Description | File contains circa. 48 packs of Professor Hearnshaw's handwritten notes referring to various Psychological Authors and Theories.
The notes appear to be arranged mostly by author and title as follows:
Burt, C. 'The Theory of Mental Testing' 'Group Thinking' 'Effects of Emotional and Other Conditions (inc. structure of material)' 'Set and Rigidity' Whitehead, T.N. 'Leadership in a Free Society' 'Interrelationships between Perception and Personality' J.Personality, XVIII. 1, 2 Sept. and Dec. 1949 Titchener, 'Psychology of Feeling and Attention' Aveling, 'The Consciousness of the Universal' Carmichael, L. 'The Expl' Embryology of Mind' Gesell Arnold 'The Biography of a Wolf-Child' Dashiell, J.F. 'A neglected Fourth Dimension in Psychological Research' Young, P.T. 'An Expl. Analysis of Appetite' Lashley, K.S.'Experimental Analysis of Instinctive Behaviour' Kantor, J.R. 'The Current Situation in Social Psychology' 'Reading, Writing and Speech Problems in Children' Gibson, J.J 'The Perception of the Visual World' Fromm, Erich 'Escape from Freedom' Mercier, 'Manner of Modern Scholastic Philosophy' 'Psychology and Aircraft Design' 'Intelligence Testing and the Class System of Education' 'The Psychological Frontiers of Society' Guildford, J.P.'Factor Analysis in a Test Development Program' Mercier, D. 'Les Origines de la Psychologie Contemporaire' 'Military Psychology' 'The Hawkspur Experiment' 'Social Aspects of Crime in England between the Wars' Tong, J.E. 'Abstraction Ability and Impairment' Thorndike, R.L. 'Constancy' of the I.Q. 'Notes on the Psychology of Pierre Janet' Young, P.C. 'Experimental Hypnotism' 'Perspectives in Neuropsychiatry' 'Nostalgia: A Review of the Literature' Brand, W.A. Dr. 'Differential Diagnosis of Contusion of the Brain and Psychoneurosis' Jones, Ernest 'The Concept of a Normal Mind' Allport , G.W. 'The Psychologist's Frame of Reference' Dashiell, J.F. 'Rapprochements in Contemporary psychology' Bartlett, F.C. 'Some Growing-points in Experimental Psychology' 'Men under Stress' Gardner, J.W. 'The Use of the Term 'Level of Aspiration' 'Preparatory Set (Explanatory)' Freeman, G.L. 'The Problem of Set' Woodworth, R.S. 'Situation and Goal Set' 'Ability and Opportunity in English Education' Carr, Harvey 'The Quest for Constants' Janus, S.Q. 'The Role of Definition in Psychology' Johnson, H.M. 'Pre-experimental Assumptions as determiners of expt. results' Lasswell, H.D.. 'Psychopathology and Politics' Malinowski, 'Se? Depression in Savage Society |
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