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Collapse BPS - British Psychological Society recordsBPS - British Psychological Society records
Expand 001 - BPS Internal 1901-001 - BPS Internal 1901-
Expand 002 - BPS Sub-Systems 1919-2013002 - BPS Sub-Systems 1919-2013
Expand 003 - Child Societies and Associations 1891-1945003 - Child Societies and Associations 1891-1945
Collapse 004 - Various Miscellaneous (People, Publications, Issues) 1910-1995004 - Various Miscellaneous (People, Publications, Issues) 1910-1995
Collapse 1 - Individuals 1910-19941 - Individuals 1910-1994
01 - King's College Department of Psychology Unpublished Research Under Professor Aveling 1925-1936
02 - Hart, Bernard (1879-1966) papers 1910-1932
03 - Meredith, George Patrick (1904-1978) papers
04 - Stansfield, Robert Grubb (1915-1993) papers 1946-1948
05 - Vernon Magdalen. D. (1901-1991) papers 1926-1963
Collapse 06 - Vernon, Philip Ewart (1905-1987) papers 1945-198606 - Vernon, Philip Ewart (1905-1987) papers 1945-1986
Collapse 01 - Reports of Philip Ewart Vernon 01 - Reports of Philip Ewart Vernon
01 - Proposed SP Testing Programme 1946-1947.
02 - Changes in Ability Between Child- and Adult -Hood.
03 - Spargo Ratings and B.L.A. Follow-Up.
04 - Intelligence and Attainment Tests In the No. 14 W.O.S.B. Experiment (Interim Report).
05 - Follow-up of T.R. 667's.
06 - Further Work on Recruiting Centre Tests.
07 - Mechanical Tests and Mechanical Training.
08 - Factorial Analysis of Sparget Ratings.
09 - The Preparation of Recruiting Centre Tests (1945).
10 - Tests for the Selection of Radar Operations. Part II.
11 - Follow-up of Safety Equipment Ratings.
12 - The Value of Electrical Tests and PSO's Judgements in the Selection of Electrical Ratings.
13 - Summary of Evidence on Selection Testing for Naval Gunnery Courses (Reports 127, 144, 148, and some recent data).
14 - Follow Up of J.Perms(M/V).
15 - Selection Tests for SD Ratings
16 - Follow-Up of Apprentice Tradesmen.
17 - An Investigation of Infantry Assault Pioneers.
18 - Predictive Value of SP Tests in University Naval Divisions.
19 - Further Investigation of Instructional Technique Courses.
20 - Report on Factorial Analysis of Civil Service Job Descriptions.
21 - Statistical Analysis of Air Artificer Results, and Further Data From Leading Stoker Courses.
22 - Tests for the Selection of Radar Operators. Part I.
23 - SP Test Correlations for Air Mechanics.
24 - An Investigation of Tests of Physical Capacities.
25 - Further Follow-up of S.D.O. Trainees.
26 - Statistical Analysis of Mechanician and Leading Stoker Data.
27 - An Investigation Into the Structure of Mechanical Ability.
28 - Statistical Analysis of A.T.E. and M.T.E. Marks and Test Scores.
29 - Follow-up on Boy Tradesmen.
30 - A Note on Short Correlation Methods.
31 - Factor Analysis of Some New Group Intellgence for Superior Adults.
32 - Investigation of Boys at Holbrook School (1944).
33 - An Investigation into SP Tests of General, Mechanical and Electrical Abilities.
34 - Follow-up of Infantry Specialists.
35 - The Preparation of SP Mechanical and Electrical Information Tests.
36 - Follow-up of Photographers.
37 - Reliabilities and Retests Rises for SP Tests.
38 - Summary of Research on Morse Aptitude Testing and Morse Training.
39 - Report No. 3 on Follow-up of R.A.S.C. Drivers, ex R.A.
40 - Some Effects of Mental Stress on Matrix Test Scores.
41 - Psychological and Statistical Aspects of the A.T.S. Training Follow-up.
42 - An Investigation of Leading Seamen and Petty Officers.
43 - A Note on the Radio Symbols Tests.
44 - Further Note on the Radio Symbols Test.
45 - Electrical Aptitude and its Assessment.
46 - T2 and Summed S.G.
47 - Practicable Method of Temperament Assessment.
48 - Follow up of A/Stewards.
49 - S.P. Test Levels of Categorisations in H.M.S.Royal Arthur: April-May 1944.
50 - The Factor Content of the Dominoes Test.
51 - A Survey of Wren Recruiting Assistants. Part 2.
