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Collapse BPS - British Psychological Society recordsBPS - British Psychological Society records
Collapse 001 - BPS Internal 1901-001 - BPS Internal 1901-
1 - BPS British Psychological Society Minutes Vol I. IS 1901-1922
2 - BPS British Psychological Society Minutes Vol II 2S 1922-1936
Expand 3 - BPS Central 1904-20093 - BPS Central 1904-2009
Expand 4 - BPS Boards 1971-19894 - BPS Boards 1971-1989
Expand 5 - BPS Examinations 1966-20125 - BPS Examinations 1966-2012
Expand 6 - BPS Events 1958-20176 - BPS Events 1958-2017
Expand 7 - BPS Finance, IT and Premises 1928-19907 - BPS Finance, IT and Premises 1928-1990
Expand 8 - BPS Organisation, Staffing and Planning 1966-19998 - BPS Organisation, Staffing and Planning 1966-1999
Expand 9 - BPS Membership & Subscriptions 1925-20099 - BPS Membership & Subscriptions 1925-2009
Expand 10 - BPS Education and Training10 - BPS Education and Training
Expand 11 - BPS Press, Policy and Communications 1956-200511 - BPS Press, Policy and Communications 1956-2005
Expand 12 - BPS Publications and Publishing 1930-201012 - BPS Publications and Publishing 1930-2010
Expand 13 - BPS External Relations13 - BPS External Relations
Expand 16 - BPS Scrapbooks 1946-197416 - BPS Scrapbooks 1946-1974
Expand 17 - BPS Awards17 - BPS Awards
Collapse 19 - BPS Library and Heritage Collections 1925-200619 - BPS Library and Heritage Collections 1925-2006
Collapse 01 - BPS Library  1925-198701 - BPS Library 1925-1987
Expand 01 - BPS Library - Committees 1972-197301 - BPS Library - Committees 1972-1973
Expand 02 - BPS Library - Reports 1969-197302 - BPS Library - Reports 1969-1973
Expand 03 - BPS Library - Finance 1972-197503 - BPS Library - Finance 1972-1975
Collapse 04 - BPS Library - Exchanges 1925-198504 - BPS Library - Exchanges 1925-1985
Collapse 01 - Journals on Exchange 1925-197701 - Journals on Exchange 1925-1977
01 - ACTA Medica Auxologica 1969-1976
02 - ACTA Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 1969-1976
03 - ACTA Psychologica 1964-1976
04 - Action et Pensee 1925-1968
05 - Activitas Nervosa Superior 1962-1976
06 - American Journal of Ortho-Psychiatry 1964-1976
07 - American Journal of Psychiatry 1958-1976
08 - American Journal of Psychology 1964-1976
09 - American Psychologist 1965-1976
10 - Animal Behaviour 1971-1976
11 - Animal Learning & Behaviour 1973-1976
12 - Annales Medico-Psychologiques 1965-1976
13 - L 'Annee Psychologique 1963-1965
14 - Annual of Animal Psychology 1954-1975
15 - Annual Review of Psychology 1964-1976
16 - Archiv fur Psychologie 1964-1975
17 - Archives de Psychologie 1972-1975
18 - Archives of General Psychiatry 1964-1976
19 - Archivo di Psychologia 1920-1976
20 - The Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1964-1976
21 - The Australasian Journal of Psychology 1954-1976
22 - Australian Psychologist 1966-1976
23 - Behavioral Science 1965-1976
24 - Behavior Research and Therapy 1965-1976
25 - The British Journal of Criminology 1965-1975
26 - The British Journal of Educational Psychology 1965-1976
27 - The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 1965-1974
28 - The British Journal of Medical Psychology 1964-1976
29 - Journal of Mental Subnormality 1964-1973
30 - British Journal of Projective Psychology 1969-1976
31 - British Journal of Psychiatry 1964-1976
32 - British Journal of Social Work 1965-1971
33 - British Journal of Psychology 1965-1976
34 - British Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology 1965-1976
35 - Bulletin de CERP 1956-1964
36 - Bulletin de Psychologie 1965-1969
37 - Canadian Journal of Psychology 1964-1973
38 - Canadian Psychologist 1959-1976
39 - Ceskoslovenska Psychologie 1964-1976
40 - Contemporary Psychology 1965-1974
41 - Deafness, Speech and Hearing Abstracts 1965-1976
