal of Medical Psychology, XVIII, Part 1, 40­43.

Raven, J. C., & Walshaw, J. B. (1944). Vocabulary tests. British Journal of Medical Psychology, XX, Part 2, 185­194.

Esher, F. J. S., Raven, J. C., & Earl, C. J. C. (1942). Discussion on testing intellectual capacity in adults. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 35(12), 779­785.

Foulds, G. A., & Raven, J. C. (1948). Intellectual ability and occupational grade. Occupational Psychology, 22, 197­203.

Foulds, G. A., & Raven, J. C. (1948). Normal changes in the mental abilities of adults as age advances. Journal of Mental Science, XCIV(394), January, 133­142.

Foulds, G. A., & Raven, J. C. (1950). An experimental survey with Progressive Matrices (1947). British Journal of Educational Psychology, XX(2), 104­110.

Miller, F. M., & Raven, J. C. (1939). The influence of positional factors on the choice of answers to perceptual intelligence tests. British Journal of Medical Psychology, XVIII, Part 1, 35­39.

Penrose, L. S., & Raven, J. C. (1936). A new series of perceptual tests: Preliminary communication. British Journal of Medical Psychology, XVI, Part 2, 97­104.


Raven, J. C, & Raven, J. (1999). Raven's Mill Hill Vocabulary: Forms 1 and 2 Junior, Forms 1 and 2 Senior, and All-Multiple-Choice Form. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (1998). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 1: General Overview. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (1999). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 2: The Coloured Progressive Matrices. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2000). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 3: The Standard Progressive Matrices. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2001). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 4: The Advanced Progressive Matrices. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2001). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 5: The Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J. (1981). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Research Supplement No.1: The 1979 British Standardisation of the Standard Progressive Matrices and Mill Hill Vocabulary Scales, Together With Comparative Data From Earlier Studies in the UK, US, Canada, Germany and Ireland. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J. (2000). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Research Supplement No.3 (Second Edition): A Compendium of International and North American Normative and Validity Studies Together with a Review of the Use of the RPM in Neuropsychological Assessment by Court, Drebing, & Hughes. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Court, J. H., & Raven, J. (1995). Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 7: Research and References: Summaries of Normative, Reliability, and Validity Studies and References to all Sections. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J. (1994). Occupational Users Guide: Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices and Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press.

Court, J., & Raven, C. J. (2001). A Researcher's Bibliography for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Mill Hill Vocabulary Scales. Obtainable in hard copy and disk format from Mrs. C. J. Raven, 22 Woodplumpton Lane, Broughton, Preston, Lancs. PR3 5JJ, UK.

Raven, J. C., Styles, I., & Raven, M. A. (1998). Raven's Progressive Matrices: CPM Parallel Test Booklet. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J. C., Styles, I., & Raven, M. A. (1998). Raven's Progressive Matrices: SPM Parallel Test Booklet. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Raven, J. C., Styles, I., & Raven, M. A. (1998). Raven's Progressive Matrices: SPM Plus Test Booklet. Oxford, England: Oxford Psychologists Press; San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Other Related Material

Necrologio, John C. Raven (1902­1970), Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, Agosto-Occobre-Dicembre, 1970, 261­263.

John Carlyle Raven, 1902­1970, An assessment by Ralph Hetherington. Dyslexia, 4(1), March, 1998, 50­52.

Watt, D. C. (1998). Lionel Penrose, F. R. S. (1898­1972) and eugenics, Part One. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 52(1), 137­151.

Watt, D. C. (1998). Lionel Penrose, F. R. S. (1898­1972) and eugenics, Part Two. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 52(2), 339­354.

Watt, D. C. (1998). Lionel Penrose, F. R. S. (1898­1972): Psychiatrist and Professor of human genetics. British Journal of Psychiatry, 173, 458­461.

Raven, J. (1997). Scotland's greatest psychologist: J. C. Raven and contemporary psychology. Bulletin (Newsletter of the Scottish Branch of the British Psychological Society), June, 12­17.

Hetherington, R. (1969). Twenty years of psychology at the Crichton Royal, Dumfries: A personal account. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 22, 310­306.

Hetherington, R. (1997). Scotland's greatest psychologist: J. C. Raven and contemporary psychology. Bulletin (Newsletter of the Scottish Branch of the British Psychological Society), June, 18­21.
NotesCopyright notice: All images are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights worldwide. The images may be viewed without payment or further permission (fair dealing), on the understanding that they have been made available by the copyright holder for purposes of private research or educational use only.Any other use requires the specific written permission of the copyright holder. Where possible, assistance will be given in identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material for permissions of any kind, concerning copyright or fees, should be directed to the History of Psychology Centre.
SourceSources: Biographical details taken from Raven's own collection.
Raven's obituary by J.H.Court published in Bull.Br.psychol.Soc. 24 (1971) pp, 47-48
ConventionsInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-9696035-3-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997

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