52 - SP Mechanical Information Test and SP Electrical Information Test.
53 - Trial of Some New K-M Group Tests.
54 - Factor Analysis of Achievement Tests Among Engineering Cadets.
55 - Membership of Sea Cadets and Other Youth Organisations and its Bearing on Naval Recruitment.
56 - Membership of Sea Cadets and Other Youth Organisations and its Bearing on Naval Recruitment.
57 - Follow up of Ord. Sigs. (with some further results on Ord. Tels.)
58 - The RBR1 Investigation.
59 - The Value of a Test of Electrical Knowledge for Selecting Wiremen.
60 - Follow up of Diesel Stokers.
61 - The predictive Value of an Entry Establishment Recommend, or Training Mark, in Gunnery.
62 - Follow-up of Cooks.
63 - Notes on the Assessment and Structure of Mechanical Ability.
64 - Notes on the Assessment and Structure of Mechanical Ability.
65 - SP Test Scores of Higher Gunnery Rates.
66 - Observations of the Grading of ex-C/W Instructors.
67 - Observations of the Grading of ex-C/W Instructors.
68 - The Revision of SP Form 41A.
69 - Follow-up of Ordinary Telegraphists.
70 - Follow up of Radio Mechanics and Wireless Mechanics.
71 - The Value of Certain Group Tests for C/W Selection.
72 - Further Follow-up of Engine Room Mechanics.
73 - Some Conclusions on Selection Testing Derived from Admiralty Follow-up Investigations.
74 - Follow-up of Coders.
75 - Notes on the Selection and Examining of Upper Yardmen.
76 - SP Test Standards for Some Lower-Grade Naval Branches.
77 - Follow-up of Instrument Mechanics.
78 - Follow-up of Writers.
79 - Observations on the Determination of Minimum Test Standings.
80 - A Note on the Recent 'Bests' and 'Worsts' in H.M.S. Collingwood.
81 - Follow-up of Supply Assistants.
82 - Follow-up of Ordnance Mechanics.
83 - Amalgamated SP Test Results for 3000 Non-Substantive Gunnery Rates (Revised Draft).
84 - Further Follow-up of Radio-Wireless Mechanics.
85 - Guide to Admiralty SP Tests. Part I.
86 - Guide to Admiralty SP Tests. Part II.
87 - The Conversion of Navy, Army and Air Force Test Levels.
88 - Further Comparison of Navy and Air Force Test Levels.
89 - A.T.S. Follow-Up: Drivers.
90 - Follow up of Submariners.
91 - Follow up of Electrical Mechanics.
92 - Follow-up of Seamen Torpedomen and Motor Mechanics.
93 - A.T.S. Follow-Up: Operators Wireless & Line.
94 - Miscellaneous Follow-up Results.
95 - Selection Tests for H.S.D. Ratings.
96 - A.T.S. Follow-up: Cooks.
97 - Further Data on Third Class Gunnery Non-Substantive Ratings' Courses.
98 - The S.P. Test Requirements of Various Types of R.D.F. Operators.
99 - The Prediction of 'Bests' and 'Worsts' Among O.S. and Stokers.
100 - Follow-up of Wireless Mechanics at Technical Colleges.
101 - D.S.P. Follow-Up. Appendix IV. Effects of Civil Occupation Among Signallers.
102 - Predictive Value of S.P. Tests and Exclusion Levels, Among Wiremen L/C and E.R.M.s.
103 - ASDIC Pre-Selection Tests.
104 - Further Consideration of ASDIC Pre-Selection Tests.
105 - Flying Results of a Class of F.A.A. Pilots.
106 - Further Results with a Class of F.A.A. Pilots.
107 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Appendix III. General proficiency in the R.A.C.
108 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Appendix II. Effects of Driving Experience.
109 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Appendix I. Auditory Acuity Test.
110 - Report on Some New S.P. Tests.
111 - Exploratory Notes on Surg.Lt. J. A. Fraser Roberts' Proposals for Exclusion Levels on S.P. Tests.
112 - An Experiment on the Use of Film and Film-Strip in Naval Instruction.
113 - Proposed Test for Recognition of Sounds, To Be Used in the Selection of S.D.O.s.
114 - D.S.P. Follow-Up Reports. 54th, 60th and 61st R.A.C. Tr. Regts.
115 - DSP Follow-Up, Interim Report: No. 1 Clerks and Storemen School, R.A.O.C. Storemen.
116 - DSP Follow-Up: Storemen.
117 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: R.A.O.C., Clerks.
118 - D.S.P. Follow-Up, Interim Report: 5th Tr. Bn. R.E.