42 - Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 1970-1976
43 - Developmental Psychobiology 1969-1976
44 - Educational and Psychological Measurement 1964-1976
45 - Educational Research 1959-1976
46 - Educational Review 1965-1976
47 - L'Encephale 1964-1976
48 - Ergonomics 1964-1976
49 - Ergonomics Abstracts 1969-1976
50 - Eugenics Review 1964-1969
51 - Exceptional Children 1972-1973
52 - Genetic Psychology Monographs 1964-1976
53 - History of the Behavioural Sciences 1970
54 - Human Relations 1965-1976
55 - L'Hygiene Mentale 1964-1973
56 - Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 1968-1979
57 - Indian Journal of Psychology 1964-1966
58 - Indian Journal of Social Work 1964-1976
59 - International Journal of Psychoanalysis 1965-1967
60 - International Journal of Psychology 1966-1975
61 - Japanese Journal of Psychology 1964-1968
62 - Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1965-1976
63 - Journal of Analytical Psychology 1965-1976
64 - Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis 1968-1974
65 - Journal of Applied Psychology 1965-1974
66 - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 1972
67 - Journal of Clinical Psychology 1965-1976
68 - Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 1965-1974
69 - Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1965-1976
70 - Journal of Educational Psychology 1965-1975
71 - Journal of Educational Research 1964-1974
72 - Journal of Engineering Psychology 1966
73 - Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour 1965-1976
74 - Journal of Experimental Education 1965-1974
75 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 1965-1974
76 - Journal of Experimental Research in Personality 1970-1971
77 - Journal of General Psychology 1965-1977
78 - Journal of Genetic Psychology 1964-1976
79 - Journal of Higher Nervous Activity 1976
80 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1964-1976
81 - Journal of Mental Deficiency Research 1964-1976
82 - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 1925-1952
83 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1957-1976
84 - Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry 1965-1976
85 - Journal of Neurophysiology 1970
86 - Journal of Occupational Psychology 1965-1974
87 - Journal of Parapsychology 1965-1970
88 - Journal of Personality 1965 -1976
89 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1965-1976
90 - Journal of Philosophy 1965-1977
91 - Journal of Psychology 1965-1976
92 - Journal of Psycho-Pharmacology 1966-1967
93 - Journal of The American Psychoanalytical Association 1965-1976
Expand 02 - BPS Library Exchanges Correspondence 1964-198502 - BPS Library Exchanges Correspondence 1964-1985
Expand 05 - BPS Library at Senate House 1963-197705 - BPS Library at Senate House 1963-1977
Expand 06 - BPS Library - Acquisitions and Lists 1971-197406 - BPS Library - Acquisitions and Lists 1971-1974
Expand 07 - BPS Honorary Librarian 197707 - BPS Honorary Librarian 1977
Expand 08 - BPS Library Procedures  1976-197708 - BPS Library Procedures 1976-1977
02 - BPS Archives and Honorary Archivist
03 - BPS Visual Archive
Expand 04 - BPS History of Psychology Centre 2002-201604 - BPS History of Psychology Centre 2002-2016
05 - BPS Curator
Expand 20 - BPS Psychological Testing Centre20 - BPS Psychological Testing Centre
Expand 002 - BPS Sub-Systems 1919-2013002 - BPS Sub-Systems 1919-2013
Expand 003 - Child Societies and Associations 1891-1945003 - Child Societies and Associations 1891-1945
Expand 004 - Various Miscellaneous (People, Publications, Issues) 1910-1995004 - Various Miscellaneous (People, Publications, Issues) 1910-1995
Expand 005 - Psychological Tests 1928-c.2004005 - Psychological Tests 1928-c.2004
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