119 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Interim Report. 7th Tr.Batt. R. E.
120 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Interim Report. No. 1 Recce Tr. C.
121 - D.S.P. Follow-Up. 1st M.T. Bn. K.R.R.C.
122 - D.S.P. Follow-Up. No. 8 I.T.C.
123 - D.S.P. Follow-Up. Interim Reports. Riflemen
124 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Interim Report. 11th A.A. Driver Tr.Regt.
125 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Interim Report. 229th Driver Training Regt. R.A.
126 - Report on a Visit to H.M.S. 'Osprey' and on the Results of the Selection Procedure in Recent Months.
127 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: Interim Report. 34th Signals Training Regiment.
128 - The Construction and Standardisation of a General Intelligence Test for Y-Scheme Candidates.
129 - Follow-Up of F.A.A. Pilots and Observers.
130 - G.S. Tests: Further Analysis of Correlations Obtained in Report No. 11, 30.IX.42.
131 - An Analysis of the Abilities of Women in the A.T.S.
132 - D.S.P. Report Follow-Up: Interim Report. No. 1 S.T.C. Linemen.
133 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: No. 3 S.T.C. - Linemen.
134 - D.S.P. Follow-Up, Interim Report: No. 1 Signals Training Centre.
135 - No. 1 S.T.C. (O.W.L.s): Correlations Between Tests and Proficiency.
136 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: No. 1 S.T.C. O.W.L.S.
137 - D.S.P. Follow-Up: No. 3 S.T.C.: O.W.L.s.
138 - Appendix to Report No. 92
139 - A Rough Factor Analysis of D.S.P. Tests Applied to Clerks.
140 - A General Classification Test: with Notes on Capt. Piddington's Memorandum.
141 - The Selection of Operators, Wireless and Line.
142 - A.T.S. Switchboard Operators.
143 - DSP Follow-Up: Interim Report. 4th Field Training Regt. R.A.
144 - D.S.P. Follow-Up, Interim Report: 5th F.T. Regt. R.A.
145 - D.S.P. Follow-Up Interim Report: 6th. F.T. Regt. R.A.
146 - DSP Follow-Up: 23rd R.A. F.T. Regt.
147 - The Selection of Recruits for Referral to Army Psychiatrists by Means of G.S. Tests.
148 - Shortening the Recruiting Centre Test Battery.
149 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 14b
150 - Note on Different Types of Correlation Coefficient.
151 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 11
152 - Memorandum on Methods of Army Instruction (With Special Reference to Small Arms).
153 - Operators Special: Preliminary Results of S.P. Tests.
154 - Taunton and Rhyl. A.A. Training Regiment Searchlights, Follow-Up.
155 - The Validity of a Battery of Motor-Driving Tests.
156 - The Factor Content of New Tests.
157 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 10.
158 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 8
159 - War-Time Psychology in Germany, The United States and Great Britain.
160 - Selection of Potential Tradesmen at I.T.C.s.
161 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 7.
162 - Candidates Interviewed by W.O.S.B's Feb-April 1942.
163 - Note on 'The Validity of the Matrix Test at No. 11 Depot R.A.M.C.'
164 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 6.
165 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 4.
166 - R.D.F. Operators: Statistical Results.
167 - Wireless (Radio) Mechanics: Statistical Results.
168 - The Selection and Grading of Officers.
169 - Intelligence and Efficiency Under Battle Conditions.
170 - Tests of Dark Adaptaion and Night Vision.
171 - Tests for Night Vision.
172 - Memorandum on the Use of Group Tests for Vocational Selection.
173 - The Selection of Ratings for Coastal Forces.
174 - The Selection of Ratings for Coastal Forces.
175 - S.P. Test Follow-Up Report No. 5A.
07 - Zangwill Oliver Louis (1913-1987) papers 1941-1945
09 - Miles, Roger Papers 1940-1967
10 - Eysenck, Hans Jurgen, (1916-1997) Ph.D. Thesis 1940
11 - Franks, Cyril M (1924-2015) - Memoirs
12 - Murphy, John Storrar (1917-2010) - (Memoirs of) War Office Selection Boards 1942-1946
13 - Ward Dyer, Margaret (nee Hinman) (1916-2012) Collection 1937-1950
Expand 2 - Pamphlets 1917-19792 - Pamphlets 1917-1979
Expand 3 - The Burt Affair 1974-19933 - The Burt Affair 1974-1993
Expand 005 - Psychological Tests 1928-c.2004005 - Psychological Tests 1928-c.2004
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